
单页网站cms,企业网站推广的方法有哪些,郑州建设信息网劳务服务系统,鄂州人民政府网站制作五彩纸屑转场动效As I am sure all designers have picked up on, confetti has become a popular method of (positive) feedback inside mobile and desktop apps. I will discuss the viable scenarios where you can implement confetti and will even provide some co…


As I am sure all designers have picked up on, confetti has become a popular method of (positive) feedback inside mobile and desktop apps. I will discuss the viable scenarios where you can implement confetti and will even provide some corny examples 🌽

我敢肯定,所有设计人员都会接受,五彩纸屑已成为移动和桌面应用程序中流行的(正面)反馈方法。 我将讨论可行的场景,您可以在其中实现五彩纸屑,甚至提供一些老套的示例corn

可以使用纸屑的场景🎉 (Scenarios when you can use confetti 🎉)

Confetti is congratulatory in nature, but in what circumstances are you congratulating the user?


通过确认(祝贺)页面庆祝完成的过程 (Celebrate a completed process via a confirmation (congrats) page)

Completing a lot of work should be celebrated. It should also be confirmed that the work you did was saved.

应该完成很多工作。 还应确认您所做的工作已保存。

We often see growls/toast notifications upon completion of small amounts or work or work that does not require a e.g. confirmation code. But for a large processes a full confirmation page is best.

在完成少量或不需要确认码的工作或工作时,我们经常会听到咆哮/吐司的通知。 但是对于大型流程,最好使用完整的确认页面。

Processes that should end with a confirmation page include booking a flight, filling out a tax form or completing an online test. They should also be used upon completion of a job application, like this recent one I submitted 😎🏒

以确认页面结尾的过程包括预订航班,填写税表或完成在线测试。 它们也应在完成工作申请后使用,例如我最近提交的这份申请😎🏒

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What if applying for a professional hockey team was as easy as applying for a regular job 🙌

通过咆哮庆祝完成的过程 (Celebrate a completed process via a growl)

As mentioned above, maybe it’s beneficial to have the user stay on his/her current page after completing work. Or maybe a full confirmation page is a little extreme. Either way, a growl (a.k.a. toast notification) can be a nice way of congratulating / informing the user that your app recognizes the completed work, without totally disturbing the user’s flow.

如上所述,让用户在完成工作后停留在他/她的当前页面上可能是有益的。 也许完整的确认页面有些极端。 无论哪种方式,咆哮(aka吐司通知)都是一种很好的方式,可以祝贺/通知用户您的应用可以识别已完成的工作,而不会完全打乱用户的流程。

https://masha312.github.io/playground/trashfreerun.html 🏃‍♀️ | video hosted on Vimeo with watermark from Icecream as gif came out too small 😤.https://masha312.github.io/playground/trashfreerun.html的启发| Vimeo上托管的视频带有来自Icecream的水印,因为gif太小了。

Some people may think that confetti with a growl is overkill, but if it is not distracting the user from reading the temporary message then why not make them feel good about themselves?


庆祝动作 (Celebrate an action)

Celebrating a discrete action, as opposed to a long process, can be just as confetti worthy. Examples include, RSVPing for an event, opting into a newsletter, or even accepting a friend request on a social site…

庆祝一个分立的行动,而不是一个漫长的过程,就像五彩纸屑一样值得。 例如,为活动进行RSVPing,订阅新闻通讯,甚至在社交网站上接受好友请求……

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This Covid-minded app allows you to find people across the street from you so you can have conversations with new friends from your window. | Gif made with Figma prototyping, Icecream screenrecorder and ezgif.com.
这款具有Covid理念的应用程序使您可以在街上找人,因此您可以从窗口与新朋友进行对话。 | 使用Figma原型,Icecream屏幕录像机和ezgif.com制作的Gif。

庆祝活动 (Celebrate an event)

I am using the word event as a push action in which the user was not directly involved in at that time. In other words, an event is some good news that pops up on your phone or computer while you are using it.

我将事件一词用作推送操作,此时用户并未直接参与其中。 换句话说, 事件是一些好消息,会在您使用手机或计算机时弹出。

Just got a toast notification about a new email or slack message? Probably not worth a celebration. Just got a notification that BoA received this month’s paycheck from your company? Let’s confetti it up 🎊

刚收到有关新电子邮件或备用消息的敬酒通知? 可能不值得庆祝。 刚收到有关BoA收到贵公司本月薪水的通知吗? 让我们五彩纸屑up

The Covid-friendly example below is a “Your food is here” message:


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This app, dubbed FreshEgg, delivers basic breakfast sandwiches at reasonable prices, and cooks them outside your place so they are super fresh 🍳.

Or, something even more exciting, free food based on your order history.


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This app is a watermelon delivery service. Very useful for the residents of Beacon Hill, Massachusetts, where carrying a watermelon back from whole foods can be brutal 💦.
这个程序是一个西瓜交付服务。 对于马萨诸塞州笔架山的居民来说非常有用,那里从整个食物中带回西瓜可能是残酷的。

奖励:五彩纸屑作为用户反馈 (Bonus: Confetti as User feedback)

有趣的反馈 (Playful feedback)

Confetti does not need to be purely celebratory. It can also be a space-saving validation method.

五彩纸屑不必纯粹是庆祝活动。 它也可以是节省空间的验证方法。

Take Medium’s Clapping feature as an example. Every time you give a story one clap you get a little confetti with the number of claps you have already given. Medium isn’t congratulating you on giving a clap, as anyone can click a button. What they are doing is giving you visual feedback (albeit in a playful way) that you just successfully completed an action. This feedback is naturally displayed outside of the button, which is crucial on mobile apps where your finger might be hiding any interaction inside the button.

以Medium的拍手功能为例。 每次给一个故事鼓掌时,您都会得到一些与已经鼓掌的纸屑。 Medium不祝贺您鼓掌,因为任何人都可以单击按钮。 他们正在做的是为您提供视觉反馈(尽管以一种有趣的方式),表明您刚刚成功完成了一项操作。 此反馈自然显示在按钮外部,这在移动应用程序中至关重要,在移动应用程序中,手指可能隐藏了按钮内部的任何交互。

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Love how smooth this experience is 🤩

The last genius part of this is the confetti exploding from the button allows the button to stay active for repetitive clicks. Imagine if the button’s state went from enabled > loading > success > enabled. No one would waste their time give +15 claps ✋.

最后一个天才之处是按钮上的五彩纸屑爆炸,使按钮保持活动状态以进行重复的单击。 想象一下按钮的状态是否从“ 启用”>“加载”>“成功”>“启用”开始 。 没有人会浪费他们的时间给+15个掌声。

信息反馈 (Informational feedback)

Imagine you want add extra bacon to your breakfast sandwich and every time you add an extra strip the app gave your “money confetti” showing how much extra it’d cost. Wouldn’t that be a very transparent process?

想象一下,您想在早餐三明治中添加额外的培根,并且每次添加额外的条带时,应用程序都会显示“钱五彩纸屑”,以显示需要支付多少额外费用。 那不是一个非常透明的过程吗?

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FreshEgg is at it again with another eggzample. | This gif was made in Figmotion.
FreshEgg与另一个Eggzample一起使用。 | 这个gif是在Figmotion制作的。

Even from the restaurant’s point of view, this will result in less balking at checkout — everyone wins 💵!


(Let’s just make sure we don’t make this a dark pattern where it perceives to be an innocent and playful button that may increase sales but ultimately annoys customers once they see the bill.)


That’s it! ✨

而已! ✨

Would love to hear any and all feedback!


P.S. I created a Figma Community file on confetti , full of instructions and confetti examples.

PS我在五彩纸屑上创建了一个Figma社区文件 ,其中包含说明和五彩纸屑示例。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/when-and-how-to-add-confetti-to-your-product-ui-3c87ea541e8a








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