axure9控件树 rp_如何在Axure RP 9中创建分段控件

axure9控件树 rp

Segmented controls are not very easy to tackle in prototyping. This is especially true when you have more than 2 segments. This article will show you how to create a segmented control with 3 segments in Axure in just 2 simple steps. The technique can be applied for any number of segments.

在原型设计中,分段控件并不是很容易解决。 当您具有两个以上的细分时,尤其如此。 本文将向您展示如何通过两个简单的步骤在Axure中创建具有3个细分的细分控件。 该技术可以应用于任何数量的段。

Ready? Let’s begin!

准备? 让我们开始!

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To follow along, you’ll need to be a little bit familiar with Axure and have some understanding about widgets, interactions, local variables and expressions.


Also, if you haven’t done it yet, you can download Axure latest version from Axure Website.


您将创造什么 (What you will create)

Axure Segmented Control

You will create a segmented control (a very well known input control pattern) used in mobile or desktop UI. This type of control allows the user to switch to a specific option within a group. If you want to learn more about this control type you can take a look at the Apple HIG here:

您将创建在移动或桌面UI中使用的分段控件 (一种众所周知的输入控件模式)。 这种控制类型允许用户切换到组中的特定选项。 如果您想了解有关此控件类型的更多信息,可以在这里查看Apple HIG: https : //

To make everything work(on the interaction part), we will use a little bit of logic to respond to the Click or Tap event in order to change the selected option (but we will not gonna use global variables for this, instead we will take advantage of local variables).


The reason for not using a global variable to handle the selected state is because we want this component to be self contained (without dependencies) to be easily reused across projects.


分步说明 (Step by step instructions)

The level of difficulty is easy to medium. Everything was broken into 2 steps so you can follow along more easily.

难易程度中等。 一切都分为2个步骤,因此您可以更轻松地进行后续操作。

步骤1 —建立必要的形状 (Step 1 — Building the necessary shapes)

In this step we are going to create all the necessary shapes for our segmented control. To see an overview of the shapes and structure take a look at the image below.

在这一步中,我们将为分段控件创建所有必要的形状。 要查看形状和结构的概述,请看下面的图片。

Axure — Segmented Control shapes properties

Basically, we have only one group called “Segmented Control” and inside we have:


  • “Options” group — In this group there are all the options for this control, these are named with the “+” prefix to indicate that will hold the interaction (in the next step)

    “选项”组-该组中有此控件的所有选项,这些选项都以“ +”前缀命名,以表示将保持交互(在下一步中)
  • “Selector” — this shape indicates the current selection

  • 2 separator shapes (Separator 1, Separator 2) to separate the segments

  • “Options background” — this is the gray background that makes the control to feel like one shape

  • “Control background” — out control background for the component (can be optional)


If you don’t have too much experience with Axure shape widgets then you can read more about them here:

如果您对Axure形状小部件没有太多经验,则可以在这里阅读有关它们的更多信息: https : // 。

The “Options” group is actually made of Label Widgets and the way they are laid out is to overlap a little bit the boundaries of the separator shapes. These boundaries are set up in such a way that can be used to determine the left and right limit for each segment.

“选项”组实际上是由标签小部件组成的 ,它们的布局方式是使分隔符形状的边界重叠一点。 这些边界的设置方式可用于确定每个线段的左边界和右边界。

Also, notice that the “Selector” sits under the “Options” group and it has a wider length.


See all shapes properties below.


Segmented Control — In depth properties

Shape properties (of course you can adjust these properties to fit your needs):


Options (+Option 1/+Option 2/+Option 3):

选项 (+选项1 / +选项2 / +选项3):

  • Width/Height: 115/28

  • Fill: none

  • Shadow: fill: #000000, opacity: 15%, x: 0, y: 3, blur: 8




  • Width/Height: 117/28

  • Fill: #FFFFFF

  • Border: 1, fill: #000000, opacity: 4%

  • Corner: 7

  • Shadow: fill: #000000, opacity: 12%, x: 0, y: 3, blur: 8


Separator (Separator 1/Separator 2):

分隔符 (分隔符1 /分隔符2)

  • Width/Height: 1/16

  • Fill: #8E8E93


Options background:


  • Width/Height: 343/32

  • Fill: #767680, Opacity: 12%

  • Corner: 9


Control background:


  • Width/Height: 375/44

  • Fill: #ffffff


第2步-添加互动 (Step 2 — Adding interactivity)

The only interaction that you are going to add is on the +Option(1/2/3) widgets on the Click or Tap event. Basically, what you need is to move the “Selector” shape on the horizontal axis to the left bound of the widget that triggered the event.

您要添加的唯一交互是在Click或Tap事件上的+ Option(1/2/3)小部件上。 基本上,您需要将水平轴上的“选择器”形状移动到触发事件的小部件的左边界。

You are going to add this interaction only on one of the +Option widgets (in this case +Option 1) and using the copy/paste function replicate this interaction on the rest of the widgets +Option 2, +Option 3.

您将仅在其中一个+ Option小部件(在本例中为+ Option 1 )上添加此交互,并使用复制/粘贴功能在其余小部件+ Option 2 +3中复制此交互。

As you can see it is really easy to add the interaction to new segments all you need is to copy/paste the existing one.


Segmented Control — Interactions properties

To achieve the required interaction (basically to move the “Selector” widget to the appropriate position) you will use some expressions inside one action with the following settings:


  1. Action Move:


  • Target: Selector

  • Move: to

  • Move X = [[LVAR1.x]] — this expression give us the new X position

    移动X = [[LVAR1.x]]-此表达式为我们提供了新的X位置

  • Move Y = [[LVAR1.y]] — here we use the local variable y position to maintain the “Selector” at the same Y position

    移动Y = [[LVAR1.y]]-在这里,我们使用局部变量y位置将“选择器”保持在相同的Y位置
  • Animate: ease with cubic, 200ms

Segmented Control — Local variable in expression

LVAR1 is a local variable and it represents the current widget that triggered the event, in Axure is referred as This widget.


If you are not really familiar with events, actions, cases you can read more about them on the Axure website


Segmented Control — Replicate interactivity to all options

All right now that you have the interaction completed all you need is to copy/paste on the rest of the +Option widgets and that is it.

现在,您已经完成了交互,您需要复制/粘贴其余的+ Option小部件,仅此而已。

Creating a segmented control is relatively easy in Axure if you have the appropriate document structure. Now, you can use your new segmented control in future projects.

如果您具有适当的文档结构,则在Axure中创建分段控件相对容易。 现在,您可以在以后的项目中使用新的分段控件。

You can also download the Axure file from here:

您也可以从此处下载Axure文件: https ://

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axure9控件树 rp





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