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ios 按钮图片充满按钮

I recently bought a cool thing off Amazon. It’s an adapter for iPhone, making it easy to transfer photos from your big bulky camera to your phone. The adapter itself is very easy to use: simply insert your SD card and plug the adapter into your lightning port:

我最近在亚马逊附近买了一件很酷的东西。 它是iPhone的适配器,可以轻松地将大尺寸相机中的照片传输到手机中。 适配器本身非常易于使用:只需插入SD卡,然后将适配器插入闪电端口即可:

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Cool idea.

However, what’s less easy to use is the iOS interface that follows. In fact, it has some really dangerous buttons.

但是,不太容易使用的是后面的iOS界面。 实际上,它有一些非常危险的按钮。

Let’s have a look.


问题1:什么都没发生。 (Problem #1: Nothing happens.)

When a user plugs in hardware to a PC or phone, the operating system should figure out whether the user wants to do something with this newly connected hardware or not.


Let’s say you plug in a pair of headphones. Chances are, you just want audio sent through the headphones, that’s about it. You don’t need the OS asking you what you want to do.

假设您插入了耳机。 很有可能,您只想通过耳机发送音频即可。 您不需要操作系统询问您要做什么。

However, if you plug in a hard drive, a USB stick or, say, a SD card, I’d say the likelihood of you wanting to do something with that media is high.


Unfortunately, when I plug in my SD card adapter (with an SD card in it) to my iPhone, nothing happens.


My sofa is orange

Hey iOS, I’d like to do something with the photos on the SD card. Don’t act like I don’t. As un-sexy as Microsoft Windows is (don’t worry, I’m a Windows guy) their designers really understand the intent of the user when he or she plugs in media:

嗨,iOS,我想对SD卡上的照片做些什么 不要像我不那样做。 就像Microsoft Windows一样性感(不要担心,我是Windows专家),当用户插入媒体时,他们的设计师真正了解用户的意图:

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Nice one, Bill

In this case, iOS doesn’t. It just sits there.

在这种情况下,iOS不会。 它只是坐在那里。

Let’s sketch up a quick and easy draft of what iOS should do when we plug in the SD card adapter:


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Now something happens.

问题2:确实很危险的按钮 (Problem #2: Really dangerous buttons)

All right, so we’ve navigated our way to the photos app of our iPhone. By the way, this is where the “OK” button in the wire-frame above should have taken us.

好的,所以我们已经导航到iPhone的照片应用程序。 顺便说一句,这就是上面的线框中的“确定”按钮应该带给我们的地方。

I’d like to talk about two really dangerous things on this screen.


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Don’t do it

Delete All (wipes all media off your SD card)


Let’s remember why we bought the SD card adapter in the first place. I want to import photos and videos from the SD card to my phone.

让我们记住为什么我们首先购买了SD卡适配器。 我想将照片和视频从SD卡导入到手机中。

The first, and most prominent choice on this screen is to delete all contents of your SD card.


Let’s be real: deleting your entire SD card is usually an action taken very rarely, only really done when 1) you have to, because of lack of space, or 2) you are sure you have a backup.

真实地说:删除整个SD卡通常很少执行,只有在1)由于空间不足而必须删除或2) 确定有备份时才真正删除。

In this screen, the designers of iOS have made it far too easy to make a terrible mistake. Yes, there is a confirmation step after pressing this button, but still.

在这个屏幕上,iOS的设计人员使犯下一个可怕的错误变得太容易了。 是的,按此按钮后有一个确认步骤,但仍然如此。

Import All (imports all media to your iPhone)


This is a button with much less potential for disaster than its brother “Delete All”. However, the use-case is almost equally difficult to grasp. How often do you want to import all your photos and videos to your phone? Even if you wanted to, would you be able to?

与它的兄弟“全部删除”相比,此按钮的灾难可能性要小得多。 但是,用例几乎同样难以掌握。 您想多久将所有照片和视频导入手机一次? 即使您愿意,也可以吗?

Many SD Cards can contain hundreds of gigabytes of data, usually far exceeding any iPhone storage space.


Delete All and Import All have no business being this prominent. Begone.

全部删除全部 导入并没有什么突出的功能。 eg子

问题3:图标不一致 (Problem #3: Inconsistent iconography)

All right, I’ve made it this far. Time to import some photos!

好吧,我已经做到了。 是时候导入一些照片了!

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Not so fast! Something’s off.

没那么快! 没事了

The iconography here is confusing, and inconsistent. On the left side you see me importing photos. Here, by default, every image has a white outlined check mark. Once you actually select an image, it turns into a blue-filled check mark.

这里的图像令人困惑,而且前后不一致。 在左侧,您看到我正在导入照片。 在此,默认情况下,每个图像都带有白色轮廓勾号。 实际选择图像后,它将变成蓝色填充的复选标记。

Why would you need two types of check marks?


This is inconsistent with how iOS works in general (right screen) where you only have a check mark on the images you have selected.


But all right, that’s a detail, we can get past that.


We’re so close.


Smooth sailing from here on out, right?




问题4:我们又回到了危险区域 (Problem #4: We’re back in the danger zone)

I want to import three photos.


I select those three, and press import. Then, I get this dialogue box:

我选择这三个,然后按import。 然后,我得到这个对话框:

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*Sad designer noises*

In this dialogue box, the most prominent choice offered to me is to


Import all my photos.


Why? I manually selected three photos, because those are the three photos I want to import. Why does iOS insist I import all photos now?

为什么? 我手动选择了三张照片,因为这些是我要导入的三张照片。 为什么iOS坚持要我现在导入所有照片?

Here you’re in a fight with your muscle memory. Usually in this situation, you get a dialogue box with an “okay” on top and a “cancel” below. Too quick here, and you’ll import everything.

在这里,您正在与自己的肌肉记忆力作斗争。 通常在这种情况下,您会看到一个对话框,顶部有一个“好”,而下方有一个“取消”。 在这里太快了,您将导入所有内容。

We pace ourselves and instead press “Import Selected”, which is what we wanted to do in the first place.

我们自己调整自己的步伐,而不是按“导入所选内容”, 这是我们首先要做的。

This time, we should be clear of any crazy User Experience Design tomfoolery, right?




问题5:更多危险 (Problem #5: More danger)

Once the three images are transferred, another dialogue box hits us. This time, we’re given the choice of deleting the images we just imported from the SD card, or keeping them.

一旦传输了三个图像,另一个对话框就会出现。 这次,我们可以选择删除保留刚刚从SD卡导入的图像。

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Again, iOS insists that it should be very easy to delete something off my SD Card. Very prominently, every time.

同样,iOS坚称删除SD卡中的内容应该非常容易。 每次 都很突出


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Here’s my solution.


In three easy steps, we are able to import all the photos we want without running the risk of deleting or importing anything we don’t want.


Importing / deleting all photos are the least prominent options, and they are bundled under a clear label “SD Card Options” at the bottom of the screen.

导入/删除所有照片是最不突出的选项,并且它们捆绑在屏幕底部的清晰标签“ SD卡选项”下。

Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/ios-has-some-really-dangerous-buttons-a-ux-review-4d5101d1d8cd

ios 按钮图片充满按钮





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