qt ui指针和本类对象_您需要了解的有关UI设计的形状和对象的所有信息

qt ui指针和本类对象

重点 (Top highlight)

第1部分 (Part 1)

So you’re thinking about becoming a UX/UI designer, but are afraid to start? Don’t worry. It’s easier than you think. You only need a solid foundation and a lot of dedication. I can’t help you with the latter, so let’s focus on the former.

因此,您正在考虑成为UX / UI设计人员,但又害怕开始吗? 不用担心 它比您想象的要容易。 您只需要坚实的基础和很多奉献精神。 对于后者,我无能为力,所以让我们专注于前者。

This is going to be a part of a larger series of stories, based on the free chapters of Designing UI book. I tried to divide it into easy to digest chunks. Enjoy!

根据Designing UI book的免费章节,这将是更大系列故事的一部分。 我试图将其划分为易于消化的块。 请享用!

如何创建图像? (How are the images created?)

Whether you’re making a low-fidelity wireframe, or a fully finalised, beautiful UI design, you’ll be using shapes and objects in a design tool of your choice. You can even use Keynote or Powerpoint to get familiar with shapes and their relations, and then do the transition to Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD or others.

无论是制作低保真线框,还是完成最终确定的精美UI设计,都将在您选择的设计工具中使用形状和对象。 您甚至可以使用Keynote或Powerpoint熟悉形状及其关系,然后过渡到Sketch , Figma , Adobe XD或其他。

All currently available UI design tools work by manipulating vector shapes. That means that all you see is represented by numbers that define it. It also means the object can be stretched and enlarged without losing any quality — it simply makes the numbers bigger and re-creates it again.

当前所有可用的UI设计工具都可以通过操纵矢量形状来工作。 这意味着您所看到的全部由定义它的数字表示。 这也意味着可以拉伸和放大该对象而不会损失任何质量-它只是使数字更大并重新创建它。

If you’re planning to design interfaces, be prepared that most of the time, it will be about moving various rectangular objects around. Rectangles are the most popular shape (right before ellipses) in all the interfaces.

如果您打算设计界面,请在大多数时候做好准备,这将是围绕移动各种矩形对象。 矩形是所有界面中最流行的形状(椭圆形之前)。

The general idea of UI design is about moving rectangles around in just the right way.


UI design is about moving rectangles around.

UI design is about moving rectangles around. And the skill is all in knowing HOW to move them, WHERE and most importantly WHY.

UI设计是关于移动矩形。 而技能就是知道如何移动它们,在哪里,最重要的是为什么。

盒子模型 (The box model)

The Box model is the most basic way of defining a digital interface object both in design and in code. Most of the design we do works according to the box model, so it’s essential to get to know it well.

Box模型是在设计和代码中定义数字接口对象的最基本方法。 我们所做的大多数设计都是根据盒子模型进行的,因此对它的了解非常重要。

Box model of an object.

It consists of four main elements:


  • Fill

  • Border

  • Outer margin

  • Inner margin


Fill should be pretty self-explanatory. It’s the background of our element. It can be a solid color, a gradient, an image or a mix of all of these.

填充应该很不言自明。 这是我们元素的背景。 它可以是纯色,渐变,图像或所有这些的混合。

Border is an outline around our object. We will dive into all the different kinds of borders in the next stories from this series.

边框是围绕我们对象的轮廓。 在本系列的下一个故事中,我们将深入探讨所有不同类型的边界。

Outer margin (often just called “margin”) is the area outside of our object. It allows us to position it with enough safe space concerning everything around it. It’s the blue area outside our rectangle.

外边距 (通常称为“边距”) 是我们物体之外的区域。 它使我们能够为周围的一切放置足够的安全空间。 这是矩形外部的蓝色区域。

The inner margin is also called padding — this may come in handy when talking to developers. It means the more extensive it is, the bigger the safe area inside the object becomes. In the example above, it’s the darker area inside our colorful rectangle.

内部空白也称为填充 -与开发人员交谈时可能会派上用场。 这意味着范围越广,物体内部的安全区域就越大。 在上面的示例中,它是我们彩色矩形内较暗的区域。

定义属性 (Defining properties)

尺寸 (Size)

Width and height (in points) define the size of an object. In most cases, we use W and H for short. As it’s a two-dimensional space, the width is a scale on the horizontal axis, while the height is a scale on a vertical one.

宽度和高度(以磅为单位)定义对象的大小。 在大多数情况下,我们简称W和H。 因为是二维空间,所以宽度是水平轴上的刻度,而高度是垂直轴上的刻度。

For short, points are not the same as pixels. The resolutions and pixel-densities are a topic for another article, so to keep it short: Points are vector representation of pixels, that are dependant on the resolution. On modern, very pixel-dense displays 1 point can be 4 pixels or more. The reason for this is to have large enough elements, but also give them enough sharpness and precision.

简而言之,点与像素不同。 分辨率和像素密度是另一篇文章的主题,因此请尽量简短:点是像素的矢量表示,取决于分辨率。 在现代的像素密集型显示器上,1点可以是4像素或更多。 这样做的原因是要有足够大的元素,但还要给它们足够的清晰度和精度。

Width and height in points, of a rectangle.

The width and height are always of the smallest possible rectangular box that can contain the object — even if the object itself has an irregular shape.


how irregular shapes sizes are defined.

位置 (Position)

The position of the object is a set of numbers on the X and Y axis, defined by the artboard that contains it. The X is the position on the horizontal axis, while the Y is the position on the vertical one.

对象的位置是X和Y轴上的一组数字,由包含它的画板定义。 X是水平轴上的位置,而Y是垂直轴上的位置。

Position of an object.

Ok, that’s easy for a square. But how about a circle? Or some random blob? Irregular objects positions are the position of their bounding box that contains the actual shape within.

好的,对于广场来说很容易。 但是圆呢? 还是一些随机斑点? 不规则对象的位置是其边界框的位置,其中包含实际形状。

irregular objects positioned using a bounding box

角度 (Angle)

Angle defines the rotation of our object going clockwise — the default being 0°. Rotation can also be a negative number. It’s worth remembering that a -15° rotation is the same as 360°-15°, which equals 345°.

角度定义了对象顺时针旋转的角度-默认值为0°。 旋转也可以是负数。 值得记住的是,-15°旋转与360°-15°相同,等于345°。

Image for post

In order to have a consistent interface, it’s best not to rotate objects by hand, but instead enter the right angle from the keyboard as it is way more precise than manually turning the object point by point.


If we Flatten the object (there’s a button that “does it”), it resets the angle to 0, but it is still rotated — only the new perspective becomes the base for further rotation.


circle rotation.

Rotating circles will of course yield no visible result, unless they are filled with a gradient or a photo.


边框半径 (Border radius)

Many studies show, that rounded shapes are considered more friendly than sharp ones. To define the level of roundness, we use a property known as border radius (sometimes corner-radius).

许多研究表明,圆形比锋利的形状更友好。 为了定义圆度,我们使用一个称为边界半径(有时为圆角半径)的属性。

rectangles with varius border radii.

A border-radius is a number. Just like the width and height, it’s also presented in points. The larger that number, the larger the roundness of the corners of our shape. You can use it for all of the edges at once or set them individually.

边界半径是一个数字。 就像宽度和高度一样,它也以磅表示。 该数字越大,形状拐角的圆度越大。 您可以一次将其用于所有边缘,也可以分别设置。

In general, even slightly rounded corners (between 2 and 6p) are considered more friendly than sharp ones (of 0 p). However, it’s good to have consistency in the roundness. The grid base unit that we select should define the border-radius. It should also match its surroundings.

通常,即使是稍微倒圆的角(介于2和6p之间)也被认为比尖的角(0 p)更友好。 但是,最好保持圆度一致。 我们选择的网格基本单位应定义边界半径。 它也应该与周围环境匹配。

button with two rounded corners

Different border radii in the same object can make a great button if it also matches the brand guidelines (i.e., the logo also has a similar pattern).


If you decide to make your buttons that way, remember to be consistent with them across all the screens.


下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Thanks for getting this far! Hope you’re on your way to making some shapes!

感谢您的帮助! 希望您正在制作一些形状!

This has been the 1st part of the series. Check out Part 2

这是该系列的第一部分。 查看 第2部分

I will cover fills, borders, shadows, blurs and more in the next stories from the series.📕 You can also DOWNLOAD this chapter as a free PDF here. I wrote a whole 📘 420+ page ebook on designing UI’s. 👨🏻‍💻 By day I work at HYPE4.com

在本系列的下一个故事中,我将介绍填充,边界,阴影,模糊等内容。📕 您也可以在此处以免费PDF格式下载本章。 我写了整本420 英镑的电子书来设计UI 。 💻白天我在HYPE4.com工作

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/all-you-need-to-know-about-ui-design-shapes-and-objects-619c13a8523c

qt ui指针和本类对象




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