

这是什么? (What is this?)

This session is part of a learning curriculum that I designed to incrementally skill up and empower a team of Designers and Researchers whose skillset and ways of working needed to evolve to keep up with changes in the way we think about and execute design.


Each session in the curriculum aims to simplify the complexities of human-centered interaction design using real-life examples from my own professional experience alongside established theory from industry experts.


The sessions are intentionally structured as short, achievable hands-on learning workshops that balance technique (hands-on, doing) with theory (readout, presentation).


For more info about this curriculum, please read: 👇👇🏼👇🏾

有关此课程的更多信息,请阅读: 👇👇🏼👇🏾

Why am I sharing this? I have open-sourced this content to help others understand the fundamentals of human-centered interaction design and the multi-dimensional skillset needed to be successful in complex, collaborative environments.

我为什么要分享这个? 我已经将此内容开源,以帮助其他人理解以人为中心的交互设计的基本知识以及在复杂的协作环境中取得成功所需的多维技能。

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本届会议的重点是什么? (What is the focus of this session?)

Context — An understanding of how to approach the workCraft — An understanding of how to do the workCommunication — An understanding of how to interact and collaborate

上下文 -了解如何开展工作Craft.io -了解如何开展工作沟通 -了解如何互动和协作

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本届会议的目标是什么? (What are the goals of this session?)

This session provides participants with an introduction to User Research and what it takes to get started — including an understanding of what user research is (and isn’t), where it fits into the product development process, when it should (and shouldn’t) be used, and an overview of common methodologies and tools.

本课程向参与者介绍了用户研究及其入门知识,包括了解什么是(和不是)什么用户研究,什么地方适合产品开发过程,什么时候应该(不应该) ) ,以及常用方法和工具的概述。

Additionally, it provides a step-by-step framework and techniques for planning and executing effective user research activities, individually, or within an organization.


The participatory exercises in this session help attendees apply the concepts presented to a project they are working on (or have worked on in the past). Each exercise is incremental, building upon the previous one, to help participants understand how the principles of user research can be applied to the design challenges they face in their day-to-day.

本届会议的参与式练习可帮助与会人员将介绍的概念应用于他们正在从事(或过去从事过)的项目 。 每个练习都是在上一个练习的基础上进行的,是渐进式的,以帮助参与者理解如何将用户研究的原理应用于他们日常面临的设计挑战。

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为什么这个主题很重要? (Why is this topic important?)

User insights are a fundamental element of human-centered design and help to facilitate impactful product design and development.


If a product or design solution is not rooted in an understanding of user needs and behavior, it does not account for how real people will interact with it, and its chance of delivering value and impact are relegated to luck.


User insights are fundamental to the product design and development process — they help us understand a problem, before we try to solve it.


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这次会议有哪些重要经验教训? (What are the key learnings from this session?)

User Experience (UX) Research helps us discover the behaviors, motivations, and needs of customers through observation, task analysis, and discussion.

用户体验(UX)研究可帮助我们通过观察任务分析讨论 来发现客户行为动机需求

用户体验(UX)研究可以帮助我们更好地理解问题,然后再尝试解决问题。 (User Experience (UX) Research helps us better understand a problem, before we try to solve it.)

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UX Research可以在整个产品设计和开发过程中提供价值。 (UX Research can provide value throughout the product design and development process.)

  • It provides focus & clarity — Clarifies who the users are and the problem that we hope to solve.

    它提供了重点和清晰度 -阐明了谁是用户以及我们希望解决的问题。

  • It helps to align teams — Aligns team members’ understanding of the problem that we hope to solve.


  • It saves time & money — Helps us to avoid designing or building things that do not resonate with our users.

    它节省了时间和金钱 —帮助我们避免设计或建造不会引起用户共鸣的东西。

  • It facilitates better decisions — Builds understanding and empathy that enables us to align decisions to users needs.

    它有助于做出更好的决策 -建立理解和同理心,使我们能够根据用户需求调整决策。

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UX Research帮助我们收集信息,发现机会,建立同理心并提供迭代假设。 (UX Research helps us gather information, identify opportunities, build empathy, and inform iterative hypotheses.)

However it has limits — insights from UX Research rarely provide categorical evidence and should not be used to check a “we tested it” box or manipulated to confirm pre-existing biases.

但是它有一定的局限性-UX Research的见解很少提供分类证据,并且不应用于检查“我们对其进行了测试”框或进行操纵以确认先前存在的偏见。

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UX研究的见解有几种不同的形式。 (UX Research insights come in several different forms.)

他们可以: (They can be:)

  • Behavioral [or] Attitudinal.


  • Quantitative [or] Qualitative.


  • Generative [or] Evaluative.


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UX研究的见解可以是基础的[或]定向的。 (UX Research insights can be Foundational [or] Directional.)

  • Foundational — Generates new ideas; provides us with a direction for what a product could be.

    基础-产生新想法; 为我们提供了产品可能的指导。

  • Directional — Evaluates an existing idea, product or service; helps us assess if a product or an idea is aligned with user needs.

    指导性-评估现有想法,产品或服务; 帮助我们评估产品或想法是否符合用户需求。

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UX研究的见解可以是行为[或]态度。 (UX Research insights can be Behavioral [or] Attitudinal.)

  • Behavioral — What people do; provides insights into peoples’ behavior.

    行为 -人们做什么? 提供有关人们行为的见解。

  • Attitudinal — How people feel; provides insights into peoples’ attitudes.

    态度—人们的感受; 提供有关人们态度的见解。

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UX研究的见解可以是定性的或定量的。 (UX Research insights can be Qualitative [or] Quantitative.)

  • Qualitative — Trends in thought or opinion; provides insights into the context of a need, behavior, preference, or pain point.

    定性的-思想或观点的趋势; 提供对需求,行为,偏好或痛点背景的见解。

  • Quantitative — Measurable data; used to identify behavioral patterns and formulate statistically significant insights.

    定量的-可测量的数据; 用于识别行为模式并制定具有统计学意义的见解。

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为了获得UX Research的见解,我们可以通过几种不同的方式与用户进行交互。 (To acquire UX Research insights, we can interact with users in several different ways.)

  • Talking — We can talk to users via moderated or unmoderated discussions.


  • Observing — We can observe users via ethnography, contextual inquiry, or usability testing.


  • Measuring — We can measure user behavior using our products via data and analytics metrics.


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在进行用户体验研究时,我们有责任确定与用户互动以回答我们所遇到的问题的最有效方法。 (When conducting UX Research, it is our responsibility to determine the most effective way to interact with users to answer the questions we have.)

  • Should we talk to them?Some questions are best answered by talking to users.

    我们应该和他们说话吗? 通过用户交谈可以最好地回答一些问题。

  • Should we watch them?Some questions are best answered by observing users.

    我们应该看他们吗? 观察用户可以最好地回答一些问题。

  • Should we measure their behavior?Some questions are best answered by measuring user behavior.

    我们应该衡量他们的行为吗? 通过测量用户行为,可以最好地回答某些问题。

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作为UX研究人员,我们面临的挑战-人们通常不知道他们想要什么或需要什么。 (Our challenge as UX Researchers — people typically have no idea what they want or need.)

It is our responsibility to objectively interpret what they say and do!


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用户与产品或服务交互的三个方面的理解将使我们能够分析其行为并解释其目标,动机和痛点。 (An understanding of three facets of a user’s interaction with a product or service will allow us to analyze their behavior and interpret their goals, motivations, and pain points.)

  1. Context — The internal & external factors that frame a users’ interaction with your product or service.


  2. Behavior — How a user engages with your product or service as they attempt to satisfy their need or goal.


  3. Outcomes — What a user does, or how they feel, after they are done interacting with your product or service.


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用户研究的见解可用于整个产品设计和开发过程中,以告知或验证决策。 (Insights from User Research can be used throughout the product design and development process to inform or validate decisions.)

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UX研究可以是基础的[或]定向的 (UX Research can be Foundational [or] Directional)

It can help us identify things to build and build things effectively.


  • Foundational Research — Identifying things to build.

    基础研究 -确定要构建的事物。

    Research that helps us understand the needs of our customers, and informs what we should build and why.


  • Directional Research — Building something effectively.

    定向研究 -有效地构建事物。

    Research that answers specific, tactical questions, and shapes design application for a product or feature.


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Inspired by: 启发人:《 How to Stop UX Research being a Blocker如何阻止UX研究成为障碍》, Ben Ralph, 2017,本·拉尔夫(Ben Ralph),2017年

基础研究通常在产品设计和开发过程的早期进行,而定向研究则在后期进行。 (Foundational Research typically takes place early in the product design and development process, while Directional Research takes place later.)

  • Foundational Research insights provide the most value early in the product design & development process, when we are still identifying what to build.

    当我们仍在确定要构建什么时, 基础研究洞察力可以在产品设计和开发过程的早期提供最大的价值

  • Directional Research insights provide the most value later in the product design & development process, after we have identified what to build and are determining how to build it in the most effective way.


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但是,UX Research在何处以及如何适合您的产品设计和开发过程并不需要是二进制的。 (However, where and how UX Research fits into your product design and development process does not need to be binary.)

UX Research的工作时间可以长短不一,并且可以相互依赖-它们可以适合一个冲刺,也可以跨多个冲刺。 (UX Research efforts can vary in length and build upon each other — they can fit within a sprint or span across multiple sprints.)

  • Foundational — Identifying things to build.Ongoing, iterative discovery that helps us form an understanding of user needs and identify strategic opportunities to create value for them — Who, When, Where, What, How, Why.

    基础-确定要构建的事物。 正在进行的迭代发现可帮助我们了解用户需求并确定为他们创造价值的战略机会-谁,何时,何地,什么,如何,为什么。

  • Directional — Building something effectively.Small research efforts that answer a specific question, validate a hypothesis, or measure the effectiveness of a decision.

    定向-有效构建内容。 回答特定问题,验证假设或衡量决策有效性的小型研究工作。

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Inspired by: 启发人:《 How to Stop UX Research being a Blocker如何阻止UX研究成为障碍》, Ben Ralph, 2017,本·拉尔夫(Ben Ralph),2017年

使用研究来确定要构建的事物。 (Using research to identify things to build.)

  • Foundational (understanding): Iterative customer discovery that helps us understand our users.


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Inspired by: 启发人:《 How to Stop UX Research being a Blocker如何阻止UX研究成为障碍》, Ben Ralph, 2017,本·拉尔夫(Ben Ralph),2017年

利用研究有效地构建事物。 (Using research to build something effectively.)

  • Directional (feedback): Quick research efforts that help answer tactical questions.


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进行研究时,可以使用多种UX研究方法来收集所需的见解。 (When conducting research, there are a variety of UX Research methodologies we can utilize to collect the insights we need.)

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UX研究方法各不相同-每种方法都唯一适合提供特定类型的见解。 (UX Research methodologies vary — each uniquely suited to provide a specific type of insights.)

As User Researchers it is our responsibility to identify the best approach and methodology to answer our question, then assess if this approach is the most efficient (and feasible) way to answer it.


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For a detailed breakdown of common UX Research methodologies, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关常见的UX研究方法的详细分类,请参阅下面“ D”部分的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾
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编排UX研究需要人员,流程和技术的协调(Orchestrating UX Research requires the coordination of People, Processes, and Technology.)

  • People — Who is doing what? When are they doing it?

    人-谁在做什么? 他们什么时候做的?

  • Process — What do we need to do? When does it need to get done?

    流程-我们需要做什么? 什么时候需要完成?

  • Technology — What tools are we using? How are we using them?

    技术-我们使用什么工具? 我们如何使用它们?

可以将UX Research的规划,执行和综合分为一个连续的五步过程。 (Planning, conducting, and synthesizing UX Research can be broken down into a sequential, five-step process.)

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步骤01:评估UX Research的机会。 (Step 01: Assess the opportunity for UX Research.)

Identify your questions, then evaluate if and how they should be answered via user research.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Identify the question or questions you want to answer

  • Evaluate if there are existing insights that can be leveraged

  • Assess the effort/value of answering your question via UX research

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For more details about these techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关这些技术的更多详细信息,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤02:规划研究。 (Step 02: Plan your research.)

Determine your research goal, plan research activities, and develop any required supporting materials (discussion guides, prototypes, etc…).


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Draft a research brief with goals and outcomes

  • Finalize the methodologies you will use

  • Create a test plan and discussion guide

  • Develop prototypes and supporting materials

  • Plan for and coordinate all logistics

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For more details about these techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关这些技术的更多详细信息,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤03:请参与者进行研究。 (Step 03: Solicit participants for your research.)

Identify and solicit the right participants for your research activities.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Define targeting criteria

  • Source potential participants

  • Draft outreach communication

  • Engage with and/or contact users

  • Schedule and confirm participants

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For more details about these techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关这些技术的更多详细信息,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤04:进行研究。 (Step 04: Conduct your research.)

Engage participants and conduct the research activities you planned.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Assemble your research team and assign roles (if applicable)


  • Finalize, deploy, and facilitate activities

  • Document research activities in real-time

  • Conduct post-session synthesis with your team

  • Thank participants and fulfill any incentives

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For more details about these techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关这些技术的更多详细信息,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾

步骤05: 了解您所听到的内容。 (Step 05: Make sense of what you heard.)

Synthesize what you heard, generate insights, then share what you learned with your peers.


任务: (Tasks:)

  • Organize raw data from activities

  • Analyze raw data and theme findings

  • Identify takeaways, hypotheses, and additional questions

  • Develop supporting artifacts

  • Share-out findings with your peers

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For more details about these techniques, see the facilitation deck in section “D” below.👇👇🏼👇🏾
有关这些技术的更多详细信息,请参阅下面“ D”部分中的便利套。👇👇🏼👇🏾
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本次会议如何安排和促进? (How is this session structured & facilitated?)

This session is a mix of theory and short, hands-on activities that enable participants to apply concepts in real-time.


Participants are walked through the basic of UX Research including what it is, the value it provides, how it fits within the product design & development process, and the pros/cons of popular research methodologies. They are then introduced to a five-step framework for planning and conducting their own research. Throughout the session, several short, hands-on exercises are used to reinforce the content.

参与者将了解UX研究的基础知识,包括它的含义,它提供的价值,它如何适合产品设计和开发过程以及流行研究方法的利弊。 然后将它们引入一个五步框架来计划和进行自己的研究。 在整个会话中,将使用一些简短的动手练习来增强内容。

The facilitator deck & exercise structure can be reviewed below. 👇👇🏼👇🏾

主持人平台和练习结构可以在下面进行审查。 👇👇🏼👇🏾

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您如何在本节中执行练习? (How can you execute the exercises in this session?)

There are three short, participatory exercises intertwined within the content of this session — each lesson builds upon the previous one.


练习01-说话,观察还是测量? (Exercise 01 — Talk, Observe, or Measure?)

The goal of this exercise is to help participants understand how to analyze and determine what is the most effective way to understand user behavior — talking to them, observing them, or measuring their behavior over time.


In this exercise, participants are asked to think about a challenging design decision they are facing (or have faced in the past) where insights into user behavior would have helped them more effectively or efficiently make a decision. Using their scenario, participants are prompted to analyze, then discuss, what method of interacting with users would be most effective — Talking, Observing, or Measuring?

在本练习中,要求参与者思考他们面临的(或过去曾经面临的)具有挑战性的设计决策,对用户行为的洞察力将有助于他们更有效地做出决策。 使用他们的场景,提示参与者分析然后讨论与用户交互的哪种方法最有效-交谈,观察或度量?

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练习1:格式 (Exercise 1: Format)

After providing participants with an introduction to user research and the three different ways that we can interact users to gain insights into their behavior, ask participants to identify, then discuss, how they might utilize the these methods.


  • First, ask participants to identify a challenging design decision they are facing (or have faced in the past), where insights into user behavior could have helped them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.


  • Thinking about this challenge, prompt participants to identify which method would be most effective — Talking, Observing, or Measuring?

    考虑到这一挑战,请参与者确定哪种方法最有效- 交谈观察衡量

  • Give participants 5 minutes to complete the tasks outlined above. Provide post-notes and a Sharpie and encourage them to write down their thoughts so that they can be easily shared with the group.

    给参与者5分钟的时间来完成上述任务。 提供便签和Sharpie,并鼓励他们写下自己的想法,以便与小组轻松共享。
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练习1:总结 (Exercise 1: Wrapping-up)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their thinking, then provide an example of your own.


  • Ask 1–2 participants to share and discuss their thinking. If no one steps up, ask directly.

    让1-2位参与者分享和讨论他们的想法。 如果没有人加强,请直接询问。
  • As participants share, prompt a conversation by asking others in the room if they agree with the presenters assessment of which method of interacting with users would be most effective to get the insights they need.

  • Afterward, provide an example of your own that clearly connects the learnings from the session with a real-world application (examples above).


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练习02 —基础还是定向? (Exercise 02 — Foundational or Directional?)

The goal of this exercise is to help participants understand the differences between Foundational and Directional research.


This exercise builds upon the previous exercise. Participants are asked to think about the same challenging decision they used in the previous exercise — a decision where insights into user behavior could have helped them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.

本练习以之前的练习为基础。 要求参与者考虑他们在上一个练习中使用的相同的具有挑战性的决定,即对用户行为的洞察力可以帮助他们更有效地做出决定的决定。

Using their scenario, participants are prompted to think deeper about the question they have (or had) about user behavior, then analyze whether their question is Foundational or Directional.


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练习2:格式 (Exercise 2: Format)

After walking participants through an overview of Foundational and Directional UX Research and discussing where it fits within the product design & development process, prompt participants to think deeper about the question(s) they have, then identify and discuss whether the insights derived from answering them would be Foundational or Directional.

在向参与者介绍了基础定向 UX研究的概述并讨论了它在产品设计和开发过程中的适用位置之后,提示参与者对他们所遇到的问题进行更深入的思考,然后确定并讨论是否从回答这些问题中得出了真知灼见。将是基础的定向的

  • First, ask participants to think about the challenging decision they considered in the first exercise — an instance where insights into user behavior could have helped them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.

  • Next, prompt participants to think deeper — Ask them what questions they have about user behavior that, if answered, would help them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.

  • Provide post-it notes and a Sharpie, then give participants a few minutes to think and write down their questions.

  • After they have identified a few questions, ask participants to assess whether the insights derived from answering these questions would be Foundational or Directional, and why.

    在确定了几个问题之后,请参与者评估从回答这些问题中得出的见解是基础的还是定向的 ,以及原因。

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练习2:总结 (Exercise 2: Wrapping-up)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their thinking, then provide an example of your own.


  • Ask 1–2 participants to share and discuss their thinking. If no one steps up, ask directly.

    让1-2位参与者分享和讨论他们的想法。 如果没有人加强,请直接询问。
  • As participants share, prompt a conversation by asking others in the room if they agree with the presenters assessment of whether the insights derived from a question are Foundational or Directional.


  • Afterward, provide an example of your own that clearly connects the learnings from the session with a real-world application (examples above).


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练习03 —哪种研究方法? (Exercise 03 — Which research methodology?)

The goal of this exercise is help participants identify the UX Research methodologies they could use to gather Foundational or Directional UX Research insights and answer a question they have.

本练习的目的是帮助参与者识别UX Research方法论,以用于收集基础定向 UX Research见解,并回答他们所遇到的问题。

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This exercise builds upon the previous two exercises. Participants are asked to think about the challenging decision they previously considered — a decision where insights into user behavior would help them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.

本练习以前两个练习为基础。 要求参与者考虑他们以前考虑过的具有挑战性的决定,即对用户行为的洞察力将有助于他们更有效地做出决定的决定。

Using this scenario, participants are prompted to think about their insights from the previous two exercises, then use them to determine which UX Research methodology (or methodologies) would help them gather the insights they need.

在这种情况下,会提示参与者考虑前两个练习的见解,然后使用它们来确定哪种UX Research方法论(或多种方法论)将帮助他们收集所需的见解。

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For a detailed breakdown of common UX Research methodologies, see the facilitation deck in section “D” above.
有关常见的UX研究方法的详细分类,请参见上面“ D”部分的简化程序。

练习3:格式 (Exercise 3: Format)

First, walk participants through an overview of common research methods — including what they are, their pros and cons, their value in providing Foundational or Directional UX Research insights, and where they fit within the product design & development process.

首先,向参与者介绍常见的研究方法,包括它们的用途,利弊,在提供基础定向 UX研究见解方面的价值以及它们在产品设计和开发过程中的适用范围。

Afterward, prompt participants to think deeper about the question they have, then based on what they have learned, identify the UX Research methods that they believe would be most effective.


  • First, ask participants to think about the question they have about user behavior — a question, that if answered, would help them more effectively or efficiently make a decision.

  • Next, prompt participants to think about which UX Research methodology (or methodologies) would be the most effective and efficient to obtain the insights they need to answer their question.


  • Provide post-notes and a Sharpie and give participants a few minutes to think and write down their thoughts and ideas.

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练习3:总结 (Exercise 3: Wrapping-up)

After the exercise, prompt participants to spend a few minutes sharing and discussing their thinking, then provide an example of your own.


  • Ask 1–2 participants to share and discuss their thinking. If no one steps up, ask directly.

    让1-2位参与者分享和讨论他们的想法。 如果没有人加强,请直接询问。
  • As participants share, prompt a conversation around the presenters decision and rationale for using a particular UX Research method by soliciting feedback from others in the room.

  • Afterward, provide an example of your own that clearly connects the learnings from the session with a real-world application (examples above).


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本系列的下一期是什么? (What’s the next session in this series?)

The next session in this series introduces techniques for establishing context around UX Research and choosing the right methodologies.

本系列的下一节将介绍围绕UX Research建立上下文并选择正确方法的技术。

Session 07: Value vs. effort — Choosing a user research methodology 👇🏼


The step-by-step framework and hands-on exercises in this session internalize the value of Context by challenging each participant to answer a series of up-front questions that establish the Who, What, Where, When, and Why around a question they (or their team) want to answer via UX Research.

本节课中的分步框架和动手练习将内部化 通过挑战每个参与者回答一系列预先问题来确定上下文的价值,这些问题确定了他们(或他们的团队)想要通过UX Research回答的问题的“ 谁,什么,什么地方,什么时候,为什么”

These techniques enable teams conducting UX Research to set themselves up for success and enhance their potential to produce actionable insights from UX Research activities.

这些技术使进行UX Research的团队能够为成功做好准备,并增强他们从UX Research活动中产生可行的见解的潜力。

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下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Thank you for reading! Over the next few months, I will continue to add detailed session plans for each of the sessions outlined in this curriculum. In the meantime, any and all feedback is appreciated. 💭

感谢您的阅读! 在接下来的几个月中,我将继续为本课程中概述的每个课程添加详细的课程计划。 同时,感谢所有反馈。 💭

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/ux-design-101-user-research-everything-you-need-to-know-to-get-started-41f3f200a77





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