11021 TribblesGRAVITATION, n.“The tendency of all bodies to approach one another with a strengthproportion to the quantity of matter they contain – the quantity ofmatter they contain being ascertained by the strength of their tendencyto approach one anot…
alter any cluster 修改任意簇的权限alter any index 修改任意索引的权限alter any role 修改任意角色的权限alter any sequence 修改任意序列的权限alter any snapshot 修改任意快照的权限alter any table 修改任意表的权限alter any trigger 修改任意触发器的权限alter clust…
1、数据库的恶意访问形式未经授权读取数据、未经授权修改数据、未经授权破坏数据。2、数据库安全性概念数据库安全性(Data Base Security)主要是指尽可能保护数据库不受恶意访问。3、数据库安全防护的层次数据库系统层次(DataBase System&…