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申请流程 (Application Flow)

Logistic Regression is one of the most fundamental algorithms for classification in the Machine Learning world.


But before proceeding with the algorithm, let’s first discuss the lifecycle of any machine learning model. This diagram explains the creation of a Machine Learning model from scratch and then taking the same model further with hyperparameter tuning to increase its accuracy, deciding the deployment strategies for that model and once deployed setting up the logging and monitoring frameworks to generate reports and dashboards based on the client requirements. A typical lifecycle diagram for a machine learning model looks like:

但是在继续算法之前,让我们首先讨论任何机器学习模型的生命周期。 该图说明了从头开始创建机器学习模型的过程,然后通过超参数调整进一步推广了该模型,以提高其准确性,确定了该模型的部署策略,并在部署后设置了日志记录和监视框架以生成基于报告和仪表板的信息。根据客户要求。 机器学习模型的典型生命周期图如下所示:

介绍 (Introduction)

In linear regression, the type of data we deal with is quantitative, whereas we use classification models to deal with qualitative data or categorical data. The algorithms used for solving a classification problem first predict the probability of each of the categories of the qualitative variables, as the basis for making the classification. And, as the probabilities are continuous numbers, classification using probabilities also behave like regression methods. Logistic regression is one such type of classification model which is used to classify the dependent variable into two or more classes or categories.

在线性回归中,我们处理的数据类型是定量的,而我们使用分类模型来处理定性数据或分类数据。 用于解决分类问题的算法首先预测定性变量的每个类别的概率,作为进行分类的基础。 并且,由于概率是连续数,因此使用概率进行分类的行为也类似于回归方法。 逻辑回归是一种这样的分类模型,用于将因变量分为两个或多个类别或类别。

Why don’t we use Linear regression for classification problems?


Let’s suppose you took a survey and noted the response of each person as satisfied, neutral or Not satisfied. Let’s map each category:

假设您进行了一项调查,并注意到每个人的回答为满意,中立或不满意。 让我们映射每个类别:

Satisfied — 2

满意— 2

Neutral — 1

中立— 1

Not Satisfied — 0

不满意— 0

But this doesn’t mean that the gap between Not satisfied and Neutral is same as Neutral and satisfied. There is no mathematical significance of these mapping. We can also map the categories like:

但这并不意味着不满意和中立之间的差距与中立和满意之间的差距相同。 这些映射没有数学意义。 我们还可以映射以下类别:

Satisfied — 0

满意— 0

Neutral — 1

中立— 1

Not Satisfied — 2

不满意— 2

It’s completely fine to choose the above mapping. If we apply linear regression to both the type of mappings, we will get different sets of predictions. Also, we can get prediction values like 1.2, 0.8, 2.3 etc. which makes no sense for categorical values. So, there is no normal method to convert qualitative data into quantitative data for use in linear regression. Although, for binary classification, i.e. when there only two categorical values, using the least square method can give decent results. Suppose we have two categories Black and White and we map them as follows:

选择上面的映射是完全可以的。 如果将线性回归应用于这两种映射类型,我们将获得不同的预测集。 同样,我们可以获得诸如1.2、0.8、2.3等的预测值,这对于分类值没有意义。 因此,没有正常的方法可以将定性数据转换为定量数据以用于线性回归。 虽然,对于二进制分类,即当只有两个分类值时,使用最小二乘法可以得到不错的结果。 假设我们有黑色和白色两个类别,我们将它们映射如下:

Black — 0

黑色— 0

White — 1

白色— 1

We can assign predicted values for both the categories such as Y> 0.5 goes to class white and vice versa. Although, there will be some predictions for which the value can be greater than 1 or less than 0 making them hard to classify in any class. Nevertheless, linear regression can work decently for binary classification but not that well for multi-class classification. Hence, we use classification methods for dealing with such problems.

我们可以为这两个类别分配预测值,例如Y> 0.5归为白色类别,反之亦然。 虽然,有些预测的值可能大于1或小于0,这使得它们很难在任何类别中进行分类。 然而,线性回归对于二元分类可以很好地工作,但对于多分类则不能很好地工作。 因此,我们使用分类方法来处理此类问题。

逻辑回归 (Logistic Regression)

Logistic regression is one such regression algorithm which can be used for performing classification problems. It calculates the probability that a given value belongs to a specific class. If the probability is more than 50%, it assigns the value in that particular class else if the probability is less than 50%, the value is assigned to the other class. Therefore, we can say that logistic regression acts as a binary classifier.

逻辑回归是一种可以用于执行分类问题的回归算法。 它计算给定值属于特定类别的概率。 如果概率大于50%,则在该特定类别中分配值,否则,如果概率小于50%,则将该值分配给另一类别。 因此,可以说逻辑回归充当二进制分类器。

Working of a Logistic Model


For linear regression, the model is defined by: 𝑦=𝛽0+𝛽1𝑥y=β0+β1x — (i)

对于线性回归,模型定义为:𝑦= 𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑥y =β0+β1x—(i)

and for logistic regression, we calculate probability, i.e. y is the probability of a given variable x belonging to a certain class. Thus, it is obvious that the value of y should lie between 0 and 1.

对于逻辑回归,我们计算概率,即y是给定变量x属于某个类别的概率。 因此,很明显,y的值应该在0到1之间。

But, when we use equation(i) to calculate probability, we would get values less than 0 as well as greater than 1. That doesn’t make any sense . So, we need to use such an equation which always gives values between 0 and 1, as we desire while calculating the probability.

但是,当我们使用方程式(i)计算概率时,我们将获得小于0且大于1的值。这没有任何意义。 因此,我们需要使用这样的方程式,该方程式总是根据需要在计算概率时给出介于0和1之间的值。

乙状结肠功能 (Sigmoid function)

We use the sigmoid function as the underlying function in Logistic regression. Mathematically and graphically, it is shown as:

我们将S形函数用作Logistic回归的基础函数。 在数学和图形上显示为:

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Why do we use the Sigmoid Function?


1) The sigmoid function’s range is bounded between 0 and 1. Thus it’s useful in calculating the probability for the Logistic function. 2) It’s derivative is easy to calculate than other functions which is useful during gradient descent calculation. 3) It is a simple way of introducing non-linearity to the model.

1)S形函数的范围在0到1之间。因此,在计算Logistic函数的概率时很有用。 2)它的导数比其他函数容易计算,这在梯度下降计算中很有用。 3)这是将非线性引入模型的简单方法。

Although there are other functions as well, which can be used, but sigmoid is the most common function used for logistic regression. We will talk about the rest of the functions in the neural network section.

尽管还可以使用其他函数,但是Sigmoid是用于Logistic回归的最常用函数。 我们将在神经网络部分讨论其余功能。

The logistic function is given as:


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Let’s see some manipulation with the logistic function:


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We can see that the logit function is linear in terms with x.




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Cost Function


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The cost function for the whole training set is given as :


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The values of parameters (θ) for which the cost function is minimum is calculated using the gradient descent (as discussed in the Linear Regression section) algorithm. The partial derivative for cost function is given as :

使用梯度下降(如“线性回归”部分所述)算法来计算成本函数最小的参数(θ)的值。 成本函数的偏导数为:

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多种物流功能 (Multiple Logistic Function)

We can generalise the simple logistic function for multiple features as:


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And the logit function can be written as:


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he coefficients are calculated the same we did for simple logistic function, by passing the above equation in the cost function.


Just like we did in multilinear regression, we will check for correlation between different features for Multi logistic as well.

就像我们在多线性回归中所做的一样,我们还将为Multi logistic检查不同特征之间的相关性。

We will see how we implement all the above concept through a practical example.


多项式物流回归(标签数量> 2) (Multinomial Logistics Regression( Number of Labels >2))

Many times, there are classification problems where the number of classes is greater than 2. We can extend Logistic regression for multi-class classification. The logic is simple; we train our logistic model for each class and calculate the probability(hθx) that a specific feature belongs to that class. Once we have trained the model for all the classes, we predict a new value’s class by choosing that class for which the probability(hθx) is maximum. Although we have libraries that we can use to perform multinomial logistic regression, we rarely use logistic regression for classification problems where the number of classes is more than 2. There are many other classification models for such scenarios. We will see more of that in the coming lectures.

很多时候,存在类别数大于2的分类问题。我们可以扩展Logistic回归进行多类别分类。 逻辑很简单; 我们为每个类别训练逻辑模型,并计算特定特征属于该类别的概率(hθx)。 一旦我们为所有类别训练了模型,就可以通过选择概率(hθx)最大的类别来预测新值的类别。 尽管我们拥有可用于执行多项式logistic回归的库,但是对于类数大于2的分类问题,我们很少使用logistic回归。对于这种情况,还有许多其他分类模型。 我们将在接下来的讲座中看到更多。

学习算法 (Learning Algorithm)

The learning algorithm is how we search the set of possible hypotheses (hypothesis space H) for the best parameterization (in this case the weight vector 𝐰w). This search is an optimization problem looking for the hypothesis that optimizes an error measure.

学习算法是我们如何搜索可能的假设集(假设空间H)以获得最佳参数化(在这种情况下为权重向量𝐰w)。 该搜索是一个优化问题,用于寻找优化错误度量的假设。

There is no sophisticted, closed-form solution like least-squares linear, so we will use gradient descent instead. Specifically we will use batch gradient descent which calculates the gradient from all data points in the data set.

没有像最小二乘线性这样的复杂的封闭形式的解决方案,因此我们将使用梯度下降。 具体来说,我们将使用批量梯度下降,它从数据集中的所有数据点计算梯度。

Luckily, our “cross-entropy” error measure is convex so there is only one minimum. Thus the minimum we arrive at is the global minimum.

幸运的是,我们的“交叉熵”误差度量是凸的,因此只有一个最小值。 因此,我们得出的最小值是全局最小值。

To learn we’re going to minimize the following error measure using batch gradient descent.


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We’ll need the derivative of the point loss function and possibly some abuse of notation.


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With the point loss derivative we can determine the gradient of the in-sample error:


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Our weight update rule per batch gradient descent becomes


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分类模型评估 (Evaluation of a Classification Model)

In machine learning, once we have a result of the classification problem, how do we measure how accurate our classification is? For a regression problem, we have different metrics like R Squared score, Mean Squared Error etc. what are the metrics to measure the credibility of a classification model?

在机器学习中,一旦有了分类问题的结果,我们如何衡量分类的准确性? 对于回归问题,我们有不同的指标,例如R平方得分,均方误差等。衡量分类模型可信度的指标是什么?

Metrics In a regression problem, the accuracy is generally measured in terms of the difference in the actual values and the predicted values. In a classification problem, the credibility of the model is measured using the confusion matrix generated, i.e., how accurately the true positives and true negatives were predicted. The different metrics used for this purpose are:

度量标准在回归问题中,通常根据实际值和预测值之间的差异来测量准确性。 在分类问题中,使用生成的混淆矩阵来衡量模型的可信度,即,如何准确预测正值和负值。 用于此目的的不同指标是:

  • Accuracy

  • Recall

  • Precision

  • F1 Score

  • Specifity

  • AUC( Area Under the Curve)

  • RUC(Receiver Operator Characteristic)


混淆矩阵 (Confusion Matrix)

A typical confusion matrix looks like the figure shown.


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Where the terms have the meaning:


True Positive(TP): A result that was predicted as positive by the classification model and also is positive


True Negative(TN): A result that was predicted as negative by the classification model and also is negative


False Positive(FP): A result that was predicted as positive by the classification model but actually is negative


False Negative(FN): A result that was predicted as negative by the classification model but actually is positive.


The Credibility of the model is based on how many correct predictions did the model do.


准确性 (Accuracy)

The mathematical formula is :


Accuracy= (𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁)(𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁)(TP+TN)(TP+TN+FP+FN)

精度 =(𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁)(𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁)(TP + TN)(TP + TN + FP + FN)

Or, it can be said that it’s defined as the total number of correct classifications divided by the total number of classifications.


召回或敏感性 (Recall or Sensitivity)

The mathematical formula is:


Recall= 𝑇𝑃(𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁)TP(TP+FN)

召回率 =𝑇𝑃(𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁)TP(TP + FN)

Or, as the name suggests, it is a measure of: from the total number of positive results how many positives were correctly predicted by the model.


It shows how relevant the model is, in terms of positive results only.


Let’s suppose in the previous model, the model gave 50 correct predictions(TP) but failed to identify 200 cancer patients(FN). Recall in that case will be:

让我们假设在先前的模型中,该模型给出了50个正确的预测(TP),但未能识别200位癌症患者(FN)。 在这种情况下,回想一下:

Recall=50(50+200)50(50+200)= 0.2 (The model was able to recall only 20% of the cancer patients)

召回率= 50(50 + 200)50(50 + 200)= 0.2(该模型仅能召回20%的癌症患者)

精确 (Precision)

Precision is a measure of amongst all the positive predictions, how many of them were actually positive. Mathematically,

精确度是对所有积极预测中,实际上有多少是积极衡量的一种度量。 数学上



Let’s suppose in the previous example, the model identified 50 people as cancer patients(TP) but also raised a false alarm for 100 patients(FP). Hence,

让我们假设在前面的示例中,该模型将50个人确定为癌症患者(TP),但还对100位患者提出了虚警(FP)。 因此,

Precision=50(50+100)50(50+100)=0.33 (The model only has a precision of 33%)

精度= 50(50 + 100)50(50 + 100)= 0.33(该模型的精度仅为33%)

但是我们有一个问题! (But we have a problem!!)

As evident from the previous example, the model had a very high Accuracy but performed poorly in terms of Precision and Recall. So, necessarily Accuracy is not the metric to use for evaluating the model in this case.

从前面的示例可以明显看出,该模型具有很高的准确度,但在“精确度”和“查全率”方面却表现不佳。 因此,在这种情况下, 精度不一定是用于评估模型的度量。

Imagine a scenario, where the requirement was that the model recalled all the defaulters who did not pay back the loan. Suppose there were 10 such defaulters and to recall those 10 defaulters, and the model gave you 20 results out of which only the 10 are the actual defaulters. Now, the recall of the model is 100%, but the precision goes down to 50%.

想象一下一个场景,该场景的要求是模型召回所有未偿还贷款的违约者。 假设有10个这样的默认违约者,并回忆起这10个默认违约者,该模型为您提供了20个结果,其中只有10个是实际的默认违约者。 现在,该模型的召回率为100%,但精度下降到50%。

权衡? (A Trade-off?)

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As observed from the graph, with an increase in the Recall, there is a drop in Precision of the model.


So the question is — what to go for? Precision or Recall?

因此,问题是-去做什么? 精度还是召回率?

Well, the answer is: it depends on the business requirement.


For example, if you are predicting cancer, you need a 100 % recall. But suppose you are predicting whether a person is innocent or not, you need 100% precision.

例如,如果您要预测癌症,则需要100%召回。 但是,假设您要预测一个人是否清白,则需要100%的精度。

Can we maximise both at the same time? No

我们可以同时最大化两者吗? 没有

So, there is a need for a better metric then?


Yes. And it’s called an F1 Score

是。 这就是所谓的F1分数

F1分数 (F1 Score)

From the previous examples, it is clear that we need a metric that considers both Precision and Recall for evaluating a model. One such metric is the F1 score.

从前面的示例中可以明显看出,我们需要一个同时考虑Precision和Recall的度量来评估模型。 F1分数就是此类指标之一。

F1 score is defined as the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.


The mathematical formula is: F1 score= 2∗((𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛∗𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙)(𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛+𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙))2∗((Precision∗Recall)(Precision+Recall))

数学公式为:F1分数= 2 ∗(((𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛∗𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙)(𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛+𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙))2 ∗((Precision ∗ Recall)(Precision + Recall))

特异性或真阴性率 (Specificity or True Negative Rate)

This represents how specific is the model while predicting the True Negatives. Mathematically,

这代表了在预测真实负面因素时模型的特异性。 数学上

Specificity=𝑇𝑁(𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃)TN(TN+FP) Or, it can be said that it quantifies the total number of negatives predicted by the model with respect to the total number of actual negative or non favorable outcomes.

特异性=𝑇𝑁(𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃)TN(TN + FP)或者,可以说,相对于实际阴性或不利结果的总数,量化了模型预测的阴性总数。

Similarly, False Positive rate can be defined as: (1- specificity) Or, 𝐹𝑃(𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃)FP(TN+FP)

类似地,误报率可以定义为:(1-特异性)或𝐹𝑃(𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃)FP(TN + FP)

ROC(接收机操作员特性) (ROC(Receiver Operator Characteristic))

We know that the classification algorithms work on the concept of probability of occurrence of the possible outcomes. A probability value lies between 0 and 1. Zero means that there is no probability of occurrence and one means that the occurrence is certain.

我们知道分类算法是基于可能结果出现概率的概念。 概率值在0到1之间。零表示没有发生的可能性,而一表示发生的可能性是确定的。

But while working with real-time data, it has been observed that we seldom get a perfect 0 or 1 value. Instead of that, we get different decimal values lying between 0 and 1. Now the question is if we are not getting binary probability values how are we actually determining the class in our classification problem?

但是,在处理实时数据时,已经观察到我们很少获得完美的0或1值。 取而代之的是,我们获得了介于0和1之间的不同十进制值。现在的问题是,如果我们没有获得二进制概率值,那么我们如何确定分类问题中的类别呢?

There comes the concept of Threshold. A threshold is set, any probability value below the threshold is a negative outcome, and anything more than the threshold is a favourable or the positive outcome. For Example, if the threshold is 0.5, any probability value below 0.5 means a negative or an unfavourable outcome and any value above 0.5 indicates a positive or favourable outcome.

阈值的概念。 设置了阈值,低于该阈值的任何概率值都是负结果,超过该阈值的任何值都是有利或积极结果。 例如,如果阈值为0.5,则任何低于0.5的概率值都表示结果为负或不利,而高于0.5的任何值都表示结果为正或有利。

Now, the question is, what should be an ideal threshold?


The following diagram shows a typical logistic regression curve.


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  • The horizontal lines represent the various values of thresholds ranging from 0 to 1.

  • Let’s suppose our classification problem was to identify the obese people from the given data.

  • The green markers represent obese people and the red markers represent the non-obese people.

  • Our confusion matrix will depend on the value of the threshold chosen by us.

  • For Example, if 0.25 is the threshold then


TP(actually obese)=3 TN(Not obese)=2 FP(Not obese but predicted obese)=2(the two red squares above the 0.25 line) FN(Obese but predicted as not obese )=1(Green circle below 0.25line ) (TP(actually obese)=3 TN(Not obese)=2 FP(Not obese but predicted obese)=2(the two red squares above the 0.25 line) FN(Obese but predicted as not obese )=1(Green circle below 0.25line ))

A typical ROC curve looks like the following figure.


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  • Mathematically, it represents the various confusion matrices for various thresholds. Each black dot is one confusion matrix.

    从数学上讲,它代表各种阈值的各种混淆矩阵。 每个黑点都是一个混淆矩阵。
  • The green dotted line represents the scenario when the true positive rate equals the false positive rate.

  • As evident from the curve, as we move from the rightmost dot towards left, after a certain threshold, the false positive rate decreases.

  • After some time, the false positive rate becomes zero.

  • The point encircled in green is the best point as it predicts all the values correctly and keeps the False positive as a minimum.

  • But that is not a rule of thumb. Based on the requirement, we need to select the point of a threshold.

    但这不是经验法则。 根据需求,我们需要选择阈值点。
  • The ROC curve answers our question of which threshold to choose.


但是我们很困惑! (But we have confusion !!)

Let’s suppose that we used different classification algorithms, and different ROCs for the corresponding algorithms have been plotted. The question is: which algorithm to choose now? The answer is to calculate the area under each ROC curve.

假设我们使用了不同的分类算法,并且为相应的算法绘制了不同的ROC。 问题是:现在选择哪种算法? 答案是计算每个ROC曲线下的面积。

曲线下面积 (AUC(Area Under Curve))

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  • It helps us to choose the best model amongst the models for which we have plotted the ROC curves

  • The best model is the one which encompasses the maximum area under it.

  • In the adjacent diagram, amongst the two curves, the model that resulted in the red one should be chosen as it clearly covers more area than the blue one


翻译自: https://medium.com/@er.amansingh2019/logistic-regression-401b3a7723de










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一、MongoDB介绍 1.1 mongoDB介绍 MongoDB 是由C语言编写的,是一个基于分布式文件存储的开源数据库系统。 在高负载的情况下,添加更多的节点,可以保证服务器性能。 MongoDB 旨在为WEB应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案。 MongoDB …

Cross-Drone Transformer Network for Robust Single Object Tracking论文阅读笔记

Cross-Drone Transformer Network for Robust Single Object Tracking论文阅读笔记 Abstract 无人机在各种应用中得到了广泛使用,例如航拍和军事安全,这得益于它们与固定摄像机相比的高机动性和广阔视野。多无人机追踪系统可以通过从不同视角收集互补的…

【5G PHY】NR参考信号功率和小区总传输功率的计算

博主未授权任何人或组织机构转载博主任何原创文章,感谢各位对原创的支持! 博主链接 本人就职于国际知名终端厂商,负责modem芯片研发。 在5G早期负责终端数据业务层、核心网相关的开发工作,目前牵头6G算力网络技术标准研究。 博客…


2016年第五届数学建模国际赛小美赛 A题 臭氧消耗预测 原题再现: 臭氧消耗包括自1970年代后期以来观察到的若干现象:地球平流层(臭氧层)臭氧总量稳步下降,以及地球极地附近平流层臭氧(称为臭氧空洞&#x…

数据结构和算法-二叉排序树(定义 查找 插入 删除 时间复杂度)

文章目录 二叉排序树总览二叉排序树的定义二叉排序树的查找二叉排序树的插入二叉排序树的构造二叉排序树的删除删除的是叶子节点删除的是只有左子树或者只有右子树的节点删除的是有左子树和右子树的节点 查找效率分析查找成功查找失败 小结 二叉排序树 总览 二叉排序树的定义 …

【LeetCode:1954. 收集足够苹果的最小花园周长 | 等差数列 + 公式推导】

🚀 算法题 🚀 🌲 算法刷题专栏 | 面试必备算法 | 面试高频算法 🍀 🌲 越难的东西,越要努力坚持,因为它具有很高的价值,算法就是这样✨ 🌲 作者简介:硕风和炜,…


指针相关博客 打响指针的第一枪:指针家族-CSDN博客 深入理解:指针变量的解引用 与 加法运算-CSDN博客 第一题 1. 下列for循环的循环体执行次数为() for(int i 10, j 1; i j 0; i, --j) A:0 B:1 C&#…


问题描述 蓝桥小课堂开课啦! 平方和公式是一种用于计算连续整数的平方和的数学公式。它可以帮助我们快速求解从 1 到 n 的整数的平方和,其中 n 是一个正整数。 平方和公式的表达式如下: 这个公式可以简化计算过程,避免逐个计算…


题库来源:安全生产模拟考试一点通公众号小程序 制冷与空调设备运行操作免费试题根据新制冷与空调设备运行操作考试大纲要求,安全生产模拟考试一点通将制冷与空调设备运行操作模拟考试试题进行汇编,组成一套制冷与空调设备运行操作全真模拟考…


在做FPGA工程师的这些年,买过好多书,也看过好多书,分享一下。 后续会慢慢的补充书评。 【FPGA】分享一些FPGA入门学习的书籍【FPGA】分享一些FPGA协同MATLAB开发的书籍 【FPGA】分享一些FPGA视频图像处理相关的书籍 【FPGA】分享一些FPGA高速…


在 Python 中,有一些内置的模块和库,可以帮助我们处理日期和时间的表示、计算和转换。 1. 时间模块(time) Python 的 time 模块提供了一系列函数来处理时间相关的操作。通过这个模块,可以获取当前时间、睡眠指定时间…

【设计模式】RBAC 模型详解

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前言 最近闲得慌,突然想起坤坤了,那就画一个吧。 一、Python画坤坤 坤坤大家都熟悉不过了,也就是蔡徐坤。 代码: from turtle import * from math import * #高级椭圆参数方程(颜色),sita为…

MySQL报错:1366 - Incorrect integer value: ‘xx‘ for column ‘xx‘ at row 1的解决方法

我在插入表数据时遇到了1366报错,报错内容:1366 - Incorrect integer value: Cindy for column name at row 1,下面我演示解决方法。 根据上图,原因是Cindy’对应的name字段数据类型不正确。我们在左侧找到该字段所在的grade_6表&…

【图文教程】windows 下 MongoDB 介绍下载安装配置

文章目录 介绍MySQL 之间的区别和适用场景差异数据模型:查询语言:可扩展性:数据一致性: 下载安装环境变量配置 介绍 MongoDB 是一种开源的、面向文档的 NoSQL 数据库管理系统。它使用灵活的文档模型来存储数据,这意味…

HarmonyOS - 基础组件绘制

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目录 介绍 组成部分 PPP帧格式 透明传输 字节填充法 比特填充法 差错检测 工作状态 本篇我们介绍点对点协议PPP 介绍 点对点协议PPP&#xff08;Point-to-Point Protocol&#xff09;是目前使用最广泛的点对点数据链路层协议。 请大家想想看&#xff1a;一般的英特…