
电脑上怎么下载字体到wordpress,seo用什么论坛引流,用宝塔做网站,旅游推广赚佣金哪个平台好这篇论文的研究主要贡献是对LLM生成解释的优缺点进行了调查。详细介绍了两种方法,一种是做出预测,然后解释它,另一种是产生解释,然后用它来做出预测。 最近的研究发现,即使LLM是在特定数据上训练的,也不能认…









LLM-Generated Self-Explanations论文在情感分析领域对LLM生成的自我解释进行系统分析。

1、解释然后预测 :Explanation To Prediction

下面的提示是E-P配置的一个示例。左边是SYSTEM描述,其中包含USER请求和LLM生成的ASSISTANT响应。在这个例子中,使用gpt-3.5 turbo,右边是标准模型设置。


 from openai import OpenAIclient = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You are a creative and intelligent movie review analyst, whose purpose is to aid in sentiment analysis of movie reviews. You will receive a review, and you must analyze the importance of each word and punctuation in Python tuple format: (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>). Each word or punctuation is separated by a space. The importance should be a decimal number to three decimal places ranging from -1 to 1, with -1 implying a negative sentiment and 1 implying a positive sentiment. Provide a list of (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>) for each and every word and punctuation in the sentence in a format of Python list of tuples. Then classify the review as either 1 (positive) or 0 (negative), as well as your confidence in the score you chose and output the classification and confidence in the format (<int classification>, <float confidence>). The confidence should be a decimal number between 0 and 1, with 0 being the lowest confidence and 1 being the highest confidence.\nIt does not matter whether or not the sentence makes sense. Do your best given the sentence.\nThe movie review will be encapsulated within <review> tags. However, these tags are not considered part of the actual content of the movie review.\nExample output:\n[(<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), ... ] (<int classification>, <float confidence>)"},{"role": "user","content": "<review> Offers that rare combination of entertainment and education . <review>"},{"role": "assistant","content": "[('Offers', 0.500), ('that', 0.000), ('rare', 0.300), ('combination', 0.300), ('of', 0.000), ('entertainment', 0.800), ('and', 0.000), ('education', 0.500), ('.', 0.000)] (1, 0.800)"}],temperature=1,max_tokens=256,top_p=1,frequency_penalty=0,presence_penalty=0)

2、做出预测然后解释:Prediction To Explanation



 from openai import OpenAIclient = OpenAI()response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",messages=[{"role": "system","content": "You are a creative and intelligent movie review analyst, whose purpose is to aid in sentiment analysis of movie reviews. A review will be provided to you, and you must classify the review as either 1 (positive) or 0 (negative), as well as your confidence in the score you chose. The confidence should be a decimal number between 0 and 1, with 0 being the lowest confidence and 1 being the highest confidence. Output this in the Python tuple format (<int classification>, <float confidence>).\nThen, analyze how important every single word and punctuation token in the review was to your classification. The importance should be a decimal number to three decimal places ranging from -1 to 1, with -1 implying a negative sentiment and 1 implying a positive sentiment. Provide a list of (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>) for each and every word and punctuation token in the sentence in a format of Python list of tuples. Each word or punctuation is separated by a space.\nIt does not matter whether or not the sentence makes sense. Do your best given the sentence.\nThe movie review will be encapsulated within <review> tags. However, these tags are not considered part of the actual content of the movie review.\nExample output:\n(<int classification>, <float confidence>)\n[(<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), ... ]"},{"role": "user","content": "<review> A film that takes you inside the rhythms of its subject : You experience it as you watch . <review>"},{"role": "assistant","content": "(1, 0.8)\n[('A', 0.2), ('film', 0.3), ('that', 0.2), ('takes', 0.2), ('you', 0.4), ('inside', 0.2), ('the', 0.1), ('rhythms', 0.2), ('of', 0.2), ('its', 0.1), ('subject', 0.1), (':', 0.1), ('You', 0.4), ('experience', 0.3), ('it', 0.2), ('as', 0.2), ('watch', 0.2), ('.', 0.1)]"}],temperature=1,max_tokens=256,top_p=1,frequency_penalty=0,presence_penalty=0)


 System: You are a creative and intelligent movie review analyst, whose purpose is to aid in sentiment analysis of movie reviews. A review will be provided to you, and you must classify the review as either 1 (positive) or 0 (negative), as well as your confidence in the score you chose. The confidence should be a decimal number between 0 and 1, with 0 being the lowest confidence and 1 being the highest confidence. Output this in the Python tuple format (<int classification>, <float confidence>).Then, analyze how important every single word and punctuation token in the review was to your classification. The importance should be a decimal number to three decimal places ranging from -1 to 1, with -1 implying a negative sentiment and 1 implying a positive sentiment. Provide a list of (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>) for each and every word and punctuation token in the sentence in a format of Python list of tuples. Each word or punctuation is separated by a space.It does not matter whether or not the sentence makes sense. Do your best given the sentence.The movie review will be encapsulated within <review> tags. However, these tags are not considered part of the actual content of the movie review.Example output:(<int classification>, <float confidence>)[(<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), (<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), ... ]User: <review> A film that takes you inside the rhythms of its subject : You experience it as you watch . <review>Assistant:


 Understood! I'm ready to analyze the movie review you provided. Here are the results:(<int classification>, <float confidence>) = (0, 0.8) - Classification: NegativeHere are the importance scores for each word and punctuation token in the review:[(<word or punctuation>, <float importance>), (the, -0.6), (film, 0.4), (that, -0.5), (takes, 0.3), (you, -0.2), (inside, 0.1), (the, -0.6), (rhythms, 0.3)]Explanation:The word "film" has a low importance score of -0.6 because it does not convey much sentiment towards either positive or negative emotions in the context of the review.The word "that" has a low importance score of -0.5 because it is a transitional word that does not significantly impact the overall sentiment of the review negatively or positively . Its presence does not change how we classify this review as entirely negative . However , its absence might affect our classification; therefore we give it some weight . This implies that if more instances like this appear throughout a text , their impact will be less than if they were part of an entirely different kind of text . For example , "the film takes you inside" would have an opposite meaning than just saying "it takes you inside".) [1][3] )] )] ) ]]. * The phrase "You experience it as you watch" has an important score of 1 because It conveys positive emotion and could be interpreted as evidence that viewers will find watching this motion picture pleasurable and engaging .[2][4]) [5][6]; hence why we rank important words higher than unimportant phrases when deciding on their overall sentimental value within given texts). As such , we consider these particular elements crucial when evaluating whether something falls into one category versus another based solely upon how others might interpret them without additional context outside those given here.] Finally – although there may be other factors at play–by focusing solely on these particular pieces here allows us to better understand what makes certain sentences/phrases stand out amongst others!


















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