JavaScript 内容如下:
try {var sourceData = JSON.parse(value),req = new HttpRequest(),response;if (sourceData.HTTPProxy) {req.setProxy(sourceData.HTTPProxy);}req.addHeader('Content-Type: application/json');var targetData = {"msg_type": "text","content": {"text": sourceData.message}};Zabbix.log(4, '[feishu webhook ] Webhook request with value=' + value);response = req.post(sourceData.URL, JSON.stringify(targetData));Zabbix.log(4, '[feishu webhook ] Responded with code: ' + req.getStatus() + '. Response: ' + response);try {response = JSON.parse(response);}catch (error) {if (req.getStatus() < 200 || req.getStatus() >= 300) {throw 'Request failed with status code ' + req.getStatus();}else {throw 'Request success, but response parsing failed.';}}if (req.getStatus() !== 200 || response.code !== 0) {throw response.error;}return 'OK';}catch (error) {Zabbix.log(3, '[ Jira webhook ] Sending failed. Error: ' + error);throw 'Failed with error: ' + error;}