

PaddleOCR 提供了基于深度学习的文本检测、识别和方向检测等功能。其主要推荐的 PP-OCR 算法在国内外的企业开发者中得到广泛应用。在短短的几年时间里,PP-OCR 的累计 Star 数已经超过了32.2k,常常出现在 GitHub Trending 和 Paperswithcode 的日榜和月榜第一位,被认为是当前OCR领域最热门的仓库之一。

PaddleOCR 最初主打的 PP-OCR 系列模型在去年五月份推出了 v3 版本。最近,飞桨 AI 套件团队对 PP-OCRv3 进行了全面改进,推出了重大更新版本 PP-OCRv4。这个新版本预计带来了更先进的技术、更高的性能和更广泛的适用性,将进一步推动OCR技术在各个领域的应用。

PP-OCRv4在速度可比情况下,中文场景端到端 Hmean 指标相比于 PP-OCRv3提升4.25%,效果大幅提升。具体指标如下表所示:
测试环境:CPU 型号为 Intel Gold 6148,CPU 预测时使用 OpenVINO。




从https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/tree/release/2.7 下载要用到的模型,要下载的模型有文本检测模型、文字方向模型、文字识别模型,我这里只下下载了文本检测与文字识别的模型。


使用paddle2ONNX进行模型转换,git地址:https://github.com/paddlepaddle/paddle2onnx, 下载源码然后编译转换,也可以使用在线转换的方法,如果嫌麻烦,最好使用在线的转换方法,在线地址:https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/paddle/visualdl/modelconverter/x2paddle

3. onnx转ncnn模型


  1. 轻量级和高效性: NCNN被设计为一个轻量级框架,具有高度优化的推断性能。它的设计目标是在移动设备和嵌入式设备上实现高效的神经网络推理。

  2. 跨平台支持: NCNN支持多种硬件平台,包括CPU、GPU、DSP等,并且可以在各种操作系统上运行,如Windows、Android、iOS、Linux等。

  3. 优化和硬件加速: NCNN对各种硬件进行了优化,并利用硬件加速特性提高了神经网络推断的性能。

  4. 丰富的模型支持: NCNN支持各种常见的深度学习模型,如AlexNet、VGG、ResNet、MobileNet等,并且兼容一些深度学习框架导出的模型,Caffe、TensorFlow、ONNX等。

可以从https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn 获取源码进行编译,也可以下载官方编译好的lib进行转换,还可以使用在线接口进行转换。在线接地址:https://convertmodel.com/。




  1. 预处理:对输入的图像进行预处理,可能包括图像增强、去噪、尺寸标准化等操作,以便更好地适应文本检测算法。

  2. 文本区域检测:使用特定的算法或模型来检测图像中可能包含文本的区域。常见的方法包括基于区域的方法(如基于区域的CNN(R-CNN)系列)、基于锚点的方法(如SSD和YOLO)、以及基于注意力机制的方法(如EAST、TextBoxes++等)。

  3. 后处理:在获取文本区域的初始预测结果后,可以进行后处理步骤来提高检测的准确性和稳定性。这可能包括非极大值抑制(NMS)来消除重叠的边界框、边框回归以精细调整边界框的位置等。


#ifndef __OCR_DBNET_H__
#define __OCR_DBNET_H__#include "base_struct.h"
#include <ncnn/net.h>
#include <vector>
#include <ncnn/cpu.h>namespace NCNNOCR
{class DbNet{public:DbNet();~DbNet() {};int read_model(std::string param_path = "data/det.param",std::string bin_path = "data/det.bin", bool use_gpu = true);bool detect(cv::Mat& src, std::vector<TextBox>& results, int _target_size = 1024);private:ncnn::Net net;const float meanValues[3] = { 0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255 };const float normValues[3] = { 1.0 / 0.229 / 255.0, 1.0 / 0.224 / 255.0,1.0 / 0.225 / 255.0 };float boxThresh = 0.3f;float boxScoreThresh = 0.5f;float unClipRatio = 2.0f;int target_size;};
}#endif //__OCR_DBNET_H__


#include "db_net.h"
#include "tools.h"namespace NCNNOCR
{int DbNet::read_model(std::string param_path, std::string bin_path, bool use_gpu){ncnn::set_cpu_powersave(2);ncnn::set_omp_num_threads(ncnn::get_big_cpu_count());net.opt = ncnn::Option();#if NCNN_VULKANnet.opt.use_vulkan_compute = use_gpu;
#endifnet.opt.lightmode = true;net.opt.num_threads = ncnn::get_big_cpu_count();int rp = net.load_param(param_path.c_str());int rb = net.load_model(bin_path.c_str());if (rp == 0 || rb == 0){return false;}return true;}std::vector<TextBox> inline findRsBoxes(const cv::Mat& fMapMat,const cv::Mat& norfMapMat,const float boxScoreThresh,const float unClipRatio){const float minArea = 3;std::vector<TextBox> rsBoxes;rsBoxes.clear();std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;cv::findContours(norfMapMat, contours, cv::RETR_LIST,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i) {float minSideLen, perimeter;std::vector<cv::Point> minBox =getMinBoxes(contours[i], minSideLen, perimeter);if (minSideLen < minArea)continue;float score = boxScoreFast(fMapMat, contours[i]);if (score < boxScoreThresh)continue;//---use clipper start---std::vector<cv::Point> clipBox = unClip(minBox, perimeter, unClipRatio);std::vector<cv::Point> clipMinBox =getMinBoxes(clipBox, minSideLen, perimeter);//---use clipper end---if (minSideLen < minArea + 2)continue;for (int j = 0; j < clipMinBox.size(); ++j) {clipMinBox[j].x = (clipMinBox[j].x / 1.0);clipMinBox[j].x =(std::min)((std::max)(clipMinBox[j].x, 0), norfMapMat.cols);clipMinBox[j].y = (clipMinBox[j].y / 1.0);clipMinBox[j].y =(std::min)((std::max)(clipMinBox[j].y, 0), norfMapMat.rows);}rsBoxes.emplace_back(TextBox{ clipMinBox, score });}reverse(rsBoxes.begin(), rsBoxes.end());return rsBoxes;}bool DbNet::detect(cv::Mat& src, std::vector<TextBox>& results_, int _target_size){target_size = _target_size;int width = src.cols;int height = src.rows;int w = width;int h = height;float scale = 1.f;const int resizeMode = 0; // min = 0, max = 1if (resizeMode == 1) {if (w < h) {scale = (float)target_size / w;w = target_size;h = h * scale;}else {scale = (float)target_size / h;h = target_size;w = w * scale;}}else if (resizeMode == 0) {if (w > h) {scale = (float)target_size / w;w = target_size;h = h * scale;}else {scale = (float)target_size / h;w = w * scale;h = target_size;}}ncnn::Extractor extractor = net.create_extractor();ncnn::Mat out;cv::Size in_pad_size;int wpad = (w + 31) / 32 * 32 - w;int hpad = (h + 31) / 32 * 32 - h;ncnn::Mat in_pad_;ncnn::Mat input = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels_resize(src.data, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_RGB, width, height, w, h);// pad to target_size rectanglencnn::copy_make_border(input, in_pad_, hpad / 2, hpad - hpad / 2, wpad / 2,wpad - wpad / 2, ncnn::BORDER_CONSTANT, 0.f);in_pad_.substract_mean_normalize(meanValues, normValues);in_pad_size = cv::Size(in_pad_.w, in_pad_.h);extractor.input("x", in_pad_);extractor.extract("sigmoid_0.tmp_0", out);//    ncnn::Mat flattened_out = out.reshape(out.w * out.h * out.c);//-----boxThresh-----cv::Mat fMapMat(in_pad_size.height, in_pad_size.width, CV_32FC1, (float*)out.data);cv::Mat norfMapMat;norfMapMat = fMapMat > boxThresh;cv::Mat element = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(2, 2));cv::dilate(norfMapMat, norfMapMat, element, cv::Point(-1, -1), 1);std::vector<TextBox> results =findRsBoxes(fMapMat, norfMapMat, boxScoreThresh,unClipRatio);for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < results[i].boxPoint.size(); j++) {float x = float(results[i].boxPoint[j].x - (wpad / 2)) / scale;float y = float(results[i].boxPoint[j].y - (hpad / 2)) / scale;x = std::max(std::min(x, (float)(width - 1)), 0.f);y = std::max(std::min(y, (float)(height - 1)), 0.f);results[i].boxPoint[j].x = (int)x;results[i].boxPoint[j].y = (int)y;}if (abs(results[i].boxPoint[0].x - results[i].boxPoint[1].x) <= 3) {continue;}if (abs(results[i].boxPoint[0].y - results[i].boxPoint[3].y) <= 3) {continue;}results_.push_back(results[i]);}return true;}DbNet::DbNet(){}



1. OCR



#ifndef __OCR_CRNNNET_H__
#define __OCR_CRNNNET_H__#include "base_struct.h"
#include <ncnn/net.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <ncnn/cpu.h>
#include <fstream>namespace NCNNOCR
{class CrnnNet{public:CrnnNet();~CrnnNet() {};int read_model(std::string param_path = "data/ch_recv4.ncnn.param",std::string bin_path = "data/ch_recv4.ncnn.bin",std::string key_path = "data/dict_chi_sim.txt", bool use_gpu = false);int read_keys(std::string key_path);bool detect(cv::Mat& src, TextLine& result);bool detect(std::vector<cv::Mat>& src, std::vector<TextLine>& results);private:TextLine scoreToTextLine(const std::vector<float>& outputData, int h, int w);private:ncnn::Net net;const int dstHeight = 48;const int dstWidth = 320;const float meanValues[3] = { 127.5, 127.5, 127.5 };const float normValues[3] = { 1.0 / 127.5, 1.0 / 127.5, 1.0 / 127.5 };std::vector<std::string> keys;};
}#endif //__OCR_DBNET_H__


#include "crnn_net.h"namespace NCNNOCR
{template<class ForwardIterator>inline static size_t argmax(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last){return std::distance(first, std::max_element(first, last));}int CrnnNet::read_model(std::string param_path, std::string bin_path,std::string key_path, bool use_gpu){ncnn::set_cpu_powersave(2);ncnn::set_omp_num_threads(ncnn::get_big_cpu_count());net.opt = ncnn::Option();#if NCNN_VULKANnet.opt.use_vulkan_compute = use_gpu;
#endifnet.opt.num_threads = ncnn::get_big_cpu_count();int rp = net.load_param(param_path.c_str());int rb = net.load_model(bin_path.c_str());int rk = read_keys(key_path);if (rp == 0 || rb == 0 || rk == 0){return false;}return true;}int CrnnNet::read_keys(std::string key_path){std::ifstream in(key_path.c_str());std::string line;if (in){while (getline(in, line)){// line中不包括每行的换行符keys.push_back(line);}}else{printf("The keys.txt file was not found\n");}keys.insert(keys.begin(), "#");keys.emplace_back(" ");return keys.size();};TextLine CrnnNet::scoreToTextLine(const std::vector<float>& outputData, int h, int w){int keySize = keys.size();std::string strRes;std::vector<float> scores;int lastIndex = -1;int maxIndex;float maxValue;for (int i = 0; i < h; i++){maxIndex = 0;maxValue = -1000.f;maxIndex = int(argmax(outputData.begin() + i * w, outputData.begin() + i * w + w));maxValue = float(*std::max_element(outputData.begin() + i * w, outputData.begin() + i * w + w)); // / partition;if (maxIndex > 0 && maxIndex < keySize && (!(maxIndex == lastIndex))){/* std::cout << maxIndex << std::endl;*/scores.emplace_back(maxValue);//std::cout << keys[maxIndex] << std::endl;strRes.append(keys[maxIndex]);}lastIndex = maxIndex;}return { strRes, scores };}bool CrnnNet::detect(cv::Mat& src, TextLine& result){int resized_w = 0;float ratio = src.cols / float(src.rows);resized_w = ceil(dstHeight * ratio);cv::Size tmp = cv::Size(resized_w, dstHeight);ncnn::Mat input = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels_resize(src.data, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_BGR2RGB,src.cols, src.rows, tmp.width, tmp.height);input.substract_mean_normalize(meanValues, normValues);ncnn::Extractor extractor = net.create_extractor();extractor.input("in0", input);ncnn::Mat out;extractor.extract("out0", out);float* floatArray = (float*)out.data;std::vector<float> outputData(floatArray, floatArray + out.h * out.w);result = scoreToTextLine(outputData, out.h, out.w);return true;}bool CrnnNet::detect(std::vector<cv::Mat>& src,std::vector<TextLine>& results){int sizeLen = src.size();// results.resize(sizeLen);for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeLen; i++){TextLine textline;if (detect(src[i], textline)){results.emplace_back(textline);}else{return false;}}return true;}CrnnNet::CrnnNet(){}



#include "put_text.h"void get_string_size(HDC hDC, const char* str, int* w, int* h)
{SIZE size;GetTextExtentPoint32A(hDC, str, strlen(str), &size);if (w != 0) *w = size.cx;if (h != 0) *h = size.cy;
}void put_text_ch(Mat &dst, const char* str, Point org, Scalar color, int fontSize, const char* fn, bool italic, bool underline)
{CV_Assert(dst.data != 0 && (dst.channels() == 1 || dst.channels() == 3));int x, y, r, b;if (org.x > dst.cols || org.y > dst.rows) return;x = org.x < 0 ? -org.x : 0;y = org.y < 0 ? -org.y : 0;LOGFONTA lf;lf.lfHeight = -fontSize;lf.lfWidth = 0;lf.lfEscapement = 0;lf.lfOrientation = 0;lf.lfWeight = 5;lf.lfItalic = italic;   //斜体lf.lfUnderline = underline; //下划线lf.lfStrikeOut = 0;lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;lf.lfOutPrecision = 0;lf.lfClipPrecision = 0;lf.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;strcpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, fn);HFONT hf = CreateFontIndirectA(&lf);HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0);HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, hf);int strBaseW = 0, strBaseH = 0;int singleRow = 0;char buf[1 << 12];strcpy_s(buf, str);char *bufT[1 << 12];  // 这个用于分隔字符串后剩余的字符,可能会超出。//处理多行{int nnh = 0;int cw, ch;const char* ln = strtok_s(buf, "\n", bufT);while (ln != 0){get_string_size(hDC, ln, &cw, &ch);strBaseW = max(strBaseW, cw);strBaseH = max(strBaseH, ch);ln = strtok_s(0, "\n", bufT);nnh++;}singleRow = strBaseH;strBaseH *= nnh;}if (org.x + strBaseW < 0 || org.y + strBaseH < 0){SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont);DeleteObject(hf);DeleteObject(hDC);return;}r = org.x + strBaseW > dst.cols ? dst.cols - org.x - 1 : strBaseW - 1;b = org.y + strBaseH > dst.rows ? dst.rows - org.y - 1 : strBaseH - 1;org.x = org.x < 0 ? 0 : org.x;org.y = org.y < 0 ? 0 : org.y;BITMAPINFO bmp = { 0 };BITMAPINFOHEADER& bih = bmp.bmiHeader;int strDrawLineStep = strBaseW * 3 % 4 == 0 ? strBaseW * 3 : (strBaseW * 3 + 4 - ((strBaseW * 3) % 4));bih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);bih.biWidth = strBaseW;bih.biHeight = strBaseH;bih.biPlanes = 1;bih.biBitCount = 24;bih.biCompression = BI_RGB;bih.biSizeImage = strBaseH * strDrawLineStep;bih.biClrUsed = 0;bih.biClrImportant = 0;void* pDibData = 0;HBITMAP hBmp = CreateDIBSection(hDC, &bmp, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pDibData, 0, 0);CV_Assert(pDibData != 0);HBITMAP hOldBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hDC, hBmp);//color.val[2], color.val[1], color.val[0]SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));SetBkColor(hDC, 0);//SetStretchBltMode(hDC, COLORONCOLOR);strcpy_s(buf, str);const char* ln = strtok_s(buf, "\n", bufT);int outTextY = 0;while (ln != 0){TextOutA(hDC, 0, outTextY, ln, strlen(ln));outTextY += singleRow;ln = strtok_s(0, "\n", bufT);}uchar* dstData = (uchar*)dst.data;int dstStep = dst.step / sizeof(dstData[0]);unsigned char* pImg = (unsigned char*)dst.data + org.x * dst.channels() + org.y * dstStep;unsigned char* pStr = (unsigned char*)pDibData + x * 3;for (int tty = y; tty <= b; ++tty){unsigned char* subImg = pImg + (tty - y) * dstStep;unsigned char* subStr = pStr + (strBaseH - tty - 1) * strDrawLineStep;for (int ttx = x; ttx <= r; ++ttx){for (int n = 0; n < dst.channels(); ++n) {double vtxt = subStr[n] / 255.0;int cvv = vtxt * color.val[n] + (1 - vtxt) * subImg[n];subImg[n] = cvv > 255 ? 255 : (cvv < 0 ? 0 : cvv);}subStr += 3;subImg += dst.channels();}}SelectObject(hDC, hOldBmp);SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont);DeleteObject(hf);DeleteObject(hBmp);DeleteDC(hDC);



#include "EncodeConversion.h"
#include <Windows.h>//utf8 转 Unicode
extern std::wstring Utf8ToUnicode(const std::string& utf8string)
{int widesize = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8string.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);if (widesize == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION){throw std::exception("Invalid UTF-8 sequence.");}if (widesize == 0){throw std::exception("Error in conversion.");}std::vector<wchar_t> resultstring(widesize);int convresult = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8string.c_str(), -1, &resultstring[0], widesize);if (convresult != widesize){throw std::exception("La falla!");}return std::wstring(&resultstring[0]);
}//unicode 转为 ascii
extern std::string WideByteToAcsi(std::wstring& wstrcode)
{int asciisize = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, wstrcode.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);if (asciisize == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION){throw std::exception("Invalid UTF-8 sequence.");}if (asciisize == 0){throw std::exception("Error in conversion.");}std::vector<char> resultstring(asciisize);int convresult = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, wstrcode.c_str(), -1, &resultstring[0], asciisize, NULL, NULL);if (convresult != asciisize){throw std::exception("La falla!");}return std::string(&resultstring[0]);
}//utf-8 转 ascii
extern std::string UTF8ToASCII(std::string& strUtf8Code)
{std::string strRet("");//先把 utf8 转为 unicodestd::wstring wstr = Utf8ToUnicode(strUtf8Code);//最后把 unicode 转为 asciistrRet = WideByteToAcsi(wstr);return strRet;
}//ascii 转 Unicode
extern std::wstring AcsiToWideByte(std::string& strascii)
{int widesize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)strascii.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);if (widesize == ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION){throw std::exception("Invalid UTF-8 sequence.");}if (widesize == 0){throw std::exception("Error in conversion.");}std::vector<wchar_t> resultstring(widesize);int convresult = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)strascii.c_str(), -1, &resultstring[0], widesize);if (convresult != widesize){throw std::exception("La falla!");}return std::wstring(&resultstring[0]);
}//Unicode 转 Utf8
extern std::string UnicodeToUtf8(const std::wstring& widestring)
{int utf8size = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, widestring.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);if (utf8size == 0){throw std::exception("Error in conversion.");}std::vector<char> resultstring(utf8size);int convresult = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, widestring.c_str(), -1, &resultstring[0], utf8size, NULL, NULL);if (convresult != utf8size){throw std::exception("La falla!");}return std::string(&resultstring[0]);
}//ascii 转 Utf8
extern std::string ASCIIToUTF8(std::string& strAsciiCode)
{std::string strRet("");//先把 ascii 转为 unicodestd::wstring wstr = AcsiToWideByte(strAsciiCode);//最后把 unicode 转为 utf8strRet = UnicodeToUtf8(wstr);return strRet;


#include <iostream>
#include "crnn_net.h"
#include "db_net.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "put_text.h"
#include "EncodeConversion.h"int main() 
{NCNNOCR::DbNet det_net;NCNNOCR::CrnnNet rec_net;rec_net.read_model();det_net.read_model();cv::Mat img = cv::imread("235.jpg");if (img.empty()){std::cout << "empty" << std::endl;return 0;}cv::Mat drawImg = img.clone();std::vector< NCNNOCR::TextBox> boxResult;std::vector< NCNNOCR::TextLine> recResult;det_net.detect(img, boxResult,2560);recResult.resize(boxResult.size());for (size_t i = 0; i < boxResult.size(); i++) {cv::Mat partImg = NCNNOCR::getRotateCropImage(img, boxResult[i].boxPoint);rec_net.detect(partImg, recResult[i]);cv::polylines(drawImg, boxResult[i].boxPoint, true, cv::Scalar(0,0,255),4);std::string text = UTF8ToASCII(recResult.at(i).text);std::cout << text << std::endl;if (text.empty()){continue;}put_text_ch(drawImg, text.c_str(), boxResult[i].boxPoint[0], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 80);}cv::namedWindow("result", 0);cv::imshow("result", drawImg);cv::waitKey();return 0;





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https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/ 每一个 Vuex 应用的核心就是 store&#xff08;仓库&#xff09;。“store”基本上就是一个容器&#xff0c;它包含着你的应用中大部分的状态 (state)。Vuex 和单纯的全局对象有以下两点不同&#xff1a; Vuex 的状态存储是响应式的。当 Vu…

Oracle(2-9) Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Configuration

文章目录 一、基础知识1、User Backup VS RMAN2、Restoring &Recovering DB 还原&恢复数据库3、Recovery Manager Features 管理恢复功能4、RMAN Components RMAN组件5、Repository1: Control File 存储库1:控制文件6、Channel Allocation 通道道分配7、Media Manageme…

[Azure]azure磁盘加密(Windows/Linux) ADE(Azure Disk Encryption)

Azure 磁盘加密用于保护数据&#xff0c;对于Windows使用BitLocker对磁盘进行加密&#xff0c;同时与Key Vault集成&#xff0c;控制和管理Key和Secret。 本文利用Potal对磁盘进行加密 注&#xff1a;Azure DIsk Encryption 可能会导致VM重启&#xff0c;对VM造成影响&#xff…

Linux下安装MySQL 5.7

1、下载安装包 wget -i -c http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-10.noarch.rpm 2、安装MySQL包 yum -y install mysql57-community-release-el7-10.noarch.rpm 3、安装MySQL yum -y install mysql-community-server 如果出现下图失败情形&#xff0c;则…


1. Dockerfile dockerfile所在目录结构 FROM python:3.8 WORKDIR /leo RUN apt-get install -y wget RUN /bin/cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime && echo Asia/Shanghai >/etc/timezone # ssh免密登录 COPY id_rsa.pub /leo RUN mkdir ~/.s…

[ROS2] --- ROS2安装

ROS2安装到Ubuntu2204系统中&#xff0c;安装步骤如下&#xff1a; 1 设置编码 $ sudo apt update && sudo apt install locales $ sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 $ sudo update-locale LC_ALLen_US.UTF-8 LANGen_US.UTF-8 $ export LANGen_US.UTF-82 添加源 $…


项目编号&#xff1a; S 039 &#xff0c;文末获取源码。 \color{red}{项目编号&#xff1a;S039&#xff0c;文末获取源码。} 项目编号&#xff1a;S039&#xff0c;文末获取源码。 目录 一、摘要1.1 项目介绍1.2 项目录屏 二、功能模块2.1 数据中心模块2.2 瑜伽课程模块2.3 课…

创建conan包-Understanding Packaging

创建conan包-Understanding Packaging 1 Understanding Packaging1.1 Creating and Testing Packages Manually1.2 Package Creation Process 本文是基于对conan官方文档Understanding Packaging翻译而来&#xff0c; 更详细的信息可以去查阅conan官方文档。 1 Understanding …

智能优化算法应用:基于适应度相关算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码

智能优化算法应用&#xff1a;基于适应度相关算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码 文章目录 智能优化算法应用&#xff1a;基于适应度相关算法无线传感器网络(WSN)覆盖优化 - 附代码1.无线传感网络节点模型2.覆盖数学模型及分析3.适应度相关算法4.实验参数设定5.算法结果…

vue3 vue-router的安装及配置 (一)

文章目录 一、安装二、Vue Router配置2.1 vue-router两种引入方式的区别2.2 不同的历史模式 三、router-link四、router-view Vue Router作用&#xff1a;在应用程序中实现优雅的导航和路由管理。 一、安装 注意&#xff1a;vue3安装的是vue-router4,vue2安装的是vue-router3…


目录 个人情况转专业过程中的经验分享转专业后的学习建议和心态调整转专业后的时间平衡 个人情况 信息科学与工程学院计算机科学与技术专业2019级本科生&#xff0c;曾从物理与微电子科学学院后转入信息科学与技术学院。学习成绩连续三年专业前10% 项目&#xff1a;爬虫项目、…


编写程序&#xff0c;生词本。 def sayHello():print("" * 20 \n 欢迎使用生词本\n 1.查看生词本\n 2.背单词\n 3.添加新单词\n 4.删除单词\n 5.清空生词本\n 6.退出生词本\n * 20 \n)def addW(data):word input("请输入新单词&#xff1a;")trans i…


ai2021学习之快捷键介绍 F 全屏Ctr Y &#xff0c;可以在去色和全色中切换。Shift O 画板工具CtrlALTY 将矢量图转为位图。Ctrl R 可以显示标尺&#xff0c; CTRL冒号&#xff08;&#xff1a;&#xff1b;&#xff09; 隐藏参考线智能参考线CTRLshirtz 撤回撤回的撤回 Ai是一个…

python flask Jinja2模板学习

分类很好的一篇文章 Jinja2模板语法 Jinja2里常见的三种定界符&#xff1a; (1) 语句 {% ... %}(2) 表达式 {{ ... }}(3) 注释 {# ... #} {%set adazhaung%} 语句设置变量{{a}} 表达式{% if 2>1 %}控制语句以{%endif%}结尾 Jinja2支持使用“.”获取变量的属…


99乘法表的打印 分析&#xff1a; 1、需要利用两次循环进行控制循环次数 2、通过print参数进行控制打印样式 代码部分 # 外循环实现层级 for i in range(1,10):# 内循环控制计算for j in range(1,i1):# 利用print函数结尾end参数控制打印print(f"{j}*{i}{j*i}",e…