# This is a sample Python script.# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.# def print_hi(name):
# # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
# print(f'Hi, {name}') # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint.
# # Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# print_hi('PyCharm')
# # See PyCharm help at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/import openpyxl, redef SplitLine():book = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path + "\\" + raw_excel) # 读取原excelwb = book.activebook_2 = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path + "\\" + "result.xlsx") # 读取新建的resultwb_2 = book_2.activename = ["TCID", "Test Summary", "Test Priority", "Step", "Data", "Expected Result", "Test Repository Path","Pre-condition", "TestCaseType", "Automation", "LinkType", "LinkIssue"]# name = ["所属模块(*)", "用例标题(*)", "前置条件", "步骤", "预期结果", "优先级"] # result表格的首行内容for a in range(1, len(name) + 1):wb_2.cell(row=1, column=a, value=name[a - 1]) # 写入result的首行j = 2 #新建excel的行数k = 0 #回车数量b = 2#遍历所有的sheetfor sheet_name in book.sheetnames:print(book.sheetnames)sheet = book[sheet_name]a = sheet.cell(2,2).valueprint(a)print(sheet)print(sheet.max_row)with open(file_path + "\\" + "result.xlsx",encoding='utf-8') as f:for i in range(2, sheet.max_row+1):# 读取原excel的每行内容Test_Repository_Path = sheet.cell(i, 1).valuetry:Test_Repository_Path = "/对外系统用例/"+sheet_name+"/"+Test_Repository_Pathexcept:print("继续执行")# print(wb.cell(1, 1).value)print(Test_Repository_Path)Test_Summary = sheet.cell(i, 2).valuePre_condition = sheet.cell(i, 3).valueData = sheet.cell(i, 4).valueprint(Data)Expected_Result = sheet.cell(i, 5).value# 将内容写入result中wb_2.cell(row=j, column=7, value=Test_Repository_Path)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=2, value=Test_Summary)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=3, value="Medium")wb_2.cell(row=j, column=8, value=Pre_condition)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=5, value=Data)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=6, value=Expected_Result)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=9, value="功能用例")wb_2.cell(row=j, column=10, value="否")wb_2.cell(row=j, column=1, value=b-1)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=4, value=1)try:# 对Data中的内容进行识别if '\n' in Data:k = Data.count("\n")k = k + 1 # 数据量比“;”的个数多一个Data_2 = []Expected_Result_2 = []#循环所有的回车数量,分隔到每一行中for p in range(0, k):Data_2.append(re.split(r"[\n]\s*", Data.split("\n")[p]))Expected_Result_2.append(re.split(r"[\n]\s*", Expected_Result.split("\n")[p]))# print(Data_2)# print(Data_2[p][0])# # print(Data_2[0][p])wb_2.cell(row=j, column=5, value=str(Data_2[p][0]))wb_2.cell(row=j, column=6, value=str(Expected_Result_2[p][0]))wb_2.cell(row=j, column=4, value=p+1)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=1, value=b - 1)# print(wb_2.cell(row=j, column=4).value)j = j + 1else:wb_2.cell(row=j, column=5, value=Data)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=6, value=Expected_Result)wb_2.cell(row=j, column=1, value=b - 1)j = j + 1except:print("继续执行")b = b + 1book_2.save(file_path + "\\" + "result.xlsx") # 保存excelif __name__ == "__main__":file_path =r'C:\Users\12133\Desktop'raw_excel ='对外系统用例.xlsx'# file_path = input("file_path:")# raw_excel = input("excel_name:")SplitLine()