vector公司本来就给了我们一个demo,先拷贝一份下来,别把原来的文件给改坏了。我这个是CANoe12,demo代码的路径在C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\Sample Configurations 12.0.75\CAN\Diagnostics\UDSSystem\SecurityAccess\Sources,大家可以参考下,把里面这个KeyGenDll_GenerateKeyEx文件夹复制一份出来,当然你也可以用KeyGenDll_GenerateKeyExOpt,待会打开源代码看得到是差不多的。
打开Visual Studio 2019,将工程里面的工程文件GenerateKeyExImpl.vcproj拖进去,就能打开工程。展开工程,然后打开源文件GenerateKeyExImpl.cpp。
// KeyGeneration.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include <windows.h>
#include "KeyGenAlgoInterfaceEx.h"BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
{return TRUE;
}KEYGENALGO_API VKeyGenResultEx GenerateKeyEx(const unsigned char* iSeedArray, /* Array for the seed [in] */unsigned int iSeedArraySize, /* Length of the array for the seed [in] */const unsigned int iSecurityLevel, /* Security level [in] */const char* iVariant, /* Name of the active variant [in] */unsigned char* ioKeyArray, /* Array for the key [in, out] */unsigned int iKeyArraySize, /* Maximum length of the array for the key [in] */unsigned int& oSize /* Length of the key [out] */)
{if (iSeedArraySize>iKeyArraySize)return KGRE_BufferToSmall;for (unsigned int i=0;i<iSeedArraySize;i++)ioKeyArray[i]=~iSeedArray[i];oSize=iSeedArraySize;return KGRE_Ok;
/// Seed & Key DLL with extended interface and options argument
/// This is an example implementation for CANoe demo configuration "UDSsim"
//#include <windows.h>
#include "GenerateKeyExOpt.h"KEYGENALGO_API VKeyGenResultExOpt GenerateKeyExOpt(const unsigned char* ipSeedArray, // Array for the seed [in]unsigned int iSeedArraySize, // Length of the array for the seed [in]const unsigned int iSecurityLevel, // Security level [in]const char* ipVariant, // Name of the active variant [in]const char* ipOptions, // Optional parameter which might be used for OEM specific information [in]unsigned char* iopKeyArray, // Array for the key [in, out]unsigned int iMaxKeyArraySize, // Maximum length of the array for the key [in]unsigned int& oActualKeyArraySize) // Length of the key [out]
{// Check the input argumentsif( iSecurityLevel == 0 || iSecurityLevel > 10)return KGREO_SecurityLevelInvalid;if( iMaxKeyArraySize < iSeedArraySize || 4 > iSeedArraySize)return KGREO_BufferToSmall;if( !ipSeedArray || !iopKeyArray || !ipOptions || strlen( ipOptions) < iSeedArraySize)return KGREO_UnspecifiedError;// Copy the input bytes to the output bytesmemcpy( iopKeyArray, ipSeedArray, iSeedArraySize);// As an example each byte in the options array will be added to each byte of the seed array securityLevel times.for( unsigned int l = 0; l < iSecurityLevel; ++l){for( unsigned int i = 0; i < iSeedArraySize; ++i)iopKeyArray[i] += ipOptions[i];}oActualKeyArraySize = iSeedArraySize;return KGREO_Ok;
KEYGENALGO_API VKeyGenResultEx GenerateKeyEx(unsigned char* iSeedArray, /* 种子数组 */unsigned int iSeedArraySize, /* 种子长度 */const unsigned int iSecurityLevel, /* 秘钥等级(调试打印) */const char* iVariant, /* 激活状态(调试打印) */unsigned char* ioKeyArray, /* 秘钥数组 */unsigned int iKeyArraySize, /* 秘钥长度 */unsigned int& oSize /* 秘钥长度(调试打印) */)
{if (iSeedArraySize>iKeyArraySize)//秘钥长度大于种子长度的话就是长度错误return KGRE_BufferToSmall;……(这里是我的算法,计算出来的秘钥放在iSeedArray[]数组)for (int i = 0; i < iKeyArraySize; i++) {ioKeyArray[i] = iSeedArray[i];}oSize = iSeedArraySize;//这个其实没啥用,长度是CDD里面定义的return KGRE_Ok;
// CallDLL.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>using namespace std;
#define iSeedArraySize 16
const unsigned char SeedArray[iSeedArraySize] = {0xD1,0x28,0xD2,0x7B,0x25,0xCE,0x78,0x22,0xCB,0x75,0x1E,0xC8,0x71,0x1B,0xC5,0x6E }; const unsigned int iSecurityLevel = 1;
const char iVariant = 0;#define iKeyArraySize 16
unsigned char ioKeyArray[iSeedArraySize] = { 0x0 };unsigned int oSize = 0;int main()
{HINSTANCE handle = LoadLibrary(_T("SeednKey.dll"));//加载dll ,需要加上头文件tchar.h并在调用时加上_T 由句柄指向dll文件cout << "Dll Adddr:" << handle << endl;if (handle){typedef int(*GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Type)(const unsigned char*,unsigned int,const unsigned int,const char*,unsigned char*,unsigned int,unsigned int &);GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Type GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Point = (GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Type)GetProcAddress(handle, "GenerateKeyEx"); //GetProcAddress获取dll中的Add_Func函数,用add_API_Point指向函数它cout << "dll 函数的句柄返回值:" << GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Point << endl;//打印dll的函数句柄地址值,不为0就说明调用成功printf("\n");if (GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Point){int result = (*GenerateKeyExOpt_API_Point)(SeedArray,iSeedArraySize, iSecurityLevel,&iVariant, ioKeyArray, iKeyArraySize, oSize);for (int i = 0; i < iSeedArraySize; i++) {/*打印种子*/printf("SeedArray[%d]: %2X\n", i, SeedArray[i]);}printf("\n");for (int j = 0; j < iKeyArraySize; j++) {/*打印秘钥*/printf("ioKeyArray[%d]: %2X\n", j, ioKeyArray[j]);}cout << "oSize = " << oSize << endl;/*调试打印*/FreeLibrary(handle); //释放句柄}}return 0;
}// Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
// Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu