- 第二章
- 第三章
- 第四到六章
- 某年真题
3.8 对于教学数据库的三个基本表:
s( 学号 ‾ \underline{学号} 学号,姓名,年龄, 性别)
sc( 学号 , 课程号 ‾ \underline{学号, 课程号} 学号,课程号, 成绩)
c( 课程号 ‾ \underline{课程号} 课程号,课程名, 任课教师姓名)
- 查询张小飞没有选修的课程号和课程名
select cno, cname from c where not exists (select *from sinner join sc on s.sno = sc.snowhere c.cno = sc.cnoand s.sname = '张小飞' );
- 查询至少选修了3门课程的学生的学号和姓名
select s.sno, sname from s inner join sc on s.sno = sc.sno group by s.sno, sname having count(sno) >= 3;
- 查询全部学生都选修了的课程编号和课程名称
select c.cno, cname from c where not exists (select *from swhere not exists(select *from scwhere c.cno = sc.cnoand s.sno = sc.sno) );
- 在sc中删除尚无成绩的选课元组
delete from sc where grade is null;
- 把高等数学课的所有不及格成绩都改为60
update sc set grade = 60 where grade < 60 and cno in (select cno from cwhere cname = '高等数学' );
- 把低于总评成绩的女同学的成绩提高5%
update sc set grade = grade * 1.05 where sno in (select snofrom scinner join s on sc.sno = s.snowhere gener = '女'and grade < avg(grade) );
- 向c中插入元组(‘c8’, ‘vc++’, ‘王昆’)
insert into c values('c8', 'vc++', '王昆');
product (maker, model, type)
pc(model, speed, ram, hd, cd, price)
laptop(model, speed, ram, screen, price)
printer(model, color, type, price)
- 找出价格高于1万5千元,并且运行速度低于同价位pc的平均速度的laptop
select * from laptop where price > 15000 and speed < (select avg(speed)from lpcwhere laptop.price = pc.price );
- 计算厂家hp生产的pc机和laptop机的平均价格
使用并集将两张表连起来select avg(price) from product inner join pc on product.model = pc.model where maker = 'hp' group by type union select avg(price) from product inner join laptop on product.model = laptop.model where maker = 'hp' group by type;
- 找出生产价格最低的彩色打印机的厂家
select maker from product where model in (select modelfrom printer where color = trueand price <= all(select pricefrom printer) );
- 计算各厂商生产的laptop机的显示器的平均尺寸
select maker, avg(screen) from product innner join laptop on product.model = laptop.model group by maker;
- 计算每一个生产厂商的pc机的最高价格
select maker, max(price) from product inner join pc on product.model = pc.model group by maker;
- 计算生产打印机的各个厂商生产的pc机的硬盘的平均容量
select maker, avg(hd) from product inner join pc on product.model = pc.model where product.type = printer group by maker;