







[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AMGraph                     :
VertexArray    : [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
ArcArray       :
[32767 ,13    ,8     ,32767 ,30    ,32767 ,32    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,17    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
CurVertexNum   : 7
CurArcNum      : 10


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    32), [ (0,6,32) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 1
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6


第一行表示:最短边数组LowestEdgeArray索引号0存储着顶点索引:0到结束点EndVertextIndex:1,权值为13,后面的[ (0,1,13) ]可以不关注,主要是为了实现例如0->4,经过了哪些点,方便计算用的。





[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]


 2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]


  2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    32), [ (0,6,32) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 2
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13) ]


[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]

13 < 13 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:3的权值13小于上一个最小值(0,1,13)的13加上邻接矩阵3号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。

30 < 13 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:4的权值30小于上一个最小值(0,1,13)的13加上邻接矩阵4号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。

32767 > 13 + 9,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:5的权值32767 大于上一个最小值(0,1,13)的13加上邻接矩阵5号位权值9,更新LowestEdgeArray的EndVertextIndex :   5的权值位22。

32 > 13 + 7,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:6的权值32 大于上一个最小值(0,1,13)的13加上邻接矩阵6号位权值7,更新LowestEdgeArray的EndVertextIndex :   6的权值位20。


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    22), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 3
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6


[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]

30 > 13 + 6,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:4的权值30大于上一个最小值(0,3,13)的13加上邻接矩阵4号位权值6,更新LowestEdgeArray的EndVertextIndex :   4的权值位19。

22 < 13 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:5的权值22 小于上一个最小值(0,3,13)的13加上邻接矩阵5号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。

20 < 13 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:6的权值20 小于上一个最小值(0,3,13)的13加上邻接矩阵6号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    22), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 4
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6


[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]

22 >19 + 2,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:5的权值22 大于上一个最小值(0,4,19)的19加上邻接矩阵5号位权值2,更新LowestEdgeArray的EndVertextIndex :   5的权值位21。

20 < 19 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:6的权值20 小于上一个最小值(0,4,19)的19加上邻接矩阵6号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    21), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19),(0,6,20) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 5
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6


[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]

21 < 20 + 32767,LowestEdgeArray中EndVertextIndex:5的权值21 小于上一个最小值(0,6,20)的20加上邻接矩阵6号位权值32767,不更新LowestEdgeArray。


[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    21), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19),(0,6,20),(0,5,21) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 6
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6







typedef struct StAccessPath
{NetArcDataType*  AccessArray;       //存储从起始节点到目的节点的各个节点的信息。VertexIndexType  AccessArrayLen;    //AccessArray数组长度。VertexIndexType  AccessArrayMaxLen; //AccessArray数组最大长度,顶点数减一。


typedef struct StBaseDijkstra
{WeightType       WeightVal;         //从起始节点到目的节点的权值。VertexIndexType  EndVertextIndex;   //结束顶点的索引号。StAccessPath*    AccessPath;
} StBaseDijkstra;


typedef struct StDijkstra
{StBaseDijkstra* LowestEdgeArray;    //用于存储最短边变化过程的数组。NetArcDataType* PathLenArray;       //记录起始顶点到各个顶点的信息。  VertexIndexType PathLenArrayLen;    //记录PathLenArray的使用长度。VertexIndexType PathLenArrayMaxLen; //记录PathLenArray的最大使用长度。
} StDijkstra;


typedef struct StDijkstraAccees
{StAccessPath**   AccessPath;VertexIndexType  AccessPathMaxLen; //AccessPath数组最大长度,也可以说是最大行数,顶点数减一。 



Status InitStAccessPath(StAccessPath** StAP, VertexIndexType ArrayLen)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StAP);*StAP                      = (StAccessPath*)MyMalloc(sizeof(StAccessPath));(*StAP)->AccessArray       = (NetArcDataType*)MyMalloc(sizeof(NetArcDataType) * ArrayLen);(*StAP)->AccessArrayLen    = 0;(*StAP)->AccessArrayMaxLen = ArrayLen;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Init StAccessPath OK.");return SuccessFlag;



Status DestroyStAccessPath(StAccessPath** StAP)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StAP);free((*StAP)->AccessArray);(*StAP)->AccessArray       = NULL;(*StAP)->AccessArrayLen    = 0;(*StAP)->AccessArrayMaxLen = 0;free(*StAP);*StAP                      = NULL;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Destroy StAccessPath OK.");return SuccessFlag;



Status InitStDijkstra(StDijkstra** StDks, VertexIndexType VertexNum, VertexIndexType StartVertexIndex)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);VertexIndexType i          = 0;VertexIndexType j          = 0;*StDks                     = (StDijkstra*)MyMalloc(sizeof(StDijkstra));(*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray  = (StBaseDijkstra*)MyMalloc(sizeof(StBaseDijkstra) * (VertexNum - 1));for(i = 0,j = 0; i < VertexNum - 1; i++,j++){InitStAccessPath(&((*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath), VertexNum - 1);if (j == StartVertexIndex){j++;}(*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex = j;(*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal       = 0;}(*StDks)->PathLenArray       = (NetArcDataType*)MyMalloc(sizeof(NetArcDataType) * (VertexNum - 1));(*StDks)->PathLenArrayLen    = 0;(*StDks)->PathLenArrayMaxLen = VertexNum - 1;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Init StDijkstra OK.");return SuccessFlag;



Status DestroyStDijkstra(StDijkstra** StDks)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);VertexIndexType i = 0;for(i = 0; i < (*StDks)->PathLenArrayMaxLen; i++){DestroyStAccessPath(&((*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath));(*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex = 0;(*StDks)->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal       = 0;}free((*StDks)->PathLenArray);(*StDks)->PathLenArray = NULL;(*StDks)->PathLenArrayLen    = 0;(*StDks)->PathLenArrayMaxLen = 0;free(*StDks);*StDks                       = NULL;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Destroy StDijkstra OK.");return SuccessFlag;



Status InitStDijkstraAccees(StDijkstraAccees** StDA, VertexIndexType VertexNum)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);VertexIndexType i         = 0;*StDA                     = (StDijkstraAccees*)MyMalloc(sizeof(StDijkstraAccees));(*StDA)->AccessPath       = (StAccessPath**)MyMalloc(sizeof(StAccessPath*) * (VertexNum - 1));for (i = 0; i < VertexNum - 1; i++){InitStAccessPath(&((*StDA)->AccessPath[i]), VertexNum - 1);}(*StDA)->AccessPathMaxLen = VertexNum - 1;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Init StDijkstraAccees OK.");return SuccessFlag;


Status DestroyStDijkstraAccees(StDijkstraAccees** StDA)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);VertexIndexType i         = 0;for (i = 0; i < (*StDA)->AccessPathMaxLen; i++){DestroyStAccessPath(&((*StDA)->AccessPath[i]));}free((*StDA)->AccessPath);(*StDA)->AccessPath       = NULL;(*StDA)->AccessPathMaxLen = 0;free(*StDA);*StDA                     = NULL;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Destroy StDijkstraAccees OK.");return SuccessFlag;


//SuccessFlag 表示被访问。FailFlag 表示没有被访问。
Status JudgeVertexIsAccessed(StDijkstra* StDks, VertexIndexType VertexIndex)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);VertexIndexType i = 0;for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayLen; i++){if (VertexIndex == StDks->PathLenArray[i].EndVertexIndex){LogFormat(Debug,"Judge Vertex(%d) Is Accessed.\n",VertexIndex);return SuccessFlag;}}LogFormat(Debug,"Judge Vertex(%d) Is Not Accessed.\n",VertexIndex);return FailFlag;


Status PushData2StAccessPath(StAccessPath* StAP, NetArcDataType Data)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StAP);LogFormat(Debug,"(StartVertexIndex : %d, EndVertexIndex : %d, Weight : %d)\n",Data.StartVertexIndex,Data.EndVertexIndex,Data.Weight);if (StAP->AccessArrayLen == StAP->AccessArrayMaxLen){LogFormat(Error, "%s\n", "StAccessPath Is Full, Exit.");exit(ExceptionExitFlag);}StAP->AccessArray[StAP->AccessArrayLen] = Data;//结构体复制。(StAP->AccessArrayLen)++;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Push Data To StAccessPath OK.");return SuccessFlag;    


Status ClearData2StAccessPath(StAccessPath* StAP)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StAP);StAP->AccessArrayLen = 0;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.");return SuccessFlag;    


Status PushData2PathLenArray(StDijkstra* StDks, NetArcDataType Data)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);if (StDks->PathLenArrayLen == StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen){LogFormat(Error, "%s\n", "PathLenArray Is Full, Exit.");exit(ExceptionExitFlag);}StDks->PathLenArray[StDks->PathLenArrayLen] = Data;//结构体复制。(StDks->PathLenArrayLen)++;PrintfStDijkstra(StDks, Debug);LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Push Data To StAccessPath OK.");return SuccessFlag;    


Status PushData2LowestEdgeArray(StDijkstra* StDks, AMGraph* AMG, VertexIndexType PushVertexIndex, VertexIndexType* ReturnVertexIndex, WeightType* ReturnWeightVal)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);JudgeAllNullPointer(AMG);JudgeAllNullPointer(ReturnVertexIndex);JudgeAllNullPointer(ReturnWeightVal);VertexIndexType i                   = 0;*ReturnWeightVal                    = MAX_INT_TYPE_NUM;//返回找出的最小权值。//VertexIndexType ShortestWeightIndex = 0;               //最小权值在最短边数组中的索引号,后续更新到访问路径StDijkstraAccees使用。NetArcDataType TmpData;if (StDks->PathLenArrayLen == 0)//说明LowestEdgeArray数组中没有数据,需要先加载一次数据,后面才好进行数据对比。{for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen; i++){   StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal = AMG->ArcArray[PushVertexIndex][StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex];//将访问路径信息写入到结构体StAccessPath中。if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal != MAX_INT_TYPE_NUM){TmpData.StartVertexIndex = PushVertexIndex;TmpData.EndVertexIndex   = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex;TmpData.Weight           = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal;PushData2StAccessPath(StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath,TmpData);}if (*ReturnWeightVal > StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal)//找权值最小的索引号。{*ReturnWeightVal    = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal;*ReturnVertexIndex  = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex;//ShortestWeightIndex = i;}}}else//说明LowestEdgeArray数组已经有了数据,我们需要对比之前的数据,比原值小的进行更新,不然跳过。{for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen; i++){if (JudgeVertexIsAccessed(StDks, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex) == SuccessFlag)//访问过的点不需要更新权值{continue;}//如果邻接矩阵中的权值+上一个最短边数组中的权值<最短边数组中的权值,进行数据更新。if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal > AMG->ArcArray[PushVertexIndex][StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex] + StDks->PathLenArray[StDks->PathLenArrayLen - 1].Weight){StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal = AMG->ArcArray[PushVertexIndex][StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex] + StDks->PathLenArray[StDks->PathLenArrayLen - 1].Weight;//将访问路径信息写入到结构体StAccessPath中。//下面这段逻辑需要改进,理想中是可以直接查出起始节点到个节点的路径信息。//暂时没有想到其他好的方法。//现在是申请了顶点个数相当的数组个数,其实只用了数组中的第一个空间,这个先不改了,想为了上面的改进做准备。if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal != MAX_INT_TYPE_NUM){TmpData.StartVertexIndex = PushVertexIndex;TmpData.EndVertexIndex   = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex;TmpData.Weight           = AMG->ArcArray[PushVertexIndex][StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex];ClearData2StAccessPath(StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath);PushData2StAccessPath(StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath,TmpData);}}if (*ReturnWeightVal > StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal)//找权值最小的索引号。{*ReturnWeightVal    = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal;*ReturnVertexIndex  = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex;//ShortestWeightIndex = i;}}}LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.");return SuccessFlag;



Status PushData2StDijkstraAccees(StDijkstraAccees* StDA, VertexIndexType InsertNodeIndex, VertexIndexType StartIndex, VertexIndexType EndIndex, WeightType Weight)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);if (InsertNodeIndex >= StDA->AccessPathMaxLen){LogFormat(Error, "Parameter InsertNodeIndex(%d) Need < AccessPathMaxLen(%d), Exit.\n", InsertNodeIndex, StDA->AccessPathMaxLen);exit(ExceptionExitFlag);}if (StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayLen == StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayMaxLen){LogFormat(Error, "AccessPath[%d] Is Full, AccessArrayMaxLen : %d, Exit.\n", InsertNodeIndex, StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayMaxLen);exit(ExceptionExitFlag);}StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArray[StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayLen].StartVertexIndex = StartIndex;StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArray[StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayLen].EndVertexIndex   = EndIndex;StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArray[StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayLen].Weight           = Weight;StDA->AccessPath[InsertNodeIndex]->AccessArrayLen++;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.");return SuccessFlag;    


Status StatisticsStDijkstraAccees(StDijkstra* StDks, StDijkstraAccees* StDA, VertexIndexType StartVertexIndex)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);   VertexIndexType  i            = 0;VertexIndexType  j            = 0;VertexIndexType  x            = 0;VertexIndexType  TmpIndex     = 0;//临时变量,存放顶点索引信息。VertexIndexType* VisitedArray = (VertexIndexType*)MyMalloc(StDks->PathLenArrayLen * sizeof(VertexIndexType));//存放已经命中的索引。for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen; i++){//LogFormat(Debug,"i : %d, StartVertexIndex : %d\n",i,StartVertexIndex);if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen == 0)//访问节点数组长度为0时,跳过。{continue;}//LogFormat(Debug,"(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",VisitedArray[0],VisitedArray[1],VisitedArray[2],VisitedArray[3],VisitedArray[4],VisitedArray[5]);//取最外层的顶点信息,如果起始节点等于传入的起始节点索引,不需要寻找其祖先顶点。if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].StartVertexIndex == StartVertexIndex){LogFormat(Debug, "No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : %d, StartVertexIndex : %d\n",i,StartVertexIndex);PushData2StDijkstraAccees(StDA, i, StartVertexIndex, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].EndVertexIndex, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].Weight);continue;}for ( x = 0; x < StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen; x++)//初始化VisitedArray数据{if (StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen == 0){VisitedArray[x] = VISITED_FLAG;}else{VisitedArray[x] = NOT_VISITED_FLAG;}}PushData2StDijkstraAccees(StDA, i, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].StartVertexIndex, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].EndVertexIndex, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].Weight);VisitedArray[i] = VISITED_FLAG;TmpIndex        = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].StartVertexIndex;j               = 0;while (TmpIndex != StartVertexIndex){if (VisitedArray[j] == VISITED_FLAG)//如果这个节点被访问了,就不需要进行访问了{continue;}//LogFormat(Debug,"(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",VisitedArray[0],VisitedArray[1],VisitedArray[2],VisitedArray[3],VisitedArray[4],VisitedArray[5]);//LogFormat(Debug,"j : %d, TmpIndex : %d, CmpIndex : %d,StartVertexIndex : %d\n",j,TmpIndex,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].EndVertexIndex,StartVertexIndex);if (TmpIndex == StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].EndVertexIndex){PushData2StDijkstraAccees(StDA, i, StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].StartVertexIndex,TmpIndex,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].Weight);TmpIndex = StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArray[StDks->LowestEdgeArray[j].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen - 1].StartVertexIndex;VisitedArray[j] = VISITED_FLAG;j = 0;continue;}j++;}//memset(VisitedArray, NOT_VISITED_FLAG, StDks->PathLenArrayLen * sizeof(VertexIndexType));}free(VisitedArray);VisitedArray = NULL;LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Statistics StDijkstraAccees OK.");return SuccessFlag; 


Status DijkstraAlgorithm(AMGraph* AMG, StDijkstraAccees* StDA, VertexIndexType StartVertexIndex)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(AMG);JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);if (AMG->DirectionFlag != NET_DIRECTION_FLAG){LogFormat(Warning, "Dijkstra Algorithm Need Directed Net.\n");return FailFlag;}StDijkstra*     StDks              = NULL;VertexIndexType ReturnVertexIndex  = 0;WeightType      ReturnWeightVal    = 0;VertexIndexType TmpVertexIndex     = 0;NetArcDataType  TmpData;InitStDijkstra(&StDks, AMG->CurVertexNum, StartVertexIndex);PushData2LowestEdgeArray(StDks, AMG, StartVertexIndex, &ReturnVertexIndex, &ReturnWeightVal);TmpData.StartVertexIndex = StartVertexIndex;TmpData.EndVertexIndex   = ReturnVertexIndex;TmpData.Weight           = ReturnWeightVal;TmpVertexIndex           = ReturnVertexIndex;PushData2PathLenArray(StDks, TmpData);while(StDks->PathLenArrayLen != StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen){PushData2LowestEdgeArray(StDks, AMG, TmpVertexIndex, &ReturnVertexIndex, &ReturnWeightVal);if (ReturnWeightVal == MAX_INT_TYPE_NUM)//如果返回无穷大权值,说明已经找到所有可访问路径。{LogFormat(Debug, "ReturnWeightVal : %d, Find All Access Path Ahead Of Time.\n",MAX_INT_TYPE_NUM);break;}TmpData.StartVertexIndex = StartVertexIndex;TmpData.EndVertexIndex   = ReturnVertexIndex;TmpData.Weight           = ReturnWeightVal;TmpVertexIndex           = ReturnVertexIndex;PushData2PathLenArray(StDks, TmpData);}StatisticsStDijkstraAccees(StDks, StDA, StartVertexIndex);DestroyStDijkstra(&StDks);LogFormat(Debug, "%s\n", "Dijkstra Algorithm OK.");return SuccessFlag;


Status PrintfStDijkstra(StDijkstra* StDks, int PrintLevel)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDks);VertexIndexType i      = 0;VertexIndexType j      = 0;char*           string = (char*)MyCalloc(STR_TYPE_SIZE, sizeof(char));CopyStr*        PS     = NULL;InitCopyStr(&PS);ExecCopyStr(PS,"Printf StDijkstra\n");ExecCopyStr(PS,"LowestEdgeArray    :\n");for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen; i++){sprintf(string,"%3d : (EndVertextIndex : %3d, WeightVal : %5d), [ ",i,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].EndVertextIndex,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].WeightVal);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);for (j = 0; j < StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArrayLen; j++){sprintf(string,"(%d,%d,%d),", StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[j].StartVertexIndex,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[j].EndVertexIndex,StDks->LowestEdgeArray[i].AccessPath->AccessArray[j].Weight);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);}PS->String[PS->StrEffectiveLen-1] = ' ';ExecCopyStr(PS,"]\n");}ExecCopyStr(PS,"PathLenArray       : [ ");for (i = 0; i < StDks->PathLenArrayLen; i++){sprintf(string,"(%d,%d,%d),",StDks->PathLenArray[i].StartVertexIndex,StDks->PathLenArray[i].EndVertexIndex,StDks->PathLenArray[i].Weight);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);}PS->String[PS->StrEffectiveLen-1] = ' ';ExecCopyStr(PS,"]\n");sprintf(string,"PathLenArrayLen    : %d\n",StDks->PathLenArrayLen);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);sprintf(string,"PathLenArrayMaxLen : %d\n",StDks->PathLenArrayMaxLen);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);Log(PS->String, PrintLevel);DestroyCopyStr(&PS);free(string);string = NULL;return SuccessFlag;


Status PrintfStDijkstraAccees(StDijkstraAccees* StDA, int PrintLevel)
{JudgeAllNullPointer(StDA);VertexIndexType i      = 0;VertexIndexType j      = 0;char*           string = (char*)MyCalloc(STR_TYPE_SIZE, sizeof(char));CopyStr*        PS     = NULL;InitCopyStr(&PS);ExecCopyStr(PS,"Printf StDijkstra\n");ExecCopyStr(PS,"AccessPath         :\n");for (i = 0; i < StDA->AccessPathMaxLen; i++){ExecCopyStr(PS,"[ ");for (j = 0; j < StDA->AccessPath[i]->AccessArrayLen; j++){sprintf(string,"(%d,%d,%d),",StDA->AccessPath[i]->AccessArray[j].StartVertexIndex,StDA->AccessPath[i]->AccessArray[j].EndVertexIndex,StDA->AccessPath[i]->AccessArray[j].Weight);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);}PS->String[PS->StrEffectiveLen-1] = ' ';ExecCopyStr(PS,"]\n");}sprintf(string,"AccessPathMaxLen : %d\n",StDA->AccessPathMaxLen);ExecCopyStr(PS,string);Log(PS->String, PrintLevel);DestroyCopyStr(&PS);free(string);string = NULL;return SuccessFlag;



[root@czg2 Graph]# ./TestGraph 
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Data                    : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AMGraph             : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AMGraph                     :
VertexArray    : [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
ArcArray       :
[32767 ,13    ,8     ,32767 ,30    ,32767 ,32    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,17    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
CurVertexNum   : 7
CurArcNum      : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AGraph              : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AGraph                      :
0 : [ (6, 32, 0x18e68d0),(4, 30, 0x18e68b0),(2, 8, 0x18e6890),(1, 13, (nil))]
1 : [ (6, 7, 0x18e6910),(5, 9, (nil))]
2 : [ (3, 5, (nil))]
3 : [ (4, 6, (nil))]
4 : [ (5, 2, (nil))]
5 : [ (6, 17, (nil))]
6 : []
VertexNum      : 7
ArcNum         : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AMGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Kluskal WeightSort OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf WeightSortList
Data : [(4, 5, 2, 0x18e6cb0),(2, 3, 5, 0x18e6cd0),(3, 4, 6, 0x18e6c70),(1, 6, 7, 0x18e6c30),(0, 2, 8, 0x18e6c90),(1, 5, 9, 0x18e6c50),(0, 1, 13, 0x18e6d10),(5, 6, 17, 0x18e6c10),(0, 4, 30, 0x18e6bf0),(0, 6, 32, 0x18e6cf0)]
NodeCnt : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Kluskal Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (4,5,2),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(1,6,7),(0,2,8),(1,5,9)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 1
ArrayMaxLen : 7
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init ShortestEdgeArray OK
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 2
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 2
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 3
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 3
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 4
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 4
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 5
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 5
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 6
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy ShortestEdgeArray OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Prim Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (0,2,8),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(4,5,2),(0,1,13),(1,6,7)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 5, Weight : 9)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 6, Weight : 7)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     9), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :     7), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 1
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     9), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :     7), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (1,6,7),(1,5,9) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 2
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--ReturnWeightVal : 32767, Find All Access Path Ahead Of Time.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 4, StartVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 5, StartVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Statistics StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Dijkstra Algorithm OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
AccessPath         :
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ (1,5,9) ]
[ (1,6,7) ]
AccessPathMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Data                   : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AMGraph            : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AGraph             : OK
[root@czg2 Graph]# vim makefile 
[root@czg2 Graph]# 
[root@czg2 Graph]# 
[root@czg2 Graph]# make
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O3 ../Log/Log.c ../PublicFunction/PublicFunction.c ../PublicFunction/SqQueue/SqQueue.c Graph.c MinimumSpanningTree.c ShortestPath.c main.c -o TestGraph -I ../Log/ -I ../PublicFunction/ -I ../Select/ -I ../PublicFunction/SqQueue/
[root@czg2 Graph]# ./TestGraph 
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Data                    : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AMGraph             : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AMGraph                     :
VertexArray    : [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
ArcArray       :
[32767 ,13    ,8     ,32767 ,30    ,32767 ,32    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,17    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
CurVertexNum   : 7
CurArcNum      : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AGraph              : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AGraph                      :
0 : [ (6, 32, 0x1e238d0),(4, 30, 0x1e238b0),(2, 8, 0x1e23890),(1, 13, (nil))]
1 : [ (6, 7, 0x1e23910),(5, 9, (nil))]
2 : [ (3, 5, (nil))]
3 : [ (4, 6, (nil))]
4 : [ (5, 2, (nil))]
5 : [ (6, 17, (nil))]
6 : []
VertexNum      : 7
ArcNum         : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AMGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Kluskal WeightSort OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf WeightSortList
Data : [(4, 5, 2, 0x1e23cb0),(2, 3, 5, 0x1e23cd0),(3, 4, 6, 0x1e23c70),(1, 6, 7, 0x1e23c30),(0, 2, 8, 0x1e23c90),(1, 5, 9, 0x1e23c50),(0, 1, 13, 0x1e23d10),(5, 6, 17, 0x1e23c10),(0, 4, 30, 0x1e23bf0),(0, 6, 32, 0x1e23cf0)]
NodeCnt : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Kluskal Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (4,5,2),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(1,6,7),(0,2,8),(1,5,9)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 1
ArrayMaxLen : 7
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init ShortestEdgeArray OK
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 2
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 2
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 3
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 3
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 4
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 4
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 5
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 5
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 6
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy ShortestEdgeArray OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Prim Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (0,2,8),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(4,5,2),(0,1,13),(1,6,7)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 0, EndVertexIndex : 1, Weight : 13)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 0, EndVertexIndex : 2, Weight : 8)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 0, EndVertexIndex : 4, Weight : 30)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 0, EndVertexIndex : 6, Weight : 32)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    32), [ (0,6,32) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 1
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 2, EndVertexIndex : 3, Weight : 5)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    32), [ (0,6,32) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 2
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 5, Weight : 9)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 6, Weight : 7)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    30), [ (0,4,30) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    22), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 3
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 3, EndVertexIndex : 4, Weight : 6)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    22), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 4
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 4, EndVertexIndex : 5, Weight : 2)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    21), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19),(0,6,20) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 5
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal :    13), [ (0,1,13) ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal :     8), [ (0,2,8) ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal :    13), [ (2,3,5) ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :    19), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :    21), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    20), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (0,2,8),(0,1,13),(0,3,13),(0,4,19),(0,6,20),(0,5,21) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 6
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 0, StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 1, StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,0,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,0,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 2, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 3,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,1,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,1,0,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,0,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 4, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,0,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 4, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,0,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 2, TmpIndex : 4, CmpIndex : 3,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,0,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 3, TmpIndex : 4, CmpIndex : 4,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,1,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 2, TmpIndex : 3, CmpIndex : 3,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,1,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,1,1,1,0)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 1, TmpIndex : 2, CmpIndex : 2,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(0,0,0,0,0,1)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--j : 0, TmpIndex : 1, CmpIndex : 1,StartVertexIndex : 0
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Statistics StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Dijkstra Algorithm OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
AccessPath         :
[ (0,1,13) ]
[ (0,2,8) ]
[ (2,3,5),(0,2,8) ]
[ (3,4,6),(2,3,5),(0,2,8) ]
[ (4,5,2),(3,4,6),(2,3,5),(0,2,8) ]
[ (1,6,7),(0,1,13) ]
AccessPathMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Data                   : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AMGraph            : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AGraph             : OK


[root@czg2 Graph]# ./TestGraph 
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Data                    : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AMGraph             : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AMGraph                     :
VertexArray    : [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
ArcArray       :
[32767 ,13    ,8     ,32767 ,30    ,32767 ,32    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,17    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
CurVertexNum   : 7
CurArcNum      : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AGraph              : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AGraph                      :
0 : [ (6, 32, 0x18e68d0),(4, 30, 0x18e68b0),(2, 8, 0x18e6890),(1, 13, (nil))]
1 : [ (6, 7, 0x18e6910),(5, 9, (nil))]
2 : [ (3, 5, (nil))]
3 : [ (4, 6, (nil))]
4 : [ (5, 2, (nil))]
5 : [ (6, 17, (nil))]
6 : []
VertexNum      : 7
ArcNum         : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AMGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Kluskal WeightSort OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf WeightSortList
Data : [(4, 5, 2, 0x18e6cb0),(2, 3, 5, 0x18e6cd0),(3, 4, 6, 0x18e6c70),(1, 6, 7, 0x18e6c30),(0, 2, 8, 0x18e6c90),(1, 5, 9, 0x18e6c50),(0, 1, 13, 0x18e6d10),(5, 6, 17, 0x18e6c10),(0, 4, 30, 0x18e6bf0),(0, 6, 32, 0x18e6cf0)]
NodeCnt : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Kluskal Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (4,5,2),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(1,6,7),(0,2,8),(1,5,9)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 1
ArrayMaxLen : 7
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init ShortestEdgeArray OK
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 2
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 2
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 3
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 3
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 4
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 4
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 5
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 5
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 6
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy ShortestEdgeArray OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Prim Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (0,2,8),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(4,5,2),(0,1,13),(1,6,7)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 5, Weight : 9)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 1, EndVertexIndex : 6, Weight : 7)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     9), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :     7), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 1
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   3, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     9), [ (1,5,9) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :     7), [ (1,6,7) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (1,6,7),(1,5,9) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 2
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(3) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--ReturnWeightVal : 32767, Find All Access Path Ahead Of Time.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 4, StartVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 5, StartVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Statistics StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Dijkstra Algorithm OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
AccessPath         :
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ (1,5,9) ]
[ (1,6,7) ]
AccessPathMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Data                   : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AMGraph            : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AGraph             : OK


[root@czg2 Graph]# ./TestGraph 
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Data                    : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AMGraph             : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AMGraph                     :
VertexArray    : [0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ]
ArcArray       :
[32767 ,13    ,8     ,32767 ,30    ,32767 ,32    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,9     ,7     ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,5     ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,6     ,32767 ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,2     ,32767 ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,17    ]
[32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ,32767 ]
CurVertexNum   : 7
CurArcNum      : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Create Net Use AGraph              : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf AGraph                      :
0 : [ (6, 32, 0xdcd8d0),(4, 30, 0xdcd8b0),(2, 8, 0xdcd890),(1, 13, (nil))]
1 : [ (6, 7, 0xdcd910),(5, 9, (nil))]
2 : [ (3, 5, (nil))]
3 : [ (4, 6, (nil))]
4 : [ (5, 2, (nil))]
5 : [ (6, 17, (nil))]
6 : []
VertexNum      : 7
ArcNum         : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AMGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AMGraph               : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Enter SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Leave SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy SqQueue Normal
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Breadth First Search Use AGraph OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Traverse Use AGraph                : [6 ]
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Kluskal WeightSort OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf WeightSortList
Data : [(4, 5, 2, 0xdcdcb0),(2, 3, 5, 0xdcdcd0),(3, 4, 6, 0xdcdc70),(1, 6, 7, 0xdcdc30),(0, 2, 8, 0xdcdc90),(1, 5, 9, 0xdcdc50),(0, 1, 13, 0xdcdd10),(5, 6, 17, 0xdcdc10),(0, 4, 30, 0xdcdbf0),(0, 6, 32, 0xdcdcf0)]
NodeCnt : 10
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,-1 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,-1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,-1 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf Parent Array
{ -1 ,-1 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,4 ,1 }
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy WeightSortList OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Kluskal Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (4,5,2),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(1,6,7),(0,2,8),(1,5,9)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 1
ArrayMaxLen : 7
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init ShortestEdgeArray OK
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 2
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 2
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 3
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 3
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 4
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 4
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 5
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 5
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 1
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf ShortestEdgeArray
ArrayLen    : 6
ArrayMaxLen : 7
LowestEdgeVertexIndex : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy ShortestEdgeArray OK
[2023-7]--[ Info  ]--Prim Create MST OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf MST
{ (0,2,8),(2,3,5),(3,4,6),(4,5,2),(0,1,13),(1,6,7)}
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Init StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 3, EndVertexIndex : 4, Weight : 6)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :     6), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]
PathLenArray       : [ (3,4,6) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 1
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 4, EndVertexIndex : 5, Weight : 2)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :     6), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     8), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]
PathLenArray       : [ (3,4,6),(3,5,8) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 2
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Clear Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--(StartVertexIndex : 5, EndVertexIndex : 6, Weight : 17)
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
LowestEdgeArray    :0 : (EndVertextIndex :   0, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]1 : (EndVertextIndex :   1, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]2 : (EndVertextIndex :   2, WeightVal : 32767), [ ]3 : (EndVertextIndex :   4, WeightVal :     6), [ (3,4,6) ]4 : (EndVertextIndex :   5, WeightVal :     8), [ (4,5,2) ]5 : (EndVertextIndex :   6, WeightVal :    25), [ (5,6,17) ]
PathLenArray       : [ (3,4,6),(3,5,8),(3,6,25) ]
PathLenArrayLen    : 3
PathLenArrayMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(0) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(1) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(2) Is Not Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(4) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(5) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Judge Vertex(6) Is Accessed.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To Lowest Edge Array OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--ReturnWeightVal : 32767, Find All Access Path Ahead Of Time.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--No Need To Traverse, Find OK, i : 3, StartVertexIndex : 3
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Push Data To StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Statistics StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstra OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Dijkstra Algorithm OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Printf StDijkstra
AccessPath         :
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ (3,4,6) ]
[ (4,5,2),(3,4,6) ]
[ (5,6,17),(4,5,2),(3,4,6) ]
AccessPathMaxLen : 6
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StAccessPath OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy StDijkstraAccees OK.
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Data                   : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AMGraph            : OK
[2023-7]--[ Debug ]--Destroy Net Use AGraph             : OK




【ArcGIS Pro二次开发】(54):三调名称转用地用海名称

三调地类和用地用海地类之间有点相似但并不一致。 在做规划时&#xff0c;拿到的三调&#xff0c;都需要将三调地类转换为用地用海地类&#xff0c;然后才能做后续的工作。 一般情况下&#xff0c;三调转用地用海存在【一对一&#xff0c;多对一和一对多】3种情况。 前2种情况…




目录 写在前面安装使用参考完 写在前面 1、本文内容 Mac上安装sshfs 2、平台 mac 3、转载请注明出处&#xff1a; https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41102371/article/details/130156287 安装 参考&#xff1a;https://ports.macports.org/port/sshfs/ 通过port安装 点击啊insta…


根据国家电力行业发展报告统计&#xff0c;截止到 2018 年&#xff0c;全国电网 35 千伏及以上的输电线路回路长度达到 189 万千米&#xff0c;220 千伏及以上输电线路回路长度达73 万千米。截止到 2015年&#xff0c;根据国家电网公司的统计 330 千伏及以上输电线路故障跳闸总…


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BLE基础理论/Android BLE开发示例

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Event&#xff1a;用于在对象之间进行通信和交互的机制。它可以帮助你实现触发和响应特定动作或状态的逻辑一、Event System&#xff1a;用于处理 UI 事件的系统组件 First Selected 属性&#xff1a;定义了在场景加载或 UI 激活时&#xff0c;哪个 UI 元素将成为首选的选中元素…


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【C#】.Net Framework框架下的Authorize权限类

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Docker是一个快速交付应用、运行应用的技术。 Docker基本操作--容器 示例&#xff1a;创建运行一个Nginx容器