虚拟机保护工具:Zerto Virtual Replication 10.0 U1 Crack

Zerto虚拟复制是为需要保护虚拟机和应用程序的企业设计的产品。通过通过连接到广域网或云到远程站点的复制来保护虚拟机。Zerto VR 2.0还可以与vCloud Director一起将虚拟机或虚拟机组复制到云端(或从云端)。

事实上,Zerto与33家云提供商合作,提供云灾难恢复服务(DR)。所有云合作伙伴都有Zerto 2.0虚拟复制(ZVR)在其环境中运行。即使您的公司没有自己的灾难恢复网站,您仍然可以与Zerto合作伙伴之一选择灾难恢复服务。

另一方面,Zerto可以在较小的环境中使用vSphere Essentials Package,这是一个面向SMB市场的vSphere软件包。vSphere Essentials,它可以使用完整的VCenter Server进行集中管理,最多处理3个物理主机(每个CPU套接字2个)。这样我们可以想象一个灾难恢复站点只有一个带有本地存储的ESXI服务器,一个VCenter服务器虚拟机和Zerto作为灾难恢复解决方案。这个简单而廉价的选项显然可以在以后需要保护更多虚拟机时更新。

Protect All Your Data. All the Time.
One continuous software experience for ransomware resilience, disaster recovery, and data mobility for on-premises and cloud

Zerto for VMware 
Join us for an exciting webinar as we delve into the dynamic synergy between Zerto and VMware, providing rapid ransomware recovery and seamless DR.  

ESG 2023 Ransomware Preparedness
Get the key findings from a survey conducted by ESG about the proactive and reactive measures organizations have in place to defend against ransomware.    

5 Critical Reasons for Microsoft 365 Backup
Where is the Save button for Microsoft 365? Learn why you need protection and how Zerto can help you.

Thwart Ransomware with Zerto Cyber Resilience Vault
Learn how an isolated data vault using true air gaps and immutability can help you detect and recover from ransomware.

Make Life Easy for IT
Automated disaster recovery and data mobility to help you achieve your IT goals. 

How Much is Downtime Costing You?
How Much Can You Save?

Eliminate manual processes to recover, migrate, failover, and test with simple, automated, and intuitive orchestration. Accelerate your IT initiatives and focus on the business needs.

Automate and streamline disaster recovery, and migration operations to free up your team to focus on what’s next for your organization. 

Consolidate your tools for disaster recovery, and data mobility using a single, software-only solution. Gain up to 50% total cost of ownership (TCO) savings, minimize your need for hardware, and easily adopt cost-effective cloud. 

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Continuously protect, move, and recover enterprise applications and data at scale to, from and within any cloud.

Continuous Data Protection (CDP)
Get the fastest RPOs and RTOs with always-on replication, application recovery, and journal-based recovery. No more snapshots.

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Failover, move, and test in a few clicks without impact to production. Automate testing and compliance reporting and perform seamless migrations. 

Plan workloads with powerful monitoring and visibility. Confidently monitor recovery SLAs while forecasting future infrastructure needs to another site or the cloud.

Simplicity at Scale
Easy implementation, deployment, and management of thousands of VMs with one experience and interface across on-premises and cloud.

Easy integration with existing infrastructure  
Flexibility to fit into any infrastructure with a software-only approach. No vendor lock-in, and no additional hardware or appliances required.

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One solution for many use cases 
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