

  • 4.3 字符串
    • 4.3.1 字符串的定义与存储
    • 4.3.2 字符串的基本操作(链式存储)
      • 1. 结构体
      • 2. 初始化
      • 3. 判空
      • 4. 串尾添加
      • 5. 打印
      • 6. 串长统计
      • 7. 查找
      • 8. 复制
      • 9. 插入
      • 10. 删除
      • 11. 串拼接
      • 12. 销毁
      • 13. 主函数
      • 14. 代码整合

4.3 字符串

  字符串(String)是由零个或多个字符(char)顺序排列组成的有限序列,简称为串。例如 “good morning”就是由12个字符构成的一个字符串。一般把字符串记作:

S = ′ ′ a 0 a 1 … a n − 1 ′ ′ S=''a_{0} a_{1}…a_{n-1}'' S=′′a0a1an1′′

  其中S是串名,引号中的字符序列是串值。字符个数是串的长度,长度为0的串被称为空串,因为它不包含任何字符。需要注意的是,空格字符(" ")并不是空串,因为它包含一个字符——空格。
【重拾C语言】六、批量数据组织(三)数组初值;字符串、字符数组、字符串数组;类型定义 typedef

4.3.1 字符串的定义与存储


  • 顺序存储:字符串的字符按照顺序依次存储在连续的内存空间中。这种方式使得字符串的访问和操作效率较高,可以通过索引直接访问任意位置的字符。在顺序存储方式中,字符串的长度可以通过计算字符个数或者遇到’\0’结束符来确定。

  • 链式存储:字符串的字符通过链表的方式进行存储。每个节点包含一个字符和指向下一个节点的指针。链式存储方式可以动态地分配内存,适用于长度可变的字符串。但是相比于顺序存储,链式存储方式需要更多的内存空间,并且访问字符需要遍历链表。


4.3.2 字符串的基本操作(链式存储)

  • 串长统计返回串s的长度;
  • 串定位返回字符或子串在母串s中首次出现的位置的指针;
  • 串复制将一个串s2复制到另一个串s1中;
  • 串插入在指定位置后面插入字符串;
  • 串删除是删除一个子串;
  • 串拼接将串s2拼接到串s1的尾部;
  • ……


1. 结构体

typedef struct Node {char data;struct Node* next;
} Node;typedef struct {Node* head;Node* tail;
} LinkedList;
  • Node:表示链表的节点,包含一个字符数据和一个指向下一个节点的指针。
  • LinkedList:表示链表,包含链表的头节点和尾节点。

2. 初始化


void initLinkedList(LinkedList* list) {list->head = NULL;list->tail = NULL;

3. 判空


bool isEmpty(const LinkedList* list) {return list->head == NULL;

4. 串尾添加


void append(LinkedList* list, char data) {Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));newNode->data = data;newNode->next = NULL;if (isEmpty(list)) {list->head = newNode;list->tail = newNode;} else {list->tail->next = newNode;list->tail = newNode;}
  • 如果链表为空,即头节点为NULL,则将新节点设置为头节点和尾节点。
  • 如果链表不为空,即头节点不为NULL,则将新节点链接到尾节点的后面,并将尾节点更新为新节点。

5. 打印


void display(const LinkedList* list) {Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {printf("%c", current->data);current = current->next;}printf("\n");
  • 函数接受一个指向LinkedList结构体的指针作为参数,然后从头节点开始遍历链表,打印每个节点的数据。

6. 串长统计


int length(const LinkedList* list) {int count = 0;Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {count++;current = current->next;}return count;
  • 函数接受一个指向LinkedList结构体的指针作为参数,然后从头节点开始遍历链表,每遍历一个节点,计数器加1,最后返回计数器的值。

7. 查找


int search(const LinkedList* list, const char* target) {int targetLength = strlen(target);int listLength = length(list);if (targetLength > listLength) {printf("Error: Target string is longer than the source string.\n");return -1;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (current->data == target[0]) {Node* temp = current;int i = 0;while (temp != NULL && temp->data == target[i]) {temp = temp->next;i++;if (i == targetLength) {return index;}}}current = current->next;index++;}printf("Error: Target string not found in the source string.\n");return -1;
  • 首先比较目标字符串的长度和链表的长度,如果目标字符串比链表长,说明无法找到目标字符串,函数返回错误。
  • 然后从头节点开始遍历链表,找到第一个与目标字符串首字符相同的节点,
    • 然后从该节点开始逐个比较字符,直到找到完全匹配的目标字符串或链表遍历结束。
    • 如果找到目标字符串,函数返回目标字符串在链表中的起始位置的索引;
    • 如果未找到目标字符串,函数返回错误。

8. 复制


bool copy(LinkedList* dest, const LinkedList* src) {Node* current = src->head;while (current != NULL) {append(dest, current->data);current = current->next;}return true;
  • 函数接受两个指向LinkedList结构体的指针,分别表示源链表和目标链表。
  • 通过遍历源链表的每个节点,创建一个新节点并将数据复制过去,然后将新节点添加到目标链表的末尾。

9. 插入


bool insert(LinkedList* list, const char* insertStr, int pos) {int listLength = length(list);int insertStrLength = strlen(insertStr);if (pos < 0 || pos > listLength) {printf("Error: Invalid insertion position.\n");return false;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (index == pos) {for (int i = 0; i < insertStrLength; i++) {Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));newNode->data = insertStr[i];newNode->next = current->next;current->next = newNode;current = newNode;}return true;}current = current->next;index++;}return false;
  • 首先判断插入位置是否合法,即索引是否在有效范围内。然后遍历链表找到插入位置的节点,然后逐个创建新节点并插入到链表中。

10. 删除


bool delete(LinkedList* list, int pos, int len) {int listLength = length(list);if (pos < 0 || pos >= listLength) {printf("Error: Invalid deletion position.\n");return false;}if (pos + len > listLength) {printf("Error: Deletion length exceeds the length of the string.\n");return false;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (index == pos) {Node* prev = current;Node* temp = current;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {temp = temp->next;free(prev);prev = temp;}current->next = temp;return true;}current = current->next;index++;}return false;
  • 首先判断删除位置是否合法,然后找到删除位置的节点,逐个删除指定长度的节点。

11. 串拼接


bool concat(LinkedList* list1, const LinkedList* list2) {Node* current = list2->head;while (current != NULL) {append(list1, current->data);current = current->next;}return true;
  • 遍历第二个链表的每个节点,将节点的数据追加到第一个链表。

12. 销毁


void destroy(LinkedList* list) {Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {Node* temp = current;current = current->next;free(temp);}list->head = NULL;list->tail = NULL;
  • 函数遍历链表的每个节点,释放节点的内存,并将头节点和尾节点设置为NULL

13. 主函数

int main() {LinkedList S;initLinkedList(&S);const char target[] = "H";LinkedList copyStr;initLinkedList(&copyStr);const char insertStr[] = "H";int pos = 3;append(&S, 'q');append(&S, 'o');append(&S, 'm');append(&S, 'o');append(&S, 'l');append(&S, 'a');append(&S, 'n');append(&S, 'g');append(&S, 'm');append(&S, 'a');display(&S);int searchIndex = search(&S, target);if (searchIndex != -1) {printf("Target string found at index: %d\n", searchIndex);}copy(&copyStr, &S);display(&copyStr);insert(&S, insertStr, pos);display(&S);delete(&S, pos, strlen(insertStr));display(&S);concat(&S, &copyStr);display(&S);destroy(&S);destroy(&copyStr);return 0;


14. 代码整合

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>typedef struct Node {char data;struct Node* next;
} Node;typedef struct {Node* head;Node* tail;
} LinkedList;void initLinkedList(LinkedList* list) {list->head = NULL;list->tail = NULL;
}bool isEmpty(const LinkedList* list) {return list->head == NULL;
}void append(LinkedList* list, char data) {Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));newNode->data = data;newNode->next = NULL;if (isEmpty(list)) {list->head = newNode;list->tail = newNode;} else {list->tail->next = newNode;list->tail = newNode;}
}void display(const LinkedList* list) {Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {printf("%c", current->data);current = current->next;}printf("\n");
}int length(const LinkedList* list) {int count = 0;Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {count++;current = current->next;}return count;
}int search(const LinkedList* list, const char* target) {int targetLength = strlen(target);int listLength = length(list);if (targetLength > listLength) {printf("Error: Target string is longer than the source string.\n");return -1;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (current->data == target[0]) {Node* temp = current;int i = 0;while (temp != NULL && temp->data == target[i]) {temp = temp->next;i++;if (i == targetLength) {return index;}}}current = current->next;index++;}printf("Error: Target string not found in the source string.\n");return -1;
}bool copy(LinkedList* dest, const LinkedList* src) {Node* current = src->head;while (current != NULL) {append(dest, current->data);current = current->next;}return true;
}bool insert(LinkedList* list, const char* insertStr, int pos) {int listLength = length(list);int insertStrLength = strlen(insertStr);if (pos < 0 || pos > listLength) {printf("Error: Invalid insertion position.\n");return false;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (index == pos) {for (int i = 0; i < insertStrLength; i++) {Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));newNode->data = insertStr[i];newNode->next = current->next;current->next = newNode;current = newNode;}return true;}current = current->next;index++;}return false;
}bool delete(LinkedList* list, int pos, int len) {int listLength = length(list);if (pos < 0 || pos >= listLength) {printf("Error: Invalid deletion position.\n");return false;}if (pos + len > listLength) {printf("Error: Deletion length exceeds the length of the string.\n");return false;}Node* current = list->head;int index = 0;while (current != NULL) {if (index == pos) {Node* prev = current;Node* temp = current;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {temp = temp->next;free(prev);prev = temp;}current->next = temp;return true;}current = current->next;index++;}return false;
}bool concat(LinkedList* list1, const LinkedList* list2) {Node* current = list2->head;while (current != NULL) {append(list1, current->data);current = current->next;}return true;
}void destroy(LinkedList* list) {Node* current = list->head;while (current != NULL) {Node* temp = current;current = current->next;free(temp);}list->head = NULL;list->tail = NULL;
}int main() {LinkedList S;initLinkedList(&S);const char target[] = "H";LinkedList copyStr;initLinkedList(&copyStr);const char insertStr[] = "H";int pos = 3;append(&S, 'q');append(&S, 'o');append(&S, 'm');append(&S, 'o');append(&S, 'l');append(&S, 'a');append(&S, 'n');append(&S, 'g');append(&S, 'm');append(&S, 'a');display(&S);int searchIndex = search(&S, target);if (searchIndex != -1) {printf("Target string found at index: %d\n", searchIndex);}copy(&copyStr, &S);display(&copyStr);insert(&S, insertStr, pos);display(&S);delete(&S, pos, strlen(insertStr));display(&S);concat(&S, &copyStr);display(&S);destroy(&S);destroy(&copyStr);return 0;





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