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< head> < meta charset = " UTF-8" > < title> 一个有趣的动态背景</ title> < link rel = " stylesheet" href = " ./style.css" >
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< canvas id = " canvas" > </ canvas> < script src = ' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.6.0/gsap.min.js' > </ script> < script src = " ./script.js" > </ script>
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console. clear ( ) ;
console. log ( '' ) ; const config = { src : 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/175711/open-peeps-sheet.png' , rows : 15 , cols : 7 } ; const randomRange = ( min, max ) => min + Math. random ( ) * ( max - min) ; const randomIndex = array => randomRange ( 0 , array. length) | 0 ; const removeFromArray = ( array, i ) => array. splice ( i, 1 ) [ 0 ] ; const removeItemFromArray = ( array, item ) => removeFromArray ( array, array. indexOf ( item) ) ; const removeRandomFromArray = array => removeFromArray ( array, randomIndex ( array) ) ; const getRandomFromArray = ( array ) =>
array[ randomIndex ( array) | 0 ] ; const resetPeep = ( { stage, peep } ) => { const direction = Math. random ( ) > 0.5 ? 1 : - 1 ; const offsetY = 100 - 250 * gsap. parseEase ( 'power2.in' ) ( Math. random ( ) ) ; const startY = stage. height - peep. height + offsetY; let startX; let endX; if ( direction === 1 ) { startX = - peep. width; endX = stage. width; peep. scaleX = 1 ; } else { startX = stage. width + peep. width; endX = 0 ; peep. scaleX = - 1 ; } peep. x = startX; peep. y = startY; peep. anchorY = startY; return { startX, startY, endX } ; } ; const normalWalk = ( { peep, props } ) => { const { startX, startY, endX } = props; const xDuration = 10 ; const yDuration = 0.25 ; const tl = gsap. timeline ( ) ; tl. timeScale ( randomRange ( 0.5 , 1.5 ) ) ; tl. to ( peep, { duration : xDuration, x : endX, ease : 'none' } , 0 ) ; tl. to ( peep, { duration : yDuration, repeat : xDuration / yDuration, yoyo : true , y : startY - 10 } , 0 ) ; return tl;
} ; const walks = [
normalWalk] ; class Peep { constructor ( { image, rect } ) { this . image = image; this . setRect ( rect) ; this . x = 0 ; this . y = 0 ; this . anchorY = 0 ; this . scaleX = 1 ; this . walk = null ; } setRect ( rect ) { this . rect = rect; this . width = rect[ 2 ] ; this . height = rect[ 3 ] ; this . drawArgs = [ this . image, ... rect, 0 , 0 , this . width, this . height] ; } render ( ctx ) { ctx. save ( ) ; ctx. translate ( this . x, this . y) ; ctx. scale ( this . scaleX, 1 ) ; ctx. drawImage ( ... this . drawArgs) ; ctx. restore ( ) ; } } const img = document. createElement ( 'img' ) ;
img. onload = init;
img. src = config. src; const canvas = document. querySelector ( '#canvas' ) ;
const ctx = canvas. getContext ( '2d' ) ; const stage = { width : 0 , height : 0 } ; const allPeeps = [ ] ;
const availablePeeps = [ ] ;
const crowd = [ ] ; function init ( ) { createPeeps ( ) ; resize ( ) ; gsap. ticker. add ( render) ; window. addEventListener ( 'resize' , resize) ;
} function createPeeps ( ) { const { rows, cols } = config; const { naturalWidth : width, naturalHeight : height } = img; const total = rows * cols; const rectWidth = width / rows; const rectHeight = height / cols; for ( let i = 0 ; i < total; i++ ) { allPeeps. push ( new Peep ( { image : img, rect : [ i % rows * rectWidth, ( i / rows | 0 ) * rectHeight, rectWidth, rectHeight] } ) ) ; }
} function resize ( ) { stage. width = canvas. clientWidth; stage. height = canvas. clientHeight; canvas. width = stage. width * devicePixelRatio; canvas. height = stage. height * devicePixelRatio; crowd. forEach ( peep => { peep. walk. kill ( ) ; } ) ; crowd. length = 0 ; availablePeeps. length = 0 ; availablePeeps. push ( ... allPeeps) ; initCrowd ( ) ;
} function initCrowd ( ) { while ( availablePeeps. length) { addPeepToCrowd ( ) . walk. progress ( Math. random ( ) ) ; }
} function addPeepToCrowd ( ) { const peep = removeRandomFromArray ( availablePeeps) ; const walk = getRandomFromArray ( walks) ( { peep, props : resetPeep ( { peep, stage } ) } ) . eventCallback ( 'onComplete' , ( ) => { removePeepFromCrowd ( peep) ; addPeepToCrowd ( ) ; } ) ; peep. walk = walk; crowd. push ( peep) ; crowd. sort ( ( a, b ) => a. anchorY - b. anchorY) ; return peep;
} function removePeepFromCrowd ( peep ) { removeItemFromArray ( crowd, peep) ; availablePeeps. push ( peep) ;
} function render ( ) { canvas. width = canvas. width; ctx. save ( ) ; ctx. scale ( devicePixelRatio, devicePixelRatio) ; crowd. forEach ( peep => { peep. render ( ctx) ; } ) ; ctx. restore ( ) ;
html, body { height : 100%; } body { margin : 0; } #canvas { width : 100%; height : 100%; }