Windows 安装 DeepSeek 教程和open webui 图形化部署(非docker)

Windows 安装 Ollama :

步骤 1:下载并安装 Ollama

官网:奥拉马 点击下载  选择windows版本。





ollama run deepseek-r1:1.5b

ollama run deepseek-r1:7b

ollama run deepseek-r1:8b

ollama run deepseek-r1:14b

ollama run deepseek-r1:32b

ollama run deepseek-r1:70b

ollama run deepseek-r1:671b 

win +R 键 打开对话框 输入cmd 打开终端,根据自己的电脑配置,选择对应的deepseek-r模型。


如何重新进入对话框,按win +R 键 打开对话框 输入cmd 打开终端,

输入:ollama list 查看安装的模型  然后 ollama run 模型

open webui 图形化部署


下载open webui 官网:🏡 首页 |打开 WebUI
python 下载官网:适用于 Windows 的 Python 版本 |
Node.js下载官网:下载 | Node.js 中文网
可以百度搜索python pip Node.js的下载教程,这里就不详细解释了。

步骤2:安装部署open-webui 安装 (推荐)uv

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"
#运行 Open WebUI
$env:DATA_DIR="C:\open-webui\data"; uvx --python 3.11 open-webui@latest serve
#安装 Open WebUI
pip install open-webui
#启动 Open WebUI
open-webui serve
#更新 Open WebUI
pip install --upgrade open-webui

列出 ollama 模型
ollama list
查看 Python 版本。
python --version
查看 pip 版本
pip --version
查看 open-webui 包的详细信息。
pip show open-webui

补充:如果上述方法不行 有报错可以尝试下面的方法。

首先保证安装了python pip Node.js

步骤1 创建  uv-installer.ps1 脚本内容如下:

# Licensed under the MIT license
# <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.<#
.SYNOPSISThe installer for uv 0.5.29.DESCRIPTIONThis script detects what platform you're on and fetches an appropriate archive from
then unpacks the binaries and installs them to the first of the following locations$env:XDG_BIN_HOME$env:XDG_DATA_HOME/../bin$HOME/.local/binIt will then add that dir to PATH by editing your Environment.Path registry key.PARAMETER ArtifactDownloadUrl
The URL of the directory where artifacts can be fetched from.PARAMETER NoModifyPath
Don't add the install directory to PATH.PARAMETER Help
Print help#>param ([Parameter(HelpMessage = "The URL of the directory where artifacts can be fetched from")][string]$ArtifactDownloadUrl = '',[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Don't add the install directory to PATH")][switch]$NoModifyPath,[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Print Help")][switch]$Help
)$app_name = 'uv'
$app_version = '0.5.29'
if ($env:UV_INSTALLER_GHE_BASE_URL) {$installer_base_url = $env:UV_INSTALLER_GHE_BASE_URL
} elseif ($env:UV_INSTALLER_GITHUB_BASE_URL) {$installer_base_url = $env:UV_INSTALLER_GITHUB_BASE_URL
} else {$installer_base_url = ""
} else {$ArtifactDownloadUrl = "$installer_base_url/astral-sh/uv/releases/download/0.5.29"
}$receipt = @"
if ($env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME) {$receipt_home = "${env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME}\uv"
} else {$receipt_home = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\uv"
}if ($env:UV_DISABLE_UPDATE) {$install_updater = $false
} else {$install_updater = $true
}if ($NoModifyPath) {Write-Information "-NoModifyPath has been deprecated; please set UV_NO_MODIFY_PATH=1 in the environment"
}if ($env:UV_NO_MODIFY_PATH) {$NoModifyPath = $true
}$unmanaged_install = $env:UV_UNMANAGED_INSTALLif ($unmanaged_install) {$NoModifyPath = $true$install_updater = $false
}function Install-Binary($install_args) {if ($Help) {Get-Help $PSCommandPath -DetailedExit}Initialize-Environment# Platform info injected by dist$platforms = @{"aarch64-pc-windows-gnu" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}"aarch64-pc-windows-msvc" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}"i686-pc-windows-gnu" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}"i686-pc-windows-msvc" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}"x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}"x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" = @{"artifact_name" = """bins" = @("uv.exe", "uvx.exe")"libs" = @()"staticlibs" = @()"zip_ext" = ".zip""aliases" = @{}"aliases_json" = '{}'}}$fetched = Download "$ArtifactDownloadUrl" $platforms# FIXME: add a flag that lets the user not do this steptry {Invoke-Installer -artifacts $fetched -platforms $platforms "$install_args"} catch {throw @"
We encountered an error trying to perform the installation;
please review the error messages below.$_
}function Get-TargetTriple($platforms) {$double = Get-Archif ($platforms.Contains("$double-msvc")) {return "$double-msvc"} else {return "$double-gnu"}
}function Get-Arch() {try {# NOTE: this might return X64 on ARM64 Windows, which is OK since emulation is available.# It works correctly starting in PowerShell Core 7.3 and Windows PowerShell in Win 11 22H2.# Ideally this would just be#   [System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::OSArchitecture# but that gets a type from the wrong assembly on Windows PowerShell (i.e. not Core)$a = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation")$t = $a.GetType("System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation")$p = $t.GetProperty("OSArchitecture")# Possible OSArchitecture Values: Rust supported platforms: ($p.GetValue($null).ToString()){"X86" { return "i686-pc-windows" }"X64" { return "x86_64-pc-windows" }"Arm" { return "thumbv7a-pc-windows" }"Arm64" { return "aarch64-pc-windows" }}} catch {# The above was added in .NET 4.7.1, so Windows PowerShell in versions of Windows# prior to Windows 10 v1709 may not have this API.Write-Verbose "Get-TargetTriple: Exception when trying to determine OS architecture."Write-Verbose $_}# This is available in .NET 4.0. We already checked for PS 5, which requires .NET 4.5.Write-Verbose("Get-TargetTriple: falling back to Is64BitOperatingSystem.")if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {return "x86_64-pc-windows"} else {return "i686-pc-windows"}
}function Download($download_url, $platforms) {$arch = Get-TargetTriple $platformsif (-not $platforms.ContainsKey($arch)) {$platforms_json = ConvertTo-Json $platformsthrow "ERROR: could not find binaries for this platform. Last platform tried: $arch platform info: $platforms_json"}# Lookup what we expect this platform to look like$info = $platforms[$arch]$zip_ext = $info["zip_ext"]$bin_names = $info["bins"]$lib_names = $info["libs"]$staticlib_names = $info["staticlibs"]$artifact_name = $info["artifact_name"]# Make a new temp dir to unpack things to$tmp = New-Temp-Dir$dir_path = "$tmp\$app_name$zip_ext"# Download and unpack!$url = "$download_url/$artifact_name"Write-Information "Downloading $app_name $app_version ($arch)"Write-Verbose "  from $url"Write-Verbose "  to $dir_path"$wc = New-Object Net.Webclient$wc.downloadFile($url, $dir_path)Write-Verbose "Unpacking to $tmp"# Select the tool to unpack the files with.## As of windows 10(?), powershell comes with tar preinstalled, but in practice# it only seems to support .tar.gz, and not xz/zstd. Still, we should try to# forward all tars to it in case the user has a machine that can handle it!switch -Wildcard ($zip_ext) {".zip" {Expand-Archive -Path $dir_path -DestinationPath "$tmp";Break}".tar.*" {tar xf $dir_path --strip-components 1 -C "$tmp";Break}Default {throw "ERROR: unknown archive format $zip_ext"}}# Let the next step know what to copy$bin_paths = @()foreach ($bin_name in $bin_names) {Write-Verbose "  Unpacked $bin_name"$bin_paths += "$tmp\$bin_name"}$lib_paths = @()foreach ($lib_name in $lib_names) {Write-Verbose "  Unpacked $lib_name"$lib_paths += "$tmp\$lib_name"}$staticlib_paths = @()foreach ($lib_name in $staticlib_names) {Write-Verbose "  Unpacked $lib_name"$staticlib_paths += "$tmp\$lib_name"}if (($null -ne $info["updater"]) -and $install_updater) {$updater_id = $info["updater"]["artifact_name"]$updater_url = "$download_url/$updater_id"$out_name = "$tmp\uv-update.exe"$wc.downloadFile($updater_url, $out_name)$bin_paths += $out_name}return @{"bin_paths" = $bin_paths"lib_paths" = $lib_paths"staticlib_paths" = $staticlib_paths}
}function Invoke-Installer($artifacts, $platforms) {# Replaces the placeholder binary entry with the actual list of binaries$arch = Get-TargetTriple $platformsif (-not $platforms.ContainsKey($arch)) {$platforms_json = ConvertTo-Json $platformsthrow "ERROR: could not find binaries for this platform. Last platform tried: $arch platform info: $platforms_json"}$info = $platforms[$arch]# Forces the install to occur at this path, not the default$force_install_dir = $null$install_layout = "unspecified"# Check the newer app-specific variable before falling back# to the older generic oneif (($env:UV_INSTALL_DIR)) {$force_install_dir = $env:UV_INSTALL_DIR$install_layout = "flat"} elseif (($env:CARGO_DIST_FORCE_INSTALL_DIR)) {$force_install_dir = $env:CARGO_DIST_FORCE_INSTALL_DIR$install_layout = "flat"} elseif ($unmanaged_install) {$force_install_dir = $unmanaged_install$install_layout = "flat"}# Check if the install layout should be changed from `flat` to `cargo-home`# for backwards compatible updates of applications that switched layouts.if (($force_install_dir) -and ($install_layout -eq "flat")) {# If the install directory is targeting the Cargo home directory, then# we assume this application was previously installed that layout# Note the installer passes the path with `\\` separators, but here they are# `\` so we normalize for comparison. We don't use `Resolve-Path` because they# may not exist.$cargo_home = if ($env:CARGO_HOME) { $env:CARGO_HOME } else {Join-Path $(if ($HOME) { $HOME } else { "." }) ".cargo"}if ($force_install_dir.Replace('\\', '\') -eq $cargo_home) {$install_layout = "cargo-home"}}# The actual path we're going to install to$dest_dir = $null$dest_dir_lib = $null# The install prefix we write to the receipt.# For organized install methods like CargoHome, which have# subdirectories, this is the root without `/bin`. For other# methods, this is the same as `_install_dir`.$receipt_dest_dir = $null# Before actually consulting the configured install strategy, see# if we're overriding it.if (($force_install_dir)) {switch ($install_layout) {"hierarchical" {$dest_dir = Join-Path $force_install_dir "bin"$dest_dir_lib = Join-Path $force_install_dir "lib"}"cargo-home" {$dest_dir = Join-Path $force_install_dir "bin"$dest_dir_lib = $dest_dir}"flat" {$dest_dir = $force_install_dir$dest_dir_lib = $dest_dir}Default {throw "Error: unrecognized installation layout: $install_layout"}}$receipt_dest_dir = $force_install_dir}if (-Not $dest_dir) {# Install to $env:XDG_BIN_HOME$dest_dir = if (($base_dir = $env:XDG_BIN_HOME)) {Join-Path $base_dir ""}$dest_dir_lib = $dest_dir$receipt_dest_dir = $dest_dir$install_layout = "flat"}if (-Not $dest_dir) {# Install to $env:XDG_DATA_HOME/../bin$dest_dir = if (($base_dir = $env:XDG_DATA_HOME)) {Join-Path $base_dir "../bin"}$dest_dir_lib = $dest_dir$receipt_dest_dir = $dest_dir$install_layout = "flat"}if (-Not $dest_dir) {# Install to $HOME/.local/bin$dest_dir = if (($base_dir = $HOME)) {Join-Path $base_dir ".local/bin"}$dest_dir_lib = $dest_dir$receipt_dest_dir = $dest_dir$install_layout = "flat"}# Looks like all of the above assignments failedif (-Not $dest_dir) {throw "ERROR: could not find a valid path to install to; please check the installation instructions"}# The replace call here ensures proper escaping is inlined into the receipt$receipt = $receipt.Replace('AXO_INSTALL_PREFIX', $receipt_dest_dir.replace("\", "\\"))$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"install_layout":"unspecified"', -join('"install_layout":"', $install_layout, '"'))$dest_dir = New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $dest_dir$dest_dir_lib = New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path $dest_dir_libWrite-Information "Installing to $dest_dir"# Just copy the binaries from the temp location to the install dirforeach ($bin_path in $artifacts["bin_paths"]) {$installed_file = Split-Path -Path "$bin_path" -LeafCopy-Item "$bin_path" -Destination "$dest_dir" -ErrorAction StopRemove-Item "$bin_path" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction StopWrite-Information "  $installed_file"if (($dests = $info["aliases"][$installed_file])) {$source = Join-Path "$dest_dir" "$installed_file"foreach ($dest_name in $dests) {$dest = Join-Path $dest_dir $dest_name$null = New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Target "$source" -Path "$dest" -Force -ErrorAction Stop}}}foreach ($lib_path in $artifacts["lib_paths"]) {$installed_file = Split-Path -Path "$lib_path" -LeafCopy-Item "$lib_path" -Destination "$dest_dir_lib" -ErrorAction StopRemove-Item "$lib_path" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction StopWrite-Information "  $installed_file"}foreach ($lib_path in $artifacts["staticlib_paths"]) {$installed_file = Split-Path -Path "$lib_path" -LeafCopy-Item "$lib_path" -Destination "$dest_dir_lib" -ErrorAction StopRemove-Item "$lib_path" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction StopWrite-Information "  $installed_file"}$formatted_bins = ($info["bins"] | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ","$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"CARGO_DIST_BINS"', $formatted_bins)$formatted_libs = ($info["libs"] | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ","$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"CARGO_DIST_DYLIBS"', $formatted_libs)$formatted_staticlibs = ($info["staticlibs"] | ForEach-Object { '"' + $_ + '"' }) -join ","$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"CARGO_DIST_STATICLIBS"', $formatted_staticlibs)# Also replace the aliases with the arch-specific one$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"binary_aliases":{}', -join('"binary_aliases":',  $info['aliases_json']))if ($NoModifyPath) {$receipt = $receipt.Replace('"modify_path":true', '"modify_path":false')}# Write the install receiptif ($install_updater) {$null = New-Item -Path $receipt_home -ItemType "directory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue# Trying to get Powershell 5.1 (not 6+, which is fake and lies) to write utf8 is a crime# because "Out-File -Encoding utf8" actually still means utf8BOM, so we need to pull out# .NET's APIs which actually do what you tell them (also apparently utf8NoBOM is the# default in newer .NETs but I'd rather not rely on that at this point).$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False[IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$receipt_home/uv-receipt.json", "$receipt", $Utf8NoBomEncoding)}# Respect the environment, but CLI takes precedenceif ($null -eq $NoModifyPath) {$NoModifyPath = $env:INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PATH}Write-Information "everything's installed!"if (-not $NoModifyPath) {Add-Ci-Path $dest_dirif (Add-Path $dest_dir) {Write-Information ""Write-Information "To add $dest_dir to your PATH, either restart your shell or run:"Write-Information ""Write-Information "    set Path=$dest_dir;%Path%   (cmd)"Write-Information "    `$env:Path = `"$dest_dir;`$env:Path`"   (powershell)"}}
}# Attempt to do CI-specific rituals to get the install-dir on PATH faster
function Add-Ci-Path($OrigPathToAdd) {# If GITHUB_PATH is present, then write install_dir to the file it refs.# After each GitHub Action, the contents will be added to PATH.# So if you put a curl | sh for this script in its own "run" step,# the next step will have this dir on PATH.## Note that GITHUB_PATH will not resolve any variables, so we in fact# want to write the install dir and not an expression that evals to itif (($gh_path = $env:GITHUB_PATH)) {Write-Output "$OrigPathToAdd" | Out-File -FilePath "$gh_path" -Encoding utf8 -Append}
}# Try to permanently add the given path to the user-level
# PATH via the registry
# Returns true if the registry was modified, otherwise returns false
# (indicating it was already on PATH)
# This is a lightly modified version of this solution:
function Add-Path($LiteralPath) {Write-Verbose "Adding $LiteralPath to your user-level PATH"$RegistryPath = 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment'# Note the use of the .GetValue() method to ensure that the *unexpanded* value is returned.# If 'Path' is not an existing item in the registry, '' is returned.$CurrentDirectories = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $RegistryPath).GetValue('Path', '', 'DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames') -split ';' -ne ''if ($LiteralPath -in $CurrentDirectories) {Write-Verbose "Install directory $LiteralPath already on PATH, all done!"return $false}Write-Verbose "Actually mutating 'Path' Property"# Add the new path to the front of the PATH.# The ',' turns $LiteralPath into an array, which the array of# $CurrentDirectories is then added to.$NewPath = (,$LiteralPath + $CurrentDirectories) -join ';'# Update the registry. Will create the property if it did not already exist.# Note the use of ExpandString to create a registry property with a REG_EXPAND_SZ data type.Set-ItemProperty -Type ExpandString -LiteralPath $RegistryPath Path $NewPath# Broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE to get the Windows shell to reload the# updated environment, via a dummy [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable() operation.$DummyName = 'cargo-dist-' + [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($DummyName, 'cargo-dist-dummy', 'User')[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($DummyName, [NullString]::value, 'User')Write-Verbose "Successfully added $LiteralPath to your user-level PATH"return $true
}function Initialize-Environment() {If (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) -lt 5) {throw @"
Error: PowerShell 5 or later is required to install $app_name.
Upgrade PowerShell:"@}# show notification to change execution policy:$allowedExecutionPolicy = @('Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', 'Bypass')If ((Get-ExecutionPolicy).ToString() -notin $allowedExecutionPolicy) {throw @"
Error: PowerShell requires an execution policy in [$($allowedExecutionPolicy -join ", ")] to run $app_name. For example, to set the execution policy to 'RemoteSigned' please run:Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser"@}# GitHub requires TLS 1.2If ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -notcontains 'Tls12') {throw @"
Error: Installing $app_name requires at least .NET Framework 4.5
Please download and install it first:"@}
}function New-Temp-Dir() {[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]param()$parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()[string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name)
}# PSScriptAnalyzer doesn't like how we use our params as globals, this calms it
$Null = $ArtifactDownloadUrl, $NoModifyPath, $Help
# Make Write-Information statements be visible
$InformationPreference = "Continue"# The default interactive handler
try {Install-Binary "$Args"
} catch {Write-Information $_exit 1


powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File D:\桌面\uv-installer.ps1

注意: D:\桌面\uv-installer.ps1  是脚本文件路径

步骤3:把uv 加入系统环境变量中

set Path=C:\Users\Administrator\.local\bin;%Path%
uv --version

步骤4:安装 Open WebUI

pip install open-webui
#查看 open-webui 包的详细信息。
pip show open-webui

步骤5:启动Open WebUI

open-webui serve --port 3000

 步骤6:登录浏览器 访问http://localhost:3000

注册账户 邮箱和密码。







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前言 集合是java开发中的重点内容&#xff0c;需要掌握的东西很多&#xff0c;面试中可问的东西很多&#xff0c;无论是深度还是广度。集合框架中Collection对应的实现类如下所示&#xff0c;这些都是要完全掌握&#xff0c;一个可以分为三大类List集合、Set‘集合以及Map集合…


我自己的原文哦~ #Ultra-AV 轨迹预测新基准&#xff01;清华开源&#xff1a;统一自动驾驶纵向轨迹数据集 自动驾驶车辆在交通运输领域展现出巨大潜力&#xff0c;而理解其纵向驾驶行为是实现安全高效自动驾驶的关键。现有的开…


文章目录 前言MultipleMatchesLobbyViewRoomViewMatchGUIPlayerGUI总结前言 在现代游戏开发中,网络功能日益成为提升游戏体验的关键组成部分。本系列文章将为读者提供对Mirror网络框架的深入了解,涵盖从基础到高级的多个主题。Mirror是一个用于Unity的开源网络框架,专为多人…

VMware Workstation创建虚拟机

目录 创建新的虚拟机 虚拟机快照功能 虚拟机添加空间 其他注意事项 创建新的虚拟机 打开VMware Workstation&#xff1a;启动软件后&#xff0c;点击“创建新的虚拟机”。 选择安装方式&#xff1a; 典型安装&#xff1a;适合大多数用户&#xff0c;会自动完成大部分配置…

DeepSeek AI R1推理大模型API集成文档

DeepSeek AI R1推理大模型API集成文档 引言 随着自然语言处理技术的飞速发展&#xff0c;大语言模型在各行各业的应用日益广泛。DeepSeek R1作为一款高性能、开源的大语言模型&#xff0c;凭借其强大的文本生成能力、高效的推理性能和灵活的接口设计&#xff0c;吸引了大量开发…

活泼瘤胃球菌(Ruminococcus gnavus)——多种疾病风险的潜在标志物

​ 前几日&#xff0c;南方医科大学深圳医院院长周宏伟教授团队在国际顶尖医学期刊《Nature Medicine》上发表了一项重要研究。首次揭示一种名为活泼瘤胃球菌(Ruminococcus gnavus)的细菌产生的物质——苯乙胺&#xff0c;在肝性脑病发生中的关键作用。 ​ 同时谷禾的人群检测数…


http是短连接&#xff0c;无状态的。 websocket是长连接&#xff0c;有状态的。 flask中使用websocket from flask import Flask, request import asyncio import json import time import websockets from threading import Thread from urllib.parse import urlparse, pars…


试一下docker安装 docker pull docker images docker run -v {挂载的目录}:/data qiime -h使用 import.txt docker run -v ~/diarrhoea/MJ/qingzhu:/data qiime tools imp…