
screening discrepancies 筛选差异

The team found some screening discrepancies in the data. 团队在数据筛选中发现了些差异。

Don’t tug at it ,or it will fall over and crush you.

tug 拉,拽,拖
He tugged the door open with all his might.

shampoo 洗头膏
hair conditioner 护发素

Do you know all these characters ?这些字你都认识吗?

We often said it when we were kids.But as we grew up,we don’t talk like that anymore.Occasionally,we might say it ,but just as a joke or to be cute with friends.
Wehn we become adults,we would think it’s little bit childish.

Generally,this is an agreement made among children.

You can scan this QR code,there is prose content inside.

I will keep my promise.
I’ll abide by my promise.
I’ll stand by my word.

abide by 遵守
what’s up 用于和熟人打招呼,询问近况,或者发生了什么事情,Not much 回应表示没事特别的事情

I need to mop the floor to get rid of the stains.
You can use this

do a favor 帮忙,could you do me a favor and pass the book。

What our textbooks have been teaching us all the time
How are your,I’m fine ,thank you ,and you?

In your place,how do you usually respond when someone asks you “How are you?”
Personaly, I always feel that the response is too formulaic and it feels kind of strange

伸伸懒腰 stretch oneself
When I woke up,I stretch myself and felt very much more relaxed.

After sitting in front of the computer for a long time,I need to have a stretch.

He gave a stretch and yawned打哈欠 when he got out of bed.

小米粥 millet congee congee 表示粥,porridge 也是粥
Don’t throw away the corn cob,it can used for some crafts. 它能用来做些手工艺品

The farmer is holding an ear of corn,checking its ripeness. 成熟度

Millet congee 小米粥
spareribs 排骨
stir-fried garlic sprouts with word ear mushrooms 蒜苔炒木耳
soybeans 黄豆
steamed buns 馒头
baked sesame cakes 烧饼

Through I have a consistent job schedule,my days off change尽管我有固定的工作日程安排,但我的休息日都会变动

implusive 冲动的 He made an impulsive decision to quit his job.

I need to be more scheduled with it我得在这方面有调理得安排。
so that you guys can change,modify your schedule to be here.I’ve been pretty implusive,but now I have a consistent job schedule,my days off change.


He is a consistent performer ,always delivering high-quality work.

His works are not consistent with his actions

consistently 一贯地,始终如一的

Thank you for your tips and praise感谢您的建议和称赞

Shower window,my roommate always kept open,because it’s very humid in the city.He didn’t want mold growing in there.

is it code? not so much 。很冷吗,不太冷

she’s been a friend of mine for a while.

run out of time 时间快耗尽了

definitely 肯定的,确定的,当然了==certainly
I definitely locked the door. 我肯定锁了门了。

conducive to your studying
conducive to xxx 有助于xxx的

Eventually,the structure comes into where it's conducive to your studying pattern.

put people off使反感,使厌恶
His rude behavor really put people off .他的粗鲁行为真的让人们反感。

put of xxx推迟。。。
She put off the meeting until next week.

The noise outside put her off her work.

mended that
Occasinally,she’s put people off,that was a misunderstanding,but we mended that ,and they came back.

They had an argument,but later mended that and became friends again.

Don’t worry about the naysayers唱反调的人 in the chat.Eventually,if you’re consistent with your time,then you get people who come there all the time.

Don’t listen to the naysayers,believe in your ability to succeed. 别听那些唱反调的人

墩地 mop the floor,发霉go moldy, become moldy
把水倒掉 pour out the water
The food has spoiled and turned sour

damp 潮湿的,程度比wet轻
Don’t put on damp clothes, or you may catch a cold.
The damp clothes became moldy.
The bread went moldy because I left it out for too long.

水烧开了 the water is boiling
the water has boiled.




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