- 压缩链表结构
- 1. ziplist 由来
- 2. 组成
- 3. ziplist对象
- 3.1 ziplist对象创建
- 3.2 创建一个空的ziplist
- 3.3 创建对象
- 3.4 字符编码指定
- 4. 总结
1. ziplist 由来
相对于数组,它的空间局部性更好,为什么这么说呢?CPU当要处理数据时,会先读缓存行(Cache Line)从内存拿出局,到缓存行里,CPU读取缓存行里的数据,缓存行大小通常为64kb,当程序访问数组中的某个元素的时候,CPU不仅会把数组的指定元素加载到缓存行中,还会预取(prefetch)相邻的几个元素,因为它们的物理内存地址是连续的。这使便利数组时,接下来要访问的数据很可能已经在内存中了,从而提高了访问速度。
相对于链表,访问其中的元素,CPU必须跟随指针从当前节点跳到另一个节点,每次跳跃都可能导致访问不在缓存行中的内存地址,这会导致缓存未命中(cache miss),进而需要从更慢的内存层级加载数据,降低性能。
2. 组成
redis v2.6
- zlbytes:ziplist长度
- zltail:最后一个
的偏移量- zllen:
的长度- zlend:ziplist的结束符,255代表是ziplist的结尾
* ZIPLIST OVERALL LAYOUT:* The general layout of the ziplist is as follows:* <zlbytes><zltail><zllen><entry><entry><zlend>** <zlbytes> is an unsigned integer to hold the number of bytes that the* ziplist occupies. This value needs to be stored to be able to resize the* entire structure without the need to traverse it first.** <zltail> is the offset to the last entry in the list. This allows a pop* operation on the far side of the list without the need for full traversal.** <zllen> is the number of entries.When this value is larger than 2**16-2,* we need to traverse the entire list to know how many items it holds.** <zlend> is a single byte special value, equal to 255, which indicates the* end of the list.** ZIPLIST ENTRIES:* Every entry in the ziplist is prefixed by a header that contains two pieces* of information. First, the length of the previous entry is stored to be* able to traverse the list from back to front. Second, the encoding with an* optional string length of the entry itself is stored.** The length of the previous entry is encoded in the following way:* If this length is smaller than 254 bytes, it will only consume a single* byte that takes the length as value. When the length is greater than or* equal to 254, it will consume 5 bytes. The first byte is set to 254 to* indicate a larger value is following. The remaining 4 bytes take the* length of the previous entry as value.** The other header field of the entry itself depends on the contents of the* entry. When the entry is a string, the first 2 bits of this header will hold* the type of encoding used to store the length of the string, followed by the* actual length of the string. When the entry is an integer the first 2 bits* are both set to 1. The following 2 bits are used to specify what kind of* integer will be stored after this header. An overview of the different* types and encodings is as follows:** |00pppppp| - 1 byte* String value with length less than or equal to 63 bytes (6 bits).* |01pppppp|qqqqqqqq| - 2 bytes* String value with length less than or equal to 16383 bytes (14 bits).* |10______|qqqqqqqq|rrrrrrrr|ssssssss|tttttttt| - 5 bytes* String value with length greater than or equal to 16384 bytes.* |11000000| - 1 byte* Integer encoded as int16_t (2 bytes).* |11010000| - 1 byte* Integer encoded as int32_t (4 bytes).* |11100000| - 1 byte* Integer encoded as int64_t (8 bytes).* |11110000| - 1 byte* Integer encoded as 24 bit signed (3 bytes).* |11111110| - 1 byte* Integer encoded as 8 bit signed (1 byte).* |1111xxxx| - (with xxxx between 0000 and 1101) immediate 4 bit integer.* Unsigned integer from 0 to 12. The encoded value is actually from* 1 to 13 because 0000 and 1111 can not be used, so 1 should be* subtracted from the encoded 4 bit value to obtain the right value.* |11111111| - End of ziplist.** All the integers are represented in little endian byte order.
typedef struct zlentry {unsigned int prevrawlensize, prevrawlen;unsigned int lensize, len;unsigned int headersize;unsigned char encoding;unsigned char *p;
} zlentry;
3. ziplist对象
3.1 ziplist对象创建
redis v2.6源码
// object.c(src) - 105line// 创建zipList对象
robj *createZiplistObject(void) {// 创建一个空的ziplistunsigned char *zl = ziplistNew();// 创建对象robj *o = createObject(REDIS_LIST,zl);// 字符编码指定为ziplisto->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST;// 返回地址指针return o;
3.2 创建一个空的ziplist
// ziplist.c(src) - 418 line/* Create a new empty ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistNew(void) {// 定义元数据头大小unsigned int bytes = ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE+1;// 分配内存unsigned char *zl = zmalloc(bytes);// 小端序转换成大端序ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl) = intrev32ifbe(bytes);// 用来获取 ziplist 尾部元素相对于 ziplist 开头的偏移量。ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE);// 定义ziplist长度为0ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) = 0;// 尾部结束符zl[bytes-1] = ZIP_END;// 返回地址指针return zl;
// unit32_t:32bit
// uint16_t:16bit
// (32/8) * 2 + 16/8 = 8 + 2 = 10byte
// 头大小定义为10大小的字节
#define ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t)*2+sizeof(uint16_t))
:用来获取 ziplist 尾部元素相对于 ziplist 开头的偏移量。
// (zl): unsigned char *zl 传入时指定
// uint32_t:32bit = 32/8 = 4byte
// 将传入的zl,进行获取(zl)地址,偏移4byte,获取末尾地址
// 然后将该末尾地址转化为uinit32_t类型的指针,然后进行解引用获取该地址里的值
// 这里获取的是ziplist结构体里的prevrawlen属性
#define ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) (*((uint32_t*)((zl)+sizeof(uint32_t))))
// (zl): unsigned char *zl 传入时指定
// 将zl指针偏移32 * 2bit大小
// 然后转换为uint16_t类型的指针
// 然后解引用获取该地址里的值
// 这里获取的是ziplist结构体里的lensize属性
#define ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) (*((uint16_t*)((zl)+sizeof(uint32_t)*2)))
⭐️ zl[bytes-1] = ZIP_END;
// 将zl的末尾值,存储为一个255的数字,告诉redis,这个ziplist的末尾标志位
zl[bytes-1] = ZIP_END;
3.3 创建对象
// 指定对象类型是list,并且将刚才创建的空的ziplist指针放入
robj *o = createObject(REDIS_LIST,zl);
// redis.h(src) - 139 line/* Object types */
#define REDIS_STRING 0
#define REDIS_LIST 1
#define REDIS_SET 2
#define REDIS_ZSET 3
#define REDIS_HASH 4
robj *createObject(int type, void *ptr) {// 分配内存robj *o = zmalloc(sizeof(*o));// 指定数据类型o->type = type;// 指定编码o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_RAW;// 指定指针o->ptr = ptr;// 使用次数o->refcount = 1;/* Set the LRU to the current lruclock (minutes resolution). */o->lru = server.lruclock;return o;
3.4 字符编码指定
// 指定该对象的类型编码是压缩链表的字符编码
// redis.h(src) - 139 line/* Objects encoding. Some kind of objects like Strings and Hashes can be* internally represented in multiple ways. The 'encoding' field of the object* is set to one of this fields for this object. */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_RAW 0 /* Raw representation */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_INT 1 /* Encoded as integer */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_HT 2 /* Encoded as hash table */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP 3 /* Encoded as zipmap */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST 4 /* Encoded as regular linked list */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST 5 /* Encoded as ziplist */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET 6 /* Encoded as intset */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST 7 /* Encoded as skiplist */
4. 总结