

  • 开发语言:Java

  • 数据库:MySQL

  • 技术:SSM

  • 工具:IDEA/Ecilpse、Navicat、Maven











本课题基于SSM框架,设计并实现一个基于Java web的汽车租赁系统。为以后的商业化运作打好了坚定的基础.





public class Htgl {
private int beginRow;private int pageSize;public int getBeginRow() {return beginRow;}public void setBeginRow(int beginRow) {this.beginRow = beginRow;}public int getPageSize() {return pageSize;}public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {this.pageSize = pageSize;}/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.id** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String id;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.title** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String title;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.aname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String aname;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.bname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String bname;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.akaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String akaihu;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.bkaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String bkaihu;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.azjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String azjhm;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.bzjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String bzjhm;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.alxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String alxdh;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.blxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String blxdh;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.hphm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private String hphm;/**** This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This field corresponds to the database column htgl.CREATETIME** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/private Date createtime;/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.id** @return the value of htgl.id** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getId() {return id;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.id** @param id the value for htgl.id** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setId(String id) {this.id = id;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.title** @return the value of htgl.title** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getTitle() {return title;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.title** @param title the value for htgl.title** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setTitle(String title) {this.title = title;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.aname** @return the value of htgl.aname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getAname() {return aname;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.aname** @param aname the value for htgl.aname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setAname(String aname) {this.aname = aname;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.bname** @return the value of htgl.bname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getBname() {return bname;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.bname** @param bname the value for htgl.bname** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setBname(String bname) {this.bname = bname;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.akaihu** @return the value of htgl.akaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getAkaihu() {return akaihu;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.akaihu** @param akaihu the value for htgl.akaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setAkaihu(String akaihu) {this.akaihu = akaihu;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.bkaihu** @return the value of htgl.bkaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getBkaihu() {return bkaihu;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.bkaihu** @param bkaihu the value for htgl.bkaihu** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setBkaihu(String bkaihu) {this.bkaihu = bkaihu;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.azjhm** @return the value of htgl.azjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getAzjhm() {return azjhm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.azjhm** @param azjhm the value for htgl.azjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setAzjhm(String azjhm) {this.azjhm = azjhm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.bzjhm** @return the value of htgl.bzjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getBzjhm() {return bzjhm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.bzjhm** @param bzjhm the value for htgl.bzjhm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setBzjhm(String bzjhm) {this.bzjhm = bzjhm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.alxdh** @return the value of htgl.alxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getAlxdh() {return alxdh;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.alxdh** @param alxdh the value for htgl.alxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setAlxdh(String alxdh) {this.alxdh = alxdh;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.blxdh** @return the value of htgl.blxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getBlxdh() {return blxdh;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.blxdh** @param blxdh the value for htgl.blxdh** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setBlxdh(String blxdh) {this.blxdh = blxdh;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.hphm** @return the value of htgl.hphm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public String getHphm() {return hphm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.hphm** @param hphm the value for htgl.hphm** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setHphm(String hphm) {this.hphm = hphm;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method returns the value of the database column htgl.CREATETIME** @return the value of htgl.CREATETIME** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public Date getCreatetime() {return createtime;}/*** This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.* This method sets the value of the database column htgl.CREATETIME** @param createtime the value for htgl.CREATETIME** @mbggenerated Sun Jan 21 13:46:16 CST 2018*/public void setCreatetime(Date createtime) {this.createtime = createtime;}








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