2024-07-16 Unity插件 Odin Inspector7 —— Number Attributes


  • 1 说明
  • 2 Number 特性
    • 2.1 MaxValue / MinValue
    • 2.2 MinMaxSlider
    • 2.3 ProgressBar
    • 2.4 PropertyRange
    • 2.5 Unit
    • 2.6 Wrap

1 说明

​ 本文介绍 Odin Inspector 插件中有关 Number 特性的使用方法。

2 Number 特性

2.1 MaxValue / MinValue

在 Inspector 窗口中对象能够被设置的最小 / 大值。超过该范围则会有错误提示。

  • double maxValue/minValue

    最大 / 小值。

  • string Expression

    用于解析最大 / 小值的字符串。可以是字段、属性、方法名或表达式。

// MinMaxValueValueExamplesComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;public class MinMaxValueValueExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
{// Ints[Title("Int")][MinValue(0)]public int IntMinValue0;[MaxValue(0)]public int IntMaxValue0;// Floats[Title("Float")][MinValue(0)]public float FloatMinValue0;[MaxValue(0)]public float FloatMaxValue0;// Vectors[Title("Vectors")][MinValue(0)]public Vector3 Vector3MinValue0;[MaxValue(0)]public Vector3 Vector3MaxValue0;

2.2 MinMaxSlider

将 Vector2 向量表示为 [min, max] 区间,并在 Inspector 窗口中以滑动条方式显示。其中,x 为最小值,y 为最大值。

  • float minValue/maxValue

    最小 / 大值。

  • string minValueGetter/maxValueGetter

    获取最小 / 大值的方法名称。

  • string minMaxValueGetter


  • bool showFields = false


// MinMaxSliderExamplesComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;public class MinMaxSliderExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
{[MinMaxSlider(-10, 10)]public Vector2 MinMaxValueSlider = new Vector2(-7, -2);[MinMaxSlider(-10, 10, true)]public Vector2 WithFields = new Vector2(-3, 4);[InfoBox("You can also assign the min max values dynamically by referring to members.")][MinMaxSlider("DynamicRange", true)]public Vector2 DynamicMinMax = new Vector2(25, 50);[MinMaxSlider("Min", 10f, true)]public Vector2 DynamicMin = new Vector2(2, 7);[InfoBox("You can also use attribute expressions with the @ symbol.")][MinMaxSlider("@DynamicRange.x", "@DynamicRange.y * 10f", true)]public Vector2 Expressive = new Vector2(0, 450);public Vector2 DynamicRange = new Vector2(0, 50);public float Min { get { return this.DynamicRange.x; } }public float Max { get { return this.DynamicRange.y; } }

2.3 ProgressBar

为 value 绘制进度条。

  • double min/max

    最小 / 大值区间。

  • float r = 0.15f, float g = 0.47f, float b = 0.74f


  • int Height

    进度条高度,默认为 12 像素。

  • bool Segmented


  • string ColorGetter/BackgroundColorGetter

    进度条 / 背景条颜色的获取方法。

  • bool DrawValueLabel


// ProgressBarExamplesComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;public class ProgressBarExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
{[ProgressBar(0, 100)]public int ProgressBar = 50;[HideLabel][ProgressBar(-100, 100, r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, Height = 30)]public short BigColoredProgressBar = 50;[ProgressBar(0, 10, 0, 1, 0, Segmented = true)]public int SegmentedColoredBar = 5;[ProgressBar(0, 100, ColorGetter = "GetHealthBarColor")]public float DynamicHealthBarColor = 50;// The min and max properties also support attribute expressions with the $ symbol.[BoxGroup("Dynamic Range")][ProgressBar("Min", "Max")]public float DynamicProgressBar = 50;[BoxGroup("Dynamic Range")]public float Min;[BoxGroup("Dynamic Range")]public float Max = 100;[Range(0, 300)][BoxGroup("Stacked Health"), HideLabel]public float StackedHealth = 150;[HideLabel, ShowInInspector][ProgressBar(0, 100, ColorGetter = "GetStackedHealthColor", BackgroundColorGetter = "GetStackHealthBackgroundColor", DrawValueLabel = false)][BoxGroup("Stacked Health")]private float StackedHealthProgressBar {get { return this.StackedHealth % 100.01f; }}private Color GetHealthBarColor(float value) {return Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.green, Mathf.Pow(value / 100f, 2));}private Color GetStackedHealthColor() {returnthis.StackedHealth > 200 ? Color.white :this.StackedHealth > 100 ? Color.green :Color.red;}private Color GetStackHealthBackgroundColor() {returnthis.StackedHealth > 200 ? Color.green :this.StackedHealth > 100 ? Color.red :new Color(0.16f, 0.16f, 0.16f, 1f);}

2.4 PropertyRange


  • double min/max

    最小 / 大值。

  • string minGetter/maxGetter


// PropertyRangeExampleComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;public class PropertyRangeExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
{[Range(0, 10)]public int Field = 2;[InfoBox("Odin's PropertyRange attribute is similar to Unity's Range attribute, but also works on properties.")][ShowInInspector, PropertyRange(0, 10)]public int Property { get; set; }[InfoBox("You can also reference member for either or both min and max values.")][PropertyRange(0, "Max"), PropertyOrder(3)]public int Dynamic = 6;[PropertyOrder(4)]public int Max = 100;

2.5 Unit

为 value 显示单位。

  • Units unit


  • Units @base


  • Units display

    在 Inspector 窗口中显示的单位(经过转换)。

  • bool DisplayAsString

    如果为 true,则绘制为只读文本。

  • bool ForceDisplayUnit

    如果为 true,则禁用使用右键单击上下文菜单更改显示单位的选项。

// UnitExampleComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
#endifpublic class UnitExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
{// Kilogram unit. Change the display by right-clicking.// Try entering '6 lb'.[Unit(Units.Kilogram)]public float Weight;// Meters per second unit, displayed as kilometers per hour in the inspector.// Try entering '15 mph'.[Unit(Units.MetersPerSecond, Units.KilometersPerHour)]public float Speed;// Meters, displayed as centimeters for finer control.[Unit(Units.Meter, Units.Centimeter)]public float Distance;// The speed value, shown as miles per hours. Excellent for debugging values in the inspector.[ShowInInspector, Unit(Units.MetersPerSecond, Units.MilesPerHour, DisplayAsString = true, ForceDisplayUnit = true)]public float SpeedMilesPerHour => Speed;

2.6 Wrap

在 Inspector 窗口中设置 value 的值超出指定范围时,将该值循环设置(求余)在指定范围内。

  • double min/max

    最小 / 大值。

// WrapExamplesComponent.csusing Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;public class WrapExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
{[Wrap(0f, 100f)]public int IntWrapFrom0To100;[Wrap(0f, 100f)]public float FloatWrapFrom0To100;[Wrap(0f, 100f)]public Vector3 Vector3WrapFrom0To100;[Wrap(0f, 360)]public float AngleWrap;[Wrap(0f, Mathf.PI * 2)]public float RadianWrap;




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