- 给定矩形框占图像的面积比例,和图像的宽W高H,生成矩形框。
- 根据给定的矩形框,交换两张图像的部分区域。
这里为了方便展示,简化问题,给定一个图像数组mels,对第 i 和第 i+2 个图像交换矩形框区域的部分:
get_cutmix() 输入一个torch张量,输出一个torch张量。
import yaml
import math
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
from PIL import Imagedef get_boundingbox(W, H, lamb=0.25):rate = math.sqrt(lamb)rx, ry = (1 - rate) * W * random.random(), (1 - rate) * H * random.random()rw, rh = W * rate, H * ratereturn int(rx), int(ry), int(rw), int(rh)def get_cutmix(mels, lamb=0.25):B, C, H, W = mels.shapenew_mels = []for i in range(B):rx, ry, rw, rh = get_boundingbox(H, W, lamb=lamb)print(rx, ry, rw, rh)j = (i + 2) % BMB = mels[j, :, rx:rx + rw, ry:ry + rh]print(MB.shape)MA = mels[i, :, ...]MA[:, rx:rx + rw, ry:ry + rh] = MBnew_mels.append(MA)return torch.stack(new_mels, dim=0)
下图就是CutMix的效果,出自论文 CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features 1905.04899v2。
def get_rand_frame(mels, frame_width):B = len(mels)new_mels = []for i in range(B):j = (i + 2) % BW = mels[j].shape[1]rx = (W - frame_width) * random.random()rx = int(rx)print("rx:", rx)MB = mels[j][:, rx:rx+frame_width]print("MB:", MB.shape)MA = mels[i]W = mels[i].shape[1]rx = int((W - frame_width) * random.random())print("rx:", rx)MA[:, rx:rx + frame_width] = MBprint("MA:", MA.shape)new_mels.append(MA)return new_melsdef main():root = "D:/kingz/ucasFiles/paper1/"img_paths = ["spec_denoise", "spec_normal", "denoised_true_0", "addednoised_true_1", "denoised_1"]imgs = []h = 222for pa in img_paths:img_tmp = np.array(Image.open(root+pa+".png").convert("L"), np.float64)imgs.append(img_tmp[:h, :])print(img_tmp[:h, :].shape)new_imgs = get_rand_frame(imgs, frame_width=40)# plt.figure(0)for i in range(5):# plt.subplot(3, 2, i+1)plt.figure(i)plt.imshow(new_imgs[i].astype(np.uint8))plt.xticks([])plt.yticks([])plt.savefig(f"./cutframe_{i}.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=300)
[1]: CutMix Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features 1905.04899v2
[2]: Anomalous_Sound_Detection_Based_on_Interpolation_Deep_Neural_Network