
政务网站建设规划,网络app推广是什么工作,亚马逊雨林动物,vs网站开发教程前情提要 因工作需求,需要解析.SchDoc格式文件,提取文本和位置关系,通常方式是转换为图片或PDF,再进行OCR,但是这样识别精度太低了 Github找了好些项目,都不支持 PyAltium不支持…









pip install olefile


import argparse, textwrap
import olefile
import re
import json
import copy
import math
import logging
import os
import codecs
lg = logging.getLogger(__name__)def parse(input, format, **kwargs):fullPath = inputblah = olefile.OleFileIO(fullPath)stream = blah.openstream('FileHeader')# split binary stream into lines using a repeated 5 byte signaturepattern = re.compile(b'.{3}\x00\x00\|')lines = pattern.split([5:-1]) # lopping off first 4 bytes, and last byte, since they don't seem to matter?schematic = {}datums = []# loop through every "line" and parse each into a dictionaryfor line in lines:datum = {}pairs = line.split(b"|")for pair in pairs:data = pair.split(b"=")if len(data) == 2:datum[data[0].decode()] = data[1].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')datums.append(datum)# separate out the header dictionary from the "records" dictionariesschematic["header"] = [x for x in datums if 'HEADER' in x.keys()]schematic["records"] = [x for x in datums if 'RECORD' in x.keys()]hierarchy_schematic = determine_hierarchy(schematic)if format == 'all_hierarchy':schematic = hierarchy_schematicelif format == 'parts_list':schematic = determine_parts_list(hierarchy_schematic)elif format == 'net_list':schematic = determine_net_list(hierarchy_schematic)return schematicdef determine_hierarchy(schematic):"""Convert a dict containing a flat list of recordsinto a dict of records in a hierarchy:param schematic: dict with 'header' and 'records' populated:return: the input dict with 'records' assembled into parent/child hierarchy"""# prep a scratchpad copy of records to build hierarchy fromrecords_copy = copy.deepcopy(schematic["records"])schematic["hierarchy"] = []# loop through all "records" and organize them into owner/childrenfor i, current in enumerate(records_copy):current['index'] = is = current.get("OWNERINDEX")if s == None:schematic["hierarchy"].append(current)else:ownerIndex = int(s)owner = records_copy[ownerIndex]if (owner.get("children") == None):owner["children"] = []owner["children"].append(current)schematic["records"] = schematic["hierarchy"]schematic.pop("hierarchy", None)return schematicdef determine_parts_list(schematic):parts_list = {"records": [ record for record in schematic["records"] if record["RECORD"] == "1" ]}return parts_listdef determine_net_list(schematic):_, wires = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="27")_, pins = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="2")_, labels = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="25")_, power_ports = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="17")devices = wires + pins + labels + power_portsp = re.compile('^(?P<prefix>X)(?P<index>\d+)$')for device in devices:# if a Pin, do some fancy geometry mathif device["RECORD"] == "2":rotation = (int(device["PINCONGLOMERATE"]) & 0x03) * 90device['coords'] = [[int(int(device['LOCATION.X']) + math.cos(rotation / 180 * math.pi) * int(device['PINLENGTH'])),int(int(device['LOCATION.Y']) + math.sin(rotation / 180 * math.pi) * int(device['PINLENGTH']))]]# if a Wire, follow inconsistent location key names (X1 vs LOCATION.X, etc..)elif device["RECORD"] == "27":coord_name_matches = [x for x in [p.match(key) for key in device.keys()] if x]device['coords'] = [ ( int(device['X' +'index')]) , int(device['Y' +'index')]) )for match in coord_name_matches ]# everything else, just convert the location values to intselse:device['coords'] = [(int(device['LOCATION.X']), int(device['LOCATION.Y']))]nets = []for device in devices:if device["index"] not in [d['index'] for net in nets for d in net['devices']]:net = {'name': None,'devices': find_connected_wires(device, devices, [], schematic)}nets.append(net)for net in nets:net['devices'].sort(key=lambda k: k['index'])if not net['name']:net['name'] = next(iter(d['TEXT'] for d in net['devices'] if ((d['RECORD'] == '17') or (d['RECORD'] == '25'))), None)if not net['name']:naming_pin = next(iter(d for d in net['devices'] if d['RECORD'] == '2'), None)parent = next(iter(find_record(schematic, key="index", value=int(naming_pin['OWNERINDEX']))[1]), None) if naming_pin else Nonenet['name'] = next(iter('Net' + r['TEXT'] for r in parent['children'] if (r['RECORD'] == '34')), None) if parent else Noneschematic["nets"] = netsreturn schematicdef find_record(schematic, key, value, record=None, visited=None, found=None):lg.debug("finding records where: {0} = {1}".format(key, value))if visited == None:visited = []if found == None:found = []if record == None:for record in schematic['records']:visited, found = find_record(schematic, key, value, record=record, visited=visited, found=found)else:if record['index'] not in [r['index'] for r in visited]:visited.append(record)if key in record.keys():if record[key] == value:found.append(record)if "children" in record.keys():for child_record in record["children"]:visited, found = find_record(schematic, key, value, record=child_record, visited=visited, found=found)return visited, founddef find_connected_wires(wire, devices, visited, schematic):neighbors = find_neighbors(wire, devices, schematic)lg.debug('entering: {0}'.format(wire['index']))if wire['index'] not in [w['index'] for w in visited]:lg.debug('adding: {0} to {1}'.format(wire['index'], [w['index'] for w in visited]))visited.append(wire)for neighbor in neighbors:lg.debug('trying: {0} of {1}'.format(neighbor['index'], [x['index'] for x in neighbors]))visited = find_connected_wires(neighbor, devices, visited, schematic)lg.debug('visited = {0}'.format([w['index'] for w in visited]))else:lg.debug('skipping: {0} already in list {1}'.format(wire['index'], [w['index'] for w in visited]))lg.debug('returning: {0}'.format(wire['index']))return visiteddef find_neighbors(wire, devices, schematic):all_wires = devicesother_wires = [record for record in all_wires if record != wire]neighbors = []for other_wire in other_wires:if is_connected(wire, other_wire):neighbors.append(other_wire)return neighborsdef is_connected(wire_a, wire_b):if wire_a["RECORD"] == "27":a_line_segments = [(wire_a['coords'][i], wire_a['coords'][i + 1]) for i inrange(len(wire_a['coords']) - 1)]else:a_line_segments = [(wire_a['coords'][0], wire_a['coords'][0])]if wire_b["RECORD"] == "27":b_line_segments = [(wire_b['coords'][i], wire_b['coords'][i + 1]) for i inrange(len(wire_b['coords']) - 1)]else:b_line_segments = [(wire_b['coords'][0], wire_b['coords'][0])]# check if any vertices in wire_a lie on wire_bfor vertex in [vx for line in a_line_segments for vx in line]:for b_line in b_line_segments:b_xs = sorted(list(zip(*b_line))[0])b_ys = sorted(list(zip(*b_line))[1])if ((min(b_xs) <= vertex[0] <= max(b_xs))and (min(b_ys) <= vertex[1] <= max(b_ys))):return True# check if any vertices in wire_b lie on wire_afor vertex in [vx for line in b_line_segments for vx in line]:for a_line in a_line_segments:a_xs = sorted(list(zip(*a_line))[0])a_ys = sorted(list(zip(*a_line))[1])if ((min(a_xs) <= vertex[0] <= max(a_xs))and (min(a_ys) <= vertex[1] <= max(a_ys))):return True# check if both items are Power Ports with the same TEXT valueif ( wire_a["RECORD"] == "17" ) and ( wire_b["RECORD"] == "17" ) and ( wire_a["TEXT"] == wire_b["TEXT"] ):return Truereturn Falsedef main(args):schematic = parse(**vars(args))if args.output:json_file = open(output_folder, 'w', encoding='utf-8')json.dump(schematic, json_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)else:print(schematic)if __name__ == "__main__":# 命令行使用方式# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='转换.SchDoc文件转换为json', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)# parser.add_argument('input',#                     help='path/to/altiumschematic.schdoc 要分析的文件地址')# parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output',#                     help='path/to/jsonfile.json 输出json到的文件,否则打印到终端')# parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', dest='format', default='all_hierarchy',#                     choices=['all_list', 'all_hierarchy', 'parts_list', 'net_list'],#                     help=textwrap.dedent('''\#                     all-list: 展开列表中的所有记录#                     all-hierarchy: 在所有者和子结构中的所有记录#                     parts-list: 零件及其代号的列表#                     net-list: 零件引脚之间的网络列表,由其代号表示'''))# args = parser.parse_args()# main(args)# 直接调用函数使用方式SchDoc_path = "/home/hyh/data/Maintenance_test_data/AIN.SchDoc"format = "all_hierarchy"output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(SchDoc_path), os.path.basename(SchDoc_path).split(".")[0] + "_" + format + ".json")schematic = parse(SchDoc_path, format)json_file = open(output_folder, 'w', encoding='utf-8')json.dump(schematic, json_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)






apexcharts数据可视化之饼图 有完整配套的Python后端代码。 本教程主要会介绍如下图形绘制方式&#xff1a; 基础饼图单色饼图图片饼图 基础饼图 import ApexChart from react-apexcharts;export function SimplePie() {// 数据序列const series [44, 55, 13, 43, 22]// …


如果你有外置罗盘&#xff0c;可以不用校准内置罗盘&#xff0c;可以忽略此文。推荐使用外置罗盘&#xff0c;内置罗盘容易受干扰。 使用内置罗盘需要插入飞控GPS接口旁边的跳线帽。如图&#xff1a; 如果要使用内置罗盘&#xff0c;而又加了GPS的&#xff0c;记得一定要把GPS…

【错误记录】HarmonyOS 运行报错 ( Failure INSTALL _PARSE _FAILED _USESDK _ERROR )

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目录 1.程序功能描述 2.测试软件版本以及运行结果展示 3.核心程序 4.本算法原理 5.完整程序 1.程序功能描述 基于粒子群算法的网络最优节点部署优化,实现WSN网络的节点覆盖最大化。 2.测试软件版本以及运行结果展示 MATLAB2022A版本运行 3.核心程序 .................…

Golang | Leetcode Golang题解之第118题杨辉三角

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