

#ifndef TQDM_H
#define TQDM_H#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <numeric>
#include <ios>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <io.h>
class tqdm {
private:// time, iteration counters and deques for rate calculationsstd::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> t_first = std::chrono::system_clock::now();std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> t_old = std::chrono::system_clock::now();int n_old = 0;std::vector<double> deq_t;std::vector<int> deq_n;int nupdates = 0;int total_ = 0;int period = 1;unsigned int smoothing = 50;bool use_ema = true;float alpha_ema = 0.1;std::vector<const char*> bars = { " ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█" };bool in_screen = (system("test $STY") == 0);bool in_tmux = (system("test $TMUX") == 0);bool is_tty = _isatty(1);bool use_colors = true;bool color_transition = true;int width = 40;std::string right_pad = "▏";std::string label = "";void hsv_to_rgb(float h, float s, float v, int& r, int& g, int& b) {if (s < 1e-6) {v *= 255.;r = v; g = v; b = v;}int i = (int)(h*6.0);float f = (h*6.) - i;int p = (int)(255.0*(v*(1. - s)));int q = (int)(255.0*(v*(1. - s * f)));int t = (int)(255.0*(v*(1. - s * (1. - f))));v *= 255;i %= 6;int vi = (int)v;if (i == 0) { r = vi; g = t;  b = p; }else if (i == 1) { r = q;  g = vi; b = p; }else if (i == 2) { r = p;  g = vi; b = t; }else if (i == 3) { r = p;  g = q;  b = vi; }else if (i == 4) { r = t;  g = p;  b = vi; }else if (i == 5) { r = vi; g = p;  b = q; }}public:tqdm() {if (in_screen) {set_theme_basic();color_transition = false;}else if (in_tmux) {color_transition = false;}}void reset() {t_first = std::chrono::system_clock::now();t_old = std::chrono::system_clock::now();n_old = 0;deq_t.clear();deq_n.clear();period = 1;nupdates = 0;total_ = 0;label = "";}void set_theme_line() { bars = { "─", "─", "─", "╾", "╾", "╾", "╾", "━", "═" }; }void set_theme_circle() { bars = { " ", "◓", "◑", "◒", "◐", "◓", "◑", "◒", "#" }; }void set_theme_braille() { bars = { " ", "⡀", "⡄", "⡆", "⡇", "⡏", "⡟", "⡿", "⣿" }; }void set_theme_braille_spin() { bars = { " ", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠇", "⠿" }; }void set_theme_vertical() { bars = { "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█", "█" }; }void set_theme_basic() {bars = { " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "#" };right_pad = "|";}void set_label(std::string label_) { label = label_; }void disable_colors() {color_transition = false;use_colors = false;}void finish() {progress(total_, total_);printf("\n");fflush(stdout);}void progress(int curr, int tot) {if (is_tty && (curr%period == 0)) {total_ = tot;nupdates++;auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();double dt = ((std::chrono::duration<double>)(now - t_old)).count();double dt_tot = ((std::chrono::duration<double>)(now - t_first)).count();int dn = curr - n_old;n_old = curr;t_old = now;if (deq_n.size() >= smoothing) deq_n.erase(deq_n.begin());if (deq_t.size() >= smoothing) deq_t.erase(deq_t.begin());deq_t.push_back(dt);deq_n.push_back(dn);double avgrate = 0.;if (use_ema) {avgrate = deq_n[0] / deq_t[0];for (unsigned int i = 1; i < deq_t.size(); i++) {double r = 1.0*deq_n[i] / deq_t[i];avgrate = alpha_ema * r + (1.0 - alpha_ema)*avgrate;}}else {double dtsum = std::accumulate(deq_t.begin(), deq_t.end(), 0.);int dnsum = std::accumulate(deq_n.begin(), deq_n.end(), 0.);avgrate = dnsum / dtsum;}// learn an appropriate period length to avoid spamming stdout// and slowing down the loop, shoot for ~25Hz and smooth over 3 secondsif (nupdates > 10) {period = (int)(std::min(std::max((1.0 / 25)*curr / dt_tot, 1.0), 5e5));smoothing = 25 * 3;}double peta = (tot - curr) / avgrate;double pct = (double)curr / (tot*0.01);if ((tot - curr) <= period) {pct = 100.0;avgrate = tot / dt_tot;curr = tot;peta = 0;}double fills = ((double)curr / tot * width);int ifills = (int)fills;printf("\015 ");if (use_colors) {if (color_transition) {// red (hue=0) to green (hue=1/3)int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;hsv_to_rgb(0.0 + 0.01*pct / 3, 0.65, 1.0, r, g, b);printf("\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm ", r, g, b);}else {printf("\033[32m ");}}for (int i = 0; i < ifills; i++) std::cout << bars[8];if (!in_screen && (curr != tot)) printf("%s", bars[(int)(8.0*(fills - ifills))]);for (int i = 0; i < width - ifills - 1; i++) std::cout << bars[0];printf("%s ", right_pad.c_str());if (use_colors) printf("\033[1m\033[31m");printf("%4.1f%% ", pct);if (use_colors) printf("\033[34m");std::string unit = "Hz";double div = 1.;if (avgrate > 1e6) {unit = "MHz"; div = 1.0e6;}else if (avgrate > 1e3) {unit = "kHz"; div = 1.0e3;}printf("[%4d/%4d | %3.1f %s | %.0fs<%.0fs] ", curr, tot, avgrate / div, unit.c_str(), dt_tot, peta);printf("%s ", label.c_str());if (use_colors) printf("\033[0m\033[32m\033[0m\015 ");if ((tot - curr) > period) fflush(stdout);}}


#include "MyClass.h"
#include <windows.h>
int main() {int N = 2000;tqdm bar;std::cout << "Overhead of loop only:" << std::endl;for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {bar.progress(i, 100000000);}bar.finish();std::cout << "Basic:" << std::endl;bar.reset();bar.set_theme_basic();for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {bar.progress(i, N);Sleep(1000);}bar.finish();std::cout << "Braille:" << std::endl;bar.reset();bar.set_theme_braille();for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {bar.progress(i, N);Sleep(300);}bar.finish();std::cout << "Line:" << std::endl;bar.reset();bar.set_theme_line();for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {bar.progress(i, N);Sleep(300);}bar.finish();std::cout << "Circles:" << std::endl;bar.reset();bar.set_theme_circle();for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {bar.progress(i, N);Sleep(300);}bar.finish();bar.reset();std::cout << "Vertical bars:" << std::endl;bar.reset();bar.set_theme_vertical();for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {bar.progress(i, N);Sleep(3000);}bar.finish();return 0;





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