
好网站页面,免费网站推广2023,b2b电子商务平台的主要类型,自己做网站还是开通阿里巴巴诚信通前言 【C】二叉树进阶(二叉搜索树) 这篇文章讲述了关于二叉搜索树知识,但是二叉搜索树有其自身的缺陷,假如往树中插入的元素有序或者接近有序,二叉搜索树就会退化成单支树,时间复杂度会退化成O(N)&#xff…


【C++】二叉树进阶(二叉搜索树) 这篇文章讲述了关于二叉搜索树知识,但是二叉搜索树有其自身的缺陷,假如往树中插入的元素有序或者接近有序,二叉搜索树就会退化成单支树,时间复杂度会退化成O(N),因此map、set等关联式容器的底层结构是对二叉树进行了平衡处理,即采用平衡树来实现,AVL树和红黑树都在不同程度下优化了二叉搜索树。在这篇文章中 【C++】─篇文章带你熟练掌握 map 与 set 的使用 我们对map与set的使用进行了详细的讲解,那么这篇文章会在实现AVL树的基础上对map与set进行封装。


  • 一、AVL 树
    • 1.1 AVL树的概念
    • 1.2 AVL树节点的定义
    • 1.3 AVL树的插入
    • 1.4 AVL树的旋转
      • 1.4.1 新节点插入较高左子树的左侧----左左高:右单旋
      • 1.4.2 新节点插入较高右子树的右侧----右右高:左单旋
      • 1.4.3 新节点插入较高左子树的右侧---左右高:先左单旋再右单旋
      • 1.4.4 新节点插入较高右子树的左侧---右左高:先右单旋再左单旋
    • 1.5 AVL树的验证
    • 1.6 AVL树的性能
    • 1.7 AVL树的整体实现
  • 二、红黑树
    • 2.1 红黑树的概念
    • 2.2 红黑树的性质
    • 2.3 红黑树节点的定义
    • 2.4 红黑树的结构
    • 2.5 红黑树的插入操作
    • 2.6 红黑树的验证
    • 2.7 红黑树与AVL树的比较
  • 三、红黑树的模拟实现
    • 3.1 红黑树中迭代器的实现
    • 3.2 红黑树中clear、size 和 empty 的实现
    • 3.3 获得红黑树中的最左/右节点
    • 3.4 红黑树中 begin 和 end 的实现
    • 3.5 红黑树中 insert 的实现
    • 3.6 红黑树中 find 的实现
    • 3.7 红黑树的整体实现
  • 四、set 和 map 的封装
    • 4.1 set的封装
    • 4.2 map的封装
  • 结尾

一、AVL 树

1.1 AVL树的概念



  • 它或是它的左右子树都是AVL树
  • 左右子树的高度差(平衡因子)的绝对值不超过1


如果一棵二叉搜索树是高度平衡的,它就是AVL树。如果它有n个结点,其高度可保持在 O ( l o g 2 n ) O(log_2 n) O(log2n),搜索时间复杂度O( l o g 2 n log_2 n log2n)

1.2 AVL树节点的定义


template<class K, class V>
struct AVLTreeNode
{AVLTreeNode* _left;AVLTreeNode* _right;AVLTreeNode* _parent;pair<K, V> _kv;int _bf;  // 平衡因子AVLTreeNode(const pair<K, V>& kv): _left(nullptr), _right(nullptr), _parent(nullptr), _kv(kv), _bf(0){}

1.3 AVL树的插入


  1. 找到新节点应该插入的位置进行链接(这里写的AVL树不允许插入相同的元素)
  2. 插入新节点后,若出现某棵树的平衡因子异常的情况,则需要进行调整


template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
public:bool Insert(const pair<K, V>& kv){if (_root == nullptr){_root = new Node(kv);return true;}Node* parent = nullptr;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_kv.first > kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (cur->_kv.first < kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}// 有相同的K,插入失败else{return false;}}// 插入新节点cur = new Node(kv);if (parent->_kv.first > cur->_kv.first){parent->_left = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}else{parent->_right = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}// 平衡旋转while (parent){if (parent->_left == cur){parent->_bf--;}else{parent->_bf++;}// 如果当前树插入新节点后的平衡因子变为0// 那么说明新插入的节点并没有使当前树的高度增加// 更不会对当前节点到根节点路径上节点的平衡因子造成影响// 所以说这里break不需要继续处理if (parent->_bf == 0){break;}// 当父节点的平衡因子为1/-1时,那么说明这个新插入的节点影响了父节点的高度// 也有可能影响新插入节点以上节点的平衡因子,向上判断该节点是否影响上面树的平衡性// 若影响上面树的平衡性,那么需要旋转来平衡树,使其平衡else if (parent->_bf == 1 || parent->_bf == -1){if (parent == _root)break;cur = parent;parent = parent->_parent;}else if (parent->_bf == 2 || parent->_bf == -2){// 右右高,左单旋if (parent->_bf == 2 && cur->_bf == 1){RotateL(parent);break;}// 左左高,右单旋else if (parent->_bf == -2 && cur->_bf == -1){RotateR(parent);break;}// 右左高,右左双旋,先将当前节点右单旋,再将父亲节点左单旋else if (parent->_bf == 2 && cur->_bf == -1){RotateRL(parent);break;}// 左右高,左右双旋,先将当前节点左单旋,再将父亲节点右旋单旋else if (parent->_bf == -2 && cur->_bf == 1){RotateLR(parent);break;}else{assert(false);}}// 当父亲节点的平衡因子为其他值时,那么这棵树一定是出现了问题else{assert(false);}}return true;}private:Node* _root = nullptr;

1.4 AVL树的旋转

1.4.1 新节点插入较高左子树的左侧----左左高:右单旋


t1、t2和t3都是高度为 h(h>=0) 的AVL树,首先在新节点未插入时,节点10的平衡因子为0,节点20的平衡因子为-1,此时所有树都满足AVL树的条件。当在t1上插入一个节点,就导致节点10的平衡因子为-1,节点20的平衡因子为-2,此时节点20为根的这颗数违反了AVL树的规则,需要进行选择调整。




template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
private:// 右单旋void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;subL->_right = parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;subL->_parent = nullptr;}else{subL->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subL;}else{Pparent->_right = subL;}}parent->_bf = subL->_bf = 0;}Node* _root = nullptr;

1.4.2 新节点插入较高右子树的右侧----右右高:左单旋


t1、t2和t3都是高度为 h(h>=0) 的AVL树,首先在新节点未插入时,节点20的平衡因子为0,节点10的平衡因子为1,此时所有树都满足AVL树的条件。当在t3上插入一个节点,就导致节点20的平衡因子为1,节点10的平衡因子为2,此时节点20为根的这颗数违反了AVL树的规则,需要进行选择调整。



template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
private:// 左单旋void RotateL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;parent->_right = subRL;if (subRL)subRL->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subR;subR->_left = parent;if (parent == _root){_root = subR;subR->_parent = nullptr;}else{subR->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subR;}else{Pparent->_right = subR;}}parent->_bf = subR->_bf = 0;}Node* _root = nullptr;

1.4.3 新节点插入较高左子树的右侧—左右高:先左单旋再右单旋


t1、t4是高度为 h 的AVL树,t2和t3都是高度为 h-1(h>=1) 的AVL树,首先在新节点未插入时,节点20的平衡因子为0,节点10的平衡因子为0,节点30的平衡因子为-1,此时所有树都满足AVL树的条件。当在t3上插入一个节点,就导致节点20的平衡因子为1,节点10的平衡因子为1,节点30的平衡因子为-2,此时节点30为根的这颗数违反了AVL树的规则,需要进行旋转调整。




template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
private:// 左右双旋void RotateLR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;int bf = subLR->_bf;RotateL(subL);RotateR(parent);if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = subL->_bf = subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){parent->_bf = 1;subL->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 1){subL->_bf = -1;parent->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}}Node* _root = nullptr;

1.4.4 新节点插入较高右子树的左侧—右左高:先右单旋再左单旋


t1、t4是高度为 h 的AVL树,t2和t3都是高度为 h-1(h>=1) 的AVL树,首先在新节点未插入时,节点20的平衡因子为0,节点30的平衡因子为0,节点10的平衡因子为1,此时所有树都满足AVL树的条件。当在t3上插入一个节点,就导致节点20的平衡因子为1,节点30的平衡因子为-1,节点10的平衡因子为2,此时节点30为根的这颗数违反了AVL树的规则,需要进行旋转调整。




template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
private:// 右左双旋void RotateRL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;int bf = subRL->_bf;RotateR(subR);RotateL(parent);if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = subR->_bf = subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){subRL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 1;}else if (bf == 1){subRL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = -1;subR->_bf = 0;}}Node* _root = nullptr;

1.5 AVL树的验证


  1. 验证其为二叉搜索树
  2. 验证其为平衡树
    (a) 每个节点子树高度差的绝对值不超过1(注意节点中如果没有平衡因子)
    (b) 节点的平衡因子是否计算正确


template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
public:// 中序变量void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}// 判断是否为AVL树bool IsBalance(){return _IsBalance(_root);}// 计算树的高度int Height(){return _Height(_root);}private:bool _IsBalance(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return true;bool left = _IsBalance(root->_left);if (!left) return left;bool right = _IsBalance(root->_right);if (!right) return right;if (_Height(root->_right) - _Height(root->_left) != root->_bf)cout << root->_kv.first << ":" << "平衡因子异常" << endl;return left && right &&abs(_Height(root->_left) - _Height(root->_right) < 2);}int _Height(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return 0;int left = _Height(root->_left);int right = _Height(root->_right);return  left > right ? left + 1 : right + 1;}void _InOrder(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return;_InOrder(root->_left);cout << root->_kv.first << endl;_InOrder(root->_right);}Node* _root = nullptr;

1.6 AVL树的性能

AVL树是一棵绝对平衡的二叉搜索树,其要求每个节点的左右子树高度差的绝对值都不超过1,这样可以保证查询时高效的时间复杂度,即 l o g 2 ( N ) log_2 (N) log2(N)。但是如果要对AVL树做一些结构修改的操作,性能非常低下,比如:插入时要维护其绝对平衡,旋转的次数比较多,更差的是在删除时,有可能一直要让旋转持续到根的位置。因此:如果需要一种查询高效且有序的数据结构,而且数据的个数为静态的(即不会改变),可以考虑AVL树,但一个结构经常修改,就不太适合。

1.7 AVL树的整体实现

#pragma once#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>using namespace std;template<class K, class V>
struct AVLTreeNode
{AVLTreeNode* _left;AVLTreeNode* _right;AVLTreeNode* _parent;pair<K, V> _kv;int _bf;  // 平衡因子AVLTreeNode(const pair<K, V>& kv): _left(nullptr), _right(nullptr), _parent(nullptr), _kv(kv), _bf(0){}
};template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
public:bool Insert(const pair<K, V>& kv){if (_root == nullptr){_root = new Node(kv);return true;}Node* parent = nullptr;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_kv.first > kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (cur->_kv.first < kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}// 有相同的K,插入失败else{return false;}}// 插入新节点cur = new Node(kv);if (parent->_kv.first > cur->_kv.first){parent->_left = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}else{parent->_right = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}// 平衡旋转while (parent){if (parent->_left == cur){parent->_bf--;}else{parent->_bf++;}// 如果当前树插入新节点后的平衡因子变为0// 那么说明新插入的节点并没有使当前树的高度增加// 更不会对当前节点到根节点路径上节点的平衡因子造成影响// 所以说这里break不需要继续处理if (parent->_bf == 0){break;}// 当父节点的平衡因子为1/-1时,那么说明这个新插入的节点影响了父节点的高度// 也有可能影响新插入节点以上节点的平衡因子,向上判断该节点是否影响上面树的平衡性// 若影响上面树的平衡性,那么需要旋转来平衡树,使其平衡else if (parent->_bf == 1 || parent->_bf == -1){if (parent == _root)break;cur = parent;parent = parent->_parent;}else if (parent->_bf == 2 || parent->_bf == -2){// 右右高,左单旋if (parent->_bf == 2 && cur->_bf == 1){RotateL(parent);break;}// 左左高,右单旋else if (parent->_bf == -2 && cur->_bf == -1){RotateR(parent);break;}// 右左高,右左双旋,先将当前节点右单旋,再将父亲节点左单旋else if (parent->_bf == 2 && cur->_bf == -1){RotateRL(parent);break;}// 左右高,左右双旋,先将当前节点左单旋,再将父亲节点右旋单旋else if (parent->_bf == -2 && cur->_bf == 1){RotateLR(parent);break;}else{assert(false);}}// 当父亲节点的平衡因子为其他值时,那么这棵树一定是出现了问题else{assert(false);}}return true;}void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}void _InOrder(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return;_InOrder(root->_left);cout << root->_kv.first << endl;_InOrder(root->_right);}bool IsBalance(){return _IsBalance(_root);}size_t Size(){return _Size(_root);}int Height(){return _Height(_root);}private:bool _IsBalance(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return true;bool left = _IsBalance(root->_left);if (!left) return left;bool right = _IsBalance(root->_right);if (!right) return right;if (_Height(root->_right) - _Height(root->_left) != root->_bf)cout << root->_kv.first << ":" << "平衡因子异常" << endl;return left && right &&abs(_Height(root->_left) - _Height(root->_right) < 2);}size_t _Size(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return 0;return _Size(root->_left) + _Size(root->_right) + 1;}int _Height(Node* root){if (root == nullptr)return 0;int left = _Height(root->_left);int right = _Height(root->_right);return  left > right ? left + 1 : right + 1;}// 右单旋void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;subL->_right = parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;subL->_parent = nullptr;}else{subL->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subL;}else{Pparent->_right = subL;}}parent->_bf = subL->_bf = 0;}// 左单旋void RotateL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;parent->_right = subRL;if (subRL)subRL->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subR;subR->_left = parent;if (parent == _root){_root = subR;subR->_parent = nullptr;}else{subR->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subR;}else{Pparent->_right = subR;}}parent->_bf = subR->_bf = 0;}// 左右双旋void RotateLR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;int bf = subLR->_bf;RotateL(subL);RotateR(parent);if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = subL->_bf = subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){parent->_bf = 1;subL->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 1){subL->_bf = -1;parent->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}}// 右左双旋void RotateRL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;int bf = subRL->_bf;RotateR(subR);RotateL(parent);if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = subR->_bf = subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){subRL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 1;}else if (bf == 1){subRL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = -1;subR->_bf = 0;}}Node* _root = nullptr;


2.1 红黑树的概念

红黑树,是一种二叉搜索树,但在每个结点上增加一个存储位表示结点的颜色,可以是Red或Black。 通过对任何一条从根到叶子的路径上各个结点着色方式的限制,红黑树确保没有一条路径会比其他路径长出俩倍,因而是接近平衡的。

2.2 红黑树的性质

  1. 红黑树中的根节点必定为黑色节点
  2. 红黑树上的节点不是黑色节点就是红色节点
  3. 红黑树中可以存在连续黑色节点,但是不能出现连续红色节点
  4. 红黑树中的每一条路径上的黑色节点的数目相同



2.3 红黑树节点的定义

enum Color
};template<class T>
struct RBTreeNode
{RBTreeNode* _left;RBTreeNode* _right;RBTreeNode* _parent;T _date;Color _col;RBTreeNode(const T& date): _right(nullptr)   // 节点的右孩子, _left(nullptr)    // 节点的左孩子, _parent(nullptr)  // 节点的父亲, _col(RED)         // 节点的颜色, _date(date)       // 节点存储的内容{}



2.4 红黑树的结构


2.5 红黑树的插入操作


  1. 按照二叉搜索的树规则插入新节点
  2. 检测新节点插入后,红黑树的性质是否造到破坏


情况一: c为红,p为红,g为黑,u存在且为红




情况二: c为红,p为红,g为黑,u不存在/u存在且为黑


  1. 如果u节点不存在,则c一定是新插入节点,因为如果c不是新插入节点,则c和p一定有一个节点的颜色是黑色,就不满足性质4:每条路径黑色节点个数相同。
  2. 如果u节点存在,则其一定是黑色的,那么c节点原来的颜色一定是黑色的,现在看到其是红色的原因是因为c的子树在调整的过程中将c节点的颜色由黑色改成红色。



情况三: c为红,p为红,g为黑,u不存在/u存在且为黑



template<class K, class T>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;// 在红黑树中插入值为data的节点,插入成功返回true,否则返回false// 注意:为了简单起见,本次实现红黑树不存储重复性元素pair<iterator,bool> Insert(const T& date){if (nullptr == _root){_root = new Node(date);_root->_col = BLACK;return make_pair(iterator(_root),true);}Node* cur = _root;Node* parent = cur->_parent;KofT koft;while (cur){if (koft(cur->_date) > koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (koft(cur->_date) < koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}else {return make_pair(iterator(cur),false);}}// 插入新节点cur = new Node(date);// 由于后面cur可能会随着旋转而改变// 这里定义一个newNode记录一下Node* newNode = cur;cur->_parent = parent;if (koft(parent->_date) > koft(date)){parent->_left = cur;}else{parent->_right = cur;}// 有向上处理的情况,可能存在parent不存在的情况while (parent && parent->_col == RED){Node* grandfather = parent->_parent;//        g//		p   u//   cif (parent == grandfather->_left){Node* uncle = grandfather->_right;// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为红色// 变色完后子树的根节点为红色,并且该节点的父亲节点的颜色可能为红色// 需要向上调整if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为黑色 || 叔叔不存在// 旋转完后子树的根节点为黑色不需要向上调整else{// 左左 则 右旋if (cur == parent->_left){RotateR(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}// 左右 则 左右双旋else{RotateL(parent);RotateR(grandfather);grandfather->_col = RED;cur->_col = BLACK;}break;}}// (parent == grandfather->_right)else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cNode* uncle = grandfather->_left;// 叔叔存在且为红色// 叔叔和父亲变为黑色,祖父变为红色// 由于祖父的父亲可能为红色,继续向上处理if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔不存在或叔叔存在且为黑色色// 旋转处理,旋转后父亲变黑,祖父变红// 子树的根节点为黑色不需要继续处理else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cif (cur == parent->_right){RotateL(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}//         g//	    u     p//		    celse{RotateR(parent);RotateL(grandfather);cur->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}break;}}// 将根节点变为黑色}_root->_col = BLACK;return make_pair(iterator(newNode) , true);}private:// 右单旋void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;subL->_right = parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;subL->_parent = nullptr;}else{subL->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subL;}else{Pparent->_right = subL;}}}// 左单旋void RotateL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;parent->_right = subRL;if (subRL)subRL->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subR;subR->_left = parent;if (parent == _root){_root = subR;subR->_parent = nullptr;}else{subR->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subR;}else{Pparent->_right = subR;}}}
private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

2.6 红黑树的验证


  1. 检测其是否满足二叉搜索树(中序遍历是否为有序序列)
  2. 检测其是否满足红黑树的性质
template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;// 检测红黑树是否为有效的红黑树,注意:其内部主要依靠_IsValidRBTRee函数检测bool IsValidRBTRee(){if (nullptr == _root){return false;}if (_root->_col == RED){return false;}int blackCount = 0;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_col == BLACK){blackCount++;}cur = cur->_left;}return _IsValidRBTRee(_root, blackCount, 0);}// 中序遍历void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}
private:void _InOrder(Node* pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr){return;}_InOrder(pRoot->_left);cout << pRoot->_kv.first << ':' <<pRoot->_kv.second << endl;_InOrder(pRoot->_right);}bool _IsValidRBTRee(Node* pRoot, size_t blackCount, size_t pathBlack){// 判断是否每条路径黑色节点是否相同if (nullptr == pRoot){if (blackCount != pathBlack){cout << "有路径黑色节点不相同" << endl;return false;}else{return true;}}if (pRoot->_col == BLACK)pathBlack++;// 判断是否出现连续红色节点if (pRoot->_col == RED && pRoot->_parent->_col == RED){cout << "有连续红色节点" << endl;return false;}return _IsValidRBTRee(pRoot->_left, blackCount, pathBlack)&& _IsValidRBTRee(pRoot->_right, blackCount, pathBlack);}
private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

2.7 红黑树与AVL树的比较

红黑树和AVL树都是高效的平衡二叉树,增删改查的时间复杂度都是O( l o g 2 N log_2 N log2N),红黑树不追求绝对平衡,其只需保证最长路径不超过最短路径的2倍,相对而言,降低了插入和旋转的次数,所以在经常进行增删的结构中性能比AVL树更优,而且红黑树实现比较简单,所以实际运用中红黑树更多。


3.1 红黑树中迭代器的实现

template<class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
struct __TreeIterator
{typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T, Ref, Ptr> Self;__TreeIterator(Node* node):_node(node){}Ref operator*(){return _node->_date;}Ptr operator->(){return &_node->_date;}bool operator==(const Self& s){return _node == s._node;}bool operator!=(const Self& s){return _node != s._node;}// 左子树 根 右子树// 若当前节点的右树不为空,则指向当前节点的最右节点// 若当前节点右树为空,则沿着这条路径向上查找// 找到孩子是父亲左的祖先,使迭代器指向这个祖先Self& operator++(){Node* cur = this->_node;if (nullptr != cur->_right){// 指向右树cur = cur->_right;// 指向右树最左节点while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}_node = cur;}else{Node* parent = cur->_parent;// cur为根节点时,parent为空// 所以这里要判断parent是否为空while (parent && cur == parent->_right){cur = parent;parent = cur->_parent;}// 找到了cur是parent左_node = parent;}return *this;}// 右子树 根 左子树// 若当前节点的左子树不为空,则找到左子树的最右节点// 若当前节点的左子树为空,则沿着这条路径向上查找// 找到孩子是父亲的右的祖先节点,使迭代器指向这个节点Self& operator--(){Node* cur = _node;if (nullptr != cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;while (cur && cur->_right){cur = cur->_right;}_node = cur;}else{Node* parent = cur->parent;// cur为根节点时,parent为空// 所以这里要判断parent是否为空while (parent && cur == parent->_left){cur = parent;parent = cur->_parent;}_node = parent;}return *this;}private:Node* _node;

3.2 红黑树中clear、size 和 empty 的实现

template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;bool Empty()const{return _root == nullptr;}void Clear(){_Clear(_root);}size_t Size()const{return _size;}
private:size_t _Size(Node* pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr){return 0;}return _Size(pRoot->_left) +_Size(pRoot->_right) + 1;}void _Clear(Node*& pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr)return;_Clear(pRoot->_left);_Clear(pRoot->_right);delete pRoot;pRoot = nullptr;}
private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

3.3 获得红黑树中的最左/右节点

template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;// 获取红黑树最左侧节点Node* LeftMost(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return cur;}// 获取红黑树最右侧节点Node* RightMost(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_right){cur = cur->_right;}return cur;}private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

3.4 红黑树中 begin 和 end 的实现

template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;typedef __TreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;iterator begin(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return iterator(cur);}iterator end(){return iterator(nullptr);}const_iterator begin()const{Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return const_iterator(cur);}const_iterator end()const{return const_iterator(nullptr);}private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

3.5 红黑树中 insert 的实现


template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;typedef __TreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;// 在红黑树中插入值为data的节点,插入成功返回true,否则返回false// 注意:为了简单起见,本次实现红黑树不存储重复性元素// 这里pair的返回值应该是pair<iterator,bool>// 但是由于set封装中的,无论是iterator还是const_iterator// 实际上都是const_iterator,而这里的iterator并不能用来构造const_iterator// 我们可以写一个iterator用来构造const_iterator// 但是这里为了方便就返回一个节点的指针Node*// Node* 无论是iterator还是const_iterator都能构造pair<Node*, bool> Insert(const T& date){if (nullptr == _root){_root = new Node(date);_root->_col = BLACK;_size++;return make_pair(_root, true);}Node* cur = _root;Node* parent = cur->_parent;KofT koft;while (cur){if (koft(cur->_date) > koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (koft(cur->_date) < koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}else{return make_pair(cur, false);}}// 插入新节点cur = new Node(date);// 由于后面cur可能会随着旋转而改变// 这里定义一个newNode记录一下Node* newNode = cur;cur->_parent = parent;if (koft(parent->_date) > koft(date)){parent->_left = cur;}else{parent->_right = cur;}// 有向上处理的情况,可能存在parent不存在的情况while (parent && parent->_col == RED){Node* grandfather = parent->_parent;//        g//		p   u//   cif (parent == grandfather->_left){Node* uncle = grandfather->_right;// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为红色// 变色完后子树的根节点为红色,并且该节点的父亲节点的颜色可能为红色// 需要向上调整if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为黑色 || 叔叔不存在// 旋转完后子树的根节点为黑色不需要向上调整else{// 左左 则 右旋if (cur == parent->_left){RotateR(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}// 左右 则 左右双旋else{RotateL(parent);RotateR(grandfather);grandfather->_col = RED;cur->_col = BLACK;}break;}}// (parent == grandfather->_right)else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cNode* uncle = grandfather->_left;// 叔叔存在且为红色// 叔叔和父亲变为黑色,祖父变为红色// 由于祖父的父亲可能为红色,继续向上处理if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔不存在或叔叔存在且为黑色色// 旋转处理,旋转后父亲变黑,祖父变红// 子树的根节点为黑色不需要继续处理else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cif (cur == parent->_right){RotateL(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}//         g//	    u     p//		    celse{RotateR(parent);RotateL(grandfather);cur->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}break;}}// 将根节点变为黑色}_root->_col = BLACK;_size++;return make_pair(newNode, true);} 在红黑树中插入值为data的节点,插入成功返回true,否则返回false 注意:为了简单起见,本次实现红黑树不存储重复性元素//pair<iterator,bool> Insert(const T& date)//{//	if (nullptr == _root)//	{//		_root = new Node(date);//		_root->_col = BLACK;//		_size++;//		return make_pair(iterator(_root),true);//	}//	Node* cur = _root;//	Node* parent = cur->_parent;//	KofT koft;//	while (cur)//	{//		if (koft(cur->_date) > koft(date))//		{//			parent = cur;//			cur = cur->_left;//		}//		else if (koft(cur->_date) < koft(date))//		{//			parent = cur;//			cur = cur->_right;//		}//		else //		{//			return make_pair(iterator(cur),false);//		}//	}//	// 插入新节点//	cur = new Node(date);//	// 由于后面cur可能会随着旋转而改变//	// 这里定义一个newNode记录一下//	Node* newNode = cur;//	cur->_parent = parent;//	if (koft(parent->_date) > koft(date))//	{//		parent->_left = cur;//	}//	else//	{//		parent->_right = cur;//	}//	// 有向上处理的情况,可能存在parent不存在的情况//	while (parent && parent->_col == RED)//	{//		Node* grandfather = parent->_parent;//		//        g//		//		p   u//		//   c//		if (parent == grandfather->_left)//		{//			Node* uncle = grandfather->_right;//			// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为红色//			// 变色完后子树的根节点为红色,并且该节点的父亲节点的颜色可能为红色//			// 需要向上调整//			if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED)//			{//				parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;//				grandfather->_col = RED;//				cur = grandfather;//				parent = cur->_parent;//			}//			// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为黑色 || 叔叔不存在//			// 旋转完后子树的根节点为黑色不需要向上调整//			else//			{//				// 左左 则 右旋//				if (cur == parent->_left)//				{//					RotateR(grandfather);//					parent->_col = BLACK;//					grandfather->_col = RED;//				}//				// 左右 则 左右双旋//				else//				{//					RotateL(parent);//					RotateR(grandfather);//					grandfather->_col = RED;//					cur->_col = BLACK;//				}//				//				break;//			}//		}//		//		//		// (parent == grandfather->_right)//		else//		{//			//        g//			//	    u   p//			//			  c//			Node* uncle = grandfather->_left;//			// 叔叔存在且为红色//			// 叔叔和父亲变为黑色,祖父变为红色//			// 由于祖父的父亲可能为红色,继续向上处理//			if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED)//			{//				parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;//				grandfather->_col = RED;//				cur = grandfather;//				parent = cur->_parent;//			}//			// 叔叔不存在或叔叔存在且为黑色色//			// 旋转处理,旋转后父亲变黑,祖父变红//			// 子树的根节点为黑色不需要继续处理//			else//			{//				//        g//				//	    u   p//				//			  c//				if (cur == parent->_right)//				{//					RotateL(grandfather);//					parent->_col = BLACK;//					grandfather->_col = RED;//				}//				//         g//				//	    u     p//				//		    c//				else//				{//					RotateR(parent);//					RotateL(grandfather);//					cur->_col = BLACK;//					grandfather->_col = RED;//				}//				//				break;//			}//			//		}//		// 将根节点变为黑色//	}//	_size++;//	_root->_col = BLACK;//	return make_pair(iterator(newNode) , true);//}private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

3.6 红黑树中 find 的实现

template<class K, class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;typedef __TreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;// 检测红黑树中是否存在值为data的节点,存在返回该节点的地址,否则返回nullptr// Node* 无论是iterator还是const_iterator都能构造Node* Find(const K& k){KofT koft;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (koft(cur->_date) < k){cur = cur->_right;}else if (koft(cur->_date) > k){cur = cur->_left;}else{return cur;}}return nullptr;}private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

3.7 红黑树的整体实现

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>#include<stdlib.h>using namespace std;enum Color
};template<class T>
struct RBTreeNode
{RBTreeNode* _left;RBTreeNode* _right;RBTreeNode* _parent;T _date;Color _col;RBTreeNode(const T& date): _right(nullptr), _left(nullptr), _parent(nullptr), _col(RED), _date(date){}
};template<class T, class Ref ,class Ptr>
struct __TreeIterator
{typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T , Ref , Ptr> Self;__TreeIterator(Node* node):_node(node){}Ref operator*(){return _node->_date;}Ptr operator->(){return &_node->_date;}bool operator==(const Self& s){return _node == s._node;}bool operator!=(const Self& s){return _node != s._node;}// 左子树 根 右子树// 若当前节点的右树不为空,则指向当前节点的最右节点// 若当前节点右树为空,则沿着这条路径向上查找// 找到孩子是父亲左的祖先,使迭代器指向这个祖先Self& operator++(){Node* cur = this->_node;if (nullptr != cur->_right){// 指向右树cur = cur->_right;// 指向右树最左节点while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}_node = cur;}else{Node* parent = cur->_parent;// cur为根节点时,parent为空// 所以这里要判断parent是否为空while (parent && cur == parent->_right){cur = parent;parent = cur->_parent;}// 找到了cur是parent左_node = parent;}return *this;}// 右子树 根 左子树// 若当前节点的左子树不为空,则找到左子树的最右节点// 若当前节点的左子树为空,则沿着这条路径向上查找// 找到孩子是父亲的右的祖先节点,使迭代器指向这个节点Self& operator--(){Node* cur = _node;if (nullptr != cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;while (cur && cur->_right){cur = cur->_right;}_node = cur;}else{Node* parent = cur->parent;// cur为根节点时,parent为空// 所以这里要判断parent是否为空while (parent && cur == parent->_left){cur = parent;parent = cur->_parent;}_node = parent;}return *this;}private:Node* _node;
};template<class K ,class T, class KofT>
class RBTree
public:typedef RBTreeNode<T> Node;typedef __TreeIterator<T , T& ,T*> iterator;typedef __TreeIterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;// 在红黑树中插入值为data的节点,插入成功返回true,否则返回false// 注意:为了简单起见,本次实现红黑树不存储重复性元素// 这里pair的返回值应该是pair<iterator,bool>// 但是由于set封装中的,无论是iterator还是const_iterator// 实际上都是const_iterator,而这里的iterator并不能用来构造const_iterator// 我们可以写一个iterator用来构造const_iterator// 但是这里为了方便就返回一个节点的指针Node*// Node* 无论是iterator还是const_iterator都能构造pair<Node*, bool> Insert(const T& date){if (nullptr == _root){_root = new Node(date);_root->_col = BLACK;_size++;return make_pair(_root, true);}Node* cur = _root;Node* parent = cur->_parent;KofT koft;while (cur){if (koft(cur->_date) > koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (koft(cur->_date) < koft(date)){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}else{return make_pair(cur, false);}}// 插入新节点cur = new Node(date);// 由于后面cur可能会随着旋转而改变// 这里定义一个newNode记录一下Node* newNode = cur;cur->_parent = parent;if (koft(parent->_date) > koft(date)){parent->_left = cur;}else{parent->_right = cur;}// 有向上处理的情况,可能存在parent不存在的情况while (parent && parent->_col == RED){Node* grandfather = parent->_parent;//        g//		p   u//   cif (parent == grandfather->_left){Node* uncle = grandfather->_right;// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为红色// 变色完后子树的根节点为红色,并且该节点的父亲节点的颜色可能为红色// 需要向上调整if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔存在且叔叔的颜色为黑色 || 叔叔不存在// 旋转完后子树的根节点为黑色不需要向上调整else{// 左左 则 右旋if (cur == parent->_left){RotateR(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}// 左右 则 左右双旋else{RotateL(parent);RotateR(grandfather);grandfather->_col = RED;cur->_col = BLACK;}break;}}// (parent == grandfather->_right)else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cNode* uncle = grandfather->_left;// 叔叔存在且为红色// 叔叔和父亲变为黑色,祖父变为红色// 由于祖父的父亲可能为红色,继续向上处理if (uncle && uncle->_col == RED){parent->_col = uncle->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;cur = grandfather;parent = cur->_parent;}// 叔叔不存在或叔叔存在且为黑色色// 旋转处理,旋转后父亲变黑,祖父变红// 子树的根节点为黑色不需要继续处理else{//        g//	    u   p//			  cif (cur == parent->_right){RotateL(grandfather);parent->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}//         g//	    u     p//		    celse{RotateR(parent);RotateL(grandfather);cur->_col = BLACK;grandfather->_col = RED;}break;}}// 将根节点变为黑色}_root->_col = BLACK;_size++;return make_pair(newNode, true);}iterator begin(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return iterator(cur);}iterator end(){return iterator(nullptr);}const_iterator begin()const{Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return const_iterator(cur);}const_iterator end()const{return const_iterator(nullptr);}/*const_iterator begin()const{Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return iterator(cur);}const_iterator end()const{return iterator(nullptr);}*//*bool operator!=(iterator it){return this->_node != it->_node;}bool operator==(iterator it){return this->_node == it->_node;}*/// 检测红黑树中是否存在值为data的节点,存在返回该节点的地址,否则返回nullptr// Node* 无论是iterator还是const_iterator都能构造	Node* Find(const K& k){KofT koft;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (koft(cur->_date) < k){cur = cur->_right;}else if (koft(cur->_date) > k){cur = cur->_left;}else{return cur;}}return nullptr;}// 获取红黑树最左侧节点Node* LeftMost(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_left){cur = cur->_left;}return cur;}// 获取红黑树最右侧节点Node* RightMost(){Node* cur = _root;while (cur && cur->_right){cur = cur->_right;}return cur;}// 检测红黑树是否为有效的红黑树,注意:其内部主要依靠_IsValidRBTRee函数检测bool IsValidRBTRee(){if (nullptr == _root){return false;}if (_root->_col == RED){return false;}int blackCount = 0;Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_col == BLACK){blackCount++;}cur = cur->_left;}return _IsValidRBTRee(_root, blackCount, 0);}void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}size_t Size()const{return _size;}size_t Height(){return _Height(_root);}bool Empty()const{return _root == nullptr;}void Clear(){Destroy(_root);}
private:void _InOrder(Node* pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr){return;}_InOrder(pRoot->_left);cout << pRoot->_kv.first << ':' <<pRoot->_kv.second << endl;_InOrder(pRoot->_right);}size_t _Height(Node* pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr){return 0;}size_t HeightLeft = _Height(pRoot->_left);size_t HeightRight = _Height(pRoot->_right);return HeightLeft > HeightRight ? HeightLeft + 1 : HeightRight + 1;}void Destroy(Node*& pRoot){if (pRoot == nullptr)return;Destroy(pRoot->_left);Destroy(pRoot->_right);delete pRoot;pRoot = nullptr;}bool _IsValidRBTRee(Node* pRoot, size_t blackCount, size_t pathBlack){// 判断是否每条路径黑色节点是否相同if (nullptr == pRoot){if (blackCount != pathBlack){cout << "有路径黑色节点不相同" << endl;return false;}else{return true;}}if (pRoot->_col == BLACK)pathBlack++;// 判断是否出现连续红色节点if (pRoot->_col == RED && pRoot->_parent->_col == RED){cout << "有连续红色节点" << endl;return false;}return _IsValidRBTRee(pRoot->_left, blackCount, pathBlack)&& _IsValidRBTRee(pRoot->_right, blackCount, pathBlack);}// 右单旋void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;subL->_right = parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;subL->_parent = nullptr;}else{subL->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subL;}else{Pparent->_right = subL;}}}// 左单旋void RotateL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;parent->_right = subRL;if (subRL)subRL->_parent = parent;Node* Pparent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subR;subR->_left = parent;if (parent == _root){_root = subR;subR->_parent = nullptr;}else{subR->_parent = Pparent;if (Pparent->_left == parent){Pparent->_left = subR;}else{Pparent->_right = subR;}}}
private:Node* _root = nullptr;size_t _size;

四、set 和 map 的封装

4.1 set的封装

#pragma once#include"RBTree.h"namespace aj
{template<class K>class set{public:struct SetKofT{const K& operator()(const K& k){return k;}};// 对类模板取内嵌类型,加typename告诉编译器这里是类型typedef typename RBTree<K, K, SetKofT>::const_iterator iterator;typedef typename RBTree<K, K, SetKofT>::const_iterator const_iterator;pair<iterator, bool> insert(const K& k){return _set.Insert(k);}size_t size()const{return _set.Size();}// 这里无论是iterator还是const_iterator// 实际上都是const_iterator// 由于set无论是const版本还是非const版本都不能进行修改// 所以这里不需要重载const版本iterator begin()const{return _set.begin();}iterator end()const{return _set.end();}/*const_iterator begin()const{return _set.begin();}const_iterator end()const{return _set.end();}*/bool operator!=(iterator it){return this != it;}bool operator==(iterator it){return this == it;}bool empty()const{return _set.Empty();}void clear(){_set.Clear();}iterator find(const K& k){return _set.Find(k);}const_iterator find(const K& k)const{return _set.Find(k);}private:RBTree<const K, K, SetKofT> _set;};

4.2 map的封装

#pragma once#include"RBTree.h"namespace aj
{template<class K,class V>class map{public:struct MapKofT{const K& operator()(const pair<K, V>& k){return k.first;}};// 这里pair中的K需要加const,是因为要和下面的成员变量类型相同typedef typename RBTree<K, pair<const K, V>, MapKofT>::iterator iterator;typedef typename RBTree<K, pair<const K, V>, MapKofT>::const_iterator const_iterator;pair<iterator, bool> insert(const pair<K, V>& k){return _map.Insert(k);}size_t size() {return _map.Size();}iterator begin(){return _map.begin();}iterator end(){return _map.end();}const_iterator begin()const{return _map.begin();}const_iterator end()const{return _map.end();}bool operator!=(iterator it){return this != it;}bool operator==(iterator it){return this == it;}bool empty()const{return _map.Empty();}void clear(){_map.Clear();}iterator find(const K& k){return _map.Find(k);}const_iterator find(const K& k)const{return _map.Find(k);}V& operator[](const K& k){// 如果k在_map中存在,则operator[]充当查找的作用// 如果k在_map中不存在,则operator[]充当插入的作用pair<iterator, bool> ret = _map.insert(make_pair(k,V()));return ret.first->second;}private:RBTree<K,pair<const K,V>, MapKofT> _map;};







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