ABE 中的隐藏属性:DIPPE(去中心化内积谓词加密)

1. 引言


  • Yan Michalevsky 和 Marc Joye 2018年论文 Decentralized policy-hiding ABE with receiver privacy,发表于23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2018。
  • Amit Sahai 和 Brent Waters 2005年论文 Fuzzy identity-based encryption ,发表于EUROCRYPT 2005。

利用基于属性的加密(Attribute-Based Encryption,ABE)(见Amit Sahai 和 Brent Waters 2005年论文 Fuzzy identity-based encryption ,发表于EUROCRYPT 2005。),允许具有某些属性的用户解密数据。这可能与位置或登录网络的权限有关。

  • 1)提供多个权威方来提供属性(multi-authority,即MA-ABE),
  • 2)隐藏所使用的访问策略。

利用 DIPPE(Decentralized Inner-Product Predicate Encryption,去中心化内积谓词加密)(详情见:Yan Michalevsky 和 Marc Joye 2018年论文 Decentralized policy-hiding ABE with receiver privacy,发表于23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2018。):

  • 既可以执行多个权威方提供的属性,
  • 也可以执行访问策略隐藏。

DIPPE为 ABE 提供了一种去中心化的方法。

对于策略隐藏,DIPPE 使用去中心化内积谓词加密方案,其中有一个正交的策略向量和一个用户向量。为此,它们的内积应该为零。


⟨ u , v ⟩= 0


⟨ u , v ⟩=(0×1)+(−1×1)+(1×1)+(0×−3)+(0×−4)=0


  • 1)Setup:将接受一个输入参数,然后创建公共参数 (pp):
a , err := abe.NewDIPPE ( 3 )
  • 2)AuthSetup:采用公共参数和权威方索引i,并输出权威方的私钥 (sk) 和公钥 (pk):
 // 创建权威方及其公钥auth := make([]*abe.DIPPEAuth, vecLen)pubKeys := make([]*abe.DIPPEPubKey, vecLen)for i := range auth {auth[i], err = a.NewDIPPEAuth(i)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("New authority generation failed: %v\n", err)}pubKeys[i] = &auth[i].Pk}
  • 3)GenKey:采用公共参数、权威方索引 (i)、私钥、来自其他权威方的公共参数、用户全局 ID 和属性向量,并输出一个私钥:
 // 为用户定义 GID
userGID := "Bob" // 设置用户向量。要解密,用户和策略向量必须正交
userVector := data.Vector([]*big.Int{big.NewInt(v[ 0 ]), big.NewInt(v[ 1 ]), big.NewInt(v[ 2 ]), big.NewInt(v[ 3 ]), big.NewInt(v[ 4 ])}) // 从授权机构生成密钥
userKeys := make ([]data.VectorG2, vecLen) for i := range auth { userKeys[i], err = auth[i].DeriveKeyShare(userVector, pubKeys, userGID) if err != nil { fmt.Printf( "User key generation failed: %v\n" , err) } 
  • 4)加密:可使用公钥和策略向量进行加密:
v:= toArray (vector1) 
policyVector := data. Vector ([]*big.Int{big .NewInt (v[ 0 ]), big .NewInt (v[ 1 ]), big .NewInt (v[ 2 ]), big .NewInt (v[ 3 ]), big .NewInt (v[ 4 ])}) // 使用策略向量给出的所选策略加密消息,cipher, err := a.Encrypt ( msg, policyVector, pubKeys) 
if err != nil { fmt .Printf ("加密失败:%v\n", err) 
  • 5)解密:可使用用户密钥、用户向量和 userGID 解密密码:
msgRecovered, err := a.Decrypt(cipher, userKeys, userVector, userGID)


package main
import ("fmt""os""github.com/fentec-project/gofe/abe""github.com/fentec-project/gofe/data""math/big""strings""strconv"
func toArray(s string) []int64 {strs := strings.Split(s, " ")a := make([]int64, len(strs))for i := range a {a[i],_ = strconv.ParseInt(strs[i], 10, 64)}return a}func main() {msg:="Hello"vector1:="1 -1 1 0 0"vector2:="0 1 1 -3 4"argCount := len(os.Args[1:])if (argCount>0) { msg= (os.Args[1]) }if (argCount>1) { vector1= (os.Args[2]) }if (argCount>2) { vector2= (os.Args[3]) }a, err := abe.NewDIPPE(3)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("New scheme generation failed: %v\n", err)}vecLen := 5// create authorities and their public keysauth := make([]*abe.DIPPEAuth, vecLen)pubKeys := make([]*abe.DIPPEPubKey, vecLen)for i := range auth {auth[i], err = a.NewDIPPEAuth(i)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("New authority generation failed: %v\n", err)}pubKeys[i] = &auth[i].Pk}// Policy vectorv:=toArray(vector1)policyVector := data.Vector([]*big.Int{big.NewInt(v[0]), big.NewInt(v[1]),big.NewInt(v[2]), big.NewInt(v[3]), big.NewInt(v[4])})// encrypt the message with the chosen policy give by a policy vector,cipher, err := a.Encrypt(msg, policyVector, pubKeys)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("Encryption failure: %v\n", err)}// Define GID for the useruserGID := "Bob"// Setup user vector. To decrypt, the users and policy vector must be orthogonalv=toArray(vector2)userVector := data.Vector([]*big.Int{big.NewInt(v[0]), big.NewInt(v[1]),big.NewInt(v[2]), big.NewInt(v[3]), big.NewInt(v[4])})// Generate keys from authoritiesuserKeys := make([]data.VectorG2, vecLen)for i := range auth {userKeys[i], err = auth[i].DeriveKeyShare(userVector, pubKeys, userGID)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("User key generation failed: %v\n", err)}}// Decryption by the usermsgRecovered, err := a.Decrypt(cipher, userKeys, userVector, userGID)if err != nil {fmt.Printf("Decryption failed: %v\n", err)}fmt.Printf("Policy vector: %v\nUser vector: %v\n\n",policyVector,userVector)fmt.Printf("Message: %v\nRecovered %v",msg, msgRecovered)}


  • 消息:“Hello”,安全:[1 -1 1 0 0] 用户:[0 1 1 -3 4]。正交。
  • 消息:“Hello”,安全:[1 -2 1 0 1] 用户:[1 1 1 -3 4]。不正交。
  • 消息:“Hello”,安全:[4 -3 2 1 0] 用户:[1 1 1 -3 4]。正交。
  • 消息:“Hello”,安全:[4 -3 2 1 1] 用户:[1 1 1 -3 4]。不正交。


[1] Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE 2024年11月18日博客 Hidding Attributes in ABE: DIPPE (Decentralized Inner-Product Predicate Encryption)





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