- 参考
参考WRF-Urban教程-Urban Canopy Model
# Urban Parameters depending on Urban type
# USGS Number of urban categories: 3#
# Where there are multiple columns of values, the values refer, in
# order, to: 1) Commercial, 2) High intensity residential, and 3) Low
# intensity residential: I.e.:
# Index: 1 2 3
# Type: Commercial, Hi-dens Res, Low-dens Res
# ZR: Roof level (building height) [ m ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)ZR: 8.9, 5.1, 5.4#
# SIGMA_ZED: Standard Deviation of roof height [ m ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)SIGMA_ZED: 4.0, 3.0, 1.0#
# ROOF_WIDTH: Roof (i.e., building) width [ m ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)ROOF_WIDTH: 31.7, 25.7, 17.6#
# ROAD_WIDTH: road width [ m ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#ROAD_WIDTH: 98.9, 39.2, 108.0#
# AH: Anthropogenic heat [ W m{-2} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#AH: 90.0, 50.0, 20.0#
# FRC_URB: Fraction of the urban landscape which does not have natural
# vegetation. [ Fraction ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#FRC_URB: 0.865, 0.429, 0.429#
# CAPR: Heat capacity of roof [ J m{-3} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#CAPR: 1.32E6, 1.32E6, 1.32E6, #
# CAPB: Heat capacity of building wall [ J m{-3} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#CAPB: 1.32E6, 1.32E6, 1.32E6, #
# CAPG: Heat capacity of ground (road) [ J m{-3} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#CAPG: 1.4E6, 1.4E6, 1.4E6, #
# AKSR: Thermal conductivity of roof [ J m{-1} s{-1} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#AKSR: 0.695, 0.695, 0.695,#
# AKSB: Thermal conductivity of building wall [ J m{-1} s{-1} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#AKSB: 0.695, 0.695, 0.695,#
# AKSG: Thermal conductivity of ground (road) [ J m{-1} s{-1} K{-1} ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#AKSG: 0.4004, 0.4004, 0.4004,#
# ALBR: Surface albedo of roof [ fraction ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#ALBR: 0.20, 0.20, 0.20#
# ALBB: Surface albedo of building wall [ fraction ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#ALBB: 0.20, 0.20, 0.20#
# ALBG: Surface albedo of ground (road) [ fraction ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#ALBG: 0.15, 0.15, 0.15 #
# EPSR: Surface emissivity of roof [ - ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#EPSR: 0.90, 0.90, 0.90#
# EPSB: Surface emissivity of building wall [-]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#EPSB: 0.90, 0.90, 0.90#
# EPSG: Surface emissivity of ground (road) [ - ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#EPSG: 0.95, 0.95, 0.95#
# Z0B: Roughness length for momentum, over building wall [ m ]
# Only active for CH_SCHEME == 1
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#Z0B: 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001 #
# Z0G: Roughness length for momentum, over ground (road) [ m ]
# Only active for CH_SCHEME == 1
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#Z0G: 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 #
# Z0R: Roughness length for momentum over roof [ m ]
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)
#Z0R: 0.01, 0.01, 0.01#
# AKANDA_URBAN: Coefficient modifying the Kanda approach to computing
# surface layer exchange coefficients.
# (sf_urban_physics=1)AKANDA_URBAN: 1.29 1.29 1.29#
# COP: Coefficient of performance of the A/C systems [ - ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
#COP: 3.5, 3.5, 3.5 #
# PWIN: Coverage area fraction of windows in the walls of the building [ - ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
#PWIN: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 #
# BETA: Thermal efficiency of heat exchanger
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
#BETA: 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 #
# SW_COND: Air conditioning switch, 1=ON
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# SW_COND: 1, 1, 1 #
# TIME_ON: Initial local time of A/C systems, [ h ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# TIME_ON: 0., 0., 0. #
# TIME_OFF: End local time of A/C systems, [ h ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# TIME_OFF: 24., 24., 24. #
# TARGTEMP: Target Temperature of the A/C systems, [ K ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# TARGTEMP: 297., 298., 298. #
# GAPTEMP: Comfort Range of the indoor Temperature, [ K ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# GAPTEMP: 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 #
# TARGHUM: Target humidity of the A/C systems, [ Kg/Kg ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# TARGHUM: 0.005, 0.005, 0.005 #
# GAPHUM: Comfort Range of the specific humidity, [ Kg/Kg ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# GAPHUM: 0.005, 0.005, 0.005 #
# PERFLO: Peak number of occupants per unit floor area, [ person/m^2 ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# PERFLO: 0.02, 0.01, 0.01 #
# HSEQUIP: Diurnal heating profile of heat generated by equipments
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# HSEQUIP: 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25#
# HSEQUIP_SCALE_FACTOR: Peak heat generated by equipments, [ W/m^2 ]
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)# urban street street building
# category direction width width
# [index] [deg from N] [m] [m]1 0.0 20. 20.1 90.0 20. 20.2 0.0 25. 10.2 90.0 25. 10.3 0.0 90. 10.3 90.0 90. 10.END STREET PARAMETERSBUILDING HEIGHTS: 1
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)# height Percentage
# [m] [%]5.0 0.010.0 0.015.0 5.020.0 25.025.0 40.030.0 25.035.0 5.0
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)# height Percentage
# [m] [%]5.0 0.010.0 20.015.0 60.015.0 20.0
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)# height Percentage
# [m] [%]5.0 15.010.0 70.015.0 15.0
# DDZR: Thickness of each roof layer [ m ]
# This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function
# of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
# (sf_urban_physics=1)DDZR: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05#
# DDZB: Thickness of each building wall layer [ m ]
# This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function
# of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#DDZB: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05#
# DDZG: Thickness of each ground (road) layer [ m ]
# This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function
# of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#DDZG: 0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75#
# BOUNDR: Lower boundary condition for roof layer temperature [ 1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#BOUNDR: 1 #
# BOUNDB: Lower boundary condition for wall layer temperature [ 1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#BOUNDB: 1 #
# BOUNDG: Lower boundary condition for ground (road) layer temperature [ 1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#BOUNDG: 1 #
# TRLEND: Lower boundary condition for roof temperature [ K ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#TRLEND: 293.00, 293.00, 293.00#
# TBLEND: Lower boundary temperature for building wall temperature [ K ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#TBLEND: 293.00, 293.00, 293.00#
# TGLEND: Lower boundary temperature for ground (road) temperature [ K ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1,2,3)
#TGLEND: 293.00, 293.00, 293.00#
# Ch of Wall and Road [ 1: M-O Similarity Theory, 2: Empirical Form of Narita et al., 1997 (recommended) ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
# Surface and Layer Temperatures [ 1: 4-layer model, 2: Force-Restore method ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
# AHOPTION [ 0: No anthropogenic heating, 1: Anthropogenic heating will be added to sensible heat flux term ]
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
# Anthropogenic Heating diurnal profile.
# Multiplication factor applied to AH (as defined in the table above)
# Hourly values ( 24 of them ), starting at 01 hours Local Time.
# For sub-hourly model time steps, value changes on the hour and is
# held constant until the next hour.
# (sf_urban_physics=1)
#AHDIUPRF: 0.16 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.26 0.67 0.99 0.89 0.79 0.74 0.73 0.75 0.76 0.82 0.90 1.00 0.95 0.68 0.61 0.53 0.35 0.21 0.18