Unity Windows 2023 Release-Notes

🌈Unity Windows 2023 Release-Notes


2023.2.13Windows: Fixed Double backslash becoming single backslash when passing a Network path as a command line argument.(UUM-55979)
2023.2.9Windows: Fixed automatic resizing of an unfocused player window once the mouse button is released.(UUM-49236)
2023.2.9Windows: Fixed crash when reading data from non-compliant HID peripherals.(UUM-59628)
2023.2.7Windows: Removed undesirable HID warning messages.(UUM-56489)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixes an issue with unreliable Cursor.SetCursor behaviour.(UUM-46718)
2023.2.0Windows: Enabled the generated projects to now target the Visual Studio version you open them in instead of Visual Studio 2015, when you use the Generation Visual Studio Solution option to build for Windows.
2023.2.0Windows: Added the requirement of Visual Studio 2019 and Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK when building Windows and Universal Windows Platform with IL2CPP scripting backend.
2023.2.0Windows: Updated the system requirements for the Windows Player to Windows 10 Version 21H1 (build 19043).
2023.2.0Windows: Enabled Numpad Equals to now be registered with the Input System.(UUM-15023)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed a bug with multi-channel audio input on Windows. Previously, if Unity tried to capture from a microphone with more than 2 channels, Microphone.Start would fail and an Unsupported file or audio format error would appear in the console.(UUM-26565)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed a possible crash when the non-client area is redrawn before the player is fully initialized.(UUM-43075)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed a potential crash during Windows Player cleanup.(UUM-25383)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed an error where Unity expects an expression rather than a type when building with Bullseye.
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed an issue that made it impossible to escape double quotes under quotes in command-line arguments.(UUM-36789)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed an issue with the Player Mode window getting the wrong size when using Alt + Enter to switch between Windowed and Borderless views.(UUM-49091)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed IME text input not being reported appropriately when users clicks away while using an IME, with the input system. The characters would be reported multiple times.(UUM-24734)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed incorrect display names of certain subset of keys.(UUM-22694)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed quoting of the command line arguments.(UUM-21600)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixed the Restart Unity as a standard user button so it now works when the Editor is run as an administrator because the Unity Hub is running as administrator or due to Unity’s executable compatibility flags being configured to be run as administrator.(UUM-42508)
2023.2.0Windows: Fixes an issue with unreliable Cursor.SetCursor behaviour.(UUM-46718)
2023.1.20Windows: Sometimes the wrong image is displayed when using Cursor.SetCursor in software mode(UUM-46718)
2023.1.19Windows: Sometimes the wrong image is displayed when using Cursor.SetCursor in software mode(UUM-46718)
2023.1.18Windows: Sometimes the wrong image is displayed when using Cursor.SetCursor in software mode(UUM-46718)
2023.1.17Windows: AsyncOperation returned by Screen.MainWindowMoveTo now gets invoked upon completion of the screen move.(UUM-45273)
2023.1.9Windows: Fixed possible crash where non client area is redrawn before player is fully initialized.(UUM-43075)
2023.1.7Windows: Fixed “Restart Unity as a standard user” button not working when Unity editor gets run as administrator due to Unity Hub running as administrator or due to Unity’s executable compatibility flags being configured to be run as administrator.(UUM-42508)
2023.1.5Windows: Fixed for preserving escaped double quote in a quoted command line argument.(UUM-36789)
2023.1.4Windows: Fixed PlayerPrefs API in case registry keys has been manually deleted.(UUM-35575)
2023.1.1Windows: Fixed a bug with multi-channel audio input on Windows. If we tried to capture from a microphone with more than 2 channels, Microphone.Start would fail and an “Unsupported file or audio format” error would appear in the console.(UUM-26565)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed an issue that the Numpad Equals can now be registered with the Input System.(UUM-15023)
2023.1.0Windows: Enabled Windows ARM64 Player compilation.
2023.1.0Windows: Split Unity.exe into two binaries: Unity.exe and Unity.dll. Almost entirety of what was in Unity.exe is now in Unity.dll.
2023.1.0Editor: Windows: now you can switch to Editor Launch Screen using alt+tab.
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed “Failed to determine current display mode, falling back to main display mode.” error getting spammed in certain RDP scenarios.(UUM-3700)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed a crash on startup when Vjoy HID device is connected to a computer.(UUM-8786)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed a potential crash during Windows Player cleanup.(UUM-25383)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed an issue that the Numpad Equals can now be registered with the Input System.(UUM-15023)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed an issue that the UnityPlayer.dll properties sheet is now more complete.(UUM-10370)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed Build to source folder when the project build dir is deleted.(UUM-25240)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed for incorrect display names of certain subset of keys.(UUM-22694)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed IL2CPP runtime compilation failing when building C++ code using Visual Studio 2022 17.4 or newer.(UUM-17921)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed IME text input not being reported appropriately when users clicks away while using an IME, with the input system. The characters would be reported multiple times.(UUM-24734)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed incorrect scan codes that are exposed through KeyControl.scanCode of New Input System.(UUM-9029)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed quoting of the command line arguments.(UUM-21600)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn’t.(UUM-7552)
2023.1.0Windows: Fixed sizeof type error in StackWalker library.
2023.1.0Windows: Modified full stack traces so that when they are enabled on Windows, Unity will no longer try to resolve symbols from the symbol server. This prevents a potential stall the first time a stack trace is printed.(UUM-11802)
2023.1.0Windows: Reduced reported unaccounted memory in Memory Profiler.(PROF-2319)
2023.1.0Windows: Removed “Unity playback engine” text from the property sheets for Windows player executable.(UUM-15330)
2023.1.0Windows: Restored the display enumeration behaviour back to Unity 2021.1 and earlier: the primary display will always be treated as display 1.





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