oneAPI学习-使用oneAPI 实现矩阵乘法并分析性能瓶颈

oneAPI学习-使用oneAPI 实现矩阵乘法并分析性能瓶颈

    • 一.相关链接
    • 二.oneAPI介绍
    • 三.矩阵乘法简介
    • 四.环境准备
    • 五.获取设备列表
    • 六.基础版实现
      • 代码解释
    • 七.局部内存实现
      • 代码解释
    • 八.性能分析
      • 1.运行性能分析
      • 2.常见分析类型
      • 3.分析结果解读
      • 4.优化建议
      • 5.清理分析数据

oneAPI学习-使用oneAPI 实现矩阵乘法并分析性能瓶颈


  • Get the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit
  • oneapi_docs
  • installation-guide-linux
  • oneAPI-samples
  • Intel® oneAPI Programming Guide
  • Intel® VTune™ Profiler User Guide
  • SYCL Specification


Intel® oneAPI 是一个跨平台的编程模型,能够在不同的计算架构(如 CPU、GPU、FPGA)上提供统一的开发体验。通过使用 Data Parallel C++ (DPC++),开发者可以编写高性能的并行代码,以充分利用硬件的计算能力。
本文将使用 oneAPI 实现矩阵乘法,并使用 Intel® VTune™ Profiler 对程序进行性能分析,找出可能的性能瓶颈。


给定矩阵 A(尺寸为 M×K)和矩阵 B(尺寸为 K×N),它们的乘积矩阵 C(尺寸为 M×N)的每个元素计算为:

C[i][j] = Σ(k=0 到 K-1) A[i][k] * B[k][j]


sudo sh ./ -a --silent --cli --eula accept
source /opt/intel/oneapi/


tee syscl_devices.cpp<<-'EOF'
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <iostream>int main() {std::vector<sycl::device> devices = sycl::device::get_devices();for (const auto& dev : devices) {std::cout << "设备名称: " << dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::name>() << std::endl;std::cout << "厂商: " << dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::vendor>() << std::endl;std::cout << "驱动版本: " << dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::driver_version>() << std::endl;std::cout << "设备类型: ";switch (dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::device_type>()) {case sycl::info::device_type::cpu:std::cout << "CPU" << std::endl;break;case sycl::info::device_type::gpu:std::cout << "GPU" << std::endl;break;case sycl::info::device_type::accelerator:std::cout << "加速器" << std::endl;break;default:std::cout << "其他" << std::endl;}std::cout << "--------------------------" << std::endl;}return 0;
icpx -fsycl -O3 -o syscl_devices syscl_devices.cpp
  • 输出
设备名称: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz
厂商: Intel(R) Corporation
驱动版本: 2024.
设备类型: CPU


tee matrix_multiplication.cpp<<-'EOF'
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>using namespace sycl;
using namespace std;// 矩阵尺寸
constexpr size_t M = 1024; // 行数
constexpr size_t N = 1024; // 列数
constexpr size_t K = 1024; // 中间维度int main() {// 创建 CPU 或 GPU 设备的队列queue q(default_selector{}, [](exception_list e_list) {for (exception_ptr const& e : e_list) {try {rethrow_exception(e);} catch (std::exception const& e) {std::cout << "Caught asynchronous SYCL exception:\n" << e.what() << std::endl;}}});std::cout << "Device: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << std::endl;// 分配并初始化主机内存vector<float> A(M * K);vector<float> B(K * N);vector<float> C(M * N, 0.0f);// 初始化矩阵 A 和 Bfor (size_t i = 0; i < M * K; ++i) {A[i] = static_cast<float>(i % 100);}for (size_t i = 0; i < K * N; ++i) {B[i] = static_cast<float>(i % 100);}// 创建设备内存缓冲区buffer<float, 1> buffer_A(, range<1>(M * K));buffer<float, 1> buffer_B(, range<1>(K * N));buffer<float, 1> buffer_C(, range<1>(M * N));// 记录开始时间auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();// 提交命令组到队列q.submit([&](handler& h) {// 从缓冲区中获取只读访问器accessor a_A(buffer_A, h, read_only);accessor a_B(buffer_B, h, read_only);// 获取读写访问器,用于存储结果accessor a_C(buffer_C, h, write_only, noinit);// 执行并行计算h.parallel_for(range<2>(M, N), [=](id<2> index) {size_t row = index[0];size_t col = index[1];float sum = 0.0f;for (size_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) {sum += a_A[row * K + k] * a_B[k * N + col];}a_C[row * N + col] = sum;});}).wait(); // 等待计算完成// 记录结束时间auto end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();chrono::duration<float, milli> duration = end - start;std::cout << "矩阵乘法计算完成,耗时:" << duration.count() << " 毫秒" << std::endl;return 0;
icpx -fsycl -O3 -o matrix_multiplication matrix_multiplication.cpp
  • 输出
Device: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz
矩阵乘法计算完成,耗时:213.378 毫秒


  • 选择设备队列:使用 default_selector 定义计算设备,程序会自动选择可用的设备(如 GPU 或 CPU)。可以根据需要替换为 gpu_selectorcpu_selector
  • 初始化矩阵:在主机端分配并初始化矩阵 A 和 B。
  • 创建缓冲区:将主机内存的数据复制到设备的缓冲区中。
  • 并行计算:使用 parallel_for 在设备上执行并行计算。二维范围 range<2>(M, N) 表示启动 M×N 个工作项,每个工作项计算结果矩阵 C 的一个元素。
  • 等待计算完成:使用 .wait() 来确保设备计算完成,然后再继续执行主机代码。


tee matrix_multiplication_opt.cpp<<-'EOF'
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
using namespace sycl;
using namespace std;
// 矩阵尺寸
constexpr size_t M = 1024; // 行数
constexpr size_t N = 1024; // 列数
constexpr size_t K = 1024; // 中间维度
constexpr size_t tile_size = 16;
int main() {// 创建 CPU 或 GPU 设备的队列queue q(default_selector{}, [](exception_list e_list) {for (exception_ptr const& e : e_list) {try {rethrow_exception(e);} catch (std::exception const& e) {std::cout << "Caught asynchronous SYCL exception:\n" << e.what() << std::endl;}}});std::cout << "Device: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << std::endl;// 分配并初始化主机内存vector<float> A(M * K);vector<float> B(K * N);vector<float> C(M * N, 0.0f);// 初始化矩阵 A 和 Bfor (size_t i = 0; i < M * K; ++i) {A[i] = static_cast<float>(i % 100);}for (size_t i = 0; i < K * N; ++i) {B[i] = static_cast<float>(i % 100);}// 创建设备内存缓冲区buffer<float, 1> buffer_A(, range<1>(M * K));buffer<float, 1> buffer_B(, range<1>(K * N));buffer<float, 1> buffer_C(, range<1>(M * N));// 记录开始时间auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();q.submit([&](handler &h) {accessor a_A(buffer_A, h, read_only);accessor a_B(buffer_B, h, read_only);accessor a_C(buffer_C, h, write_only, noinit);// 定义局部内存local_accessor<float, 1> local_A(tile_size * tile_size, h);local_accessor<float, 1> local_B(tile_size * tile_size, h);// 启动计算h.parallel_for(nd_range<2>({M, N}, {tile_size, tile_size}),[=](nd_item<2> item) {size_t global_row = item.get_global_id(0);size_t global_col = item.get_global_id(1);size_t local_row = item.get_local_id(0);size_t local_col = item.get_local_id(1);float sum = 0.0f;for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k += tile_size) {// 将数据加载到局部内存local_A[local_row * tile_size + local_col] = a_A[global_row * K + k + local_col];local_B[local_row * tile_size + local_col] = a_B[(k + local_row) * N + global_col];item.barrier(access::fence_space::local_space);// 计算部分和for (size_t t = 0; t < tile_size; ++t) {sum += local_A[local_row * tile_size + t] * local_B[t * tile_size + local_col];}item.barrier(access::fence_space::local_space);}a_C[global_row * N + global_col] = sum;});});q.wait();// 记录结束时间auto end = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();chrono::duration<float, milli> duration = end - start;std::cout << "矩阵乘法计算完成,耗时:" << duration.count() << " 毫秒" << std::endl;return 0;
icpx -fsycl -O3 -o matrix_multiplication_opt matrix_multiplication_opt.cpp
  • 输出
Device: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz
矩阵乘法计算完成,耗时:184.403 毫秒


  • local_accessor 定义局部内存:需要定义在 submit 内,并提供大小和处理器 (handler)。
  • nd_range 使用:在 parallel_for 里,nd_range 可以有效分配全局和局部范围,从而启用本地内存访问。
  • 同步障碍:使用 item.barrier() 确保局部内存的数据在所有工作项可用前同步。



  1. 启动应用程序的性能分析

    使用 vtune 命令行工具收集性能数据。例如,要进行热点(Hotspots)分析:

    vtune -collect hotspots -result-dir vtune_results ./matrix_multiplication

    这将运行 matrix_multiplication 程序并收集热点数据,存储在 vtune_results 目录中。

  2. 查看分析报告


    vtune -report summary -result-dir vtune_results

    这个命令生成一个概要报告,显示 CPU 使用率、线程负载等信息。


  • Hotspots:识别最消耗 CPU 时间的代码区域。

    vtune -collect hotspots -result-dir vtune_hotspots ./matrix_multiplication
    vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report                              Elapsed Time: 5.643sCPU Time: 5.170sEffective Time: 5.028sSpin Time: 0.094sImbalance or Serial Spinning: 0.010sLock Contention: 0sOther: 0.084sOverhead Time: 0.048sCreation: 0.040sScheduling: 0.008sReduction: 0sAtomics: 0sOther: 0.000sTotal Thread Count: 56Paused Time: 0sTop Hotspots
    Function                                           Module            CPU Time  % of CPU Time(%)
    --------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ----------------
    main::{lambda(sycl::_V1::handler&)#1}::operator() 4702a06a83a24278    1.488s             28.8%
    sycl::_V1::device_selector::select_device        1.289s             24.9%
    memset                                       1.246s             24.1%
    memcmp                                       0.312s              6.0%
    sycl::_V1::queue::submit_impl                   0.208s              4.0%
    [Others]                                          N/A                 0.628s             12.1%Top Tasks
    Task Type         Task Time  Task Count  Average Task Time
    ----------------  ---------  ----------  -----------------
    tbb_parallel_for     2.950s         166             0.018s
    tbb_custom           0.092s           7             0.013s
    Effective Physical Core Utilization: 4.6% (1.300 out of 28)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor physical CPU cores| utilization caused by:|     - load imbalance|     - threading runtime overhead|     - contended synchronization|     - thread/process underutilization|     - incorrect affinity that utilizes logical cores instead of physical|       cores| Explore sub-metrics to estimate the efficiency of MPI and OpenMP parallelism| or run the Locks and Waits analysis to identify parallel bottlenecks for| other parallel runtimes.|Effective Logical Core Utilization: 2.4% (1.368 out of 56)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor logical CPU cores| utilization. Consider improving physical core utilization as the first| step and then look at opportunities to utilize logical cores, which in| some cases can improve processor throughput and overall performance of| multi-threaded applications.|
    Collection and Platform InfoApplication Command Line: ./matrix_multiplicationOperating System: 5.15.0-119-generic DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04"Computer Name:     -X99Result Size: 8.7 MBCollection start time: 05:45:29 13/10/2024 UTCCollection stop time: 05:45:36 13/10/2024 UTCCollector Type: Event-based counting driver,User-mode sampling and tracingCPUName: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor code named BroadwellFrequency: 2.600 GHzLogical CPU Count: 56LLC size: 36.7 MBCache Allocation TechnologyLevel 2 capability: not detectedLevel 3 capability: availableIf you want to skip descriptions of detected performance issues in the report,
    enter: vtune -report summary -report-knob show-issues=false -r <my_result_dir>.
    Alternatively, you may view the report in the csv format: vtune -report
    <report_name> -format=csv.
    vtune: Executing actions 100 % done  
  • Memory Consumption:分析内存带宽和缓存利用率。

    vtune -collect memory-consumption -result-dir vtune_memory ./matrix_multiplication
    vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report                              Elapsed Time: 5.643sCPU Time: 5.170sEffective Time: 5.028sSpin Time: 0.094sImbalance or Serial Spinning: 0.010sLock Contention: 0sOther: 0.084sOverhead Time: 0.048sCreation: 0.040sScheduling: 0.008sReduction: 0sAtomics: 0sOther: 0.000sTotal Thread Count: 56Paused Time: 0sTop Hotspots
    Function                                          Module            CPU Time  % of CPU Time(%)
    ----------------------------------------------    ----------------  --------  ----------------
    main::{lambda(sycl::_V1::handler&)#1}::operator() 4702a06a83a24278    1.488s             28.8%
    sycl::_V1::device_selector::select_device        1.289s             24.9%
    memset                                       1.246s             24.1%
    memcmp                                       0.312s              6.0%
    sycl::_V1::queue::submit_impl                   0.208s              4.0%
    [Others]                                          N/A                 0.628s             12.1%Top Tasks
    Task Type         Task Time  Task Count  Average Task Time
    ----------------  ---------  ----------  -----------------
    tbb_parallel_for     2.950s         166             0.018s
    tbb_custom           0.092s           7             0.013s
    Effective Physical Core Utilization: 4.6% (1.300 out of 28)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor physical CPU cores| utilization caused by:|     - load imbalance|     - threading runtime overhead|     - contended synchronization|     - thread/process underutilization|     - incorrect affinity that utilizes logical cores instead of physical|       cores| Explore sub-metrics to estimate the efficiency of MPI and OpenMP parallelism| or run the Locks and Waits analysis to identify parallel bottlenecks for| other parallel runtimes.|Effective Logical Core Utilization: 2.4% (1.368 out of 56)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor logical CPU cores| utilization. Consider improving physical core utilization as the first| step and then look at opportunities to utilize logical cores, which in| some cases can improve processor throughput and overall performance of| multi-threaded applications.|
    Collection and Platform InfoApplication Command Line: ./matrix_multiplicationOperating System: 5.15.0-119-generic DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04"Computer Name:     -X99Result Size: 8.7 MBCollection start time: 05:45:29 13/10/2024 UTCCollection stop time: 05:45:36 13/10/2024 UTCCollector Type: Event-based counting driver,User-mode sampling and tracingCPUName: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor code named BroadwellFrequency: 2.600 GHzLogical CPU Count: 56LLC size: 36.7 MBCache Allocation TechnologyLevel 2 capability: not detectedLevel 3 capability: availableIf you want to skip descriptions of detected performance issues in the report,
    enter: vtune -report summary -report-knob show-issues=false -r <my_result_dir>.
    Alternatively, you may view the report in the csv format: vtune -report
    <report_name> -format=csv.
    vtune: Executing actions 100 % done  
  • Microarchitecture Exploration:详细分析 CPU 微架构利用情况。

    vtune -collect uarch-exploration -result-dir vtune_uarch ./matrix_multiplication
    vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report                              Elapsed Time: 5.643sCPU Time: 5.170sEffective Time: 5.028sSpin Time: 0.094sImbalance or Serial Spinning: 0.010sLock Contention: 0sOther: 0.084sOverhead Time: 0.048sCreation: 0.040sScheduling: 0.008sReduction: 0sAtomics: 0sOther: 0.000sTotal Thread Count: 56Paused Time: 0sTop Hotspots
    Function                                          Module            CPU Time  % of CPU Time(%)
    ------------------------------------------------  ----------------  --------  ----------------
    main::{lambda(sycl::_V1::handler&)#1}::operator() 4702a06a83a24278    1.488s             28.8%
    sycl::_V1::device_selector::select_device        1.289s             24.9%
    memset                                       1.246s             24.1%
    memcmp                                       0.312s              6.0%
    sycl::_V1::queue::submit_impl                   0.208s              4.0%
    [Others]                                          N/A                 0.628s             12.1%Top Tasks
    Task Type         Task Time  Task Count  Average Task Time
    ----------------  ---------  ----------  -----------------
    tbb_parallel_for     2.950s         166             0.018s
    tbb_custom           0.092s           7             0.013s
    Effective Physical Core Utilization: 4.6% (1.300 out of 28)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor physical CPU cores| utilization caused by:|     - load imbalance|     - threading runtime overhead|     - contended synchronization|     - thread/process underutilization|     - incorrect affinity that utilizes logical cores instead of physical|       cores| Explore sub-metrics to estimate the efficiency of MPI and OpenMP parallelism| or run the Locks and Waits analysis to identify parallel bottlenecks for| other parallel runtimes.|Effective Logical Core Utilization: 2.4% (1.368 out of 56)| The metric value is low, which may signal a poor logical CPU cores| utilization. Consider improving physical core utilization as the first| step and then look at opportunities to utilize logical cores, which in| some cases can improve processor throughput and overall performance of| multi-threaded applications.|
    Collection and Platform InfoApplication Command Line: ./matrix_multiplicationOperating System: 5.15.0-119-generic DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=20.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=focal"Computer Name:     -X99Result Size: 8.7 MBCollection start time: 05:45:29 13/10/2024 UTCCollection stop time: 05:45:36 13/10/2024 UTCCollector Type: Event-based counting driver,User-mode sampling and tracingCPUName: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor code named BroadwellFrequency: 2.600 GHzLogical CPU Count: 56LLC size: 36.7 MBCache Allocation TechnologyLevel 2 capability: not detectedLevel 3 capability: availableIf you want to skip descriptions of detected performance issues in the report,
    enter: vtune -report summary -report-knob show-issues=false -r <my_result_dir>.
    Alternatively, you may view the report in the csv format: vtune -report
    <report_name> -format=csv.
    vtune: Executing actions 100 % done  
  • GPU Offload(若程序使用 GPU 加速):

    vtune -collect gpu-offload -result-dir vtune_gpu ./your_application


  • CPU 使用率:高 CPU 使用率可能表明计算密集型性能瓶颈,需优化计算逻辑。
  • 内存带宽:如果内存带宽接近瓶颈,则需优化内存访问。
  • 线程同步:检查是否存在线程等待或同步问题。
  • GPU 使用:检查 GPU 负载和数据传输开销。


  • 可以根据分析结果进行代码优化,如利用局部内存、提高并行度、优化向量化和循环展开等策略。



rm -rf vtune_results





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Hello&#xff01;欢迎各位新老朋友来看小弟博客&#xff0c;祝大家事业顺利&#xff0c;财源广进&#xff01;&#xff01; 主题&#xff1a;mybatis-plus 开启与关闭 SQL 日志打印 第一&#xff1a;开启打印 Mybatis-plus 需要通过下面的方式开启控制台 SQL 日志打印 myba…




1、高分辨率成像&#xff1a; ① 能够呈现清晰、细腻的图像&#xff0c;可清晰快速地识别出被测物体的微小细节、特征以及潜在的缺陷等。例如在芯片外观瑕疵检测中&#xff0c;能清晰地分辨出芯片上的刮痕、污渍、破损、引脚缺失等问题。 ② 相比传统的变倍镜头&#xff0c;在…


在LabVIEW开发中&#xff0c;队列是实现并行处理、数据传递和任务调度的关键机制之一&#xff0c;合理使用队列可以有效提高程序性能并避免内存问题。结合队列长度限制和其他队列相关技巧&#xff0c;以下是队列使用的详细说明&#xff1a; 1. 队列长度限制 限制队列的长度可以…


数据类型 1.1 基本数据类型 1.1.1 整型&#xff08;Integer Types&#xff09; 整型用于表示整数值&#xff0c;分为以下几种类型&#xff1a; int&#xff1a;标准整数类型&#xff0c;通常为4字节&#xff08;32位&#xff09;。short&#xff1a;短整型&#xff0c;通常…






一、需要修改日期的文件 背景:有时候我们需要做一些文件定期删除的操作,但是测试时候并不一定有符合测试的文件,这时候就需要可以方便的修改文件的最后修改时间。 系统环境:windows 测试文件:如上 修改时间方式:windows 脚本。 二、测试脚本 (1) 脚本 # 指定文件路径 …

自然语言处理:第五十三章 Ollama

代码&#xff1a; ollama/ollama: Get up and running with Llama 3.1, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models. ( 官网&#xff1a; Ollama 写在前面: 笔者更新不易&#xff0c;希望走过路过点个关注和赞&#xff0c;笔芯!!! 写在前面: 笔者更新不易…

Android Framework默认授予app通知使用权限

安卓通知使用权限 在安卓系统中&#xff0c;应用程序需要获取通知使用权限才能向用户发送通知。以下是关于安卓通知使用权限的一些信息&#xff1a; 权限获取方式 当用户安装应用时&#xff0c;系统可能会在安装过程中提示用户授予应用通知权限。用户可以选择允许或拒绝。 应…