<! DOCTYPE html >
< head>
< meta charset = " UTF-8" >
< title> Dynamic Tabs with Table Data</ title>
< style> .tab-content { display : none; border : 1px solid #ccc; padding : 1px; margin-top : 0px; } .tab-content.active { display : block; } button { margin-right : 0px; background-color : transparent; border : 1px solid #ccc; cursor : pointer; padding : 5px 10px; } .active-tab { background-color : rgb ( 77, 218, 223) ; color : white; border-color : rgb ( 47, 178, 183) ; } table { width : 100%; border-collapse : collapse; } th, td { border : 1px solid #ddd; padding : 8px; text-align : left; } th { background-color : #f2f2f2; }
</ style>
</ head>
< body>
< div id = " tabs" >
</ div>
< div id = " tab-contents" >
</ div> < script>
const data = { "datasets" : [ { "name" : "Dataset 1" , "data" : [ { "num1" : 1234 , "num2" : 5678 , "status1" : "on" , "status2" : "active" } , ] } , { "name" : "Dataset 2" , "data" : [ { "num1" : 3456 , "num2" : 7890 , "status1" : "off" , "status2" : "inactive" } , ]
< ! DOCTYPE html>
< html lang= "en" >
< head>
< meta charset= "UTF-8" >
< title> Dynamic Tabs with Table Data< / title>
< style> . tab- content { display : none; border : 1px solid #ccc; padding : 1px; margin- top: 0px; } . tab- content. active { display : block; } button { margin- right: 0px; background- color: transparent; border : 1px solid #ccc; cursor : pointer; padding : 5px 10px; } . active- tab { background- color: rgb ( 77 , 218 , 223 ) ; color : white; border- color: rgb ( 47 , 178 , 183 ) ; } table { width : 100 % ; border- collapse: collapse; } th, td { border : 1px solid #ddd; padding : 8px; text- align: left; } th { background- color: #f2f2f2; } < / style>
< / head>
< body>
< div id= "tabs" > < / div>
< div id= "tab-contents" > < / div> < script>
const data = { "datasets" : [ { "name" : "Dataset 1" , "data" : [ { "num1" : 1234 , "num2" : 5678 , "status1" : "on" , "status2" : "active" } , ] } , { "name" : "Dataset 2" , "data" : [ { "num1" : 3456 , "num2" : 7890 , "status1" : "off" , "status2" : "inactive" } , ] } ]
} ; function toggleTab ( button, index ) { const allTabs = document. querySelectorAll ( '#tabs button' ) ; allTabs. forEach ( tab => tab. classList. remove ( 'active-tab' ) ) ; button. classList. add ( 'active-tab' ) ; showTabContent ( index) ;
} function showTabContent ( index ) { const tabContents = document. querySelectorAll ( '.tab-content' ) ; tabContents. forEach ( tabContent => tabContent. classList. remove ( 'active' ) ) ; tabContents[ index] . classList. add ( 'active' ) ;
} function createTable ( data ) { const table = document. createElement ( 'table' ) ; const thead = table. createTHead ( ) ; const headerRow = thead. insertRow ( ) ; [ 'Num1' , 'Num2' , 'Status1' , 'Status2' ] . forEach ( text => { const th = document. createElement ( 'th' ) ; th. textContent = text; headerRow. appendChild ( th) ; } ) ; const tbody = table. createTBody ( ) ; data. forEach ( item => { const row = tbody. insertRow ( ) ; [ 'num1' , 'num2' , 'status1' , 'status2' ] . forEach ( key => { const cell = row. insertCell ( ) ; cell. textContent = item[ key] ; } ) ; } ) ; return table;
} const tabsDiv = document. getElementById ( 'tabs' ) ;
const tabContentsDiv = document. getElementById ( 'tab-contents' ) ; data. datasets. forEach ( ( dataset, index ) => { const tabButton = document. createElement ( 'button' ) ; tabButton. textContent = ` Tab ${ index + 1 } ( ${ dataset. name} ) ` ; tabButton. onclick = ( ) => toggleTab ( tabButton, index) ; tabsDiv. appendChild ( tabButton) ; const tabContent = document. createElement ( 'div' ) ; tabContent. className = 'tab-content' ; const table = createTable ( dataset. data) ; tabContent. appendChild ( table) ; tabContentsDiv. appendChild ( tabContent) ;
} ) ;
if ( data. datasets. length > 0 ) { const firstTabButton = tabsDiv. querySelector ( 'button' ) ; firstTabButton. classList. add ( 'active-tab' ) ; const firstTabContent = tabContentsDiv. querySelector ( '.tab-content' ) ; firstTabContent. classList. add ( 'active' ) ;
</ script>
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