
在Flutter 中,Key 是 几乎所有 widget 都具有的属性。为什么 widget 具有 Key 呢?Key的作用是什么?

什么是 Key

Key是Widget、Element 和 SemanticNodes 的标识符。 Key 是Widget、Element 和 SemanticNodes的唯一标识。例如对于 Widget 在 Widget 树中改变了位置,Key 可以帮助它们保留状态。相对于无状态的Widget,Key对于有状态的 Widget 作用更大。


在添加、删除或重排同一类型的 widget 集合时,Key 可以让这些 widget 保持状态,并且在 widget 树中处于相同的级别。



第一种实现:widget 是无状态的,色值保存在 widget 本身中。当点击 FloatingActionButton,色块会交换位置。

import 'dart:math';import 'package:flutter/material.dart';//色块widget是无状态的
class StatelessColorTitles extends StatelessWidget {//色值保存在本身控件中var r = Random().nextInt(256);var g = Random().nextInt(256);var b = Random().nextInt(256);@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container(height: 100,width: 100,color: Color.fromRGBO(r, g, b, 1),);}
}class PositionTiles extends StatefulWidget {const PositionTiles({Key? key}) : super(key: key);@overrideState<StatefulWidget> createState() {return _PositionTilesState();}
}class _PositionTilesState extends State<PositionTiles> {List<Widget> titles = [];@overridevoid initState() {super.initState();titles = [StatelessColorTitles(), StatelessColorTitles()];}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Scaffold(body: Center(child: Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,children: titles,),),floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(child: const Icon(Icons.sentiment_very_satisfied),onPressed: swapTitles,),);}void swapTitles() {setState(() {titles.insert(1, titles.removeAt(0));});}
}class MyCustomApp extends StatelessWidget {const MyCustomApp({super.key});@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return MaterialApp(title: 'Flutter Demo',theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),home: const PositionTiles(),);}

下面是第二种实现:色块 widget 有状态,色值保存在状态中。为了正确交换平铺位置,我们需要向有状态的 widget 添加 key 参数。

import 'dart:math';import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class _StatefulColorTilesState2 extends State<StatefulColorTiles2> {//色值保存在本身控件中var r = Random().nextInt(256);var g = Random().nextInt(256);var b = Random().nextInt(256);@overridevoid initState() {super.initState();}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container(height: 100,width: 100,color: Color.fromRGBO(r, g, b, 1),);}
}class StatefulColorTiles2 extends StatefulWidget {const StatefulColorTiles2({Key? key}) : super(key: key);@overrideState<StatefulWidget> createState() {return _StatefulColorTilesState2();}
}class PositionTiles2 extends StatefulWidget {const PositionTiles2({Key? key}) : super(key: key);@overrideState<StatefulWidget> createState() {return _PositionTilesState2();}
}class _PositionTilesState2 extends State<PositionTiles2> {List<Widget> titles = [];@overridevoid initState() {super.initState();titles = [//添加了key参数,若不添加则点击按钮色块不会交互StatefulColorTiles2(key: UniqueKey()),StatefulColorTiles2(key: UniqueKey())];}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Scaffold(body: Center(child: Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,children: titles,)),floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(child: Icon(Icons.sentiment_very_satisfied),onPressed: swapTitles,),);}void swapTitles() {setState(() {titles.insert(1, titles.removeAt(0));});}
}class MyCustomApp2 extends StatelessWidget {const MyCustomApp2({super.key});@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return MaterialApp(title: "FLutter Demo about key",theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.blue),home: const PositionTiles2());}

widget 有状态时,才需要设置 key。如果是无状态的 widget 则可以不需要设置 key。


渲染 widget 时,Flutter 在构建 widget 树的同时,还会构建其对应的Element树。Element树持有 widget 树中 widget 的信息及其子 widget 的引用。在修改和重新渲染的过程中,Flutter 查找Element树查看其是否改变,以便在元素未改变时可以复用旧元素。


1.widget 树封装配置信息,Element树相当于实例对象。widget 类似于 json串,Element树类似于 json 解析后的 bean。

2. widget 类型 和 key 值 ,在没用 key 的情况下,类型相同表示新旧 widget 可复用。


  /// Whether the `newWidget` can be used to update an [Element] that currently/// has the `oldWidget` as its configuration.////// An element that uses a given widget as its configuration can be updated to/// use another widget as its configuration if, and only if, the two widgets/// have [runtimeType] and [key] properties that are [operator==].////// If the widgets have no key (their key is null), then they are considered a/// match if they have the same type, even if their children are completely/// different.static bool canUpdate(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget) {return oldWidget.runtimeType == newWidget.runtimeType&& oldWidget.key == newWidget.key;}

在上面实现方式一的例子中:原色块是 一 和 二, 交换后 oldWidget  与 newWidget 比较,因为 一 和 二 是同类型 StatelessColorTiles ,则表示原来在Element树中的 Element(一)元素在交换后是可以继续供 Element(二)元素 复用。


Key 是抽象类,有两个重要的子类 LocalKey和 GlobalKey。


/// A [Key] is an identifier for [Widget]s, [Element]s and [SemanticsNode]s.
/// A new widget will only be used to update an existing element if its key is
/// the same as the key of the current widget associated with the element.
/// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0EOS-ZiIc}
/// Keys must be unique amongst the [Element]s with the same parent.
/// Subclasses of [Key] should either subclass [LocalKey] or [GlobalKey].
/// See also:
///  * [Widget.key], which discusses how widgets use keys.
abstract class Key {/// Construct a [ValueKey<String>] with the given [String].////// This is the simplest way to create keys.const factory Key(String value) = ValueKey<String>;/// Default constructor, used by subclasses.////// Useful so that subclasses can call us, because the [Key.new] factory/// constructor shadows the implicit constructor.@protectedconst Key.empty();


LocalKey 是 Key 的子类,用于标识局部范围内的 Widgets。它有两个具体实现:ValueKey 和 ObjectKey。

/// A key that is not a [GlobalKey].
/// Keys must be unique amongst the [Element]s with the same parent. By
/// contrast, [GlobalKey]s must be unique across the entire app.
/// See also:
///  * [Widget.key], which discusses how widgets use keys.
abstract class LocalKey extends Key {/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.const LocalKey() : super.empty();


ValueKey 是简单的值(如字符串、数字)来标识 Widget。它通常用于具有唯一标识的对象。

/// A key that uses a value of a particular type to identify itself.
/// A [ValueKey<T>] is equal to another [ValueKey<T>] if, and only if, their
/// values are [operator==].
/// This class can be subclassed to create value keys that will not be equal to
/// other value keys that happen to use the same value. If the subclass is
/// private, this results in a value key type that cannot collide with keys from
/// other sources, which could be useful, for example, if the keys are being
/// used as fallbacks in the same scope as keys supplied from another widget.
/// See also:
///  * [Widget.key], which discusses how widgets use keys.
class ValueKey<T> extends LocalKey {/// Creates a key that delegates its [operator==] to the given value.const ValueKey(this.value);/// The value to which this key delegates its [operator==]final T value;@overridebool operator ==(Object other) {if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {return false;}return other is ValueKey<T>&& other.value == value;}@overrideint get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, value);@overrideString toString() {final String valueString = T == String ? "<'$value'>" : '<$value>';// The crazy on the next line is a workaround for// https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33297if (runtimeType == _TypeLiteral<ValueKey<T>>().type) {return '[$valueString]';}return '[$T $valueString]';}
Container(alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,width: 100,height: 70,key: const ValueKey("TipItem")


ObjectKey 使用对象作为标识符。这对于需要使用对象来唯一标识 Widget 的情况非常有用。


/// A key that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
/// Used to tie the identity of a widget to the identity of an object used to
/// generate that widget.
/// See also:
///  * [Key], the base class for all keys.
///  * The discussion at [Widget.key] for more information about how widgets use
///    keys.
class ObjectKey extends LocalKey {/// Creates a key that uses [identical] on [value] for its [operator==].const ObjectKey(this.value);/// The object whose identity is used by this key's [operator==].final Object? value;@overridebool operator ==(Object other) {if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {return false;}return other is ObjectKey&& identical(other.value, value);}@overrideint get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, identityHashCode(value));@overrideString toString() {if (runtimeType == ObjectKey) {return '[${describeIdentity(value)}]';}return '[${objectRuntimeType(this, 'ObjectKey')} ${describeIdentity(value)}]';}

class Student {final String name;final int age;Student(this.name, this.age);@overridebool operator ==(Object other) {return identical(this, other) ||other is Student &&runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&name == other.name &&age == other.age;}@overrideint get hashCode => name.hashCode ^ age.hashCode;
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
width: 100,
height: 70,
key:  ObjectKey(Student("Tom", 22)),
color: Colors.amber)


UniqueKey:通过该对象可以生成一个具有唯一性的 hash 码。又因为每次 Widget 构建时都会重新生成一个新的 UniqueKey,失去了使用意义。(所以UniqueKey使用价值不高)。UniqueKey是一个独一无二的Key,比如UniqueKey()和UniqueKey()是不相等的。

/// A key that is only equal to itself.
/// This cannot be created with a const constructor because that implies that
/// all instantiated keys would be the same instance and therefore not be unique.
class UniqueKey extends LocalKey {/// Creates a key that is equal only to itself.////// The key cannot be created with a const constructor because that implies/// that all instantiated keys would be the same instance and therefore not/// be unique.// ignore: prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables , never use const for this classUniqueKey();@overrideString toString() => '[#${shortHash(this)}]';


PageStorageKey可以用于滑动列表,在列表页面通过某一个 Item的点击 跳转到了一个新的页面,当返回之前的列表页面时,列表的滑动的距离回到了顶部。此时给 Sliver 设置一个 PageStorageKey,就能够保持 Sliver 的滚动状态。

/// A [Key] that can be used to persist the widget state in storage after the
/// destruction and will be restored when recreated.
/// Each key with its value plus the ancestor chain of other [PageStorageKey]s
/// need to be unique within the widget's closest ancestor [PageStorage]. To
/// make it possible for a saved value to be found when a widget is recreated,
/// the key's value must not be objects whose identity will change each time the
/// widget is created.
/// See also:
///  * [PageStorage], which manages the data storage for widgets using
///    [PageStorageKey]s.
class PageStorageKey<T> extends ValueKey<T> {/// Creates a [ValueKey] that defines where [PageStorage] values will be saved.const PageStorageKey(super.value);

PageView + BottomNavigationBar 或者 TabBarView + TabBar 的时候发现当切换到另一页面的时候, 前一个页面就会被销毁, 再返回前一页时, 页面会被重建, 随之数据会重新加载, 控件会重新渲染 带来了极不好的用户体验。可以使用使用PageStorage在页面切换时保存状态。

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class Page1 extends StatefulWidget {@overrideState<StatefulWidget> createState() {return _Page1State();}
}class Page1Params {int counter = 0;
}class _Page1State extends State<Page1> {Page1Params _params = Page1Params();@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container(padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,children: <Widget>[Text('${_params.counter}',style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50,)),Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,children: <Widget>[IconButton(onPressed: () {setState(() {_params.counter--;});},icon: Icon(Icons.remove, size: 32.0)),IconButton(onPressed: () {setState(() {_params.counter++;});},icon: Icon(Icons.add, size: 32.0)),],)],),);}
}class Page2 extends StatelessWidget {@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container();}
}class TabInfo {String label;Widget widget;TabInfo(this.label, this.widget);
}class MyCustomApp extends StatelessWidget {final List<TabInfo> _tabs = [TabInfo("FIRST", Page1()),TabInfo("SECOND", Page2())];@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return DefaultTabController(length: _tabs.length,child: Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Tab Controller'),bottom: PreferredSize(child: TabBar(isScrollable: true,tabs: _tabs.map((TabInfo tab) {return Tab(text: tab.label);}).toList(),),preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(50.0),),),body: TabBarView(children: _tabs.map((tab) => tab.widget).toList(),),),);}
}void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,home: MyCustomApp(),),);

在上面的例子中,通过点击FIRST  和   SECOND 按钮切换页面可以发现来回切换以后,页面状态被清理了。



import 'package:flutter/material.dart';class Page1 extends StatefulWidget {//为Page1 添加一个带参数的构造函数,//通过其将Key直接传给super,通过key可恢复状态Page1({Key? key}) : super(key: key);@overrideState<StatefulWidget> createState() {return _Page1State();}
}class Page1Params {int counter = 0;
}class _Page1State extends State<Page1> {Page1Params _params = Page1Params();@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container(padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),child: Column(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,children: <Widget>[Text('${_params.counter}',style: TextStyle(fontSize: 50,)),Row(mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,children: <Widget>[IconButton(onPressed: () {//setState的同时通过writeState将状态保存进PageStorage。setState(() {_params.counter--;});PageStorage.of(context).writeState(context, _params);},icon: Icon(Icons.remove, size: 32.0)),IconButton(onPressed: () {//setState的同时通过writeState将状态保存进PageStorage。setState(() {_params.counter++;});PageStorage.of(context).writeState(context, _params);},icon: Icon(Icons.add, size: 32.0)),],)],),);}//didChangeDependencies会紧跟在initState之后被调用,便于进行state初始化@overridevoid didChangeDependencies() {//重写State类的didChangeDependencies方法,//在里面通过readState从PageStorage读取并恢复被保存的状态。var p = PageStorage.of(context).readState(context);if (p != null) {_params = p;} else {_params = Page1Params();}super.didChangeDependencies();}
}class Page2 extends StatelessWidget {@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return Container();}
}class TabInfo {String label;Widget widget;TabInfo(this.label, this.widget);
}class MyCustomApp extends StatelessWidget {final List<TabInfo> _tabs = [//创建widget时指定keyTabInfo("FIRST", Page1(key: PageStorageKey<String>("key_Page1"))),TabInfo("SECOND", Page2())];@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {return DefaultTabController(length: _tabs.length,child: Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Tab Controller'),bottom: PreferredSize(child: TabBar(isScrollable: true,tabs: _tabs.map((TabInfo tab) {return Tab(text: tab.label);}).toList(),),preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(50.0),),),body: TabBarView(children: _tabs.map((tab) => tab.widget).toList(),),),);}
}void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,home: MyCustomApp(),),);



GlobalKey 适用于在应用程序的全局范围内唯一标识的 Widgets。GlobalKey不应该在每次build的时候重新重建, 它是State拥有的长期存在的对象。GlobalKey 能够跨 Widget 访问状态。


/// A key that is unique across the entire app.
/// Global keys uniquely identify elements. Global keys provide access to other
/// objects that are associated with those elements, such as [BuildContext].
/// For [StatefulWidget]s, global keys also provide access to [State].
/// Widgets that have global keys reparent their subtrees when they are moved
/// from one location in the tree to another location in the tree. In order to
/// reparent its subtree, a widget must arrive at its new location in the tree
/// in the same animation frame in which it was removed from its old location in
/// the tree.
/// Reparenting an [Element] using a global key is relatively expensive, as
/// this operation will trigger a call to [State.deactivate] on the associated
/// [State] and all of its descendants; then force all widgets that depends
/// on an [InheritedWidget] to rebuild.
/// If you don't need any of the features listed above, consider using a [Key],
/// [ValueKey], [ObjectKey], or [UniqueKey] instead.
/// You cannot simultaneously include two widgets in the tree with the same
/// global key. Attempting to do so will assert at runtime.
/// ## Pitfalls
/// GlobalKeys should not be re-created on every build. They should usually be
/// long-lived objects owned by a [State] object, for example.
/// Creating a new GlobalKey on every build will throw away the state of the
/// subtree associated with the old key and create a new fresh subtree for the
/// new key. Besides harming performance, this can also cause unexpected
/// behavior in widgets in the subtree. For example, a [GestureDetector] in the
/// subtree will be unable to track ongoing gestures since it will be recreated
/// on each build.
/// Instead, a good practice is to let a State object own the GlobalKey, and
/// instantiate it outside the build method, such as in [State.initState].
/// See also:
///  * The discussion at [Widget.key] for more information about how widgets use
///    keys.
abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {/// Creates a [LabeledGlobalKey], which is a [GlobalKey] with a label used for/// debugging.////// The label is purely for debugging and not used for comparing the identity/// of the key.factory GlobalKey({ String? debugLabel }) => LabeledGlobalKey<T>(debugLabel);/// Creates a global key without a label.////// Used by subclasses because the factory constructor shadows the implicit/// constructor.const GlobalKey.constructor() : super.empty();Element? get _currentElement => WidgetsBinding.instance.buildOwner!._globalKeyRegistry[this];/// The build context in which the widget with this key builds.////// The current context is null if there is no widget in the tree that matches/// this global key.BuildContext? get currentContext => _currentElement;/// The widget in the tree that currently has this global key.////// The current widget is null if there is no widget in the tree that matches/// this global key.Widget? get currentWidget => _currentElement?.widget;/// The [State] for the widget in the tree that currently has this global key.////// The current state is null if (1) there is no widget in the tree that/// matches this global key, (2) that widget is not a [StatefulWidget], or the/// associated [State] object is not a subtype of `T`.T? get currentState {final Element? element = _currentElement;if (element is StatefulElement) {final StatefulElement statefulElement = element;final State state = statefulElement.state;if (state is T) {return state;}}return null;}



  • 当拥有GlobalKey的widget从树的一个位置上移动到另一个位置时,需要reparent它的子树。为了reparent它的子树,必须在一个动画帧里完成从旧位置移动到新位置的操作。
  • 上面的reparent操作代价昂贵,因为要调用所有相关联的State和所有子节点的deactive方法,并且所有依赖InheritedWidget的widget去重建。
  • 不要在build方法中创建GlobalKey,性能不好,容易出现异常。比如子树里的GestureDetector可能会由于每次build时重新创建GlobalKey而无法继续追踪手势事件。
  • GlobalKey提供了访问其关联的Element和State的方法。







Keys in Flutter. Working with Flutter, many times we… | by Karmacharyasamriddhi | codingmountain | Medium




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关于测试框架的好处&#xff0c;比如快速回归提高测试效率&#xff0c;提高测试覆盖率等这里就不讨论了。这里主要讨论自动化框架包含哪些内容&#xff0c;以及如何去设计一个测试框架。 什么是自动化测试框架&#xff1f; 它是由一个或多个自动化测试基础模块、自动化测试管…


Qt22双缓冲机制 知识点drawwidgetdrawwidget.hdrawwidget.cpp mainwindowmainwindow.hmainwindow.cpp main.cpp运行图 知识点 双缓冲就是在内存区申请一块缓存&#xff1b;然后显卡直接从这块内存读取数据.。 这样就不用鼠标边画&#xff0c;经过IO来读取这个环节&#xff1b;…


最近项目中遇到一个复杂的Excel的导入&#xff0c;并且数据量较大。因为数据不规则&#xff0c;所以只能使用POI进行自定义读取&#xff0c;但是发现数据量大之后&#xff0c;读取数据非常耗时。后面换成EasyExcel&#xff0c;性能起飞。 1. Excel样板 如上图&#xff0c;需要…


传参 有的是用寄存器传参&#xff0c;有的用push传参 我在MSVC编译测出来的是PUSH传参&#xff08;debug模式&#xff09;&#xff0c;具体过程如下 long func(long a, long b, long c, long d,long e, long f, long g, long h) {long sum;sum (a b c d e f g h);ret…


目录 准备工作配置虚拟机为虚拟机设置操作系统镜像安装windows10 准备工作 安装好VMware软件并激活&#xff0c;激活码自行查找 准备好系统镜像文件&#xff0c;可以在MSDN中下载&#xff0c;地址&#xff1a;https://next.itellyou.cn/ 配置虚拟机 选择自定义 默认 选择稍后…

骨灵冷火!Solon Cloud Gateway 照面发布

骨灵冷火&#xff0c;是练药的好火哟。极冷&#xff0c;又极热。在冰冻中被烧死&#xff1a;&#xff09; 1、认识 Solon Cloud Gateway Solon Cloud Gateway 是基于 Solon Cloud、Vert.X 和 Solon Rx(reactive-streams) 接口实现。小特点&#xff1a; 纯响应式的接口体验流…


✨✨ 欢迎大家来到贝蒂大讲堂✨✨ &#x1f388;&#x1f388;养成好习惯&#xff0c;先赞后看哦~&#x1f388;&#x1f388; 所属专栏&#xff1a;Linux学习 贝蒂的主页&#xff1a;Betty’s blog 与Windows环境不同&#xff0c;我们在linux环境下需要通过指令进行各操作&…