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OpenSource - Ip2region 离线IP地址定位库和IP定位数据管理框架
Ip2region - xdb java 查询客户端实现
git clone
git clone https://github.com/lionsoul2014/ip2region.git
cd binding/java/
mvn compile package
然后会在当前目录的 target 目录下得到一个 ip2region-{version}.jar 的打包文件。
// Copyright 2022 The Ip2Region Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache2.0-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @Author Lion <chenxin619315@gmail.com>
// @Date 2022/06/23package org.lionsoul.ip2region;import org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb.Searcher;import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;public class SearchTest {public static void printHelp(String[] args) {System.out.print("ip2region xdb searcher\n");System.out.print("java -jar ip2region-{version}.jar [command] [command options]\n");System.out.print("Command: \n");System.out.print(" search search input test\n");System.out.print(" bench search bench test\n");}public static Searcher createSearcher(String dbPath, String cachePolicy) throws IOException {if ("file".equals(cachePolicy)) {return Searcher.newWithFileOnly(dbPath);} else if ("vectorIndex".equals(cachePolicy)) {byte[] vIndex = Searcher.loadVectorIndexFromFile(dbPath);return Searcher.newWithVectorIndex(dbPath, vIndex);} else if ("content".equals(cachePolicy)) {byte[] cBuff = Searcher.loadContentFromFile(dbPath);return Searcher.newWithBuffer(cBuff);} else {throw new IOException("invalid cache policy `" + cachePolicy + "`, options: file/vectorIndex/content");}}public static void searchTest(String[] args) throws IOException {String dbPath = "", cachePolicy = "vectorIndex";for (final String r : args) {if (r.length() < 5) {continue;}if (r.indexOf("--") != 0) {continue;}int sIdx = r.indexOf('=');if (sIdx < 0) {System.out.printf("missing = for args pair `%s`\n", r);return;}String key = r.substring(2, sIdx);String val = r.substring(sIdx + 1);// System.out.printf("key=%s, val=%s\n", key, val);if ("db".equals(key)) {dbPath = val;} else if ("cache-policy".equals(key)) {cachePolicy = val;} else {System.out.printf("undefined option `%s`\n", r);return;}}if (dbPath.length() < 1) {System.out.print("java -jar ip2region-{version}.jar search [command options]\n");System.out.print("options:\n");System.out.print(" --db string ip2region binary xdb file path\n");System.out.print(" --cache-policy string cache policy: file/vectorIndex/content\n");return;}Searcher searcher = createSearcher(dbPath, cachePolicy);Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);String line = scanner.nextLine();try {String region = searcher.search(line.trim());System.out.printf("ip: %s , region: %s\n", line, region);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.printf("{err: %s, ioCount: %d}\n", e, searcher.getIOCount());}searcher.close();}public static void benchTest(String[] args) throws IOException {String dbPath = "", srcPath = "", cachePolicy = "vectorIndex";for (final String r : args) {if (r.length() < 5) {continue;}if (r.indexOf("--") != 0) {continue;}int sIdx = r.indexOf('=');if (sIdx < 0) {System.out.printf("missing = for args pair `%s`\n", r);return;}String key = r.substring(2, sIdx);String val = r.substring(sIdx + 1);if ("db".equals(key)) {dbPath = val;} else if ("src".equals(key)) {srcPath = val;} else if ("cache-policy".equals(key)) {cachePolicy = val;} else {System.out.printf("undefined option `%s`\n", r);return;}}if (dbPath.length() < 1 || srcPath.length() < 1) {System.out.print("java -jar ip2region-{version}.jar bench [command options]\n");System.out.print("options:\n");System.out.print(" --db string ip2region binary xdb file path\n");System.out.print(" --src string source ip text file path\n");System.out.print(" --cache-policy string cache policy: file/vectorIndex/content\n");return;}Searcher searcher = createSearcher(dbPath, cachePolicy);long count = 0, costs = 0, tStart = System.nanoTime();String line;final Charset charset = Charset.forName("utf-8");final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(srcPath);final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis, charset));while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {String l = line.trim();String[] ps = l.split("\\|", 3);if (ps.length != 3) {System.out.printf("invalid ip segment `%s`\n", l);return;}long sip;try {sip = Searcher.checkIP(ps[0]);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.printf("check start ip `%s`: %s\n", ps[0], e);return;}long eip;try {eip = Searcher.checkIP(ps[1]);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.printf("check end ip `%s`: %s\n", ps[1], e);return;}if (sip > eip) {System.out.printf("start ip(%s) should not be greater than end ip(%s)\n", ps[0], ps[1]);return;}long mip = (sip + eip) >> 1;for (final long ip : new long[]{sip, (sip + mip) >> 1, mip, (mip + eip) >> 1, eip}) {long sTime = System.nanoTime();String region = searcher.search(ip);costs += System.nanoTime() - sTime;// check the region infoif (!ps[2].equals(region)) {System.out.printf("failed search(%s) with (%s != %s)\n", Searcher.long2ip(ip), region, ps[2]);return;}count++;}}reader.close();searcher.close();long took = System.nanoTime() - tStart;System.out.printf("Bench finished, {cachePolicy: %s, total: %d, took: %ds, cost: %d μs/op}\n",cachePolicy, count, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(took),count == 0 ? 0 : TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(costs / count));}public static void main(String[] args) {if (args.length < 1) {printHelp(args);return;}if ("search".equals(args[0])) {try {searchTest(args);} catch (IOException e) {System.out.printf("failed running search test: %s\n", e);}} else if ("bench".equals(args[0])) {try {benchTest(args);} catch (IOException e) {System.out.printf("failed running bench test: %s\n", e);}} else {printHelp(args);}}}
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