sculpture 雕像
allege 指责,声称
pledge 发誓
breach 违背,违反
defaulty 违约,违反
infringe 侵犯
infringing on small farmers interest
blacmail 勒索
idle 无所事事的
deceive 欺骗
perceive 察觉
conceive 设想
conception 设想
verdict 陪审团的裁定,裁决
convict 定罪
guilt 愧疚
crime 犯罪,
rebel 反对者,叛逆者
rob 抢劫
smuggle 走私
justice 公正,正义
just 刚好
adjust 调整
blast 爆炸
elastic 有弹力的,橡皮筋
prison 监狱
imprison 监禁
kidnap 绑架
boycott 抵制
malpractice 不端行为
sue 控告
pursue 追求,追逐
ensue 接着发生
The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.
lawsuit 起诉
outrage 愤怒,愤慨
proof 证明 证据
testify 证明,证实
testimony 证词
professor 教授
profession 专业 职业
professional 专业的
confession 坦白
unlawful 非法的
warrant 正当的 正当理由
flexible 灵活的,易弯曲的
flex 弯曲