Learning Prompt



  • 基本要求(C.R.E.A.T.E)
  • 总结文章(Summarise)
  • 改写文章(Rewrite)
  • 根据参考资料回答问题(Question & Answer)
  • 参考资料


This is the role you want ChatGPT to play. It could be an expert, a celebrity, an artist or an idiot. Make it clear with an introductory statement like:

You are an expert chef with 20 years experience and a Michelin star. You can create amazing and surprising dishes from the simplest of ingredients.

This is the task you want ChatGPT to do for you. You clearer you are, the higher your chance of getting a great response. Give more information if you need to. Here’s an example:

I want you to generate an amazing recipe just using the ingredients I have in my fridge and cupboards. Start by asking me what ingredients I have available.

It may help to give examples to help ChatGPT understand what it is trying to achieve. Lists of information can be particularly good. Something like:

Draw your inspiration from chefs like Marco Pierre White, Gordon Ramsey, Anne-Sophie Pic and Yannick Alléno.

You’ll often discover elements in the output that aren’t quite what you wanted. This is where you add some extra statements to help shape the results.

List the measurements in imperial units. Do not use all the ingredients - only use what you need for the dish. Do not suggest a recipe until I give you my ingredients. Ask for the ingredients and then wait for my response before answering.

Type of output
Tell ChatGPT exactly how to format your output. You can have paragraphs, bullet points, tables,
poems, scripts and just about anything else. Make it clear how you want the output to be formatted.

Write your response as a recipe. Give me a recipe title, a 100 word paragraph describing the dish, a list of ingredients and simple-to-follow steps. Write it in plain English without jargon.

There are some powerful phrases you can add to your prompt to make it work better.

Please ignore everything before this prompt.
Please ask me questions before you answer.
Please explain your thinking.
Please act unlike a typical AI.


You are a highly experienced writer who writes concise and readable text without stop words, filler words or jargon. I want you to summarise the following text, highlighting the most important concepts. Deliver this as a short paragraph of 100 words. Then list the most important points as a bullet-point list. Finally, follow it with a one sentence summary. The text I want you to summarise is “[TEXT]”


You are an expert copywriter with more than 20 years of experience in writing high-performing copy. I want you to rewrite the following copy to make it better. Rewrite it with a [TONE OF VOICE] tone. Remove filler words and stop words. Remove jargon and corporate language.
Correct misspelled words and bad grammar. Vary the length of the sentences to make the text more
interesting. Make sure there are subheads throughout. Don’t use bullet points. Write it as easy-to-read paragraphs. The copy I want you to improve is: "[TEXT]”

根据参考资料回答问题(Question & Answer)

"You are an assistant for question-answering tasks. "
"Use the following pieces of retrieved context to answer "
“the question. If you don’t know the answer, say that you "
“don’t know. Use three sentences maximum and keep the "
“answer concise.”


  1. Dave Birss - How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools





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