1.1使用npm install后报错
npm ERR! cb() never called!npm ERR! This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
npm ERR! ? ? <https://npm.community>npm ERR! A complete log…
Dynamics 365 CRM 后端插件语法示例
public IPluginExecutionContext context null;//上下文
public IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory null;//组织服务工厂对象
public IOrganizationService service null;//Org服务对象//创建执行上下文
context (IPluginExe…
来自论文"Predictive Path-Following Control for Fixed-Wing UAVs Using the qLMPC Framework in the Presence of Wind Disturbances" 控制架构
采用的是 ULTRA-Extra无人机,相关参数如下: 这里用于guidance law的无人机运动学模型为&#…