Data governance, data literacy, and data quality management:A literature review


Note: This is not a formally published paper, but just an essay for homework.


With the rise of the data era, data governance, data literacy, and data quality management have emerged as the core pillars of organizational data management. This paper reviews these three areas, examining their definitions, interconnections, and applications in the data middle platform and AI data services. Drawing on practices from Chinese Internet enterprises, it highlights the platform’s role as a key tool in modern data governance, showcasing its benefits in governance, data mining, and intelligent applications.

Key words: data governance, data literacy, data quality management, data middle platform, AI data service

1. Introduction

Driven by big data and artificial intelligence, data has become the core asset of an organization. Data governance, data literacy and data quality management are interdependent, forming the key basis for modern organizations to realize data-driven decision-making and value creation. This paper aims to explore the relationship between the three, and further explain the application value of the data middle platform and AI data service in the modern data governance system.

2. Core concept

The definition and development of these concepts does not arise from a particular individual or institution, but from the development of the data management field, driven by academia, industry standards organizations, and corporate practice. The following are the main sources and development background of each concept:

  1. Data Governance:Data governance refers to the framework and practices for ensuring the quality, integrity, security, and availability of organizational data. It involves policies, roles, and processes that enable efficient and responsible data management.  
  2. Data Literacy: Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, create, and communicate data as information, enabling individuals to make informed decisions in a data-driven environment.  
  3. Data Quality Management:Data quality management refers to the set of practices aimed at maintaining high data quality standards, focusing on accuracy, completeness, reliability, and relevance throughout the data lifecycle.  

3. The relevance of the top three major concepts

3.1 The relationship between the three factors

Data governance offers a strategic, top-level design that standardizes the rules and processes associated with data management. Data quality management, on the other hand, ensures the precision and uniformity of data through advanced technical methodologies. Furthermore, data literacy enhances the capability of individuals and organizations to effectively engage in data governance and quality management activities. Collectively, these components facilitate the promotion of data-driven decision-making and foster innovation within organizations.

3.2 Related cases

(1) Airbnb's Data Literacy and Governance Practices

Airbnb's "Data University" enhances employee data literacy, promoting responsible data processing, governance, and decision-making. The program supports data democratization and a data-driven culture.

(2) Milliman MedInsight's Medical Data Governance

Milliman MedInsight improves data quality and governance through document optimization, query automation, and tailored training. These efforts enhance data literacy, unify governance standards, and improve data usability.

(3) Data Management in Scientific Research

The eagle-i project advances data governance in scientific research by improving data literacy and standardizing biological resource management. It emphasizes early education, community involvement, and institutional support to boost data sharing and utilization.

4. Modern data governance system

With the evolution of The Times, the data lake and data warehouse architecture in the traditional data governance system have faced new alternatives, namely, data middle platform and AI data services. As an iterative product of the data lake, the data middle platform has effectively solved a series of problems faced by the data lake, and maintained good compatibility with AI data services, thus effectively promoting the transformation process of enterprise data governance.

4.1 Role and challenges of Data Lake

As a centralized data storage architecture, data lake provides a basis for diversified data processing and analysis, and provides an effective solution for enterprise data governance, but it also faces the problems of data quality, security and management complexity.

4.1.2 Definition and core characteristics of data lake

A data lake is a centralized architecture for storing large-scale raw data, accommodating structured, semi-structured, and unstructured formats. It offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness to meet growing data management demands.And its core features include:

  1. Large storage capacity: Supports various data types and formats.
  2. Cost efficiency: Utilizes low-cost storage media like HDFS or cloud services.
  3. Open architecture: Compatible with tools like Hadoop, Spark, and Flink.
  4. Customizable formats: Adapts to diverse user needs.
  5. Data security: Ensures safety through access control, encryption, and auditing.

In summary, data lakes empower data-intensive organizations to optimize their data assets efficiently.

4.1.3 The role of data lake

  1. Data Integration: Unify data from diverse internal and external sources for streamlined governance.
  2. Data Cleaning: Facilitate cleaning processes, including quality rules, transformation, and calibration, to ensure data accuracy and consistency.
  3. Data Quality Assessment: Store historical data to assess quality and identify issues.
  4. Data Security: Ensure safety through mechanisms like access control, encryption, and auditing.
  5. Data Lifecycle Management: Support archiving, backup, and deletion to optimize costs and enhance availability.

In summary, data lakes enhance the efficiency and reliability of data governance systems.

4.1.4 Challenges facing Data Lake

Data Lake technology has also identified a range of problems in long-term industrial practice, such as data quality and consistency issues, which can lead to duplication and inconsistencies due to the storage of data from multiple sources. The lack of metadata management affects data availability and traceability. Data security and access control are key, especially for sensitive data, where a lack of security measures can lead to compliance issues. Governance and multi-sectoral coordination issues can lead to conflicting data definitions. Finally, without proper governance, the data lake may become a "data swamp" that is difficult to use.

4.2 The Value of data middle platform

The data middle platform combines the strengths of data lakes and data warehouses, serving as a crucial component of modern data governance. By standardizing interfaces, it reduces governance complexity, enhances data mining efficiency, and supports intelligent applications, particularly AI data services. This technology has been widely validated in Chinese enterprises, demonstrating its effectiveness and practicality in improving data governance systems.

  1. Alibaba data middle platform: Alibabas data middle platform is one of its core competitive advantages. It provides strong data support for Alibabas business operations, such as e-commerce business, cloud computing business, digital media and entertainment business.
  2. Tencent data middle platform: Tencent data middle platform provides data support for its social networking, games, finance and other services, such as user portrait, content recommendation, intelligent customer service, etc.
  3. Baidu data middle platform: Baidu data middle platform provides data support for its search, advertising, autonomous driving and other businesses, such as user behavior analysis, advertising optimization, autonomous driving path planning, etc.

4.3 Driving force of AI data services

Artificial intelligence data services refer to services that use artificial intelligence technology to process, analyze and mine data to provide intelligent decision-making support for enterprises. One of the biggest changes in the data center compared to the data lake is that while sorting out the data system, it is fully compatible with AI data services. Artificial intelligence data services play an important role in the modern data governance system, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

4.3.1 Intelligent Data Analysis

Automatic Modeling: Build predictive, classification, and clustering models to improve analysis efficiency and accuracy.

Intelligent Recommendation: Suggest goods, content, or services based on user behavior to enhance experience and conversion rates.

Intelligent Forecasting: Predict trends using historical and real-time data to inform strategic decisions.

Intelligent Decision-Making: Offer actionable insights to support scientific decision-making.

4.3.2 Automation of Data Governance

Data Cleaning: Automatically detect and resolve errors or inconsistencies to enhance data quality.

Data Classification: Automate labeling and categorization for easier management.

Data Security: Identify and mitigate risks such as leaks or tampering.

4.3.3 Data Application Innovation

Personalized Services: Deliver tailored recommendations and marketing strategies.

Intelligent Customer Service: Use technologies like speech recognition and NLP to boost service efficiency and quality.

Intelligent Risk Control: Provide tools for fraud detection and credit assessment to reduce losses.

4.3.4 Enhancing the Data Governance System

Data Quality Improvement: Ensure reliable foundations for governance.

Data Security Enhancement: Strengthen protective measures.

Data Value Enhancement: Drive data-centric decision-making and value creation.

5. Conclusion

Data governance, data literacy and data quality management are the three pillars of the modern data management system. They complement each other and promote the data-driven decision-making and innovative development of organizations. data middle platform platform and AI data services provide technical support and application scenarios, and become the core tool of modern data governance.

6. References

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