数据结构C //线性表ADT结构及相关函数

数据结构(C语言版)严蔚敏 吴伟民


环境:Linux Ubuntu(云服务器)


/*************************************************************************> File Name: list.h> Author: > Mail: > Created Time: Thu 05 Sep 2024 02:10:41 PM CST************************************************************************/#ifndef _LIST_H
#define _LIST_H#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define INFEASIBLE -1
#define OVERFLOW -2
#define NOEXIST -3typedef int Status;#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100
#define LISTINCREMENT 10typedef int ElemType;typedef struct {ElemType *elem;int length;int listsize;
} List;#define DATAFMT "%d"Status InitList(List &L);Status DestroyList(List &L);Status ClearList(List &L);Status ListEmpty(List L);int ListLength(List L);Status GetElem(List L, int i, ElemType &e);int equal(ElemType a, ElemType b);Status LocateElem(List L, ElemType e, int equal(ElemType, ElemType));Status PriorElem(List L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &pre_e);Status NextElem(List L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &next_e);Status ListInsert(List &L, int i, ElemType e);Status ListDelete(List &L, int i, ElemType &e);Status visit(ElemType e);Status ListTraverse(List L, Status visit(ElemType));void InputList(List &L, int n);void unionList(List &La, List Lb);void MergeList(List La, List Lb, List &Lc);#endif
/*************************************************************************> File Name: list.c> Author: > Mail: > Created Time: Thu 05 Sep 2024 02:16:38 PM CST************************************************************************/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "list.h"Status InitList(List &L) {L.elem = (ElemType *)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));if(!L.elem) exit(OVERFLOW);L.length = 0;L.listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;return OK;
}//InitListStatus DestroyList(List &L) {free(L.elem);return OK;
}//DestroyListStatus ClearList(List &L) {for(int i = 0; i < L.listsize; i++) {L.elem[i] = 0;}L.length = 0;return OK;
}//ClearListStatus ListEmpty(List L) {return L.length == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
}//ListEmptyint ListLength(List L) {return L.length;
}//ListLengthStatus GetElem(List L, int i, ElemType &e) {if(i < 1 || i > ListLength(L)) {return ERROR;}e = L.elem[i-1];return OK;
}//GetElemint equal(ElemType a, ElemType b) {return a == b ? TRUE : FALSE;
}//equalStatus LocateElem(List L, ElemType e, int equal(ElemType, ElemType)) {for(int i = 0; i < ListLength(L); i++) {if(equal(e, L.elem[i])) {return i + 1;}}return FALSE;
}//LocateElemStatus PriorElem(List L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &pre_e) {if(L.elem[0] == cur_e) {return ERROR;}int i;for(i = 0; i < ListLength(L); i++) {if(L.elem[i] == cur_e) {break;}}if(i == ListLength(L)) {return NOEXIST;}pre_e = L.elem[i-1];return OK;
}//PriorElemStatus NextElem(List L, ElemType cur_e, ElemType &next_e) {if(L.elem[L.length-1] == cur_e) {return ERROR;}int i;for(i = 0; i < ListLength(L); i++) {if(L.elem[i] == cur_e) {break;}}if(i == ListLength(L)) {return NOEXIST;}next_e = L.elem[i+1];return OK;
}//NextElemStatus ListInsert(List &L, int i, ElemType e) {if(i < 1 || i > L.length + 1) {return ERROR;}if(L.length >= L.listsize) {ElemType *newbase = (ElemType *)realloc(L.elem, (L.listsize + LISTINCREMENT) * sizeof(ElemType));if(!newbase) exit(OVERFLOW);L.elem = newbase;L.listsize += LISTINCREMENT;}ElemType *q = &(L.elem[i-1]);for(ElemType *p = &(L.elem[L.length-1]); p >= q; --p) {*(p + 1) = *p;}*q = e;++L.length;return OK;
}//ListInsertStatus ListDelete(List &L, int i, ElemType &e) {if(i < 1 || i > L.length) {return ERROR;}ElemType *p = &(L.elem[i-1]);e = *p;ElemType *q = &(L.elem[L.length - 1]);for(++p; p <= q; ++p) {*(p - 1) = *p;}--L.length;return OK;
}//ListDeleteStatus visit(ElemType e) {if(!e) return ERROR;printf(DATAFMT, e);printf(" ");return OK;
}//visitStatus ListTraverse(List L, Status visit(ElemType)) {printf("List traverse: ");for(int i = 0; i < L.length; i++) {if(!visit(L.elem[i])) {return FALSE;}}printf("\n");return OK;
}//ListTraversevoid InputList(List &L, int n) {if(n >= L.listsize) {ElemType *newbase = (ElemType *)realloc(L.elem, (L.listsize + LISTINCREMENT) * sizeof(ElemType));if(!newbase) exit(OVERFLOW);L.elem = newbase;L.listsize += LISTINCREMENT;}printf("Enter %d List Elem: ", n);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {scanf(DATAFMT, &L.elem[i]);}L.length = n;
}//InputListvoid unionList(List &La, List Lb) {int La_len = ListLength(La);int Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);int i;ElemType e;for(i = 1; i <= Lb_len; i++) {GetElem(Lb, i, e);if(!LocateElem(La, e, equal)) {ListInsert(La, ++La_len, e);}}
}//unionListvoid MergeList(List La, List Lb, List &Lc) {InitList(Lc);int i = 1, j = 1, k = 0;int La_len = ListLength(La);int Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);ElemType ai, bj;while((i <= La_len) && (j <= Lb_len)) {GetElem(La, i, ai);GetElem(Lb, j, bj);if(ai <= bj) {ListInsert(Lc, ++k, ai);++i;}else {ListInsert(Lc, ++k, bj);++j;}}while(i <= La_len) {GetElem(La, i++, ai);ListInsert(Lc, ++k, ai);}while(j <= Lb_len) {GetElem(Lb, j++, bj);ListInsert(Lc, ++k, bj);}
/*************************************************************************> File Name: main.c> Author: > Mail: > Created Time: Thu 05 Sep 2024 02:18:11 PM CST************************************************************************/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "list.c"int main() {List L;//Initialize the listInitList(L);//Input the list and traverse itInputList(L, 10);ListTraverse(L, visit);//Determine whether the list is emptyif(ListEmpty(L)) {printf("List is empty!\n\n");}else {printf("List is not empty!\n\n");}//Clear the listprintf("Prepare clear the list...\n");if(ClearList(L)) {printf("List is clear!\n");}else {printf("List is not clear!\n");}//After clearing the list, check whether the list is emptyif(ListEmpty(L)) {printf("List is empty!\n\n");}else {printf("List is not empty!\n\n");}//Input the list againInputList(L, 10);printf("\n");//Input the number of the element you want to get//Here is 3.int num1;printf("Enter the number of the element you want to get: ");scanf("%d", &num1);ElemType e1;GetElem(L, num1, e1);printf("No.%d Elem is ", num1);printf(DATAFMT, e1);printf(".\n\n");//Input the location of the element you want to get//Here is 99ElemType elem;printf("Enter the element you want to locate: ");scanf(DATAFMT, &elem);if(LocateElem(L, elem, equal)) {printf("The position of the element ");printf(DATAFMT, elem);printf(" is %d\n\n", LocateElem(L, elem, equal));}else {printf("The list doesn't have the elem\n\n");}//Input the element for which you want to get the priority element//Here is 5ElemType num2, e2;printf("Enter the element for which you want to get the priority element: ");scanf(DATAFMT, &num2);if(PriorElem(L, num2, e2)) {printf("The prior elem of ");printf(DATAFMT, num2);printf(" is ");printf(DATAFMT, e2);printf(".\n\n");}else if(PriorElem(L, num2, e2) == -3) {printf("The elem ");printf(DATAFMT, num2);printf(" dosen't exist!\n\n");}else {printf("The elem %d doesn't have prior elem.\n\n", num2);}//Input the element for which you want to get the next element//Here is 9ElemType num3, e3;printf("Enter the element for which you want to get the next element: ");scanf(DATAFMT, &num3);if(NextElem(L, num3, e3)) {printf("The next elem of ");printf(DATAFMT, num3);printf(" is ");printf(DATAFMT,  e3);printf(".\n\n");}else if(NextElem(L, num3, e3) == -3) {printf("The elem ");printf(DATAFMT, num3);printf(" dosen't exist!\n\n");}else {printf("The elem %d doesn't have next elem.\n\n", num3);}//Input the element and the location you want to insert//Here is 18 and 6int num4;ElemType e4;printf("Enter the element you want to insert: ");scanf(DATAFMT, &e4);printf("Enter the location you want to insert: ");scanf("%d", &num4);printf("Insert elem %d to postion %d...\n", e4, num4);ListInsert(L, num4, e4);ListTraverse(L, visit);printf("\n");//Input the number of the element you want to delete//Here is 2int num5;printf("Enter the number of the element you want to delete: ");scanf("%d", &num5);ElemType e5;printf("Prepare delete the No.%d elem...\n", num5);ListDelete(L, num5, e5);printf("The delete elem is ");printf(DATAFMT, e5);printf(".\n");ListTraverse(L, visit);printf("\n");//Destroy the listprintf("Prepare destroy the list...\n");if(DestroyList(L)) {printf("List is destroyed!\n");}else {printf("List is not destroyed!\n");}//Use unionList MethodsList La1, Lb1;InitList(La1);InitList(Lb1);InputList(La1, 5);ListTraverse(La1, visit);InputList(Lb1, 5);ListTraverse(Lb1, visit);printf("\nUnion List La1 and Lb1...\n");unionList(La1, Lb1);ListTraverse(La1, visit);printf("\n");//Use MergeList MethodsList La2, Lb2, Lc;InitList(La2);InitList(Lb2);InputList(La2, 5);ListTraverse(La2, visit);InputList(Lb2, 5);ListTraverse(Lb2, visit);printf("\nMerge List La2 and Lb2...\n");MergeList(La2, Lb2, Lc);ListTraverse(Lc, visit);return 0;





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