1. 栈(Stack)
1.1 概念
栈:一种特殊的线性表,其只允许在固定的一端进行插入和删除元素操作。进行数据插入和删除操作的一端称为栈顶,另一端称为栈底。栈中的数据元素遵守后进先出LIFO(Last In First Out)的原则
- 压栈:栈的插入操作叫做进栈/压栈/入栈,入数据在栈顶
- 出栈:栈的删除操作叫做出栈。出数据在栈顶
1.2 栈的使用
方法 | 功能 |
Stack() | 构造一个空的栈 |
E push(E e) | 将 e 入栈,并返回 e |
E pop() | 将栈顶元素出栈并返回 |
E peek() | 获取栈顶元素 |
int size() | 获取栈中有效元素个数 |
boolean empty() | 检测栈是否为空 |
public static void main(String[] args) {Stack<Integer> s = new Stack();s.push(1);s.push(2);s.push(3);s.push(4);System.out.println(s.size()); // 获取栈中有效元素个数---> 4System.out.println(s.peek()); // 获取栈顶元素---> 4s.pop(); // 4出栈,栈中剩余1 2 3,栈顶元素为3System.out.println(s.pop()); // 3出栈,栈中剩余1 2 栈顶元素为3if(s.empty()){System.out.println("栈空");}else{System.out.println(s.size());}
1.3 栈的模拟实现
import java.util.Arrays;public class MyStack {public int[] elem;public int usedSize;public MyStack() {this.elem = new int[10];}public void push(int val) {if (isFull()) {elem = Arrays.copyOf(elem, 2*elem.length);}elem[usedSize] = val;usedSize++;}public boolean isFull() {return usedSize == elem.length;}public int pop() {if( empty() ){throw new RuntimeException("栈为空,无法删除元素");}int oldVal = elem[usedSize-1];usedSize--;return oldVal;}public boolean empty() {return usedSize == 0;}public int peek() {if(empty()){throw new RuntimeException("栈为空,无法获取栈顶元素");}return elem[usedSize-1];}}
public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {MyStack myStack = new MyStack();myStack.push(1);myStack.push(2);myStack.push(3);System.out.println(myStack.pop());System.out.println(myStack.peek());}}
1.4 栈的应用场景
- 改变元素的序列
1. 若进栈序列为 1,2,3,4 ,进栈过程中可以出栈,则下列不可能的一个出栈序列是()
A: 1,4,3,2 B: 2,3,4,1 C: 3,1,4,2 D: 3,4,2,1C:输出3后不能跳过2就输出12.一个栈的初始状态为空。现将元素1、2、3、4、5、A、B、C、D、E依次入栈,然后再依次出栈,则元素出栈的顺
序是( )。
A: 12345ABCDE B: EDCBA54321 C: ABCDE12345 D: 54321EDCBAB
- 将递归转化为循环
// 递归方式
void printList(Node head){if(null != head){printList(head.next);System.out.print(head.val + " ");}
// 循环方式
void printList(Node head){if(null == head){return;}Stack<Node> s = new Stack<>();// 将链表中的结点保存在栈中Node cur = head;while(null != cur){s.push(cur);cur = cur.next;}
// 将栈中的元素出栈while(!s.empty()){System.out.print(s.pop().val + " ");}
- 逆波兰表达式求值
给你一个字符串数组 tokens ,表示一个根据 逆波兰表示法 表示的算术表达式。请你计算该表达式。返回一个表示表达式值的整数。
import java.util.Stack;class Solution {public int evalRPN(String[] tokens) {Stack<Integer> st = new Stack<>();for (String a:tokens) {if (a.equals("+")) {Integer num1 = st.pop();Integer num2 = st.pop();st.push(num2+num1);} else if (a.equals("-")) {Integer num1 = st.pop();Integer num2 = st.pop();st.push(num2-num1);} else if (a.equals("*")) {Integer num1 = st.pop();Integer num2 = st.pop();st.push(num2*num1);} else if (a.equals("/")) {Integer num1 = st.pop();Integer num2 = st.pop();st.push(num2/num1);} else {st.push(Integer.valueOf(a));}}return st.peek();}
- 有效的括号
给定一个只包括 ‘(’,‘)’,‘{’,‘}’,‘[’,‘]’ 的字符串 s ,判断字符串是否有效。
import java.util.Stack;class Solution {public boolean isValid(String s) {Stack<Character> sk = new Stack<>();for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {char ch = s.charAt(i);if (ch == '(' || ch == '{' || ch == '[') {sk.push(ch);} else {if (sk.isEmpty()) {return false;} else {char chL = sk.peek();if (chL == '(' && ch == ')' || chL == '{' && ch == '}'||chL == '[' && ch == ']') {sk.pop();} else {return false;}}}}return sk.empty();}
- 栈的压入、弹出序列
- 0<=pushV.length == popV.length <=1000
- -1000<=pushV[i]<=1000
- pushV 的所有数字均不相同
import java.util.*;public class Solution {/*** 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可** * @param pushV int整型一维数组 * @param popV int整型一维数组 * @return bool布尔型*/public boolean IsPopOrder (int[] pushV, int[] popV) {// write code hereint j = 0;Stack<Integer> sk = new Stack<>();for (int i = 0; i < pushV.length; i++) {sk.push(pushV[i]);while (j < popV.length && sk.peek() == popV[j]&& !sk.empty()) {sk.pop();j++;}}return sk.empty();}
- 最小栈
设计一个支持 push ,pop ,top 操作,并能在常数时间内检索到最小元素的栈。
实现 MinStack 类:
MinStack() 初始化堆栈对象。
void push(int val) 将元素val推入堆栈。
void pop() 删除堆栈顶部的元素。
int top() 获取堆栈顶部的元素。
int getMin() 获取堆栈中的最小元素。
import java.util.Stack;class MinStack {Stack<Integer> stack;Stack<Integer> minStack;public MinStack() {stack = new Stack<>();minStack = new Stack<>();}public void push(int val) {stack.push(val);if (minStack.empty()) {minStack.push(val);} else {Integer peekVal = minStack.peek();if (val <= peekVal) {minStack.push(val);}}}public void pop() {if (stack.empty()) {return;}Integer popVal = stack.pop();if (popVal.equals(minStack.peek())) {minStack.pop();}}public int top() {if (stack.empty()) {return -1;} return stack.peek();}public int getMin() {if (minStack.empty()) {return -1;} return minStack.peek();}
}/*** Your MinStack object will be instantiated and called as such:* MinStack obj = new MinStack();* obj.push(val);* obj.pop();* int param_3 = obj.top();* int param_4 = obj.getMin();*/
2. 队列(Queue)
2.1 概念
队列:只允许在一端进行插入数据操作,在另一端进行删除数据操作的特殊线性表,队列具有先进先出FIFO(First In First Out) 入队列:进行插入操作的一端称为队尾(Tail/Rear) 出队列:进行删除操作的一端称为队头(Head/Front)
2.2 队列的使用
方法 | 功能 |
boolean offer(E e) | 入队列 |
E poll() | 出队列 |
E peek() | 获取队头元素 |
int size() | 获取队列中有效元素个数 |
boolean isEmpty() | 检测队列是否为空 |
public static void main(String[] args) {Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();q.offer(1);q.offer(2);q.offer(3);q.offer(4);q.offer(5); // 从队尾入队列System.out.println(q.size());System.out.println(q.peek()); // 获取队头元素q.poll();System.out.println(q.poll()); // 从队头出队列,并将删除的元素返回if(q.isEmpty()){System.out.println("队列空");}else{System.out.println(q.size());}
2.3 队列模拟实现
队列中既然可以存储元素,那底层肯定要有能够保存元素的空间,通过前面线性表的学习了解到常见的空间类型有两种:顺序结构 和 链式结构。
public class MyQueue {static class ListNode {public int val;public ListNode prev;public ListNode next;public ListNode(int val) {this.val = val;}}public ListNode head;public ListNode last;public void offer(int val) {ListNode node = new ListNode(val);if (head == null) {head = last = node;} else {last.next = node;node.prev = last;last = last.next;}}public int poll() {if (head == null) {return -1;}int ret = head.val;if (head.next == null) {head = null;last = null;} else {head = head.next;head.prev = null;}return ret;}public int peek() {if (head == null) {return -1;}return head.val;}public boolean isEmpty() {return head == null;}
public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {MyQueue myQueue = new MyQueue();myQueue.offer(1);myQueue.offer(2);myQueue.offer(3);System.out.println(myQueue.poll());System.out.println(myQueue.peek());}}
2.4 循环队列
2.4.1 数组下标循环的小技巧
- 下标最后再往后(offset 小于 array.length): index = (index + offset) % array.length
- 下标最前再往前(offset 小于 array.length): index = (index + array.length - offset) % array.length
2.4.2 如何区分空与满
- 通过添加 size 属性记录
- 保留一个位置
- 使用标记
2.4.3 设计循环队列
class MyCircularQueue {public int[] elem;public int first;public int last;public MyCircularQueue(int k) {elem = new int[k+1];}public boolean enQueue(int value) {if (isFull()) {return false;}elem[last] = value;last = (last+1) % elem.length;return true;}public boolean deQueue() {if (isEmpty()) {return false;}first = (first+1) % elem.length;return true;}public int Front() {if (isEmpty()) {return -1;}return elem[first];}public int Rear() {if (isEmpty()) {return -1;}if (last == 0) {return elem[elem.length-1];} else {return elem[last-1];}}public boolean isEmpty() {return first == last;}public boolean isFull() {return (last+1) % elem.length == first;}
}/*** Your MyCircularQueue object will be instantiated and called as such:* MyCircularQueue obj = new MyCircularQueue(k);* boolean param_1 = obj.enQueue(value);* boolean param_2 = obj.deQueue();* int param_3 = obj.Front();* int param_4 = obj.Rear();* boolean param_5 = obj.isEmpty();* boolean param_6 = obj.isFull();*/
3. 双端队列 (Deque)
双端队列(deque)是指允许两端都可以进行入队和出队操作的队列,deque 是 “double ended queue” 的简称。那就说明元素可以从队头出队和入队,也可以从队尾出队和入队。
Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();//双端队列的线性实现
Deque<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();//双端队列的链式实现
4. 面试题
1. 用队列实现栈
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;class MyStack {public Queue<Integer> queue1;public Queue<Integer> queue2;public MyStack() {queue1 = new LinkedList<>();queue2 = new LinkedList<>();}public void push(int x) {if (empty()) {queue1.offer(x);return;}if (!queue1.isEmpty()) {queue1.offer(x);} else {queue2.offer(x);}}public int pop() {if (empty()) {return -1;}if (!queue1.isEmpty()) {int size = queue1.size();for (int i = 0; i < size-1; i++) {queue2.offer(queue1.poll());}return queue1.poll();} else {int size = queue2.size();for (int i = 0; i < size-1; i++) {queue1.offer(queue2.poll());}return queue2.poll();}}public int top() {if (empty()) {return -1;}if (!queue1.isEmpty()) {int ret = -1;int size = queue1.size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {ret = queue1.poll();queue2.offer(ret);}return ret;} else {int ret = -1;int size = queue2.size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {ret = queue2.poll();queue1.offer(ret);}return ret;} }public boolean empty() {return queue1.isEmpty() && queue2.isEmpty();}
/*** Your MyStack object will be instantiated and called as such:* MyStack obj = new MyStack();* obj.push(x);* int param_2 = obj.pop();* int param_3 = obj.top();* boolean param_4 = obj.empty();*/
2. 用栈实现队列
import java.util.Stack;class MyQueue {public Stack<Integer> stack1;public Stack<Integer> stack2;public MyQueue() {stack1 = new Stack<>();stack2 = new Stack<>();}public void push(int x) {stack1.push(x);}public int pop() {if (empty()) {return -1;}if (stack2.empty()) {while (!stack1.empty()) {stack2.push(stack1.pop());}}return stack2.pop();}public int peek() {if (empty()) {return -1;}if (stack2.empty()) {while (!stack1.empty()) {stack2.push(stack1.pop());}}return stack2.peek();}public boolean empty() {return stack1.empty() && stack2.empty();}
}/*** Your MyQueue object will be instantiated and called as such:* MyQueue obj = new MyQueue();* obj.push(x);* int param_2 = obj.pop();* int param_3 = obj.peek();* boolean param_4 = obj.empty();*/