ll /dev/ttyUSB*
sudo usermod -a -G dialout your_user_name
1.下载arduino ide安装包
tar -xvf arduino-1.x.y-linux64.tar.xz
sudo mv arduino-1.x.y /opt
cd /opt/arduino-1.x.y
sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
5.启动并配置 Arduino IDE
在命令行直接输入:arduino,或者点击左下的显示应用程序搜索 arduino IDE。启动如下:
// 初始化函数
void setup() {//将LED灯引脚(引脚值为13,被封装为了LED_BUTLIN)设置为输出模式pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
}// 循环执行函数
void loop() {digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // 打开LED灯delay(1000); // 休眠1000毫秒digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // 关闭LED灯delay(1000); // 休眠1000毫秒
开发板选择Arduino mega,端口号选择/dev/ttyUSB0
其中当前主要关注的是:功能包集中一个兼容不同驱动的机器人的基本控制器(base controller),它可以接收ROS Twist类型的消息,可以发布里程计数据。上位机需要使用ROS(建议 melodic);
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/hbrobotics/ros_arduino_bridge.git
2.ros_arduino_bridge 架构
├── ros_arduino_bridge # metapackage (元功能包)
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ └── package.xml
├── ros_arduino_firmware #固件包,更新到Arduino
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── package.xml
│ └── src
│ └── libraries #库目录
│ ├── MegaRobogaiaPololu #针对Pololu电机控制器,MegaRobogaia编码器的头文件定义
│ │ ├── commands.h #定义命令头文件
│ │ ├── diff_controller.h #差分轮PID控制头文件
│ │ ├── MegaRobogaiaPololu.ino #PID实现文件
│ │ ├── sensors.h #传感器相关实现,超声波测距,Ping函数
│ │ └── servos.h #伺服器头文件
│ └── ROSArduinoBridge #Arduino相关库定义
│ ├── commands.h #定义命令
│ ├── diff_controller.h #差分轮PID控制头文件
│ ├── encoder_driver.h #编码器驱动头文件
│ ├── encoder_driver.ino #编码器驱动实现, 读取编码器数据,重置编码器等
│ ├── motor_driver.h #电机驱动头文件
│ ├── motor_driver.ino #电机驱动实现,初始化控制器,设置速度
│ ├── ROSArduinoBridge.ino #核心功能实现,程序入口
│ ├── sensors.h #传感器头文件及实现
│ ├── servos.h #伺服器头文件,定义插脚,类
│ └── servos.ino #伺服器实现
├── ros_arduino_msgs #消息定义包
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── msg #定义消息
│ │ ├── AnalogFloat.msg #定义模拟IO浮点消息
│ │ ├── Analog.msg #定义模拟IO数字消息
│ │ ├── ArduinoConstants.msg #定义常量消息
│ │ ├── Digital.msg #定义数字IO消息
│ │ └── SensorState.msg #定义传感器状态消息
│ ├── package.xml
│ └── srv #定义服务
│ ├── AnalogRead.srv #模拟IO输入
│ ├── AnalogWrite.srv #模拟IO输出
│ ├── DigitalRead.srv #数字IO输入
│ ├── DigitalSetDirection.srv #数字IO设置方向
│ ├── DigitalWrite.srv #数字IO输入
│ ├── ServoRead.srv #伺服电机输入
│ └── ServoWrite.srv #伺服电机输出
└── ros_arduino_python #ROS相关的Python包,用于上位机,树莓派等开发板或电脑等。
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── config #配置目录
│ └── arduino_params.yaml #定义相关参数,端口,rate,PID,sensors等默认参数。由arduino.launch调用
├── launch
│ └── arduino.launch #启动文件
├── nodes
│ └── arduino_node.py #python文件,实际处理节点,由arduino.launch调用,即可单独调用。
├── package.xml
├── setup.py
└── src #Python类包目录
└── ros_arduino_python
├── arduino_driver.py #Arduino驱动类
├── arduino_sensors.py #Arduino传感器类
├── base_controller.py #基本控制类,订阅cmd_vel话题,发布odom话题
└── init.py #类包默认空文件
在主程序中,包含了 commands.h,该文件中包含了当前程序预定义的串口命令,可以编译程序并上传至 Arduino 电路板,然后打开串口监视器测试(当前程序并未修改,所以并非所有串口可用):
w 可以用于控制引脚电平
x 可以用于模拟输出
w 13 0 == LED灯关闭
w 13 1 == LED灯打开
x 13 50 == LED灯PWM值为50
#define Tb6612_MOTOR_DRIVER
/********************************************************************** ROSArduinoBridge控制差速驱动机器人的Arduino程序,允许通过一组简单的串行命令来控制机器人,并接收传感器和里程数据。该程序默认配置假定使用Arduino Mega、Pololu电机控制器盾和Robogaia Mega编码器盾。如果使用不同的电机控制器或编码器方法,可以编辑readEncoder()和setMotorSpeed()包装函数。*********************************************************************/
#define USE_BASE // Enable the base controller code
//#undef USE_BASE // Disable the base controller code/* Define the motor controller and encoder library you are using */启用基座控制器需要设置的电机驱动以及编码器驱
#ifdef USE_BASE/* The Pololu VNH5019 dual motor driver shield *///#define POLOLU_VNH5019/* The Pololu MC33926 dual motor driver shield *///#define POLOLU_MC33926/* The RoboGaia encoder shield *///#define ROBOGAIA/* Encoders directly attached to Arduino board *///#define ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER//1.添加自定义编码器驱动#define ARDUINO_MY_COUNTER/* L298 Motor driver*///#define L298_MOTOR_DRIVER#define Tb6612_MOTOR_DRIVER
//#define USE_SERVOS // Enable use of PWM servos as defined in servos.h
#undef USE_SERVOS // Disable use of PWM servos//波特率
/* Serial port baud rate */
#define BAUDRATE 57600
/* Maximum PWM signal */
#define MAX_PWM 255#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#endif/* Include definition of serial commands */
#include "commands.h"/* Sensor functions */
#include "sensors.h"/* Include servo support if required */
#ifdef USE_SERVOS#include <Servo.h>#include "servos.h"
#ifdef USE_BASE/* Motor driver function definitions */#include "motor_driver.h"/* Encoder driver function definitions */#include "encoder_driver.h"/* PID parameters and functions */#include "diff_controller.h"/* Run the PID loop at 30 times per second */#define PID_RATE 30 // Hz/* Convert the rate into an interval */const int PID_INTERVAL = 1000 / PID_RATE;/* Track the next time we make a PID calculation */unsigned long nextPID = PID_INTERVAL;/* Stop the robot if it hasn't received a movement commandin this number of milliseconds */#define AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL 2000long lastMotorCommand = AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL;
#endif/* Variable initialization */// A pair of varibles to help parse serial commands (thanks Fergs)
int arg = 0;
int index = 0;// Variable to hold an input character
char chr;// Variable to hold the current single-character command
char cmd;// Character arrays to hold the first and second arguments
char argv1[16];
char argv2[16];// The arguments converted to integers
long arg1;
long arg2;
/* Clear the current command parameters */
void resetCommand() {cmd = NULL;memset(argv1, 0, sizeof(argv1));memset(argv2, 0, sizeof(argv2));arg1 = 0;arg2 = 0;arg = 0;index = 0;
}/* Run a command. Commands are defined in commands.h */
int runCommand() {int i = 0;char *p = argv1;char *str;int pid_args[4];arg1 = atoi(argv1);arg2 = atoi(argv2);switch(cmd) {case GET_BAUDRATE:Serial.println(BAUDRATE);break;case ANALOG_READ:Serial.println(analogRead(arg1));break;case DIGITAL_READ:Serial.println(digitalRead(arg1));break;case ANALOG_WRITE:analogWrite(arg1, arg2);Serial.println("OK"); break;case DIGITAL_WRITE:if (arg2 == 0) digitalWrite(arg1, LOW);else if (arg2 == 1) digitalWrite(arg1, HIGH);Serial.println("OK"); break;case PIN_MODE:if (arg2 == 0) pinMode(arg1, INPUT);else if (arg2 == 1) pinMode(arg1, OUTPUT);Serial.println("OK");break;case PING:Serial.println(Ping(arg1));break;
#ifdef USE_SERVOScase SERVO_WRITE:servos[arg1].setTargetPosition(arg2);Serial.println("OK");break;case SERVO_READ:Serial.println(servos[arg1].getServo().read());break;
#endif#ifdef USE_BASEcase READ_ENCODERS:Serial.print(readEncoder(LEFT));Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(readEncoder(RIGHT));break;case RESET_ENCODERS:resetEncoders();resetPID();Serial.println("OK");break;case MOTOR_SPEEDS:/* Reset the auto stop timer */lastMotorCommand = millis();// 如果参数 arg1 和 arg2 都为 0,则停止电机并重置 PID 控制器if (arg1 == 0 && arg2 == 0) {setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);// 停止电机resetPID();moving = 0; // 将 moving 标志设置为 0,表示没有运动}else moving = 1;//设置PID调试的目标值// 设置左右电机的目标每帧 ticks(脉冲) 数leftPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = arg1;rightPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = arg2;Serial.println("OK"); break;case UPDATE_PID:while ((str = strtok_r(p, ":", &p)) != '\0') {pid_args[i] = atoi(str);i++;}Kp = pid_args[0];Kd = pid_args[1];Ki = pid_args[2];Ko = pid_args[3];Serial.println("OK");break;
#endifdefault:Serial.println("Invalid Command");break;}
}/* Setup function--runs once at startup. */
void setup() {Serial.begin(BAUDRATE);// Initialize the motor controller if used */
#ifdef USE_BASE#ifdef ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER//set as inputsDDRD &= ~(1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_A);DDRD &= ~(1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);DDRC &= ~(1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A);DDRC &= ~(1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);//enable pull up resistorsPORTD |= (1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_A);PORTD |= (1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);PORTC |= (1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A);PORTC |= (1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);// tell pin change mask to listen to left encoder pinsPCMSK2 |= (1 << LEFT_ENC_PIN_A)|(1 << LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);// tell pin change mask to listen to right encoder pinsPCMSK1 |= (1 << RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A)|(1 << RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);// enable PCINT1 and PCINT2 interrupt in the general interrupt maskPCICR |= (1 << PCIE1) | (1 << PCIE2);#elif defined ARDUINO_MY_COUNTERinitEncoders();#endifinitMotorController();resetPID();
#endif/* Attach servos if used */#ifdef USE_SERVOSint i;for (i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servos[i].initServo(servoPins[i],stepDelay[i],servoInitPosition[i]);}#endif
}/* Enter the main loop. Read and parse input from the serial portand run any valid commands. Run a PID calculation at the targetinterval and check for auto-stop conditions.
void loop() {while (Serial.available() > 0) {// Read the next characterchr = Serial.read();// Terminate a command with a CRif (chr == 13) {if (arg == 1) argv1[index] = NULL;else if (arg == 2) argv2[index] = NULL;runCommand();resetCommand();}// Use spaces to delimit parts of the commandelse if (chr == ' ') {// Step through the argumentsif (arg == 0) arg = 1;else if (arg == 1) {argv1[index] = NULL;arg = 2;index = 0;}continue;}else {if (arg == 0) {// The first arg is the single-letter commandcmd = chr;}else if (arg == 1) {// Subsequent arguments can be more than one characterargv1[index] = chr;index++;}else if (arg == 2) {argv2[index] = chr;index++;}}}// If we are using base control, run a PID calculation at the appropriate intervals#ifdef USE_BASEif (millis() > nextPID) {updatePID();//更新 PID 控制器nextPID += PID_INTERVAL;}// Check to see if we have exceeded the auto-stop intervalif ((millis() - lastMotorCommand) > AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL) {;setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);moving = 0;}
#endif// Sweep servos
#ifdef USE_SERVOSint i;for (i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servos[i].doSweep();}
/* *************************************************************Encoder definitionsAdd an "#ifdef" block to this file to include support fora particular encoder board or library. Then add the appropriate#define near the top of the main ROSArduinoBridge.ino file.************************************************************ */#ifdef USE_BASE#ifdef ROBOGAIA/* The Robogaia Mega Encoder shield */#include "MegaEncoderCounter.h"/* Create the encoder shield object */MegaEncoderCounter encoders = MegaEncoderCounter(4); // Initializes the Mega Encoder Counter in the 4X Count mode/* Wrap the encoder reading function */long readEncoder(int i) {if (i == LEFT) return encoders.YAxisGetCount();else return encoders.XAxisGetCount();}/* Wrap the encoder reset function */void resetEncoder(int i) {if (i == LEFT) return encoders.YAxisReset();else return encoders.XAxisReset();}
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER)volatile long left_enc_pos = 0L;volatile long right_enc_pos = 0L;static const int8_t ENC_STATES [] = {0,1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,-1,0,-1,1,0}; //encoder lookup table/* Interrupt routine for LEFT encoder, taking care of actual counting */ISR (PCINT2_vect){static uint8_t enc_last=0;enc_last <<=2; //shift previous state two placesenc_last |= (PIND & (3 << 2)) >> 2; //read the current state into lowest 2 bitsleft_enc_pos += ENC_STATES[(enc_last & 0x0f)];}/* Interrupt routine for RIGHT encoder, taking care of actual counting */ISR (PCINT1_vect){static uint8_t enc_last=0;enc_last <<=2; //shift previous state two placesenc_last |= (PINC & (3 << 4)) >> 4; //read the current state into lowest 2 bitsright_enc_pos += ENC_STATES[(enc_last & 0x0f)];}/* Wrap the encoder reading function */long readEncoder(int i) {if (i == LEFT) return left_enc_pos;else return right_enc_pos;}/* Wrap the encoder reset function */void resetEncoder(int i) {if (i == LEFT){left_enc_pos=0L;return;} else { right_enc_pos=0L;return;}}#elif defined ARDUINO_MY_COUNTER
//1.定义计数器volatile long left_count = 0L;volatile long right_count = 0L;
//2.初始化void initEncoders(){pinMode(LEFT_A,INPUT); // 21 --- 2pinMode(LEFT_B,INPUT); // 20 --- 3pinMode(RIGHT_A,INPUT);// 18 --- 5pinMode(RIGHT_B,INPUT);// 19 --- 4attachInterrupt(2,leftEncoderEventA,CHANGE);attachInterrupt(3,leftEncoderEventB,CHANGE);attachInterrupt(5,rightEncoderEventA,CHANGE);attachInterrupt(4,rightEncoderEventB,CHANGE);}
//3.编写中断的回调函数void leftEncoderEventA(){if(digitalRead(LEFT_A) == HIGH){if(digitalRead(LEFT_B) == HIGH){left_count++;} else {left_count--;}} else {if(digitalRead(LEFT_B) == LOW){left_count++;} else {left_count--;}}}void leftEncoderEventB(){if(digitalRead(LEFT_B) == HIGH){if(digitalRead(LEFT_A) == LOW){left_count++;} else {left_count--;}} else {if(digitalRead(LEFT_A) == HIGH){left_count++;} else {left_count--;}}}void rightEncoderEventA(){if(digitalRead(RIGHT_A) == HIGH){if(digitalRead(RIGHT_B) == HIGH){right_count++;} else {right_count--;}} else {if(digitalRead(RIGHT_B) == LOW){right_count++;} else {right_count--;}} }void rightEncoderEventB(){if(digitalRead(RIGHT_B) == HIGH){if(digitalRead(RIGHT_A) == LOW){right_count++;} else {right_count--;}} else {if(digitalRead(RIGHT_A) == HIGH){right_count++;} else {right_count--;}} }//4.实现编码器数据读和重置的函数
//i取值是LEFT或者RIGHT,是左右轮的标记long readEncoder(int i){if (i == LEFT) return left_count;else return right_count;}void resetEncoder(int i) {if (i == LEFT){left_count=0L;return;} else { right_count=0L;return;}}
#else#error A encoder driver must be selected!
#endif/* Wrap the encoder reset function */
void resetEncoders() {resetEncoder(LEFT);resetEncoder(RIGHT);
/***************************************************************Motor driver function definitions - by James Nugen*************************************************************/#ifdef L298_MOTOR_DRIVER#define RIGHT_MOTOR_BACKWARD 5#define LEFT_MOTOR_BACKWARD 6#define RIGHT_MOTOR_FORWARD 9#define LEFT_MOTOR_FORWARD 10#define RIGHT_MOTOR_ENABLE 12#define LEFT_MOTOR_ENABLE 13#elif defined Tb6612_MOTOR_DRIVER//HL正转,LH反转#define AIN1 9#define AIN2 8#define PWMA 3#define STBY 10//第二个电机,待测#define BIN1 7#define BIN2 6#define PWMB 5
#endifvoid initMotorController();//初始化电机控制
void setMotorSpeed(int i, int spd);//设置单个电机转速
void setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed);//设置多个电机转速
/***************************************************************Motor driver definitionsAdd a "#elif defined" block to this file to include supportfor a particular motor driver. Then add the appropriate#define near the top of the main ROSArduinoBridge.ino file.*************************************************************/#ifdef USE_BASE#ifdef POLOLU_VNH5019/* Include the Pololu library */#include "DualVNH5019MotorShield.h"/* Create the motor driver object */DualVNH5019MotorShield drive;/* Wrap the motor driver initialization */void initMotorController() {drive.init();}/* Wrap the drive motor set speed function */void setMotorSpeed(int i, int spd) {if (i == LEFT) drive.setM1Speed(spd);else drive.setM2Speed(spd);}// A convenience function for setting both motor speedsvoid setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed) {setMotorSpeed(LEFT, leftSpeed);setMotorSpeed(RIGHT, rightSpeed);}
#elif defined POLOLU_MC33926/* Include the Pololu library */#include "DualMC33926MotorShield.h"/* Create the motor driver object */DualMC33926MotorShield drive;/* Wrap the motor driver initialization */void initMotorController() {drive.init();}/* Wrap the drive motor set speed function */void setMotorSpeed(int i, int spd) {if (i == LEFT) drive.setM1Speed(spd);else drive.setM2Speed(spd);}// A convenience function for setting both motor speedsvoid setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed) {setMotorSpeed(LEFT, leftSpeed);setMotorSpeed(RIGHT, rightSpeed);}
#elif defined L298_MOTOR_DRIVERvoid initMotorController() {digitalWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_ENABLE, HIGH);digitalWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_ENABLE, HIGH);}void setMotorSpeed(int i, int spd) {unsigned char reverse = 0;if (spd < 0){spd = -spd;reverse = 1;}if (spd > 150)spd = ;if (i == LEFT) { if (reverse == 0) { analogWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_FORWARD, spd); analogWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_BACKWARD, 0); }else if (reverse == 1) { analogWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_BACKWARD, spd); analogWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_FORWARD, 0); }}else /*if (i == RIGHT) //no need for condition*/ {if (reverse == 0) { analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_FORWARD, spd); analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_BACKWARD, 0); }else if (reverse == 1) { analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_BACKWARD, spd); analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_FORWARD, 0); }}}void setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed) {setMotorSpeed(LEFT, leftSpeed);setMotorSpeed(RIGHT, rightSpeed);}#elif defined Tb6612_MOTOR_DRIVER//1.初始化void initMotorController(){pinMode(AIN1,OUTPUT);pinMode(AIN2,OUTPUT);pinMode(PWMA,OUTPUT);pinMode(STBY,OUTPUT);pinMode(BIN1,OUTPUT);pinMode(BIN2,OUTPUT);pinMode(PWMB,OUTPUT);}//2.设置单电机转速void setMotorSpeed(int i, int spd){unsigned char reverse = 0;
// 如果速度小于0,则取反并设置反转标志if (spd < 0){spd = -spd;reverse = 1;}// 将速度限制在0-255之间if (spd > 150)spd = 150;//tiaoshiif (i == LEFT) { digitalWrite(STBY, HIGH); // 启用电机驱动器if (reverse == 0) { //左电机digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);//正转digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH);} else if (reverse == 1) { digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);//反转digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);}analogWrite(PWMA,spd);// 设置电机速度} else if (i == RIGHT){ // 右电机digitalWrite(STBY, HIGH);if (reverse == 0) { // 正转digitalWrite(BIN1, LOW); // 设置电机反转digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH); } else if (reverse ==1) { // 反转digitalWrite(BIN1, HIGH); // 设置电机正转digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);}analogWrite(PWMB, spd); // 设置电机速度}}//3.设置两个电机转速void setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed){setMotorSpeed(LEFT, leftSpeed);setMotorSpeed(RIGHT, rightSpeed);}#else#error A motor driver must be selected!
/* Functions and type-defs for PID control.Taken mostly from Mike Ferguson's ArbotiX code which lives at:http://vanadium-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arbotix/
*//* PID setpoint info For a Motor */
typedef struct {double TargetTicksPerFrame; // target speed in ticks per framelong Encoder; // encoder countlong PrevEnc; // last encoder count/** Using previous input (PrevInput) instead of PrevError to avoid derivative kick,* see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-derivative-kick/*/int PrevInput; // last input//int PrevErr; // last error/** Using integrated term (ITerm) instead of integrated error (Ierror),* to allow tuning changes,* see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-tuning-changes/*///int Ierror;int ITerm; //integrated termlong output; // last motor setting
SetPointInfo;SetPointInfo leftPID, rightPID;/* PID Parameters */
float Kp = 1.5;
float Kd = 3.0;
float Ki = 0.1;
int Ko = 50;unsigned char moving = 0; // is the base in motion?/*
* Initialize PID variables to zero to prevent startup spikes
* when turning PID on to start moving
* In particular, assign both Encoder and PrevEnc the current encoder value
* See http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-initialization/
* Note that the assumption here is that PID is only turned on
* when going from stop to moving, that's why we can init everything on zero.
void resetPID(){leftPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = 0.0;leftPID.Encoder = readEncoder(LEFT);leftPID.PrevEnc = leftPID.Encoder;leftPID.output = 0;leftPID.PrevInput = 0;leftPID.ITerm = 0;rightPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = 0.0;rightPID.Encoder = readEncoder(RIGHT);rightPID.PrevEnc = rightPID.Encoder;rightPID.output = 0;rightPID.PrevInput = 0;rightPID.ITerm = 0;
}/* PID routine to compute the next motor commands */
void doPID(SetPointInfo * p) {long Perror;long output;int input;//Perror = p->TargetTicksPerFrame - (p->Encoder - p->PrevEnc);input = p->Encoder - p->PrevEnc;Perror = p->TargetTicksPerFrame - input;//Serial.println(input);/** Avoid derivative kick and allow tuning changes,* see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-derivative-kick/* see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-tuning-changes/*///output = (Kp * Perror + Kd * (Perror - p->PrevErr) + Ki * p->Ierror) / Ko;// p->PrevErr = Perror;output = (Kp * Perror - Kd * (input - p->PrevInput) + p->ITerm) / Ko;p->PrevEnc = p->Encoder;output += p->output;// Accumulate Integral error *or* Limit output.// Stop accumulating when output saturatesif (output >= MAX_PWM)output = MAX_PWM;else if (output <= -MAX_PWM)output = -MAX_PWM;else/** allow turning changes, see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-tuning-changes/*/p->ITerm += Ki * Perror;p->output = output;p->PrevInput = input;
}/* Read the encoder values and call the PID routine */
void updatePID() {/* Read the encoders */leftPID.Encoder = readEncoder(LEFT);rightPID.Encoder = readEncoder(RIGHT);/* If we're not moving there is nothing more to do */if (!moving){/** Reset PIDs once, to prevent startup spikes,* see http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginner%E2%80%99s-pid-initialization/* PrevInput is considered a good proxy to detect* whether reset has already happened*/if (leftPID.PrevInput != 0 || rightPID.PrevInput != 0) resetPID();return;}/* Compute PID update for each motor *///分别调试左右轮doPID(&rightPID);doPID(&leftPID);/* Set the motor speeds accordingly */setMotorSpeeds(leftPID.output, rightPID.output);
打开串口监视器,然后输入命令,命令格式为: m num1 num2,num1和num2分别为单位时间内左右电机各自转动的编码器计数,而默认单位时间为 1/30 秒。