



  • 生成私钥

openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048                #生成私钥

  • 使用私钥生成公钥

openssl rsa -pubout -in private.key -out public.key        #私钥生成公钥


  • 使用private.key私钥签名data.txt,生成data.sign

openssl rsautl -sign -inkey private.key -keyform PEM -in data.txt -out data.sign        #签名

  • 使用公钥验签verify.key

openssl rsautl -verify -inkey public.key  -pubin -in data.sign        #验签

注意:执行生成密钥对和验签命令时,一定要注意文件名后面是否有空格符或tab符,否则会出现"No such file or directory"的报错



  • 使用公钥加密 data.txt 生成 data.encrypt

openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey public.key -in data.txt -out data.encrypt


  • 使用私钥解密 data.encrypt

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.key -in data.encrypt 

如果要存到文件,解密命令后面加 "-out data.decrypt"


  • 从certificate.crt证书提取公钥到public_key.pem

openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in certificate.crt > public_key.pem

  • 直接使用证书验签(从证书获取公钥,使用公钥验签)

openssl rsautl -verify -inkey certificate.crt -certin -in data.sign


下面使用的密钥对openssl命令生成的 private.key 和 public.key


1.1 C代码实现


  • openssl_rsa.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <error.h>
#include "openssl_rsa.h"void rsa_init(void)
{printf("rsa init ... \n");OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
*	函 数 名: rsa_sign
*	功能说明: RSA使用私钥签名
*	形    参:   key         :   私钥
*               file_in     :   输入需要签名的文件
*               file_out   :   签名后生成的文件
*	返 回 值: 0:成功, 其他:失败
int rsa_sign(const char *key, const char *file_in, const char *file_out)
{int ret = -1;int keysize = 0;RSA *rsa = NULL;BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL;unsigned char *rsa_in = NULL, *rsa_out = NULL;int rsa_inlen = 0, rsa_outlen = 0, len = 0;/* 从私钥提取 RSA */FILE *fp = fopen(key, "r");if (NULL == fp) {perror("Open Key Error: \n");return -1;}rsa = PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL);if (!rsa) {perror("EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA Error: \n");goto error;}/* 打开file_in文件内容,创建file_out文件 */in = BIO_new_file(file_in, "rb");if (NULL == in) {printf("BIO_new_file: open source file fail\n");goto error;}out = BIO_new_file(file_out, "wb");if (NULL == out) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_out file fail\n");goto error;}keysize = RSA_size(rsa);if (keysize < 0) {printf("RSA_size key size is %d\n", keysize);goto error;}rsa_in =(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize * 2);if (rsa_in == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras in fail\n");goto error;}rsa_out =(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize);if (rsa_out == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras out fail\n");goto error;}rsa_inlen = BIO_read(in, rsa_in, keysize * 2);if (rsa_inlen < 0) {perror("BIO_read Fail: \n");goto error;}/* 使用私钥验签,写入file_out文件 */len = RSA_private_encrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);if (len < 0) {perror("RSA_encrypt Fail: \n");goto error;}rsa_outlen = BIO_write(out, rsa_out, len);if (rsa_outlen < 0) {perror("BIO_write Fail: \n");goto error;}ret = 0;printf("sign success!\n");error:if (NULL != fp) fclose(fp);if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa);if (in) BIO_free(in);if (out) BIO_free_all(out);if (rsa_in) OPENSSL_free(rsa_in);if (rsa_out) OPENSSL_free(rsa_out);return ret;
*	函 数 名: rsa_verify
*	功能说明: RSA使用公钥验签
*	形    参:   key         :   私钥
*               file_in     :   输入需要签名的文件
*               file_out   :   签名后生成的文件
*	返 回 值: 0:成功, 其他:失败
int rsa_verify(const char *public, const char *file_in,const char *file_out)
{int ret = ERR_NONE;int keysize = 0;RSA* rsa = NULL;BIO* in = NULL, *out = NULL;unsigned char* rsa_in = NULL, *rsa_out = NULL;int rsa_inlen = 0, rsa_outlen = 0, len = 0;/* 从公钥提取 RSA */FILE *fp = fopen(public, "rb");if (NULL == fp) {perror("Open Key Error: \n");return -1;}if(NULL == (rsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL))){printf( "PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey error\n");fclose(fp);goto error;}/* 打开file_in文件内容,创建file_out文件 */in = BIO_new_file(file_in, "rb");if (NULL == in) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_in file fail\n");ret = ERR_KEY_EN_OPEN;goto error;}out = BIO_new_file(file_out, "wb");if (NULL == out) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_out file fail\n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE_OPEN;goto error;}keysize = RSA_size(rsa);if (keysize < 0) {printf("RSA_size key size is %d\n", keysize);ret = ERR_RSA_SIZE;goto error;}rsa_in = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize * 2);if (rsa_in == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras in fail\n");ret = ERR_RSAIN_MALLOC;goto error;}rsa_out = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize);if (rsa_out == NULL) {perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras out fail\n");ret = ERR_RSAOUT_MALLOC;goto error;}// Read ENCYRPTED_FILErsa_inlen = BIO_read(in, rsa_in, keysize * 2);if (rsa_inlen < 0) {perror("BIO_read Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_EN_R;goto error;}/* 使用公钥验签,写入file_out文件 */len = RSA_public_decrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);if (len < 0) {perror("Decrypt Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE;goto error;}// Write DECRYPTED_FILErsa_outlen = BIO_write(out, rsa_out, len);if (rsa_outlen < 0) {perror("BIO_write Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE_W;goto error;}printf("verify success!\n");error:if (NULL != fp) fclose(fp);if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa);if (in) BIO_free(in);if (out) BIO_free_all(out);if (rsa_in) OPENSSL_free(rsa_in);if (rsa_out) OPENSSL_free(rsa_out);return ret;
  • openssl_rsa.h
#ifndef _OPENSSL_RSA_H_
#define _OPENSSL_RSA_H_#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/x509_vfy.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>#define ERR_NONE                     0// DECRYPT
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_OPEN            0x01
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_WRITE           0x02
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_SIZE            0x03
#define ERR_FILE_KEY_OPEN            0x03
#define ERR_FILE_KEY_READ            0x04
#define ERR_KEY_EN_OPEN              0x05
#define ERR_KEY_DE_OPEN              0x06
#define ERR_RSA_SIZE                 0x07
#define ERR_RSAIN_MALLOC             0x08
#define ERR_RSAOUT_MALLOC            0x09
#define ERR_KEY_DE                   0x0A
#define ERR_KEY_EN_R                 0x0B
#define ERR_KEY_DE_W                 0x0C
#define ERR_AES_TK                   0x0D
#define ERR_FILE_EN_OPEN             0x0E
#define ERR_FILE_DE_INIT             0x0F
#define ERR_FILE_DE_UPDATE           0x10
#define ERR_FILE_DE_OPEN             0x11
#define ERR_FILE_DE_W                0x12
#define ERR_FILE_DE_FINAL            0x13void rsa_init(void);
int rsa_sign(const char *key, const char *file_in, const char *file_out);
int rsa_verify(const char *public, const char *file_in,const char *file_out);#endif
  • main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "openssl_rsa.h"int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int i;char acOpt[96] = {0};char acKey[96] = {0};char acFile_in[96] = {0};char acFile_Out[96] = {0};if (argc != 5) {printf("usage: ./app -sign|-verify key in out");return -1;}strcpy(acKey, argv[2]);strcpy(acFile_in, argv[3]);strcpy(acFile_Out, argv[4]);printf("key: %s\n", acKey);printf("input file: %s\n", acFile_in);printf("output file: %s\n", acFile_Out);if (strcmp(argv[1], "-sign") == 0) {rsa_sign(acKey, acFile_in, acFile_Out);} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-verify") == 0) {rsa_verify(acKey, acFile_in, acFile_Out);} else {printf("usage: ./app -sign|-verify key in out");return -1;}return 0;

1.2 编译

$ gcc -o rsa_test main.c openssl_rsa.c -lcrypto

编译生成可执行程序 rsa_test

1.3 测试验证

$ ./rsa_test -sign private.key file.txt file.sign                #签名


$ ./rsa_test -verify public.key file.sign out.txt                #验签



2.1 C代码实现


加密、解密 与 签名、验签 的代码基本相同,差异地方如下:


  • RSA_public_decrypt:用公钥解密(验签)
  • RSA_public_encrypt:用公钥加密


  • RSA_private_encrypt:用私钥加密(签名)
  • RSA_private_decrypt:用私钥解密


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <error.h>
#include "openssl_rsa.h"void rsa_init(void)
{printf("rsa init ... \n");OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
*	函 数 名: rsa_decrypt
*	功能说明: RSA使用私钥解密
*	形    参:   key         :   私钥
*               file_in     :   输入需要签名的文件
*               file_out   :   签名后生成的文件
*	返 回 值: 0:成功, 其他:失败
int rsa_decrypt(const char *key, const char *file_in, const char *file_out)
{int ret = -1;int keysize = 0;RSA *rsa = NULL;BIO *in = NULL, *out = NULL;unsigned char *rsa_in = NULL, *rsa_out = NULL;int rsa_inlen = 0, rsa_outlen = 0, len = 0;/* 从私钥提取 RSA */FILE *fp = fopen(key, "r");if (NULL == fp) {perror("Open Key Error: \n");return -1;}rsa = PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL);if (!rsa) {perror("EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA Error: \n");goto error;}/* 打开file_in文件内容,创建file_out文件 */in = BIO_new_file(file_in, "rb");if (NULL == in) {printf("BIO_new_file: open source file fail\n");goto error;}out = BIO_new_file(file_out, "wb");if (NULL == out) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_out file fail\n");goto error;}keysize = RSA_size(rsa);if (keysize < 0) {printf("RSA_size key size is %d\n", keysize);goto error;}rsa_in =(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize * 2);if (rsa_in == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras in fail\n");goto error;}rsa_out =(unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize);if (rsa_out == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras out fail\n");goto error;}rsa_inlen = BIO_read(in, rsa_in, keysize * 2);if (rsa_inlen < 0) {perror("BIO_read Fail: \n");goto error;}/* 使用私钥解密,写入file_out文件 */len = RSA_private_decrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);if (len < 0) {perror("RSA_encrypt Fail: \n");goto error;}rsa_outlen = BIO_write(out, rsa_out, len);if (rsa_outlen < 0) {perror("BIO_write Fail: \n");goto error;}ret = 0;printf("sign success!\n");error:if (NULL != fp) fclose(fp);if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa);if (in) BIO_free(in);if (out) BIO_free_all(out);if (rsa_in) OPENSSL_free(rsa_in);if (rsa_out) OPENSSL_free(rsa_out);return ret;
*	函 数 名: rsa_encrypt
*	功能说明: RSA使用公钥加密
*	形    参:   key         :   公钥
*               file_in     :   输入需要签名的文件
*               file_out   :   签名后生成的文件
*	返 回 值: 0:成功, 其他:失败
int rsa_encrypt(const char *public, const char *file_in,const char *file_out)
{int ret = ERR_NONE;int keysize = 0;RSA* rsa = NULL;BIO* in = NULL, *out = NULL;unsigned char* rsa_in = NULL, *rsa_out = NULL;int rsa_inlen = 0, rsa_outlen = 0, len = 0;/* 从公钥提取 RSA */FILE *fp = fopen(public, "rb");if (NULL == fp) {perror("Open Key Error: \n");return -1;}if(NULL == (rsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, NULL, NULL,NULL))){printf( "PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey error\n");fclose(fp);goto error;}/* 打开file_in文件内容,创建file_out文件 */in = BIO_new_file(file_in, "rb");if (NULL == in) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_in file fail\n");ret = ERR_KEY_EN_OPEN;goto error;}out = BIO_new_file(file_out, "wb");if (NULL == out) {printf("BIO_new_file: open file_out file fail\n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE_OPEN;goto error;}keysize = RSA_size(rsa);if (keysize < 0) {printf("RSA_size key size is %d\n", keysize);ret = ERR_RSA_SIZE;goto error;}rsa_in = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize * 2);if (rsa_in == NULL){perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras in fail\n");ret = ERR_RSAIN_MALLOC;goto error;}rsa_out = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(keysize);if (rsa_out == NULL) {perror("OPENSSL_malloc ras out fail\n");ret = ERR_RSAOUT_MALLOC;goto error;}// Read ENCYRPTED_FILErsa_inlen = BIO_read(in, rsa_in, keysize * 2);if (rsa_inlen < 0) {perror("BIO_read Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_EN_R;goto error;}/* 使用公钥加密,写入file_out文件 */len = RSA_public_encrypt(rsa_inlen, rsa_in, rsa_out, rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);if (len < 0) {perror("Decrypt Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE;goto error;}// Write DECRYPTED_FILErsa_outlen = BIO_write(out, rsa_out, len);if (rsa_outlen < 0) {perror("BIO_write Fail: \n");ret = ERR_KEY_DE_W;goto error;}printf("verify success!\n");error:if (NULL != fp) fclose(fp);if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa);if (in) BIO_free(in);if (out) BIO_free_all(out);if (rsa_in) OPENSSL_free(rsa_in);if (rsa_out) OPENSSL_free(rsa_out);return ret;


#ifndef _OPENSSL_RSA_H_
#define _OPENSSL_RSA_H_#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/x509_vfy.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>#define ERR_NONE                     0// DECRYPT
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_OPEN            0x01
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_WRITE           0x02
#define ERR_EMMC_KEY_SIZE            0x03
#define ERR_FILE_KEY_OPEN            0x03
#define ERR_FILE_KEY_READ            0x04
#define ERR_KEY_EN_OPEN              0x05
#define ERR_KEY_DE_OPEN              0x06
#define ERR_RSA_SIZE                 0x07
#define ERR_RSAIN_MALLOC             0x08
#define ERR_RSAOUT_MALLOC            0x09
#define ERR_KEY_DE                   0x0A
#define ERR_KEY_EN_R                 0x0B
#define ERR_KEY_DE_W                 0x0C
#define ERR_AES_TK                   0x0D
#define ERR_FILE_EN_OPEN             0x0E
#define ERR_FILE_DE_INIT             0x0F
#define ERR_FILE_DE_UPDATE           0x10
#define ERR_FILE_DE_OPEN             0x11
#define ERR_FILE_DE_W                0x12
#define ERR_FILE_DE_FINAL            0x13void rsa_init(void);
int rsa_decrypt(const char *key, const char *file_in, const char *file_out);
int rsa_encrypt(const char *public, const char *file_in,const char *file_out);#endif


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "openssl_rsa.h"int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int i;char acOpt[96] = {0};char acKey[96] = {0};char acFile_in[96] = {0};char acFile_Out[96] = {0};if (argc != 5) {printf("usage: ./app -encrypt|-decrypt key in out");return -1;}strcpy(acKey, argv[2]);strcpy(acFile_in, argv[3]);strcpy(acFile_Out, argv[4]);printf("key: %s\n", acKey);printf("input file: %s\n", acFile_in);printf("output file: %s\n", acFile_Out);if (strcmp(argv[1], "-encrypt") == 0) {			//加密rsa_encrypt(acKey, acFile_in, acFile_Out);} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-decrypt") == 0) {rsa_decrypt(acKey, acFile_in, acFile_Out);} else {printf("usage: ./app -encrypt|-decrypt key in out");return -1;}printf("success!!!\n");return 0;

2.2 编译

$ gcc -o rsa_test main.c openssl_rsa.c -lcrypto

2.3 测试过程





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一、前言 在关系型数据库中&#xff0c;主键&#xff08;Primary Key&#xff09;是一个至关重要的概念。它不仅用于唯一标识表中的每一行数据&#xff0c;还在保证数据完整性和执行高效查询方面发挥着重要作用。本篇文章将深入探讨MySQL数据库主键的相关知识&#xff0c;包括…

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基于ESP8266串口WIFI模块ESP-01S在Station模式(即接收无线信号( WiFi))下实现STC单片机与手机端网路串口助手相互通信功能 ESP8266_01S引脚功能图ESP8266_01S原理图ESP8266_01S尺寸图检验工作1、USB-TTL串口工具(推荐使用搭载CP2102芯片的安信可USB-T1串口)与ESP8266_01S…


1、认识前馈神经网络 What is it 图1-1 前馈神经网络结构 人们大多使用多层感知机&#xff08;英语&#xff1a;Multilayer Perceptron&#xff0c;缩写&#xff1a;MLP&#xff09;作为前馈神经网络的代名词&#xff0c;但是除了MLP之外&#xff0c;卷积神经网络&#xff08…

Orangepi Zero2使用外设驱动库wiringOP驱动蜂鸣器

目录 一、安装外设驱动库 1.1 wiringPi外设SDK安装&#xff1a; 二、使用wiringOP库驱动蜂鸣器 2.1 蜂鸣器的硬件连接&#xff1a; 2.2 使用wiringOP库实现蜂鸣器滴滴响&#xff1a; 2.3 设置vim代码显示格式&#xff1a; 一、安装外设驱动库 1.1 wiringPi外设SDK安装&a…

Free Pascal语言基础学习:定义变量、数据类型、循环语句、case语句、条件判断、with语句、运算符

Pascal是一种结构化编程语言&#xff0c;而Free Pascal作为其现代编译器&#xff0c;不仅支持跨多种操作系统和处理器架构&#xff0c;还提供了高效的内存使用和函数重载等先进功能。Free Pascal继承了Pascal语言的核心特性&#xff0c;同时进行了扩展和优化&#xff0c;使其成…