- 题目:AccelWattch: A Power Modeling Framework for Modern GPUs
- 时间:2021
- 会议:MICRO
- 研究机构:西北大学
本篇论文的主要贡献: 提出了一个GPU功耗模型,考虑了DVFS, thread divergence, intra-warp functional unit overlap, variable SM occupancy, and power gating
P t o t a l = P c o n s t + P s t a t i c + P d y n P_{total} = P_{const} + P_{static} + P_{dyn} Ptotal=Pconst+Pstatic+Pdyn
- P c o n s t P_{const} Pconst: GPU board fans and peripheral circuitry
- P s t a t i c P_{static} Pstatic: leakage currents at inactive components,只与电压和硬件参数有关
- P d y n P_{dyn} Pdyn: for each individual hardware component (e.g., ALUs, caches)