
一、栈 Stack(存取O(1))



/*** 基于数组实现的顺序栈; items[0]:表头/栈底;  items[size-1]:表尾/栈顶;*/
public class MyArrayStack {// 存储元素的 数组private String items[];// 栈实际大小private int size =0;// 栈的容量private int capacity = 0;public MyArrayStack(int capacity) {this.size = 0;this.capacity = capacity;this.items = new String[capacity];}/*** 入栈*/public boolean push(String item) {if(size >= capacity){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyArrayStack 栈的内存满了");}items[size] = item;size++;return true;}/*** 出栈*/public String pop() {if(size<=0){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyArrayStack 栈的内存空了");}String item = items[size-1];items[size-1] = null;size--;return item;}


/*** 基于链表实现的链式栈  top: 表尾/栈顶;*/
public class MyLinkedStack {// 表尾/栈顶;private Node top = null;/*** 入栈*/public void push(String value) {Node node = new Node(value,null);if(top != null){node.nextNode = top;}top = node;}/*** 出栈*/public String pop() {if(top==null){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyLinkedStack 栈的内存空了");}String retValue = top.getValue();top = top.nextNode;return retValue;}/*** 节点*/private static class Node{// 存储数据private String value;// 下个节点private Node nextNode;public Node(String value, Node nextNode) {this.value = value;this.nextNode = nextNode;}public String getValue() {return value;}}

二、队列 Queue (存取O(1))


2.1、数组单向队列 (存取O(1))

/*** 基于数组实现的顺序队列*/
public class MyArrayQueue {private String [] items;// 容量private int capacity = 0;// 队头下标private int head = 0;// 队尾下标private int tail = 0;public MyArrayQueue(int capacity) {this.items = new String [capacity];this.capacity = capacity;}/*** 入队*/public boolean enqueue(String item) {if(capacity == tail){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyArrayQueue 容量满了");}items[tail] = item;tail++;return true;}/*** 出队*/public String dequeue() {if(head==tail){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyArrayQueue 容量空了");}String retValue = items[head];head++;return retValue;}


/*** 基于链表实现的链式队列*/
public class MyLinkedListQueue {// 队头private Node head = null;// 队尾private Node tail = null;/*** 入队*/public void enqueue(String value) {Node node = new Node(value,null);if(tail==null){head = node;tail = node;}else {tail.next=node;tail=node;}}/*** 出队*/public String dequeue() {if(head==null){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyLinkedListQueue 队列空了");}String retValue = head.getValue();head = head.next;if (head == null) {tail = null;}return retValue;}private static class Node{private String value;private Node next;public Node(String value, Node next) {this.value = value;this.next = next;}public String getValue() {return value;}}

三、链表 LinkedList 


/*** 单向普通链表*/
public class MyLinkedList {// 链表大小private int size;// 表头private Node head;/*** 插入*/public void insert(int index, String value) {if(index<0){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyLinkedList 下标越界了");} else {if(head==null){head = new Node(value,null);}else {if(index>=size){index = size-1;}Node prev = head;for(int i=0;i<index;i++){prev = prev.next;}Node node = new Node(value,prev);prev.next =node;}size++;}}/*** 获取*/public String get(int index){if(size<=0){throw new IllegalArgumentException("MyLinkedList 空链表");}if(index<0 || index>=size) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("MyLinkedList 下标越界了");}Node prev = head;for (int i=0;i<index;i++){prev = prev.next;}return prev.getValue();}private class Node{private String value;private Node next;public Node(String value, Node next) {this.value = value;this.next = next;}public String getValue() {return value;}}


public class MyDoubleLinkedList {// 链表大小private int size;// 表头private Node head;// 表尾private Node tail;/*** 插入*/public void insert(int index,String data) {if(index < 0) {throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyDoubleLinkedList  insert 下标越界");}Node node = new Node(data,null,null);if(index == 0) {head.next = node.next;head= node;return;}if(index >= size) {tail.prev = node.prev;tail= node;return;}Node cur = this.head;while(index != 0) {cur = cur.next;index--;}node.next = cur;cur.prev.next = node;node.prev = cur.prev;cur.prev = node;}public String get(int index){if(index<0||index>size){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("MyDoubleLinkedList get 下标越界了");}if(index<=(size/2)){Node cur = head;for(int i = 0;i<index-1;i++){cur = head.next;}return cur.getValue();}else {index = size-index;Node cur = tail;for (int i=size;i>index;i--){cur = cur.prev;}return cur.getValue();}}private class Node{public String value;public Node prev;public Node next;public Node(String value, Node prev, Node next) {this.value = value;this.prev = prev;this.next = next;}public String getValue() {return value;}}


2.每一层都是一个有序的链表,默认是升序 ;
3.最底层(Level 1)的链表包含所有元素;
4.如果一个元素出现在Level i 的链表中,则它在Level i 之下的链表也都会出现;

import java.util.Random;public class SkipList {// 跳表中存储的是正整数,并且存储的数据是不重复的private static final int MAX_LEVEL = 16;// 结点的个数private int levelCount = 1;// 索引的层级数private final Node head = new Node();// 头结点private final Random random = new Random();// 查找操作public Node find(int value) {Node p = head;for (int i = levelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {while (p.next[i] != null && p.next[i].data < value) {p = p.next[i];}}if (p.next[0] != null && p.next[0].data == value) {return p.next[0];    // 找到,则返回原始链表中的结点} else {return null;}}// 插入操作public void insert(int value) {int level = randomLevel();Node newNode = new Node();newNode.data = value;newNode.maxLevel = level;   // 通过随机函数改变索引层的结点布置Node[] update = new Node[level];for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) {update[i] = head;}Node p = head;for (int i = level - 1; i >= 0; --i) {while (p.next[i] != null && p.next[i].data < value) {p = p.next[i];}update[i] = p;}for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) {newNode.next[i] = update[i].next[i];update[i].next[i] = newNode;}if (levelCount < level) {levelCount = level;}}// 删除操作public void delete(int value) {Node[] update = new Node[levelCount];Node p = head;for (int i = levelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {while (p.next[i] != null && p.next[i].data < value) {p = p.next[i];}update[i] = p;}if (p.next[0] != null && p.next[0].data == value) {for (int i = levelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {if (update[i].next[i] != null && update[i].next[i].data == value) {update[i].next[i] = update[i].next[i].next[i];}}}}// 随机函数private int randomLevel() {int level = 1;for (int i = 1; i < MAX_LEVEL; ++i) {if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 1) {level++;}}return level;}// Node内部类public static class Node {private int data = -1;private final Node[] next = new Node[MAX_LEVEL];private int maxLevel = 0;// 重写toString方法@Overridepublic String toString() {return "{data:" +data +"; levels: " +maxLevel +" }";}}// 显示跳表中的结点public void display() {Node p = head;while (p.next[0] != null) {System.out.println(p.next[0] + " ");p = p.next[0];}System.out.println();}




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