强化学习环境 - robogym - 学习 - 3
- 强化学习环境 - robogym - 学习 - 3
- 项目地址
- 为什么选择 robogym
- Observation - 观测信息
- Action - 动作信息
- Initialization - 初始状态设置
为什么选择 robogym
自己的项目需要做一些机械臂 table-top 级的多任务操作
robogym 基于 mujoco 搭建,构建了一个仿真机械臂桌面物体操作(pick-place、stack、rearrange)场景
robogym 的例程效果看,支持多个相机示教,包括眼在手上和眼在手外,可以获取多视角视觉信息
robogym 的物体支持 YCB 数据集格式
主要是这些原因,当然,看官方 readme.md 文档,它还有其他不错的功能。
国内主流社区对 robogym 的介绍比较少,所以选择写一些文档记录一下,作为参考。
Observation - 观测信息
robogym 的观测一般通过 obs = env.reset()
返回即可得到。爬源码可得到 obs
把字典的键排序按照值的方法进行了简答的分类,可以得到:仿真环境的 obs
、 robot_obs
、 self._goal
、 self._goal_info_dict
和 np.array
obs = {# 读取 self.mujoco_simulation 内部的方法返回作为值"obj_pos": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_pos(),"obj_rel_pos": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_rel_pos(),"obj_vel_pos": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_vel_pos(),"obj_rot": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_rot(),"obj_vel_rot": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_vel_rot(),"qpos": self.mujoco_simulation.qpos,"obj_gripper_contact": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_gripper_contact(),"obj_bbox_size": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_bounding_box_sizes(),"obj_colors": self.mujoco_simulation.get_object_colors(),# 在代码上面实例化了# robot_obs = self.mujoco_simulation.robot.observe()# 这个实例,这部分的键对应的值就是 robot_obs 的方法"robot_joint_pos": robot_obs.joint_positions(),"gripper_pos": robot_obs.tcp_xyz(),"gripper_velp": robot_obs.tcp_vel(),"gripper_controls": robot_obs.gripper_controls(),"gripper_qpos": robot_obs.gripper_qpos(),"gripper_vel": robot_obs.gripper_vel(),"tcp_force": robot_obs.tcp_force(),"tcp_torque": robot_obs.tcp_torque(),# self._goal 从源码来看就是每个物体重排列的位置。"qpos_goal": self._goal["qpos_goal"].copy(),"goal_obj_pos": self._goal["obj_pos"].copy(),"goal_obj_rot": self._goal["obj_rot"].copy(),"rel_goal_obj_pos": self._goal_info_dict["rel_goal_obj_pos"].copy(),"rel_goal_obj_rot": self._goal_info_dict["rel_goal_obj_rot"].copy(),"is_goal_achieved": np.array([self._is_goal_achieved], np.int32),"safety_stop": np.array([robot_obs.is_in_safety_stop()]),}
observation 键名 | 每个键的意义 |
object_pos | Get position for all objects. |
object_rel_pos | Get position for all objects relative to the gripper position. |
object_vel_pos | Get position velocity for all objects relative to tooltip velocity. |
object_rot | Get rotation in euler angles for all objects. |
object_vel_rot | Get rotation velocity for all objects. |
robot_joint_pos | Array of joint angles (one for each joint). |
gripper_pos | Tooltip position in the Cartesian coordinate space. |
gripper_velp | Tooltip velocity in the Cartesian coordinate space. |
gripper_controls | Gripper’s linear target position. |
gripper_qpos | Gripper joint positions. |
gripper_vel | Gripper joint velocities. |
qpos | Copy of full sim qpos including 3D-position and 4D-quaternion. |
qpos_goal | Copy of full sim goal qpos including 3D-position and 4D-quaternion. |
goal_obj_pos | Get current-goal positions for all objects. |
goal_obj_rot | Get current-goal rotations in euler angles for all objects. |
is_goal_achieved | Return if current goal is achieved. |
rel_goal_obj_pos | Get current-goal positions for all objects relative to the gripper position. |
rel_goal_obj_rot | Get current-goal rotations for all objects relative to the gripper position. |
obj_gripper_contact | A numpy array of shape [num objects, len(other_geom_ids)] , in which each value is binary, 1 meaning having contact and 0 no contact. |
obj_bbox_size | Returns the bounding box for one objects as a tuple of (positive, half size) , where both positive and half size are np.array of shape (3,) . |
obj_colors | This logic works, assuming only assign a single color to one object. |
safety_stop | True if the arm is in a safety stop, False otherwise. |
tcp_force | TCP force in world coordinates. |
tcp_torque | TCP torque in world coordinates. |
【注意】 一些项目中会在
生成后再对里面的键做处理,这样做会导致一些bug!! -
利用 Open AI Gym 的
这个类过滤掉不想要的键; -
# create a small util to filter the observation
def filter_obs(raw_obs: dict, name_list: list) -> dict:result = {}for name in name_list:result[name] = copy.copy(raw_obs[name])return result
最后的代码如下。选择 pprint.pprint()
import copy
import pprint
from robogym.envs.rearrange.ycb import make_env# create a small util to filter the observation
def filter_obs(raw_obs: dict, name_list: list) -> dict:result = {}for name in name_list:result[name] = copy.copy(raw_obs[name])return result# Create an environment with the default number of objects: 5
env = make_env(parameters={'simulation_params': {'num_objects': 3,'max_num_objects': 8,}}
)# Reset to randomly generate an environment with `num_objects: 3`
obs = env.reset()
obs = filter_obs(obs, ["obj_pos", "obj_rot", "gripper_pos", "gripper_controls", "goal_obj_pos", "goal_obj_rot"])
pprint.pprint(obs)while True:a = env.action_space.sample()next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(a)next_obs = filter_obs(next_obs, ["obj_pos", "obj_rot", "gripper_pos", "gripper_controls", "goal_obj_pos", "goal_obj_rot"])pprint.pprint(next_obs)env.render()
{'goal_obj_pos': array([[1.39363232, 0.86174547, 0.51221652],[1.57460708, 0.70375038, 0.50919097],[1.20793525, 0.8834796 , 0.49350575],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ]]),'goal_obj_rot': array([[ 0. , 0. , -1.79725862],[ 0. , 0. , -1.13518178],[ 0. , 0. , -2.40479252],[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],[ 0. , 0. , 0. ]]),'gripper_controls': array([0.]),'gripper_pos': array([1.23887261, 0.43994768, 0.68622718]),'obj_pos': array([[1.59604171, 0.81327296, 0.51217642],[1.57460711, 0.41286039, 0.50922118],[1.40990736, 0.64130153, 0.49354594],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ],[0. , 0. , 0. ]]),'obj_rot': array([[-8.89659174e-05, -7.47313090e-05, -1.79530140e+00],[-3.00692282e-06, 4.73572520e-06, -1.13518163e+00],[-4.85122664e-02, -4.51887581e-02, -2.40575071e+00],[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]])}
为什么 'goal_obj_rot'
原因是这是用 rpy 格式描述姿态的。这三个元素依次表示roll 、 pitch 和 yaw 角。如下图所示。
而 table-top 级的物体都是“平躺”的,所以默认 yaw 角有姿态。
Action - 动作信息
robogym 的动作空间比较特殊:它通过一层 wrapper
把原本 [ − 1 , 1 ] [-1,1] [−1,1] 数值的动作空间给离散化了:在 ~/robogym/robogym/wrappers/utils.py
里面 DiscretizeActionWrapper
把奖励值做了封装,通过离散数值索引一个列表 [-1. -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. ]
,获得机械臂TCP末端的偏移量,前面三维度分别是 xyz,后面两个维度是姿态角,最后一个维度是夹爪的开闭(但是测试效果是夹爪开闭似乎无效,可能是因为这是 rearrange 环境,对物体的操作更多是“push”而不是“pick-and-place”)。
【注意】在这样的默认包装下,保持机械臂末端位姿不动的动作向量是:a = np.asarray([5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])
【注意】a = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Initialization - 初始状态设置
好的初始状态既能完成更好的实验,也能在做成视频的时候更美观些。对于机械臂 rearrange 环境,设置初始状态的函数是在 ~/robogym/robogym/envs/rearrange/common/base.py
文件里面 RearrangeEnv
类的 _randomize_robot_initial_position()
action = self.action_space.sample()
if self.parameters.n_random_initial_steps < 1:return
for _ in range(self.parameters.n_random_initial_steps):self._set_action(action)self.mujoco_simulation.step()
self._set_action(action * 0.0)
for _ in range(100):# calling set_action each tick is necessary # for the robot to reach stability with relative actionsself._set_action(action * 0.0)self.mujoco_simulation.step()print(self.mujoco_simulation.get_qpos('robot0:arm_joint_angles'))
里面用到了这个类中实例过的mujoco接口 mujoco_simulation
。这里的mujoco接口保留了大量 mujoco-py
class SimulationInterface:"""Base class for domain-specific simulation interfaces tied to particular XML.Goal is to transform code interfacing with generic `MjSim` that looks like that:hand_angles = sim.data.qpos[hand_angle_idx]cube_pos = sim.data.qpos[cube_pos_idx]sim.model.actuator_gainprm[actuator_idx] = actuator_kpssim.model.actuator_biasprm[actuator_idx] = actuator_kpsInto more high-level and domain-specific version:hand_angles = sim.hand.get_angles()cube_pos = sim.get_cube_pos()sim.set_actuator_kp(actuator_kps)Etc.This is a base class that just exposes a few generic utilities to help the subclassesimplement the abovementioned functionality. By convention, the subclasses should be named<Something>Simulation."""__slots__ = ["sim","qpos_idxs","qvel_idxs","synchronization_points","_mujoco_viewer",]def __init__(self, sim: MjSim):self.sim = simself.qpos_idxs: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}self.qvel_idxs: Dict[str, List[int]] = {}self.synchronization_points = [] # type: ignoreself._mujoco_viewer = None@propertydef mj_sim(self):""" MuJoCo simulation object - alias to make it clearer """return self.sim@propertydef mujoco_viewer(self):"""Get a nicely-interactive version of the mujoco viewer"""if self._mujoco_viewer is None:# Inline import since this is only relevant on platforms# which have GLFW support.from mujoco_py.mjviewer import MjViewer # noqaself._mujoco_viewer = MjViewer(self.sim)return self._mujoco_viewerdef enable_pid(self):""" Enable our custom PID controller code for the actuators with 'user' type """cymj.set_pid_control(self.sim.model, self.sim.data)######################################################################################### SUBCLASS REGISTRATIONdef register_joint_group(self, group_name, prefix):""" Finds and collect joint ids for given joint name prefix or a list of prefixes. """if isinstance(prefix, str):self.qpos_idxs[group_name] = joint_qpos_ids_from_prefix(self.sim.model, prefix)self.qvel_idxs[group_name] = joint_qvel_ids_from_prefix(self.sim.model, prefix)elif isinstance(prefix, list):self.qpos_idxs[group_name] = list(it.chain.from_iterable(joint_qpos_ids_from_prefix(self.sim.model, p) for p in prefix))self.qvel_idxs[group_name] = list(it.chain.from_iterable(joint_qvel_ids_from_prefix(self.sim.model, p) for p in prefix))def register_joint_group_by_name(self, group_name, name):""" Finds and collect joint ids for given joint name or list of names. """if isinstance(name, str):self.qpos_idxs[group_name] = joint_qpos_ids(self.sim.model, name)self.qvel_idxs[group_name] = joint_qvel_ids(self.sim.model, name)elif isinstance(name, list):self.qpos_idxs[group_name] = list(it.chain.from_iterable(joint_qpos_ids(self.sim.model, n) for n in name))self.qvel_idxs[group_name] = list(it.chain.from_iterable(joint_qvel_ids(self.sim.model, n) for n in name))######################################################################################### GET DATA OUT OF SIMdef get_qpos(self, group_name):""" Gets qpos for a particular group. """return self.sim.data.qpos[self.qpos_idxs[group_name]]def get_qpos_dict(self, group_names):""" Gets qpos dictionary for multiple groups. """return {k: self.get_qpos(k) for k in group_names}def get_qvel(self, group_name):""" Gets qvel for a particular group. """return self.sim.data.qvel[self.qvel_idxs[group_name]]def get_qvel_dict(self, group_names):""" Gets qpos dictionary for multiple groups. """return {k: self.get_qvel(k) for k in group_names}@propertydef qpos(self):""" Returns. copy of full sim qpos. """return self.sim.data.qpos.copy()@propertydef qvel(self):""" Returns copy of full sim qvel. """return self.sim.data.qvel.copy()def get_state(self) -> MjSimState:return self.sim.get_state()######################################################################################### SET DATA IN SIMdef set_qpos(self, group_name, value):""" Sets qpos for a given group. """self.sim.data.qpos[self.qpos_idxs[group_name]] = valuedef set_qvel(self, group_name, value):""" Sets qpos for a given group. """self.sim.data.qvel[self.qvel_idxs[group_name]] = valuedef add_qpos(self, group_name, value):""" Sets qpos for a given group. """self.sim.data.qpos[self.qpos_idxs[group_name]] += valuedef set_state(self, state: MjSimState):self.sim.set_state(state)######################################################################################### INTERFACE TO UNDERLYING SIMdef step(self, with_udd=True):"""Advances the simulation by calling ``mj_step``.If ``qpos`` or ``qvel`` have been modified directly, the user is required to call:meth:`.forward` before :meth:`.step` if their ``udd_callback`` requires access to MuJoCostate set during the forward dynamics."""self.sim.step(with_udd=with_udd)self.sim.forward()# To potentially communicate with other processesfor point in self.synchronization_points:point.synchronize()def reset(self):"""Resets the simulation data and clears buffers."""self.sim.reset()def set_constants(self):"""Sets the derived constants of the mujoco simulation."""self.sim.set_constants()def forward(self):"""Computes the forward kinematics. Calls ``mj_forward`` internally."""self.sim.forward()def render(self,width=None,height=None,*,camera_name=None,depth=False,mode="offscreen",device_id=-1):"""Renders view from a camera and returns image as an `numpy.ndarray`.Args:- width (int): desired image width.- height (int): desired image height.- camera_name (str): name of camera in model. If None, the freecamera will be used.- depth (bool): if True, also return depth buffer- device (int): device to use for rendering (only for GPU-backedrendering).Returns:- rgb (uint8 array): image buffer from camera- depth (float array): depth buffer from camera (only returnedif depth=True)"""return self.sim.render(width=width,height=height,camera_name=camera_name,depth=depth,mode=mode,device_id=device_id,)######################################################################################### PROPERTIES@propertydef n_substeps(self):""" Number of substeps in the mujoco sim """return self.sim.nsubsteps
from math import piprint(self.mujoco_simulation.qpos_idxs.keys())
self.mujoco_simulation.set_qpos('robot0:arm_joint_angles',np.asarray([1.5 * 0.5 * pi, -0.5 * pi, 1.5 * 0.5 * pi,-1.74529567, -4.18881842, 2.35619837]))self.mujoco_simulation.step()