- 将数据的结构、一些示例行或两者都放入一个文本字符串中。
- 使用该信息加上你的自然语言问题来构建一个“提示”给AI。
- 将提示发送到OpenAI的GPT-3.5-turbo API,并请求一个SQL查询来回答您的问题。在数据集上运行返回的SQL来计算您的答案。
- (可选)创建一个交互式应用程序,以便轻松地使用纯英语查询数据集。
这一步中的示例数据可以包括数据库模式和/或几行数据。将其全部转换为单个字符字符串非常重要,因为它将成为你将发送给GPT 3.5的更大文本字符串查询的一部分。 如果你的数据已经在SQL数据库中,这一步应该很容易。如果不是,我建议将其转换为可查询的SQL格式。为什么?在测试R和SQL代码结果后,我对GPT生成的SQL代码比其R代码更有信心。(我怀疑这是因为LLM在训练时使用了更多的SQL数据而不是R数据。) 在R中,sqldf包允许在R数据框上运行SQL查询,这是我在这个示例中将使用的工具。Python中也有类似的sqldf库。对于性能很重要的大型数据,你还可以查看duckdb项目。以下代码将数据文件导入R,使用sqldf
states <- rio::import("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smach/SampleData/main/states.csv") |>filter(!is.na(Region))
states_schema <- sqldf("PRAGMA table_info(states)")
states_schema_string <- paste(apply(states_schema, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"), collapse = "\n")
states_sample <- dplyr::sample_n(states, 3)
states_sample_string <- paste(apply(states_sample, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"), collapse = "\n")
create_prompt <- function(schema, rows_sample, query, table_name) {glue::glue("Act as if you're a data scientist. You have a SQLite table named {table_name} with the following schema:
The first rows look like this:
Based on this data, write a SQL query to answer the following question: {query}. Return the SQL query ONLY. Do not include any additional explanation."
你可以先将数据复制粘贴到OpenAI的Web界面之一中,以在ChatGPT或OpenAI API playground中查看结果。ChatGPT不收费,但无法调整结果。Playground允许设置诸如温度(即回答的“随机性”或创造性程度)和要使用的模型等参数。对于SQL代码,我将温度设置为0。
中,使用我的函数创建一个提示,并查看将该提示粘贴到API playground中会发生什么:
> my_query <- "What were the highest and lowest Population changes in 2020 by Division?"
> my_prompt <- get_query(states_schema_string, states_sample_string, my_query, "states")
> cat(my_prompt)
Act as if you're a data scientist. You have a SQLite table named states with the following schema:
0 State TEXT 0 NA 0
1 Pop_2000 INTEGER 0 NA 0
2 Pop_2010 INTEGER 0 NA 0
3 Pop_2020 INTEGER 0 NA 0
4 PctChange_2000 REAL 0 NA 0
5 PctChange_2010 REAL 0 NA 0
6 PctChange_2020 REAL 0 NA 0
7 State Code TEXT 0 NA 0
8 Region TEXT 0 NA 0
9 Division TEXT 0 NA 0
The first rows look like this:
```Delaware 783600 897934 989948 17.6 14.6 10.2 DE South South Atlantic
Montana 902195 989415 1084225 12.9 9.7 9.6 MT West Mountain
Arizona 5130632 6392017 7151502 40.0 24.6 11.9 AZ West Mountain```
Based on this data, write a SQL query to answer the following question: What were the highest and lowest Population changes in 2020 by Division?. Return the SQL query ONLY. Do not include any additional explanation.
提示输入OpenAI API playground和生成的SQL代码
sqldf("SELECT Division, MAX(PctChange_2020) AS Highest_PctChange_2020, MIN(PctChange_2020) AS Lowest_PctChange_2020 FROM states GROUP BY Division;")Division Highest_PctChange_2020 Lowest_PctChange_2020
1 East North Central 4.7 -0.1
2 East South Central 8.9 -0.2
3 Middle Atlantic 5.7 2.4
4 Mountain 18.4 2.3
5 New England 7.4 0.9
6 Pacific 14.6 3.3
7 South Atlantic 14.6 -3.2
8 West North Central 15.8 2.8
9 West South Central 15.9 2.7
通过编程方式将数据发送到OpenAI并从中返回会比将其复制粘贴到Web界面中更方便。有一些R包可以用于与OpenAI API进行交互。以下代码块使用该包向API发送提示,存储API响应,提取包含所请求SQL代码的文本部分,复制该代码,并在数据上运行SQL。
my_results <- openai::create_chat_completion(model = "gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature = 0, messages = list(list(role = "user", content = my_prompt)
the_answer <- my_results$choices$message.content
SELECT Division, MAX(PctChange_2020) AS Highest_Population_Change, MIN(PctChange_2020) AS Lowest_Population_Change
FROM states
GROUP BY Division;
sqldf(the_answer)Division Highest_Population_Change Lowest_Population_Change
1 East North Central 4.7 -0.1
2 East South Central 8.9 -0.2
3 Middle Atlantic 5.7 2.4
4 Mountain 18.4 2.3
5 New England 7.4 0.9
6 Pacific 14.6 3.3
7 South Atlantic 14.6 -3.2
8 West North Central 15.8 2.8
9 West South Central 15.9 2.7
如果你想使用OpenAI API,你需要一个OpenAI API密钥。对于这个包,密钥应该存储在系统环境变量中,例如。请注意,这个API不是免费使用的,但在我把它变成我的编辑器之前,我一天运行了这个项目十几次,我的总账户使用量是1美分。
现在你已经拥有了在R工作流中运行查询的所有所需代码,可以在脚本或终端中使用它。但是,如果你想创建一个用于以自然语言查询数据的交互式应用程序,我提供了一个基本的Shiny应用程序的代码供你使用。如果你打算发布一个供他人使用的应用程序,而不仅仅是自己使用,你需要加固代码以防止恶意查询,添加更好的错误处理和解释性标签,改进样式,并对企业使用进行扩展。 与此同时,以下代码可以帮助开始创建一个用于使用自然语言查询数据集的交互式应用程序:
# Load hard-coded dataset
states <- read.csv("states.csv") |>dplyr::filter(!is.na(Region) & Region != "")
states_schema <- sqldf::sqldf("PRAGMA table_info(states)")
states_schema_string <- paste(apply(states_schema, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"), collapse = "\n")
states_sample <- dplyr::sample_n(states, 3)
states_sample_string <- paste(apply(states_sample, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"), collapse = "\n")
# Function to process user input
get_prompt <- function(query, schema = states_schema_string, rows_sample = states_sample_string, table_name = "states") {my_prompt <- glue::glue("Act as if you're a data scientist. You have a SQLite table named {table_name} with the following schema:
The first rows look like this:
Based on this data, write a SQL query to answer the following question: {query} Return the SQL query ONLY. Do not include any additional explanation.")print(my_prompt)return(my_prompt)
ui <- fluidPage(titlePanel("Query state database"),sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(textInput("query", "Enter your query", placeholder = "e.g., What is the total 2020 population by Region?"),actionButton("submit_btn", "Submit")),mainPanel(uiOutput("the_sql"),br(),br(),verbatimTextOutput("results")))
server <- function(input, output) {
# Create the prompt from the user query to send to GPTthe_prompt <- eventReactive(input$submit_btn, {req(input$query, states_schema_string, states_sample_string)my_prompt <- get_prompt(query = input$query)})
# send prompt to GPT, get SQL, run SQL, print results
observeEvent(input$submit_btn, {req(the_prompt()) # text to send to GPT
# Send results to GPT and get response# withProgress adds a Shiny progress bar. Commas now needed after each statementwithProgress(message = 'Getting results from GPT', value = 0, { # Add Shiny progress messagemy_results <- openai::create_chat_completion(model = "gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature = 0, messages = list(list(role = "user", content = the_prompt()))) the_gpt_sql <- my_results$choices$message.content
# print the SQLsql_html <- gsub("\n", "<br />", the_gpt_sql) sql_html <- paste0("<p>", sql_html, "</p>")
# Run SQL on data to get resultsgpt_answer <- sqldf(the_gpt_sql) setProgress(value = 1, message = 'GPT results received') # Send msg to user that })# Print SQL and resultsoutput$the_sql <- renderUI(HTML(sql_html))
if (is.vector(gpt_answer) ) {output$results <- renderPrint(gpt_answer) } else {output$results <- renderPrint({ print(gpt_answer) }) }
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
作者: MSharon Machlis