一、 插件作用
1. pg_active_session_history视图字段
Column | Type | 备注 |
ash_time | timestamp with time zone | 采样时间 |
datid | oid | |
datname | text | |
pid | integer | |
leader_pid | integer | 若有并行,其leader进程的pid |
usesysid | oid | user id |
usename | text | |
application_name | text | |
client_addr | text | |
client_hostname | text | |
client_port | integer | |
backend_start | timestamp with time zone | |
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | |
query_start | timestamp with time zone | |
state_change | timestamp with time zone | |
wait_event_type | text | |
wait_event | text | |
state | text | |
backend_xid | xid | |
backend_xmin | xid | |
top_level_query | text | 执行函数、存储过程时的外层SQL(开pg_stat_statements.track = all才会有区别) |
query | text | |
cmdtype | text | |
queryid | bigint | |
backend_type | text | |
blockers | integer | blockers数量 |
blockerpid | integer | |
blocker_state | text |
2. pg_stat_statements_history视图字段
Column | Type | 备注 |
ash_time | timestamp with time zone | |
userid | oid | |
dbid | oid | |
queryid | bigint | |
calls | bigint | |
total_exec_time | double precision | |
rows | bigint | |
shared_blks_hit | bigint | |
shared_blks_read | bigint | |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | |
shared_blks_written | bigint | |
local_blks_hit | bigint | |
local_blks_read | bigint | |
local_blks_dirtied | bigint | |
local_blks_written | bigint | |
temp_blks_read | bigint | |
temp_blks_written | bigint | |
blk_read_time | double precision | |
blk_write_time | double precision | |
plans | bigint | |
total_plan_time | double precision | |
wal_records | bigint | |
wal_fpi | bigint | |
wal_bytes | numeric |
二、 插件安装配置
1. 下载
GitHub - pgsentinel/pgsentinel: postgresql extension providing Active session history
2. 安装
# poatgres用户执行
unzip pgsentinel-master.zip
cd pgsentinel-master/src
make# root用户执行(要配环境变量,参考下面)
make install
-bash-4.2$ unzip pgsentinel-master.zip
-bash-4.2$ cd pgsentinel-master/src
-bash-4.2$ make
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror=vla -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -g -O2 -fPIC -I. -I./ -I/data/postgres/base/14.0/include/server -I/data/postgres/base/14.0/include/internal -D_GNU_SOURCE -c -o pgsentinel.o pgsentinel.c
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror=vla -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -g -O2 -fPIC -I. -I./ -I/data/postgres/base/14.0/include/server -I/data/postgres/base/14.0/include/internal -D_GNU_SOURCE -c -o get_parsedinfo.o get_parsedinfo.c
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror=vla -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -g -O2 -fPIC -shared -o pgsentinel.so pgsentinel.o get_parsedinfo.o -L/data/postgres/base/14.0/lib -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-rpath,'/data/postgres/base/14.0/lib',--enable-new-dtags -lm[root@linux01 ~]# vi .bash_profile
# .bash_profile# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
fi# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export PGHOME=/data/postgres/base/14.0
export PGDATA=/data/postgres/pg5432/data
export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
[root@linux01 ~]# source .bash_profile
[root@linux01 ~]#
[root@linux01 ~]# cd .../pgsentinel-master/src
[root@linux01 src]# make install
/usr/bin/mkdir -p '/data/postgres/base/14.0/lib'
/usr/bin/mkdir -p '/data/postgres/base/14.0/share/extension'
/usr/bin/mkdir -p '/data/postgres/base/14.0/share/extension'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 755 pgsentinel.so '/data/postgres/base/14.0/lib/pgsentinel.so'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//pgsentinel.control '/data/postgres/base/14.0/share/extension/'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 .//pgsentinel--1.0.sql '/data/postgres/base/14.0/share/extension/'
3. 插件配置
- 必须配置
vi postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,auto_explain,pgsentinel'
postgres=# select * from pg_active_session_history ;
ERROR: pg_active_session_history must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries
pg_ctl stop -m fast
pg_ctl start -D $PGDATApostgres=# select * from pg_active_session_history ;
(0 rows)
- 可选配置
可以直接在postgresql.conf中修改,也可以alter system设置
alter system set pgsentinel_pgssh.enable=on;
参数名 | 参数含义 | 默认值 | 建议值 | 备注 |
pgsentinel_ash.sampling_period | 采样时间(秒) | 1 | 10,视业务负载及需求而定 | reload生效 |
pgsentinel_ash.max_entries | pg_active_session_history 最大记录条数(占用ring buffer大小,单位为字节) | 1000 | 视业务负载及需求而定。注意非常耗内存,设置1000万约占内存28G | 重启生效。设置过大可能内存不足,DB启动失败 |
pgsentinel.db_name | 数据存在哪个db中 | postgres | pgawr | 重启生效 |
pgsentinel_ash.track_idle_trans | 是否记录 idle in transaction 状态会话 | off | on | reload生效 |
pgsentinel_pgssh.max_entries | pg_stat_statements_history 最大记录条数(占用ring buffer大小,单位为字节) | 10000 | 视业务负载及需求而定 | 重启生效。设置过大可能内存不足,DB启动失败 |
pgsentinel_pgssh.enable | 是否启用 pg_stat_statements_history | off | on | 重启生效 |
注意:测试设置 pgsentinel_ash.max_entries=10000000,启动DB报错
-bash-4.2$ pg_ctl start -D $PGDATA
waiting for server to start....2023-10-07 19:43:09.865 CST [2210] FATAL: could not map anonymous shared memory: Cannot allocate memory
2023-10-07 19:43:09.865 CST [2210] HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded available memory, swap space, or huge pages. To reduce the request size (currently 29601538048 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or max_connections.
2023-10-07 19:43:09.865 CST [2210] LOG: database system is shut down
stopped waiting
pg_ctl: could not start server
Examine the log output
static void
{DefineCustomIntVariable("pgsentinel_ash.sampling_period","Duration between each pull (in seconds).",NULL,&ash_sampling_period,1,1,INT_MAX,PGC_SIGHUP,0,NULL,NULL,NULL);DefineCustomBoolVariable("pgsentinel_ash.track_idle_trans","Track session in idle transaction state.",NULL,&ash_track_idle_trans,false,PGC_SIGHUP,0,NULL,NULL,NULL);if (!process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress)return;/* can't define PGC_POSTMASTER variable after startup */DefineCustomIntVariable("pgsentinel_ash.max_entries","Maximum number of ash entries.",NULL,&ash_max_entries,1000,1000,INT_MAX,PGC_POSTMASTER,0,NULL,NULL,NULL);EmitWarningsOnPlaceholders("pgsentinel_ash");DefineCustomIntVariable("pgsentinel_pgssh.max_entries","Maximum number of pgssh entries.",NULL,&pgssh_max_entries,10000,10000,INT_MAX,PGC_POSTMASTER,0,NULL,NULL,NULL);DefineCustomBoolVariable("pgsentinel_pgssh.enable","Enable pg_stat_statements_history.",NULL,&pgssh_enable,false,PGC_POSTMASTER,0,NULL,NULL,NULL);EmitWarningsOnPlaceholders("pgsentinel_pgssh");DefineCustomStringVariable("pgsentinel.db_name",gettext_noop("Database on which the worker connect."),NULL,&pgsentinelDbName,"postgres",PGC_POSTMASTER,GUC_SUPERUSER_ONLY,NULL, NULL, NULL);
- 其他相关参数
# 为每个活动会话的pg_stat_activity.query字段所保留的内存量(字节,默认1024)
track_activity_query_size = 2048
# 记录函数和存储过程中的子语句
pg_stat_statements.track = all
四、 实现原理
1. 视图创建
源码中的 pgsentinel--1.0.sql,可以看到这两个视图内容来自两个函数,并进行授权
CREATE VIEW pg_active_session_history ASSELECT * FROM pg_active_session_history();GRANT SELECT ON pg_active_session_history TO PUBLIC;CREATE VIEW pg_stat_statements_history ASSELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements_history();GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_statements_history TO PUBLIC;
2. 函数创建
CREATE FUNCTION pg_active_session_history(OUT ash_time timestamptz,OUT datid Oid,OUT datname text,OUT pid integer,OUT leader_pid integer,OUT usesysid Oid,OUT usename text,OUT application_name text,OUT client_addr text,OUT client_hostname text,OUT client_port integer,OUT backend_start timestamptz,OUT xact_start timestamptz,OUT query_start timestamptz,OUT state_change timestamptz,OUT wait_event_type text,OUT wait_event text,OUT state text,OUT backend_xid xid,OUT backend_xmin xid,OUT top_level_query text,OUT query text,OUT cmdtype text,OUT queryid bigint,OUT backend_type text,OUT blockers integer,OUT blockerpid integer,OUT blocker_state text
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_active_session_history'
LANGUAGE C STRICT VOLATILE PARALLEL SAFE;-- Register a view on the function for ease of use.
CREATE VIEW pg_active_session_history ASSELECT * FROM pg_active_session_history();GRANT SELECT ON pg_active_session_history TO PUBLIC;CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements_history(OUT ash_time timestamptz,OUT userid Oid,OUT dbid Oid,OUT queryid bigint,OUT calls bigint,OUT total_exec_time double precision,OUT rows bigint,OUT shared_blks_hit bigint,OUT shared_blks_read bigint,OUT shared_blks_dirtied bigint,OUT shared_blks_written bigint,OUT local_blks_hit bigint,OUT local_blks_read bigint,OUT local_blks_dirtied bigint,OUT local_blks_written bigint,OUT temp_blks_read bigint,OUT temp_blks_written bigint,OUT blk_read_time double precision,OUT blk_write_time double precision,OUT plans bigint,OUT total_plan_time double precision,OUT wal_records bigint,OUT wal_fpi bigint,OUT wal_bytes numeric
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_stat_statements_history'
五、 源码学习
1. pg_active_session_history函数内容
- 启用pgsa_query_no_track_idle,即只记录active会话
select act.datid, act.datname, act.pid, act.usesysid, act.usename, \act.application_name, text(act.client_addr), act.client_hostname, \act.client_port, act.backend_start, act.xact_start, act.query_start, \act.state_change, case when act.wait_event_type is null then 'CPU' \else act.wait_event_type end as wait_event_type,case when act.wait_event is null \then 'CPU' else act.wait_event end as wait_event, act.state, act.backend_xid, \act.backend_xmin, act.query, act.backend_type,(pg_blocking_pids(act.pid))[1], \cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(act.pid)),blk.state,gpi.*, act.leader_pid \from pg_stat_activity act left join pg_stat_activity blk \on (pg_blocking_pids(act.pid))[1] = blk.pid,get_parsedinfo(act.pid) gpi \where act.state ='active' and act.pid != pg_backend_pid()";
- 启用 pgsa_query_track_idle,即记录active和idle in transaction会话
select act.datid, act.datname, act.pid, act.usesysid, act.usename, \act.application_name, text(act.client_addr), act.client_hostname, \act.client_port, act.backend_start, act.xact_start, act.query_start, \act.state_change, case when act.wait_event_type is null then 'CPU' \else act.wait_event_type end as wait_event_type,case when act.wait_event is null \then 'CPU' else act.wait_event end as wait_event, act.state, act.backend_xid, \act.backend_xmin, act.query, act.backend_type,(pg_blocking_pids(act.pid))[1], \cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(act.pid)),blk.state,gpi.*, act.leader_pid \from pg_stat_activity act left join pg_stat_activity blk \on (pg_blocking_pids(act.pid))[1] = blk.pid,get_parsedinfo(act.pid) gpi \where act.state in ('active', 'idle in transaction') and act.pid != pg_backend_pid()";
2. pg_stat_statements_query函数内容
select userid, dbid, queryid, calls, total_exec_time, rows, shared_blks_hit, \shared_blks_read, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_written, local_blks_hit, \local_blks_read, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_written, temp_blks_read, \temp_blks_written, blk_read_time, blk_write_time, \plans, total_plan_time, wal_records, wal_fpi, wal_bytes \from pg_stat_statements \where queryid in (select queryid from pg_active_session_history \where ash_time in (select ash_time from pg_active_session_history \order by ash_time desc limit 1))";
3. 记录内容
- pg_active_session_history对应叫ashEntry
- pg_stat_statements_query对应叫pgsshEntry
/* ash entry */
typedef struct ashEntry
{int pid;
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 130000int leader_pid;
#endifint client_port;uint64 queryid;TimestampTz ash_time;Oid datid;Oid usesysid;char *usename;char *datname;char *application_name;char *wait_event_type;char *wait_event;char *state;char *blocker_state;char *client_hostname;int blockers;int blockerpid;char *top_level_query;char *query;char *cmdtype;char *backend_type;char *client_addr;TransactionId backend_xmin;TransactionId backend_xid;TimestampTz backend_start;TimestampTz xact_start;TimestampTz query_start;TimestampTz state_change;
} ashEntry;/* pg_stat_statement_history entry */
typedef struct pgsshEntry
{TimestampTz ash_time;Oid userid;Oid dbid;uint64 queryid;int64 calls;double total_time;int64 rows;int64 shared_blks_hit;int64 shared_blks_read;int64 shared_blks_dirtied;int64 shared_blks_written;int64 local_blks_hit;int64 local_blks_read;int64 local_blks_dirtied;int64 local_blks_written;int64 temp_blks_read;int64 temp_blks_written;double blk_read_time;double blk_write_time;
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 130000int64 plans;double total_plan_time;int64 wal_records;int64 wal_fpi;uint64 wal_bytes;
} pgsshEntry;
static char *AshEntryUsenameBuffer = NULL;
static char *AshEntryDatnameBuffer = NULL;
static char *AshEntryAppnameBuffer = NULL;
- 每行占用内存 = 各字段占用内存之和
- 总占用内存 = 每行占用内存 * 最大行数 ash_max_entries
/* Estimate amount of shared memory needed for ash entry */
static Size
{Size size;/* AshEntryArray */size = mul_size(sizeof(ashEntry), ash_max_entries);/* AshEntryUsenameBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryDatnameBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryAppnameBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryClientaddrBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryWaitEventTypeBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryWaitEventBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryStateBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryClientHostnameBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryQueryBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(pgstat_track_activity_query_size,ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryCmdTypeBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryTopLevelQueryBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(pgstat_track_activity_query_size,ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryBackendTypeBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));/* AshEntryBlockerStateBuffer */size = add_size(size, mul_size(NAMEDATALEN, ash_max_entries));return size;
GitHub - pgsentinel/pgsentinel: postgresql extension providing Active session history
PostgreSQL 12.2官方手册学习( 第19章 运行时统计数据) - 墨天轮