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NeurIPS 对抗攻防论文 

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NeurIPS 2023 Papers

BIRD: Generalizable Backdoor Detection and Removal for Deep Reinforcement Learning




Backdoor attacks pose a severe threat to the supply chain management of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) policies. Despite initial defenses proposed in recent studies, these methods have very limited generalizability and scalability. To address this issue, we propose BIRD, a technique to detect and remove backdoors from a pretrained DRL policy in a clean environment without requiring any knowledge about the attack specifications and accessing its training process. By analyzing the unique properties and behaviors of backdoor attacks, we formulate trigger restoration as an optimization problem and design a novel metric to detect backdoored policies. We also design a finetuning method to remove the backdoor, while maintaining the agent's performance in the clean environment. We evaluate BIRD against three backdoor attacks in ten different single-agent or multi-agent environments. Our results verify the effectiveness, efficiency, and generalizability of BIRD, as well as its robustness to different attack variations and adaptions.

Shared Adversarial Unlearning: Backdoor Mitigation by Unlearning Shared Adversarial Examples





Backdoor attacks are serious security threats to machine learning models where an adversary can inject poisoned samples into the training set, causing a backdoored model which predicts poisoned samples with particular triggers to particular target classes, while behaving normally on benign samples. In this paper, we explore the task of purifying a backdoored model using a small clean dataset. By establishing the connection between backdoor risk and adversarial risk, we derive a novel upper bound for backdoor risk, which mainly captures the risk on the shared adversarial examples (SAEs) between the backdoored model and the purified model. This upper bound further suggests a novel bi-level optimization problem for mitigating backdoor using adversarial training techniques. To solve it, we propose Shared Adversarial Unlearning (SAU). Specifically, SAU first generates SAEs, and then, unlearns the generated SAEs such that they are either correctly classified by the purified model and/or differently classified by the two models, such that the backdoor effect in the backdoored model will be mitigated in the purified model. Experiments on various benchmark datasets and network architectures show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance for backdoor defense.

VillanDiffusion: A Unified Backdoor Attack Framework for Diffusion Models





Diffusion Models (DMs) are state-of-the-art generative models that learn a reversible corruption process from iterative noise addition and denoising. They are the backbone of many generative AI applications, such as text-to-image conditional generation. However, recent studies have shown that basic unconditional DMs (e.g., DDPM and DDIM) are vulnerable to backdoor injection, a type of output manipulation attack triggered by a maliciously embedded pattern at model input. This paper presents a unified backdoor attack framework (VillanDiffusion) to expand the current scope of backdoor analysis for DMs. Our framework covers mainstream unconditional and conditional DMs (denoising-based and score-based) and various training-free samplers for holistic evaluations. Experiments show that our unified framework facilitates the backdoor analysis of different DM configurations and provides new insights into caption-based backdoor attacks on DMs.


Theoretically Modeling Client Data Divergence for Federated Natural Language Backdoor Defense



联合学习算法使神经网络模型能够在多个分散的边缘设备上进行训练,而不会暴露私人数据。然而,它们很容易受到恶意客户端发起的后门攻击。现有的鲁棒联邦聚合算法根据可疑客户端的参数距离启发式地检测和排除可疑客户端,但它们在自然语言处理(NLP)任务中无效。主要原因是,尽管文本后门模式在底层数据集级别是明显的,但它们通常在参数级别是隐藏的,因为在具有离散特征空间的文本中注入后门对模型参数的统计影响较小。为了解决这个问题,我们建议通过显式地建模联邦NLP系统中客户端之间的数据差异来识别后门客户端。通过理论分析,我们推导出了f散度指标,用于估计具有聚合更新和Hessians的客户端数据散度。此外,我们在扩散理论的指导下,设计了一种具有Hessian重新分配机制的数据集合成方法,以解决在计算客户数据Hessian时不可访问数据集的关键挑战。然后,我们提出了一种新的基于联合F-Divergence-Based Aggregation(Fed-FA)算法,该算法利用F-Divergence指标来检测和丢弃可疑客户端。大量的实证结果表明,在各种自然语言后门攻击场景中,Fed-FA在抵御后门攻击方面优于所有基于参数距离的方法。

Federated learning algorithms enable neural network models to be trained across multiple decentralized edge devices without private data exposure. However, they are susceptible to backdoor attacks launched by malicious clients. Existing robust federated aggregation algorithms heuristically detect and exclude suspicious clients based on their parameter distances, but they are ineffective on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The main reason is that, although text backdoor patterns are obvious at the underlying dataset level, they are usually hidden at the parameter level, since injecting backdoors into texts with discrete feature space has less impact on the statistics of the model parameters. To settle this issue, we propose to identify backdoor clients by explicitly modeling the data divergence among clients in federated NLP systems. Through theoretical analysis, we derive the f-divergence indicator to estimate the client data divergence with aggregation updates and Hessians. Furthermore, we devise a dataset synthesization method with a Hessian reassignment mechanism guided by the diffusion theory to address the key challenge of inaccessible datasets in calculating clients' data Hessians. We then present the novel Federated F-Divergence-Based Aggregation (Fed-FA) algorithm, which leverages the f-divergence indicator to detect and discard suspicious clients. Extensive empirical results show that Fed-FA outperforms all the parameter distance-based methods in defending against backdoor attacks among various natural language backdoor attack scenarios.

BadTrack: A Poison-Only Backdoor Attack on Visual Object Tracking




Visual object tracking (VOT) is one of the most fundamental tasks in computer vision community. State-of-the-art VOT trackers extract positive and negative examples that are used to guide the tracker to distinguish the object from the background. In this paper, we show that this characteristic can be exploited to introduce new threats and hence propose a simple yet effective poison-only backdoor attack. To be specific, we poison a small part of the training data by attaching a predefined trigger pattern to the background region of each video frame, so that the trigger appears almost exclusively in the extracted negative examples. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that reveals the threat of poison-only backdoor attack on VOT trackers. We experimentally show that our backdoor attack can significantly degrade the performance of both two-stream Siamese and one-stream Transformer trackers on the poisoned data while gaining comparable performance with the benign trackers on the clean data.

Robust Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining against Data Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks





Contrastive vision-language representation learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance for zero-shot classification, by learning from millions of image-caption pairs crawled from the internet. However, the massive data that powers large multimodal models such as CLIP, makes them extremely vulnerable to targeted and backdoor data poisoning attacks. Despite this vulnerability, robust contrastive vision-language pretraining against those attacks has remained unaddressed. In this work, we propose ROCLIP, the first effective method for robust pre-training multimodal vision-language models against targeted data poisoning and backdoor attacks. ROCLIP effectively breaks the association between poisoned image-caption pairs by considering a relatively large and varying pool of random captions, and matching every image with the text that is most similar to it in the pool, instead of its own caption. Our extensive experiments show that our method renders state-of-the-art targeted data poisoning and backdoor attacks ineffective during pre-training CLIP. In particular, RoCLIP decreases the poison attack success rate from 93.75% to 12.5% and backdoor attack success rates down to 0% , and effectively improves the model's linear probe performance by 10% and maintains a similar zero shot performance compared to CLIP.

Stable Backdoor Purification with Feature Shift Tuning






It has been widely observed that deep neural networks (DNN) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks where attackers could manipulate the model behavior maliciously by tampering with a small set of training samples. Although a line of defense methods is proposed to mitigate this threat, they either require complicated modifications to the training process or heavily rely on the specific model architecture, which makes them hard to be deployed into real-world applications. Therefore, in this paper, we instead start with fine-tuning, one of the most common and easy-to-deploy backdoor defenses, through comprehensive evaluations against diverse attack scenarios. Observations made through initial experiments show that in contrast to the promising defensive results on high poisoning rates, vanilla tuning methods completely fail at low poisoning rate scenarios. We posit that with the low poisoning rate, the entanglement between the backdoor and clean features undermines the effect of tuning-based defenses, and thus disentangling between clean and backdoor features is required to improve the backdoor purification. We propose a tuning-based backdoor purification method called feature shift tuning (FST) which is simple and stable against a wide range of backdoor attacks. Specifically, our method encourages feature shifts by actively deviating the classifier head from the originally compromised weights, disentangling between the clean and backdoor features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our FST provides consistently stable performance under different attack settings and moreover, it is also convenient to deploy in real-world scenarios with significantly reduced computation costs.

Black-box Backdoor Defense via Zero-shot Image Purification





Backdoor attacks inject poisoned samples into the training data, resulting in the misclassification of the poisoned input during a model's deployment. Defending against such attacks is challenging, especially for real-world black-box models where only query access is permitted. In this paper, we propose a novel backdoor defense framework to defend against backdoor attacks through zero-shot image purification (ZIP). Our framework can be applied to black-box models without requiring internal information about the poisoned model or any prior knowledge of the clean/poisoned samples. Our defense framework involves two steps. First, we apply a linear transformation on the poisoned image aiming to destroy the backdoor pattern. Then, we use a pre-trained diffusion model to recover the missing semantic information removed by the transformation. In particular, we design a new reverse process by using the transformed image to guide the generation of high-fidelity purified images, which functions in zero-shot settings. We evaluate our ZIP framework on multiple datasets with different types of attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our ZIP framework compared to state-of-the-art backdoor defense baselines. We believe that our results will provide valuable insights for future defense methods for black-box models.

A3FL: Adversarially Adaptive Backdoor Attacks to Federated Learning




Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that allows multiple clients to train a global model collaboratively without sharing their local training data. Due to its distributed nature, many studies have shown that it is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. However, existing studies usually used a predetermined, fixed backdoor trigger or optimized it based solely on the local data and model without considering the global training dynamics. This leads to sub-optimal and less durable attack effectiveness, i.e., their attack success rate is low when the attack budget is limited and decreases quickly if the attacker can no longer perform attacks anymore. To address these limitations, we propose A3FL, a new backdoor attack which adversarially adapts the backdoor trigger to make it less likely to be removed by the global training dynamics. Our key intuition is that the difference between the global model and the local model in FL makes the local-optimized trigger much less effective when transferred to the global model. We solve this by optimizing the trigger to even survive the worst-case scenario where the global model was trained to directly unlearn the trigger. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets are conducted for twelve existing defenses to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of our A3FL.

Setting the Trap: Capturing and Defeating Backdoor Threats in PLMs through Honeypots




In the field of natural language processing, the prevalent approach involves fine-tuning pretrained language models (PLMs) using local samples. Recent research has exposed the susceptibility of PLMs to backdoor attacks, wherein the adversaries can embed malicious prediction behaviors by manipulating a few training samples. In this study, our objective is to develop a backdoor-resistant tuning procedure that yields a backdoor-free model, no matter whether the fine-tuning dataset contains poisoned samples. To this end, we propose and integrate an \emph{honeypot module} into the original PLM, specifically designed to absorb backdoor information exclusively. Our design is motivated by the observation that lower-layer representations in PLMs carry sufficient backdoor features while carrying minimal information about the original tasks. Consequently, we can impose penalties on the information acquired by the honeypot module to inhibit backdoor creation during the fine-tuning process of the stem network. Comprehensive experiments conducted on benchmark datasets substantiate the effectiveness and robustness of our defensive strategy. Notably, these results indicate a substantial reduction in the attack success rate ranging from 10\% to 40\% when compared to prior state-of-the-art methods.

IBA: Towards Irreversible Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning




联合学习(FL)是一种分布式学习方法,它使机器学习模型能够在不损害终端设备的个人潜在敏感数据的情况下在去中心化数据上进行训练。然而,分布式的性质和未经调查的数据直观地引入了新的安全漏洞,包括后门攻击。在这种情况下,对手在训练期间将后门功能植入全局模型,该后门功能可以被激活,以对具有特定对抗模式的任何输入造成所需的不当行为。尽管在触发和扭曲模型行为方面取得了显著成功,但FL中先前的后门攻击往往具有不切实际的假设、有限的不可察觉性和持久性。具体来说,对手需要控制足够大的一部分客户端,或者了解其他诚实客户端的数据分布。在许多情况下,插入的触发器通常在视觉上是明显的,如果对手被从训练过程中移除,后门效应会很快被淡化。为了解决这些局限性,我们在FL中提出了一种新的后门攻击框架,该框架联合学习最优的视觉隐形触发器,然后逐渐将后门植入全局模型中。这种方法允许对手执行后门攻击,从而可以逃避人工和机器检查。此外,我们通过选择性地毒害主任务的学习过程最不可能更新的模型参数,并将中毒的模型更新限制在全局模型附近,来提高所提出攻击的效率和持久性。最后,我们在几个基准数据集上评估了所提出的攻击框架,包括MNIST、CIFAR10和Tiny ImageNet,并实现了高成功率,同时绕过了现有的后门防御,与其他后门攻击相比,实现了更持久的后门效果。总的来说,我们的框架为FL中的后门攻击提供了一种更有效、更隐蔽、更持久的方法。

Federated learning (FL) is a distributed learning approach that enables machine learning models to be trained on decentralized data without compromising end devices' personal, potentially sensitive data. However, the distributed nature and uninvestigated data intuitively introduce new security vulnerabilities, including backdoor attacks. In this scenario, an adversary implants backdoor functionality into the global model during training, which can be activated to cause the desired misbehaviors for any input with a specific adversarial pattern.Despite having remarkable success in triggering and distorting model behavior, prior backdoor attacks in FL often hold impractical assumptions, limited imperceptibility, and durability. Specifically, the adversary needs to control a sufficiently large fraction of clients or know the data distribution of other honest clients. In many cases, the trigger inserted is often visually apparent, and the backdoor effect is quickly diluted if the adversary is removed from the training process. To address these limitations, we propose a novel backdoor attack framework in FL that jointly learns the optimal and visually stealthy trigger and then gradually implants the backdoor into a global model. This approach allows the adversary to execute a backdoor attack that can evade both human and machine inspections. Additionally, we enhance the efficiency and durability of the proposed attack by selectively poisoning the model's parameters that are least likely updated by the main task's learning process and constraining the poisoned model update to the vicinity of the global model.Finally, we evaluate the proposed attack framework on several benchmark datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR10, and Tiny-ImageNet, and achieved high success rates while simultaneously bypassing existing backdoor defenses and achieving a more durable backdoor effect compared to other backdoor attacks. Overall, our framework offers a more effective, stealthy, and durable approach to backdoor attacks in FL.

CBD: A Certified Backdoor Detector Based on Local Dominant Probability




Backdoor attack is a common threat to deep neural networks, where samples embedded with a backdoor trigger will be misclassified to an adversarial target class by a backdoored model during testing.In this paper, we present the first certified backdoor detector (CBD), which is based on a novel, adjustable conformal prediction scheme using a proposed statistic named *local dominant probability*.For any classifier to be inspected, we not only provide a detection inference, but also derive (for the same classification domain) the condition under which the attacks are guaranteed to be detectable, as well as a probabilistic upper bound for the false positive rate.Our theoretical results show that attacks with triggers more resilient to test-time noises and smaller in perturbation magnitude are more likely to be detected with guarantees.Moreover, we conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets for various backdoor types, such as BadNet, CB, and Blend.Empirically, CBD achieves comparable or even higher detection accuracy than state-of-the-art detectors, which cannot provide detection certification.Notably, for backdoor attacks with random perturbation triggers bounded by $\ell_2\leq0.75$ that achieves more than 90\% attack success rate, CBD achieves 98\%, 84\%, 98\%, and 40\% certified true positive rates on the four benchmark datasets GTSRB, SVHN, CIFAR-10, and TinyImageNet, respectively, with low false positive rates.

Defending Pre-trained Language Models as Few-shot Learners against Backdoor Attacks



代码: https://github.com/zhaohan-xi/PLM-prompt-defense



Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance as few-shot learners. However, their security risks under such settings are largely unexplored. In this work, we conduct a pilot study showing that PLMs as few-shot learners are highly vulnerable to backdoor attacks while existing defenses are inadequate due to the unique challenges of few-shot scenarios. To address such challenges, we advocate MDP, a novel lightweight, pluggable, and effective defense for PLMs as few-shot learners. Specifically, MDP leverages the gap between the masking-sensitivity of poisoned and clean samples: with reference to the limited few-shot data as distributional anchors, it compares the representations of given samples under varying masking and identifies poisoned samples as ones with significant variations. We show analytically that MDP creates an interesting dilemma for the attacker to choose between attack effectiveness and detection evasiveness. The empirical evaluation using benchmark datasets and representative attacks validates the efficacy of MDP.

Lockdown: Backdoor Defense for Federated Learning with Isolated Subspace Training





Federated learning (FL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks due to its distributed computing nature. Existing defense solution usually requires larger amount of computation in either the training or testing phase, which limits their practicality in the resource-constrain scenarios. A more practical defense, neural network (NN) pruning based defense has been proposed in centralized backdoor setting. However, our empirical study shows that traditional pruning-based solution suffers \textit{poison-coupling} effect in FL, which significantly degrades the defense performance. This paper presents Lockdown, an isolated subspace training method to mitigate the poison-coupling effect. Lockdown follows three key procedures. First, it modifies the training protocol by isolating the training subspaces for different clients. Second, it utilizes randomness in initializing isolated subspacess, and performs subspace pruning and subspace recovery to segregate the subspaces between malicious and benign clients. Third, it introduces quorum consensus to cure the global model by purging malicious/dummy parameters. Empirical results show that Lockdown achieves \textit{superior} and \textit{consistent} defense performance compared to existing representative approaches against backdoor attacks. Another value-added property of Lockdown is the communication-efficiency and model complexity reduction, which are both critical for resource-constrain FL scenario. 

FedGame: A Game-Theoretic Defense against Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning




Federated learning (FL) enables a distributed training paradigm, where multiple clients can jointly train a global model without needing to share their local data. However, recent studies have shown that federated learning provides an additional surface for backdoor attacks. For instance, an attacker can compromise a subset of clients and thus corrupt the global model to mispredict an input with a backdoor trigger as the adversarial target. Existing defenses for federated learning against backdoor attacks usually detect and exclude the corrupted information from the compromised clients based on a $\textit{static}$ attacker model. Such defenses, however, are not adequate against $\textit{dynamic}$ attackers who strategically adapt their attack strategies. To bridge this gap in defense, we model single or multi-stage strategic interactions between the defender in FL and dynamic attackers as a minimax game. Based on the analysis of our model, we design an interactive defense mechanism FedGame.We also prove that under mild assumptions, the global FL model trained with FedGame under backdoor attacks is close to that trained without attacks. Empirically, we perform extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets and compare FedGame with multiple state-of-the-art baselines. Our experimental results show that FedGame can effectively defend against strategic attackers and achieves significantly higher robustness than baselines. For instance, FedGame reduces attack success rate by 82\% on CIFAR10 compared with six state-of-the-art defense baselines under Scaling attack.

Neural Polarizer: A Lightweight and Effective Backdoor Defense via Purifying Poisoned Features





Recent studies have demonstrated the susceptibility of deep neural networks to backdoor attacks. Given a backdoored model, its prediction of a poisoned sample with trigger will be dominated by the trigger information, though trigger information and benign information coexist. Inspired by the mechanism of the optical polarizer that a polarizer could pass light waves with particular polarizations while filtering light waves with other polarizations, we propose a novel backdoor defense method by inserting a learnable neural polarizer into the backdoored model as an intermediate layer, in order to purify the poisoned sample via filtering trigger information while maintaining benign information. The neural polarizer is instantiated as one lightweight linear transformation layer, which is learned through solving a well designed bi-level optimization problem, based on a limited clean dataset. Compared to other fine-tuning-based defense methods which often adjust all parameters of the backdoored model, the proposed method only needs to learn one additional layer, such that it is more efficient and requires less clean data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method in removing backdoors across various neural network architectures and datasets, especially in the case of very limited clean data.


A Unified Framework for Inference-Stage Backdoor Defenses


A Unified Framework for Inference-Stage Backdoor Defenses (jding.org) 



Backdoor attacks involve inserting poisoned samples during training, resulting in a model containing a hidden backdoor that can trigger specific behaviors without impacting performance on normal samples. These attacks are challenging to detect, as the backdoored model appears normal until activated by the backdoor trigger, rendering them particularly stealthy. In this study, we devise a unified inference-stage detection framework to defend against backdoor attacks. We first rigorously formulate the inference-stage backdoor detection problem, encompassing various existing methods, and discuss several challenges and limitations. We then propose a framework with provable guarantees on the false positive rate or the probability of misclassifying a clean sample. Further, we derive the most powerful detection rule to maximize the detection power, namely the rate of accurately identifying a backdoor sample, given a false positive rate under classical learning scenarios. Based on the theoretically optimal detection rule, we suggest a practical and effective approach for real-world applications based on the latent representations of backdoored deep nets. We extensively evaluate our method on 12 different backdoor attacks using computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) benchmark datasets. The experimental findings align with our theoretical results. We significantly surpass the state-of-the-art methods, e.g., up to 300\% improvement on the detection power as evaluated by AUCROC, over the state-of-the-art defense against advanced adaptive backdoor attacks.





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&#x1f389;&#x1f389;欢迎来到我的CSDN主页&#xff01;&#x1f389;&#x1f389; &#x1f3c5;我是尘缘&#xff0c;一个在CSDN分享笔记的博主。&#x1f4da;&#x1f4da; &#x1f449;点击这里&#xff0c;就可以查看我的主页啦&#xff01;&#x1f447;&#x…


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文章目录 前言一、前向渲染路径的特点二、渲染方式1、逐像素(效果最好)2、逐顶点(效果次之)3、SH球谐(效果最差) 三、Unity中对灯光设置 后&#xff0c;自动选择对应的渲染方式1、ForwardBase仅用于一个逐像素的平行灯&#xff0c;以及所有的逐顶点与SH2、ForwardAdd用于其他所…


文章目录 1. URL输入2. DNS解析3. 建立TCP连接4. 发送http或者https请求5. 服务器端响应请求6. 浏览器解析渲染页面7. 断开TCP连接 1. URL输入 输入URL后&#xff0c;浏览器会对URL进行以下的判断 是否合法如果合法&#xff0c;则判断URL是否完整&#xff0c;如果不完整&…


在打斗游戏里面装备的作用非常巨大&#xff0c;较好的武器装备可以为玩家带来不错的体验&#xff0c;很多玩家甚至不惜花重金打造属于好装备。那么游戏中刷装备需要注意什么。 一、对武器装备的认识 对于玩家来说需要对武器装备有一定的认识&#xff0c;连基本的武器装备分类都…


面试 1. springSpring AOP的具体实现核心概念分别指的是什么?基于注解的切面实现主要包括以下几个步骤&#xff1a;两个切面&#xff0c;它们之间的顺序是怎么控制的 springmvc的工作流程设计模式原则Spring 框架中用到了哪些设计模式&#xff1f; 2. Java-锁2.1锁的分类可重入…


LVGL_基础控件Button 1、创建按键 /* 创建一个btn部件(对象) */lv_obj_t * btn lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act()); // 创建一个btn部件(对象),他的父对象是活动屏幕对象2、修改样式 // 修改按钮部件&#xff08;对象&#xff09;矩形背景部分的样式&#xff08;按下的时候背…


目录 前言 一&#xff0c;有名管道通信 1 .概念 2 .创建有名管道 实例代码如下&#xff1a; 二、信号通信 1 .概念 2 .用户进程对信号的响应方式 3. 用户进程对常用信号的缺省操作 4. 信号处理流程 5. 信号相关函数(系统调用) 5.1 kill - 给指定进程发送信号 实例代…


目录 gdb工具的使用 代码调试相关指令 运行程序指令 r 显示代码的指令 l 给代码打断点 b 查看断点位置 info b 执行代码到断点处停止 关闭断点 d断点编号 关闭某个断点&#xff0c;但不删除 disable编号 打开某个断点 enable断点编号 逐过程调试代码 n 逐语句调试代码 s 查看…