CH347读写SPI Flash

CH347读写SPI Flash

前面耽搁了几天,今天终于把CH347 SPI接口调试好了。


typedef struct _SPI_CONFIG{UCHAR           iMode;                 // 0-3:SPI Mode0/1/2/3UCHAR           iClock;                // 0=60MHz, 1=30MHz, 2=15MHz, 3=7.5MHz, 4=3.75MHz, 5=1.875MHz, 6=937.5KHz,7=468.75KHzUCHAR			iByteOrder;            // 0=LSB first(LSB), 1=MSB first(MSB)USHORT          iSpiWriteReadInterval; // The SPI interface routinely reads and writes data command, the unit is uSUCHAR           iSpiOutDefaultData;    // SPI prints data by default when it reads dataULONG			iChipSelect;           // Piece of selected control, if bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, if bit 7 is 1, the parameter is valid: bit 1 bit 0 is 00/01 and CS1/CS2 pins are selected as low level active chip options respectivelyUCHAR           CS1Polarity;           // Bit 0: CS1 polarity control: 0: effective low level; 1: effective lhigh level;UCHAR           CS2Polarity;           // Bit 0: CS2 polarity control: 0: effective low level; 1: effective lhigh level;USHORT          iIsAutoDeativeCS;      // Whether to undo slice selection automatically after the operation is completeUSHORT          iActiveDelay;          // Set the latency for read/write operations after slice selection,the unit is usULONG           iDelayDeactive;        // Delay time for read and write operations after slice selection is unselected,the unit is us
// SPI Controller Initialization
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_Init(ULONG iIndex,mSpiCfgS *SpiCfg);// Get SPI controller configuration information
BOOL    WINAPI  CH347SPI_GetCfg(ULONG iIndex,mSpiCfgS *SpiCfg);// Before setting the chip selection status, call CH347SPI_Init to set CS
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_ChangeCS(ULONG			iIndex,         // Specify device number	UCHAR         iStatus);       // 0=Cancel the piece to choose,1=Set piece selected// Set SPI slice selection
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_SetChipSelect(ULONG			iIndex,            // Specify device numberUSHORT           iEnableSelect,     // The lower octet is CS1 and the higher octet is CS2. A byte value of 1= sets CS, 0= ignores this CS settingUSHORT           iChipSelect,       // The lower octet is CS1 and the higher octet is CS2. A byte value of 1= sets CS, 0= ignores this CS settingULONG            iIsAutoDeativeCS,  // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Whether to undo slice selection automatically after the operation is completeULONG            iActiveDelay,      // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Set the latency of read/write operations after chip selection, the unit is usULONG            iDelayDeactive);   // The lower 16 bits are CS1 and the higher 16 bits are CS2. Delay time for read and write operations after slice selection the unit is us//SPI4 write data
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_Write(ULONG			iIndex,          // Specify device number	ULONG			iChipSelect,     // Slice selection control, when bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, and when bit 7 is 1, slice selection operation is performedULONG			iLength,         // Number of bytes of data to be transferred	ULONG			iWriteStep,      // The length of a single block to be readPVOID			ioBuffer);       // Point to a buffer to place the data to be written out from MOSI//SPI4 read data. No need to write data first, the efficiency is higher than that of the CH347SPI_WriteRead
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_Read(ULONG			iIndex,           // Specify device numberULONG			iChipSelect,      // Slice selection control, when bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored, and when bit 7 is 1, slice selection operation is performedULONG         oLength,          // Number of bytes to sendPULONG		iLength,          // Number of bytes of data to be read inPVOID			ioBuffer);        // Points to a buffer that place the data to be written out from DOUT, return the data read in from DIN// Handle SPI data stream 4-wire interface
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347SPI_WriteRead(ULONG			iIndex,       // Specify the device numberULONG			iChipSelect,  // Selection control, if the film selection control bit 7 is 0, ignore the film selection control bit 7 is 1 and operate the film selectionULONG			iLength,      // Number of bytes of data to be transferredPVOID			ioBuffer );   // Points to a buffer that place the data to be written out from DOUT, return the data read in from DIN//place the data to be written from MOSI, return the data read in from MISO
BOOL	WINAPI	CH347StreamSPI4(ULONG			iIndex,       // Specify the device numberULONG			iChipSelect,  // Film selection control, if bit 7 is 0, slice selection control is ignored.If bit 7 is 1, the parameter is valid:Bit 1 bit 0 is 00/01/10. Select D0/D1/D2 pins as low level active chip options respectivelyULONG			iLength,      // Number of bytes of data to be transferredPVOID			ioBuffer );   // Points to a buffer, places data to be written out from DOUT, and returns data to be read in from DIN

要实现SPI通信,至少要用到CH347SPI_Init(ULONG iIndex,mSpiCfgS *SpiCfg) CH347SPI_Write(ULONG iIndex, ULONG iChipSelect, ULONG iLength, ULONG iWriteStep, PVOID ioBuffer) CH347SPI_Read(ULONG iIndex, ULONG iChipSelect, ULONG oLength, PULONG iLength, PVOID ioBuffer)这3个函数。


class SPIConfig(ctypes.Structure):_fields_ = [("iMode", ctypes.c_ubyte),                      # 0-3: SPI Mode0/1/2/3("iClock", ctypes.c_ubyte),                     # 0=60MHz, 1=30MHz, 2=15MHz, 3=7.5MHz,("iByteOrder", ctypes.c_ubyte),                 # 4=3.75MHz, 5=1.875MHz, 6=937.5KHz, 7=468.75KHz("iSpiWriteReadInterval", ctypes.c_ushort),     # Regular interval for SPI read/write commands, in microseconds("iSpiOutDefaultData", ctypes.c_ubyte),         # Default output data when reading from SPI("iChipSelect", ctypes.c_ulong),                # Chip select control. Bit 7 as 0 ignores chip select control,# Bit 7 as 1 makes the parameters valid:# Bit 1 and Bit 0 as 00/01 selects CS1/CS2 pin as the active low chip select.("CS1Polarity", ctypes.c_ubyte),                # Bit 0: CS1 polarity control, 0: active low, 1: active high("CS2Polarity", ctypes.c_ubyte),                # Bit 0: CS2 polarity control, 0: active low, 1: active high("iIsAutoDeativeCS", ctypes.c_ushort),          # Automatically de-assert chip select after the operation is completed("iActiveDelay", ctypes.c_ushort),              # Delay time for executing read/write operations after chip select is set, in microseconds("iDelayDeactive", ctypes.c_ulong)              # Delay time for executing read/write operations after chip select is de-asserted, in microseconds]def spi_init(self, device_index: int, spi_config: SPIConfig) -> bool:"""Initialize the SPI Controller.Args:device_index (int): The device number.spi_config (SPIConfig): The configuration for the SPI controller.Returns:bool: True if initialization is successful, False otherwise."""result = self.ch347dll.CH347SPI_Init(device_index, ctypes.byref(spi_config))return resultdef spi_write(self, device_index: int, chip_select: int, write_data: bytes, write_step: int = 512) -> bool:"""SPI write data.Args:device_index (int): Device number.chip_select (int): Chip selection control. When bit 7 is 0, chip selection control is ignored.When bit 7 is 1, chip selection operation is performed.write_data (bytes): Data to write.write_step (int, optional): The length of a single block to be read. Default is 512.Returns:bool: True if successful, False otherwise."""write_length = len(write_data)write_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(write_data)result = self.ch347dll.CH347SPI_Write(device_index, chip_select, write_length, write_step, write_buffer)return resultdef spi_read(self, device_index: int, chip_select: int, write_data: bytes, read_length: int) -> bytes:"""SPI read data.Args:device_index (int): Device number.chip_select (int): Chip selection control. When bit 7 is 0, chip selection control is ignored.When bit 7 is 1, chip selection operation is performed.write_data (bytes): Data to write.read_length (int): Number of bytes to read.Returns:bytes: Data read in from the SPI stream if successful, None otherwise."""write_length = len(write_data)# Create ctypes buffer for write datawrite_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(write_data)# Create ctypes buffer for read dataread_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(read_length)# Create combined buffer for read and write datacombined_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(write_buffer.raw[:write_length] + read_buffer.raw)result = self.ch347dll.CH347SPI_Read(device_index, chip_select, write_length, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ulong(read_length)), combined_buffer)if result:# Extract the read data from the combined bufferread_data = combined_buffer[:read_length]return bytes(read_data)else:return None

连接CH347和SPI Flash模块:

连接CH347和SPI Flash模块

上图中,红色LED的是W25Q32FV SPI Flash模块,绿色LED的是MPU6050。


import ch347dll_path = "ch347dlla64.dll"  # Replace with the actual path to the DLL
device_index = 0  # Set the device index according to your requirementsch347_driver = ch347.CH347Driver(dll_path)result = ch347_driver.open_device(device_index)
if result:print(f"Successfully opened device index: {device_index}")
else:print(f"Failed to close device index: {device_index}")spi_config = ch347.SPIConfig(iMode = 0,iClock = 0,iByteOrder = 1,iSpiWriteReadInterval = 0,iSpiOutDefaultData = 0,iChipSelect = 0x80,CS1Polarity = 0,CS2Polarity = 0,iIsAutoDeative = 1,iActiveDelay = 0,iDelayDeactive = 0
result = ch347_driver.spi_init(device_index, spi_config)
if result:print("Success to init SPI.")
else:print("Failed to init SPI.")# 读制造商数据
read_data = ch347_driver.spi_read(device_index, 0x80, b"\x90\x00\x00\x00", 2)
print(read_data)# 读 0x000000 4个字节
read_data = ch347_driver.spi_read(device_index, 0x80, b"\x03\x00\x00\x00", 4)
print(read_data)# 写 0x000000 2个字节 0x01 0x02
ch347_driver.spi_write(device_index, 0x80, b'\x06')
ch347_driver.spi_write(device_index, 0x80, b'\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02')# 读 0x000000 4个字节
read_data = ch347_driver.spi_read(device_index, 0x80, b"\x03\x00\x00\x00", 4)
print(read_data)# Example usage of CH347CloseDevice
result = ch347_driver.close_device(device_index)
if result:print(f"Successfully closed device index: {device_index}")
else:print(f"Failed to close device index: {device_index}")


❯ python
Successfully opened device index: 0
Success to init SPI.
Successfully closed device index: 0

至此就可以读写SPI Flash了。

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