- 效果图
- 操作步骤
- 软件版本
- halcon参考代码
- 本地函数 get_distinct_colors()
- 本地函数 make_neighboring_colors_distinguishable()
首先要在Deep Learning Tool工具里面把图片打上标注文本,
- 使用的版本 halcon 23.11
- Deep Learning Tool-24.05.1
* Inference can be done on a GPU or CPU.
* See the respective system requirements in the Installation Guide.
* If possible a GPU is used in this example.
* In case you explicitly wish to run this example on the CPU,
* choose the CPU device instead.
query_available_dl_devices (['runtime', 'runtime'], ['gpu', 'cpu'], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)throw ('No supported device found to continue this example.')
* Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
*第一个设备是 GPU(如果可用)
DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]
* * *************************************************
* ** 设置推理路径和参数 ***
* *************************************************
* 我们将对示例图像进行推理。
* 在实际应用程序中,新传入的图像(不用于训练或评估)
* 将在此处使用。
* 在此示例中,我们从 file 中读取图像。* 用我训练的图片
ImageDir := 'G:/机器视觉_测试项目/家具目标检测/images - 副本'*
* Set the paths of the retrained model and the corresponding preprocessing parameters.
* Example data folder containing the outputs of the previous example series.
ExampleDataDir := 'detect_pills_data'* Use the pretrained model and preprocessing parameters shipping with HALCON.*使用 HALCON 附带的预训练模型和预处理参数。*PreprocessParamFileName := 'detect_pills_preprocess_param.hdict'* RetrainedModelFileName := 'detect_pills.hdl'*whl 测试我自己训练的模型和参数,图片配置dir1223:='G:/机器视觉_测试项目/家具目标检测/'imgConfigHdict:='model_训练-250215-111516_opt_dl_preprocess_params.hdict'PreprocessParamFileName:= dir1223+imgConfigHdict*识别模型* RetrainedModelFileName := dir1223+ 'best_model.hdl'RetrainedModelFileName :=dir1223+ 'model_训练-250215-111516_opt.hdl'*
* Batch Size used during inference.推理批次大小
BatchSizeInference := 1
* Postprocessing parameters for the detection model.检测模型的后处理参数。
MinConfidence := 0.6
MaxOverlap := 0.2
MaxOverlapClassAgnostic := 0.7
* ********************
* ** 推理 ***
* ********************
* Check if all necessary files exist.
*check_data_availability (ExampleDataDir, PreprocessParamFileName, RetrainedModelFileName, UsePretrainedModel)
* 读取重新训练的模型。
read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle)
* Set the batch size. 设置批处理大小。
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'batch_size', BatchSizeInference)
* Initialize the model for inference.初始化模型以进行推理。
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'device', DLDevice)
* Set postprocessing parameters for model.设置模型的后处理参数。
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'min_confidence', MinConfidence)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'max_overlap', MaxOverlap)
set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'max_overlap_class_agnostic', MaxOverlapClassAgnostic)
* Get the parameters used for preprocessing.获取用于预处理的参数。
read_dict (PreprocessParamFileName, [], [], DLPreprocessParam)
* * 使用显示所需的数据集参数创建字典。
DLDataInfo := dict{}
get_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'class_names', ClassNames)* 目标对象,标签名称
DLDataInfo.class_names := ClassNames
get_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'class_ids', ClassIDs)
DLDataInfo.class_ids := ClassIDs
* 设置可视化的通用参数。
GenParam := dict{scale_windows: 1.2,display_labels:true}*读取目录里面的若干图片文件list_files (ImageDir, ['files' ], ImageFiles)*获取图片尺寸,whl测试read_image(img1,ImageFiles[0]) get_image_size (img1, Width, Height)* dev_open_window (1, 1, Width, Height, 'black', WindowID1)dev_open_window (1, 1, 900, 900*Height/(Width*1.0), 'black', WindowID1)*视频文件读取*grab_image_from_video()* open_framegrabber()* 读取视频帧
* 以 BatchSizeInference 大小批量循环访问所有图像以进行推理
for BatchIndex := 0 to floor(|ImageFiles| / real(BatchSizeInference)) - 1 by 1* * Get the paths to the images of the batch.Batch := ImageFiles[BatchIndex * BatchSizeInference:(BatchIndex + 1) * BatchSizeInference - 1]* 读取图片read_image (ImageBatch, Batch)* * Generate the DLSampleBatch.gen_dl_samples_from_images (ImageBatch, DLSampleBatch)* * Preprocess the DLSampleBatch.preprocess_dl_samples (DLSampleBatch, DLPreprocessParam)* * 在 DLSampleBatch 上应用 DL 模型。apply_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLSampleBatch, [], DLResultBatch)* * Postprocessing and visualization.后处理和可视化* Loop over each sample in the batch.循环处理批次中的每个样品for SampleIndex := 0 to BatchSizeInference - 1 by 1* * Get sample and according results.获取样本和相应的结果。DLSample := DLSampleBatch[SampleIndex]DLResult := DLResultBatch[SampleIndex]* *whl测试
KeysForDisplay:='bbox_result'* * 显示检测结果.* dev_display_dl_data (DLSample, DLResult, DLDataInfo, 'bbox_result', GenParam, WindowHandleDict)*whl测试,ocr_detection_score_map_character*
* This procedure displays the content of the provided DLSample and/or DLResult
* depending on the input string KeysForDisplay.
* DLDatasetInfo is a dictionary containing the information about the dataset.
* The visualization can be adapted with GenParam.
* ** Set the default values: ***
Params := dict{}
* Define the screen width when a new window row is started.
Params.threshold_width := 1024
* Since potentially a lot of windows are opened,
* scale the windows consistently.
Params.scale_windows := 0.8
* Set a font and a font size.
Params.font := 'mono'
Params.font_size := 14
Params.line_width := 2
Params.map_transparency := 'cc'
Params.map_color_bar_width := 140
* Define parameter values specifically for 3d_gripping_point_detection
Params.gripping_point_color := '#00FF0099'
Params.gripping_point_size := 6
Params.region_color := '#FF000040'
Params.gripping_point_map_color := '#83000080'
Params.gripping_point_background_color := '#00007F80'
* Define parameter values specifically for anomaly detection
* and Global Context Anomaly Detection.
Params.anomaly_region_threshold := -1
Params.anomaly_classification_threshold := -1
Params.anomaly_region_label_color := '#40e0d0'
Params.anomaly_color_transparency := '40'
Params.anomaly_region_result_color := '#ff0000c0'
* Define segmentation-specific parameter values.
Params.segmentation_max_weight := 0
Params.segmentation_draw := 'fill'
Params.segmentation_transparency := 'aa'
Params.segmentation_exclude_class_ids := []
* Define bounding box-specific parameter values.
Params.bbox_label_color := '#000000' + '99'
Params.bbox_display_confidence := 1
Params.bbox_text_color := '#eeeeee'
* By default, display a description on the bottom.
Params.display_bottom_desc := true
* By default, show a legend with class IDs.
Params.display_legend := true
* By default, show the anomaly ground truth regions.
Params.display_ground_truth_anomaly_regions := true
* By default, show class IDs and color frames for classification ground truth/results.
Params.display_classification_ids := true
Params.display_classification_color_frame := true
* By default, show class labels for detection ground truth/results.
Params.display_labels := true
* By default, show direction of the ground truth/results instances for detection with instance_type 'rectangle2'.
Params.display_direction := true
* By default, use color scheme 'Jet' for the heatmap display.
Params.heatmap_color_scheme := 'jet'
* ** Set user-defined values: ***
* Overwrite default values by given generic parameters.
if (GenParam != [])get_dict_param (GenParam, 'keys', [], GenParamNames)for ParamIndex := 0 to |GenParamNames| - 1 by 1GenParamName := GenParamNames[ParamIndex]get_dict_param (Params, 'key_exists', GenParamName, KeyExists)if (not KeyExists)throw ('Unknown generic parameter: ' + GenParamName + '.')endifParams.[GenParamName] := GenParam.[GenParamName]endfor
if (|DLSample| > 1 or |DLResult| > 1)throw ('Only a single dictionary for DLSample and DLResult is allowed')
* Get the dictionary keys.
get_dict_param (DLSample, 'keys', [], SampleKeys)
if (DLResult != [])get_dict_param (DLResult, 'keys', [], ResultKeys)
* Get image ID if it is available.
get_dict_param (DLSample, 'key_exists', 'image_id', ImageIDExists)
if (ImageIDExists)get_dict_tuple (DLSample, 'image_id', ImageID)ImageIDString := 'image ID ' + ImageIDImageIDStringBraces := '(image ID ' + ImageID + ')'ImageIDStringCapital := 'Image ID ' + ImageID
elseImageIDString := ''ImageIDStringBraces := ImageIDStringImageIDStringCapital := ImageIDString
* AdditionalGreenClassNames := []
KeyIndex := 0* whl添加if*
* Check if DLDatasetInfo is valid.* whl添加
DLDatasetInfo:=DLDataInfo* Check if DLDatasetInfo contains necessary keys.ClassKeys := ['class_names', 'class_ids']get_handle_param (DLDatasetInfo, 'key_exists', ClassKeys, ClassKeysExist)if (min(ClassKeysExist) == 0)* In that case we expect that the class names and ids are never used.elseget_handle_param (DLDatasetInfo, 'keys', [], DLDatasetInfoKeys)for Index := 0 to |ClassKeys| - 1 by 1if (find_first(DLDatasetInfoKeys,ClassKeys[Index]) == -1)throw ('Key ' + ClassKeys[Index] + ' is missing in DLDatasetInfo.')endifendfor* * Get the general dataset information, if available.get_handle_tuple (DLDatasetInfo, 'class_names', ClassNames)get_handle_tuple (DLDatasetInfo, 'class_ids', ClassIDs)* * 为类定义不同的颜色* get_dl_class_colors (ClassNames, AdditionalGreenClassNames, Colors)* 函数get_dl_class_colors 替代者,开始* Define distinct colors for the classes.
NumColors := |ClassNames|
* Get distinct colors without randomness makes neighboring colors look very similar.
* We use a workaround to get deterministic colors where subsequent colors are distinguishable.
get_distinct_colors (NumColors, false, 0, 200, ColorsRainbow)tuple_inverse (ColorsRainbow, ColorsRainbow)
make_neighboring_colors_distinguishable (ColorsRainbow, Colors)
* If a class 'OK','ok', 'good' or 'GOOD' or a class specified in AdditionalGreenClassNames is present set this class to green.
* Only the first occurrence found is set to a green shade.
tuple_union (['good', 'GOOD', 'ok', 'OK'], AdditionalGreenClassNames, ClassNamesGood)
for IndexFind := 0 to |ClassNamesGood| - 1 by 1GoodIdx := find_first(ClassNames,ClassNamesGood[IndexFind])if (GoodIdx != -1 and |ClassNames| <= 8)* If number of classes is <= 8, swap color with a green color.CurrentColor := Colors[GoodIdx]GreenIdx := floor(|ClassNames| / 2.0)* Set to pure green.Colors[GoodIdx] := '#00ff00'* Write original color to a green entry.Colors[GreenIdx] := CurrentColorbreakelseif (GoodIdx != -1 and |ClassNames| > 8)* If number of classes is larger than 8, set the respective color to green.Colors[GoodIdx] := '#00ff00'breakendif
* 函数get_dl_class_colors 替代者,结束endif*
* ** Set window parameters: ***
* *
* ** Display the data: ***
* Display data dictionaries.
KeyIndex := 0*while (KeyIndex < |KeysForDisplay|)* * if (KeysForDisplay[KeyIndex] == 'bbox_result' or KeysForDisplay[KeyIndex] == 'ocr_detection_result')* * Result bounding boxes on image.图像上的结果边界框。get_dl_sample_image (Image, SampleKeys, DLSample, 'image')* get_dl_sample_image (ImageBatch, SampleKeys, DLSample, 'image')* * Get or open next window.训练时的图片宽高get_image_size (Image, WidthImage, HeightImage)* get_next_window (Params.font, Params.font_size, Params.display_bottom_desc, WidthImage, HeightImage, 0, Params.scale_windows, Params.threshold_width, PrevWindowCoordinates, WindowHandleDict, KeysForDisplay[KeyIndex], CurrentWindowHandle, WindowImageRatio, PrevWindowCoordinates)*原始代码,whl测试注释,训练时的压缩后图片* dev_display (Image)*whl添加,获取窗口尺寸* get_window_extents(WindowID1,Row,Column,Window_Width,Window_Height)*图片原图本身尺寸,非训练设置压缩的图片尺寸get_image_size (ImageBatch, WidthBig, HeightBig)*whl添加,比值*应该先把训练时图片的原始框点转换图片本身尺寸时的坐标就可以了imgRate:=1imgHeightBeiWidth:=1if(1)*宽度,乘以1.0转为小数,可以让除得到小数结果imgRate:=WidthBig/(WidthImage*1.0)* 高度占宽度的比值imgHeightBeiWidth:=HeightBig/(HeightImage*1.0)endif*whl 添加,显示原图片* 调整图像尺寸* zoom_image_size(ImageBatch,imgZoom,800,800*HeightBig/(WidthBig*1.0),'constant')* zoom_image_size(ImageBatch,imgZoom,800,800*HeightBig/(WidthBig*1.0),'constant')dev_clear_window()*whl 添加,显示原图片 dev_display(ImageBatch)*让窗口适应图片的尺寸,窗口跟图片一样大* dev_resize_window_fit_image (ImageBatch, 0, 0, -1, -1)* dev_re* dev_open_window_fit_image (ImageBatch, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowID1)*dev_resize_window_fit_size (0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1)*full_domain(ImageBatch,ImageBatch)* dev_set_window(WindowID1)* dev_set_part*whl 添加测试WindowImageRatio:=1CurrentWindowHandle:=WindowID1*目标对象分类文本* className:=DLResult.bbox_class_name*显示目标对象框 *dev_display_result_detection (DLResult, ResultKeys, Params.line_width, ClassIDs, TextConf, Colors, Params.bbox_label_color, WindowImageRatio, 'top', Params.bbox_text_color, Params.display_labels, DisplayDirectionTemp, CurrentWindowHandle, BboxClassIndex)*dev_display_result_detection (DLResult, ResultKeys, Params.line_width, ClassIDs, TextConf, Colors, Params.bbox_label_color, WindowImageRatio, 'top', Params.bbox_text_color, Params.display_labels, DisplayDirectionTemp, CurrentWindowHandle, BboxClassIndex)*目标文本显示set_display_font (WindowID1, 12, 'mono', 'false', 'false') *提取函数,显示目标对象框,识别分类文本,开始
InstanceType := ''
MaskExists := false
if (find(ResultKeys,'bbox_row1') != -1) *进这个get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_row1', BboxRow1)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_col1', BboxCol1)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_row2', BboxRow2)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_col2', BboxCol2)InstanceType := 'rectangle1'*1进入,0不进入if(1) *whl 添加,乘以系数*高度BboxRow1:=BboxRow1*imgHeightBeiWidth BboxRow2:=BboxRow2*imgHeightBeiWidth*宽度BboxCol1:=BboxCol1*imgRateBboxCol2:=BboxCol2*imgRate*whl 添加,重置为1imgRate:=1endifelseif (find(ResultKeys,'bbox_phi') != -1)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_row', BboxRow)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_col', BboxCol)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_length1', BboxLength1)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_length2', BboxLength2)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_phi', BboxPhi)get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_class_id', BboxClasses)InstanceType := 'rectangle2'
elsethrow ('Result bounding box data could not be found in DLResult.')
if (find(ResultKeys,'mask') != -1)get_dict_object (InstanceMask, DLResult, 'mask')MaskExists := true
if (InstanceType != 'rectangle1' and InstanceType != 'rectangle2' and not MaskExists)throw ('Result bounding box or mask data could not be found in DLSample.')
get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'bbox_class_id', BboxClasses)* whl 添加,显示检测对象名称*whl添加
TextColor:='#eeeeee'TextConf:=''if (|BboxClasses| > 0)* * Get text and text size for correct positioning of result class IDs.if (ShowLabels)Text := BboxClasses + TextConfget_string_extents (CurrentWindowHandle, Text, Ascent, Descent, _, _)TextOffset := (Ascent + Descent) / WindowImageRatioendif* * Generate bounding box XLDs.if (InstanceType == 'rectangle1')tuple_gen_const (|BboxRow1|, 0.0, BboxPhi)*画目标框线,乘以 imgRategen_rectangle2_contour_xld (BboxRectangle, 0.5 * (BboxRow1 + BboxRow2), 0.5 * (BboxCol1 + BboxCol2), BboxPhi, 0.5 * (BboxCol2 - BboxCol1), 0.5 * (BboxRow2 - BboxRow1))* gen_rectangle2_contour_xld (BboxRectangle, 0.5 * (BboxRow1 + BboxRow2)*imgRate, 0.5 * (BboxCol1 + BboxCol2)*imgRate, BboxPhi, 0.5 * (BboxCol2 - BboxCol1)*imgRate, 0.5 * (BboxRow2 - BboxRow1)*imgRate)if (ShowLabels)LabelRowTop := BboxRow1LabelRowBottom := BboxRow2 - TextOffsetLabelCol := BboxCol1endifelseif (InstanceType == 'rectangle2')gen_rectangle2_contour_xld (BboxRectangle, BboxRow, BboxCol, BboxPhi, BboxLength1, BboxLength2)if (ShowLabels)LabelRowTop := BboxRow - TextOffsetLabelRowBottom := BboxRowLabelCol := BboxColendifif (ShowDirection)if (ShowDirection == -1)ArrowSizeFactorLength := 0.4ArrowSizeFactorHead := 0.2MaxLengthArrow := 20HalfLengthArrow := min2(MaxLengthArrow,BboxLength1 * ArrowSizeFactorLength)ArrowBaseRow := BboxRow - (BboxLength1 - HalfLengthArrow) * sin(BboxPhi)ArrowBaseCol := BboxCol + (BboxLength1 - HalfLengthArrow) * cos(BboxPhi)ArrowHeadRow := BboxRow - (BboxLength1 + HalfLengthArrow) * sin(BboxPhi)ArrowHeadCol := BboxCol + (BboxLength1 + HalfLengthArrow) * cos(BboxPhi)ArrowHeadSize := min2(MaxLengthArrow,min2(BboxLength1,BboxLength2)) * ArrowSizeFactorHeadelseArrowHeadSize := 20.0ArrowBaseRow := BboxRowArrowBaseCol := BboxColArrowHeadRow := BboxRow - (BboxLength1 + ArrowHeadSize) * sin(BboxPhi)ArrowHeadCol := BboxCol + (BboxLength1 + ArrowHeadSize) * cos(BboxPhi)endifgen_arrow_contour_xld (OrientationArrows, ArrowBaseRow, ArrowBaseCol, ArrowHeadRow, ArrowHeadCol, ArrowHeadSize, ArrowHeadSize)endifelseif (MaskExists)area_center (InstanceMask, _, MaskRow, MaskCol)LabelRowTop := MaskRow - TextOffsetLabelRowBottom := MaskRowLabelCol := MaskColelsethrow ('Unknown instance_type: ' + InstanceType)endif* get_contour_style (CurrentWindowHandle, ContourStyle)dev_set_contour_style ('stroke')get_line_style (CurrentWindowHandle, Style)*whl添加LineWidthBbox:=1LineWidths := [LineWidthBbox + 2,LineWidthBbox]dev_set_line_width (LineWidthBbox)* * Collect ClassIDs of the bounding boxes.tuple_gen_const (|BboxClasses|, 0, BboxClassIndices)* * Draw bounding boxes.for IndexBbox := 0 to |BboxClasses| - 1 by 1ClassID := find(ClassIDs,BboxClasses[IndexBbox])BboxClassIndices[IndexBbox] := ClassID* First draw in black to make the class-color visible.CurrentColors := ['black',Colors[ClassID]]if (MaskExists)select_obj (InstanceMask, MaskSelected, IndexBbox + 1)dev_set_draw ('fill')dev_set_color (Colors[ClassID] + '80')dev_display (MaskSelected)dev_set_draw ('margin')endiffor IndexStyle := 0 to |CurrentColors| - 1 by 1dev_set_color (CurrentColors[IndexStyle])dev_set_line_width (LineWidths[IndexStyle])if (InstanceType != '')select_obj (BboxRectangle, RectangleSelected, IndexBbox + 1)dev_display (RectangleSelected)if (InstanceType == 'rectangle2' and ShowDirection)select_obj (OrientationArrows, ArrowSelected, IndexBbox + 1)dev_display (ArrowSelected)endifendifendforendfor* * Draw text of bounding boxes.if (ShowLabels)* For better visibility the text is displayed after all bounding boxes are drawn.* Get text and text size for correct positioning of result class IDs.* Text := BboxClasses + TextConf*whl 对象文本*bbox_class_name标签,bbox_confidence置信度得分whlObjectClassName:=DLResult.bbox_class_name*四舍五入,保留10位小数tuple_string(DLResult.bbox_confidence, '.10f', StringConfidence) *截取字符串tuple_substr (StringConfidence, 0, 3, Substring)Text :=whlObjectClassName+ Substring* Select text color.if (TextColor == '')TextColorClasses := Colors[BboxClassIndices]elsetuple_gen_const (|BboxClassIndices|, TextColor, TextColorClasses)endif* Select correct position of the text.LabelRow := LabelRowTop*whl注释
* if (TextPositionRow == 'bottom')* LabelRow := LabelRowBottom* endif*whl添加,标签字体背景色BoxLabelColor:='#00000099' * BoxLabelColor:='#05E600'* Display text.显示对象标签文本 dev_disp_text (Text, 'image', LabelRow, LabelCol, TextColorClasses, ['box_color', 'shadow', 'border_radius'], [BoxLabelColor,'false', 0])endif* dev_set_contour_style (ContourStyle)set_line_style (CurrentWindowHandle, Style)
else* Do nothing if no results are present.BboxClassIndices := []
endif*显示目标对象框,识别分类文本,结束*whl 注释,不执行if代码里面的代码endif* KeyIndex := KeyIndex + 1
*endwhile * whl测试,目标框显示,结束 *whl注释* WindowHandles := WindowHandleDict.bbox_result* dev_set_window (WindowHandles[0])* set_display_font (WindowHandles[0], 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')* whl测试* set_display_font (WindowID1, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')*whl注释,不显示绿色的检测文本列表* dev_disp_text (Text, 'window', 'top', 'left', TextColor, ['box_color', 'shadow'], [TextBoxColor,'false'])set_display_font (WindowID1, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') * dev_disp_text ('Press Run (F5) to continue', 'window', 'bottom', 'right', 'black', [], [])* 拆分字符串,图片路径 tuple_split(Batch,'\\',fileWordArr)Wordlength:=|fileWordArr|*取最后一个字符串fileShortName:=fileWordArr[Wordlength-1]*显示文件名dev_disp_text (fileShortName, 'window', 'bottom', 'left', 'magenta', [], [])*将窗口保存为本地图片文件* dump_window(WindowID1,'png','G:/机器视觉_测试项目/家具目标检测/videoImages/2')stop ()endfor
* Close windows used for visualization.关闭用于可视化的窗口
*dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)
set_display_font (WindowID1, 24, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_disp_text ('程序结束', 'window', 'bottom', 'right', 'green', ['box_color'], [ 'blue'])
本地函数 get_distinct_colors()
* We get distinct color-values first in HLS color-space.
* Assumes hue [0, EndColor), lightness [0, 1), saturation [0, 1).
* Parameter checks.
* NumColors.
if (NumColors < 1)throw ('NumColors should be at least 1')
if (not is_int(NumColors))throw ('NumColors should be of type int')
if (|NumColors| != 1)throw ('NumColors should have length 1')
* Random.
if (Random != 0 and Random != 1)tuple_is_string (Random, IsString)if (IsString)Random := Random == 'true' or 'false'elsethrow ('Random should be either true or false')endif
* StartColor.
if (|StartColor| != 1)throw ('StartColor should have length 1')
if (StartColor < 0 or StartColor > 255)throw ('StartColor should be in the range [0, 255]')
if (not is_int(StartColor))throw ('StartColor should be of type int')
* EndColor.
if (|EndColor| != 1)throw ('EndColor should have length 1')
if (EndColor < 0 or EndColor > 255)throw ('EndColor should be in the range [0, 255]')
if (not is_int(EndColor))throw ('EndColor should be of type int')
* Color generation.
if (StartColor > EndColor)EndColor := EndColor + 255
if (NumColors != 1)Hue := (StartColor + int((EndColor - StartColor) * real([0:NumColors - 1]) / real(NumColors - 1))) % 255
elseHue := mean([StartColor,EndColor])
if (Random)Hue := Hue[sort_index(rand(NumColors))]Lightness := int((5.0 + rand(NumColors)) * 255.0 / 10.0)Saturation := int((9.0 + rand(NumColors)) * 255.0 / 10.0)
elseLightness := int(gen_tuple_const(NumColors,0.55) * 255.0)Saturation := int(gen_tuple_const(NumColors,0.95) * 255.0)
* Write colors to a 3-channel image in order to transform easier.
gen_image_const (HLSImageH, 'byte', 1, NumColors)
gen_image_const (HLSImageL, 'byte', 1, NumColors)
gen_image_const (HLSImageS, 'byte', 1, NumColors)
get_region_points (HLSImageH, Rows, Columns)
set_grayval (HLSImageH, Rows, Columns, Hue)
set_grayval (HLSImageL, Rows, Columns, Lightness)
set_grayval (HLSImageS, Rows, Columns, Saturation)
* Convert from HLS to RGB.
trans_to_rgb (HLSImageH, HLSImageL, HLSImageS, ImageR, ImageG, ImageB, 'hls')
* Get RGB-values and transform to Hex.
get_grayval (ImageR, Rows, Columns, Red)
get_grayval (ImageG, Rows, Columns, Green)
get_grayval (ImageB, Rows, Columns, Blue)
Colors := '#' + Red$'02x' + Green$'02x' + Blue$'02x'
return ()
本地函数 make_neighboring_colors_distinguishable()
* Shuffle the input colors in a deterministic way
* to make adjacent colors more distinguishable.
* Neighboring colors from the input are distributed to every NumChunks
* position in the output.
* Depending on the number of colors, increase NumChunks.
NumColors := |ColorsRainbow|
if (NumColors >= 8)NumChunks := 3if (NumColors >= 40)NumChunks := 6elseif (NumColors >= 20)NumChunks := 4endifColors := gen_tuple_const(NumColors,-1)* Check if the Number of Colors is dividable by NumChunks.NumLeftOver := NumColors % NumChunksColorsPerChunk := int(NumColors / NumChunks)StartIdx := 0for S := 0 to NumChunks - 1 by 1EndIdx := StartIdx + ColorsPerChunk - 1if (S < NumLeftOver)EndIdx := EndIdx + 1endifIdxsLeft := [S:NumChunks:NumColors - 1]IdxsRight := [StartIdx:EndIdx]Colors[S:NumChunks:NumColors - 1] := ColorsRainbow[StartIdx:EndIdx]StartIdx := EndIdx + 1endfor
elseColors := ColorsRainbow
return ()