9.business english-agreement

reach agreement 达成协议,达成一致意见

After hours of negotiation, the two parties finally reached agreement.

build consensus 达成共识,指通过沟通,协商等方式,最后达成共同看法和意见

We need to build consensus among team members before starting the project.

inclusive environment包容得环境
Our school aim to create an inclusive environment where every student feels valued.

The new policy will facilitate economic growth.
The software is designed to facilitate data analysis.使便利,使容易
The staff will facilitate your check-in process.

How do we decided what consensus means?Does everyone have to agree,or is a
majority enough?

We all agree that having a reliable suppier is very important.Before we decide anything,let’s make sure we talk openly and listen to each other.

Definitely ,we need to listen well without judging others. we need to know what everyone care about.

After looking a different ideas,I feel like going with Supplier A fits our plan of getting things on time and making sure they are good quality.
But before we make our final choice,let’s check out other suppliers just to be sure.

I like the Supplier A the most

I’m afraid I disagree,Even though Supplier B has clever tech,we have to think carefully about the risks and rewards.Perhaps we can combine Supplier A’s realiability with Supplier B’s fresh ideas.

Mixing the good stuff from both suppliers could make our project go
smoothly and be less risky.

I think we should work together to find a situation that works for everyone.

we can have the team vote and discuss the final choice.

we need a reliable cooperator to get good products.
My parents care about my education and always encourage me to do my best.
We should check out all options before deciding.
I think it’s too risky to invest a lot of money.
Can we mix the old and new methods.
After discussing,let’s vote on the best option.
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.

I am writing a confirm our recent order for furniture.

Kindly provide detailed descriptions ,including colour options,sizes ,as well as the order number,total cost of each item,estimated delivery date,
and preferred payment terms at your earliest convenience.

kindly provided恳请提供

your quick response and care with these details are important to us.

reorder the structure of the order confirmation letter according to the previous sample.


Check the enclosers in the package to see if all the documents are there.

We need to confirm the order detail before proceeding with the shipment.

The payment term for this order is $100 ,payable within 30 days.

We provide an estimated cost for the shipping service.
The description of the goods includes a detailed list of their specifications.
The delivery date for your package is March 15th.

match the expressions to the corresponding steps.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm your order
we are pleased to confirm your order.

order number 01 for five chairs
we will deliver the goods to your head office.总部
cash on delivery 货到付款
payment in advance
Details of our new range are enclosed. new range 新系列产品

we look forward to supplying you again in the future.

your faithfully,

I’m writing to confirm your order.Below is a summary of the order details:You have ordered 100 computers at a unit price of $200 each.
There is an 8 percent discount as agreed last for orders over 80 units.
Your order is scheduled to be delivered on July 15th.We have processed your payment according to the payment terms of 30 days after invoice.

Please confirm that your delivery address is Amazon UK Headquarters,Shore ditch ,London,United Kingdom.
Additionally,we will send you the business terms and conditions as requested.

We appreciate your business.





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